
Homeostasis Quotes

There are 231 quotes

"Physiology wants to return to homeostasis. What happens in terms of adaptation is, you've challenged it to a level that it realizes if it does not make a change, it will not be able to get back to the same level of homeostasis."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A little bit of stress on the body like exercise... because our body tries to maintain homeostasis, a little bit of stress will cause our body to respond to that stress with a lot of anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, growing new brain cells."
"Our technological abilities have allowed us to modulate the environments about us so that we can keep a homeostatic state, which has factored out the variations that we evolved with and created essentially a weaker physiology."
"Any complex system has inertia to it; it also has a homeostatic drive to it, which means it tries to maintain its current state."
"The human body is all based on balance; it's all homeostasis."
"It's designed to get us the hell out of harm's way and back to homeostasis."
"The body is an adaptation machine and drives homeostasis. It wants to maintain your current weight, adapting to burn more or less to keep you at the same weight."
"Acupuncture regulates the body to keep the equilibrium homeostasis, that's when the body is feeling well and healthy."
"The body always strives to be in a state of balance."
"The body will always attempt to return to homeostasis."
"The balance of electrolytes and fluid is a major component of our body's homeostasis and its proper functioning."
"The involuntary nervous system has two divisions: one that speeds things up and one that slows things down."
"You need to restore mitochondrial function for the restoration of homeostasis."
"Life is naturally unsatisfying because of the hedonic treadmill, because of homeostasis."
"Homeostasis maintains stability of biological systems in the face of perturbations, whether external or internal."
"Our nervous system works together to bring about homeostasis."
"If renewal equals death, you have what is known as tissue homeostasis."
"Your cells naturally seek balance."
"The primary purpose of this T cell subset is to suppress an immune response and maintain homeostasis, preventing autoimmunity."
"These cognitive-like properties of homeostasis... was not just meant to be a political metaphor, it was actually informative."
"...when activity is suppressed more neurons make excitatory transmitters when an activity is enhanced more neurons make inhibitory transmitters try to get back to that comfortable balance get back to that homeostasis..."
"A Pioneer in experimental medicine, laid the groundwork for the modern concept of homeostasis."
"The body tries very hard to keep the CO2 normal, even in the presence of ventilation-perfusion inequality."
"Health is homeostasis it's the state of balance that you feel internally regardless of what's happening externally."
"The sodium-potassium ATPase pump maintains cellular balance."
"Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system maintains blood pressure."
"Hormones will regulate the collecting duct aldosterone and ADH to increase sodium retention or reabsorption and increase water retention or reabsorption."
"Homeostasis is a sort of way of describing a set of operations that maintain life so that it can continue moment by moment."
"Homeostasis is connected with stability but it's not a balance point in life, it's a range of possibilities."
"A second important role for the endocannabinoid signaling system is to restore homeostasis following stress."
"Nervous system regulation means having the tolerance to be with the stressors that are in our world and be able to come back to proper human homeostasis."
"The hypothalamus maintains homeostasis by controlling sleep, appetite, water balance, body temperature, and some emotions."
"The body is designed for homeostasis. It's unbelievable what the body will do to try to keep us in that state."
"The nervous system helps the body maintain homeostasis through the hypothalamus."
"The nervous system's main role is to establish an internal state of alertness, immunity, digestion, and match that to what's happening in the outside world."
"The brain has a homeostatic impulse; it seeks out equilibrium, balance."
"The endocannabinoid system is an internal homeostatic regulatory system in chordates."
"The purpose of a homeostatic reflex is to compensate or correct for stress."
"This is called homeostasis; this allows us to deal with life."
"By keeping a constant body temperature, you maintain the optimum temperature for most of the enzymes that live in your body."
"Proteins are a very important aspect of how our body is able to keep up its homeostasis."
"Homeostasis is the name we give to the regulation of the conditions inside a cell or whole organism in order to maintain the optimum or best conditions for function."
"Cells maintain homeostasis by regulating traffic in and out of the membrane."
"Negative feedback is going to bring you back to homeostasis."
"Without food and energy, an organism would not be able to maintain homeostasis, a sustainable equilibrium of processes necessary for survival."
"When the body's blood pressure changes... the body will try and moderate that change and return back to its normal blood pressure for homeostasis."
"If your blood osmolarity is high, this causes you to become thirsty."
"Neuromodulation is happening all around us as we speak... our nerves are using electrical activity to create the homeostatic environment to allow our human organelles and organs to function properly."
"The negative feedback mechanism regulates most body systems and maintains homeostasis."
"99% of the body's calcium is found in the skeleton, and the calcium ion concentration is maintained by your bones, gastrointestinal tract, and your kidneys."
"Our skin helps us to maintain a normal body temperature."
"Homeostasis is the maintenance of constant internal conditions despite external changes."
"If all the cells maintain homeostasis, then the whole being will be at homeostasis."
"Your body has to maintain a normal pH; otherwise, it's not going to work appropriately."
"The pH of the blood is normally between 7.35 to 7.45."
"The buffering system... if your pH is high or low, it brings it back to normal."
"In acidosis, the hydrogen ions will increase, and the buffering system will start to work."
"Your whole point of skincare is to get your skin into homeostasis, which means it's just balanced."
"For everything that is essential to the human body, the body controls biologically in what's called a feedback pathway."
"The endocannabinoid system is involved in homeostasis, so it keeps the body in balance."
"The human body is a system, and we control our temperature."
"Humic substances have an incredible capacity for homeostasis; they can increase the absorption of some nutrients and decrease the absorption of others."
"Humans are the most social creatures on the planet. We, more than any other animal, have outsourced our homeostatic needs to our social groups."
"The hypothalamus regulates a number of homeostatic processes, including the regulation of body temperature, appetite, and blood pressure."
"Allostasis describes how our body can address the complexities and variable levels of activity necessary to re-establish or maintain homeostasis."
"Homeostasis is a value of variables that fluctuate around a set point to establish a normal range of values."
"It's when homeostasis is unable to be re-established that disease and illness kicks in."
"If we are able to successfully reestablish homeostasis, then we have recovered."
"The hypothalamus is really important in homeostasis, in regulating stuff that's going on in the body."
"Anything that tries to kick us out of homeostasis we could term as a stressor."
"The respiratory reflex center regulates not only the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels but also very importantly the pH."
"We need magnesium to produce energy, we need sodium to conduct our nerve impulses, we need electrolytes to regulate our hormones for fluid balance."
"Buffers are very important in biology; we all work at a constant pH."
"Living things need to be at a constant pH."
"Our body has its own buffering system with carbonic acid and bicarbonate buffering agents in our blood."
"The Osmo regulatory reflex center... regulates salt-water balance, maintaining the tonicity of our body fluids by controlling thirst and urine output."
"That's a negative feedback response."
"The sodium potassium pump is the transporter which makes sure to maintain higher concentrations of sodium in the extracellular space."
"You can think about your brain as running a budget for your body."
"That's the way that our body tries to compensate for high blood pressure."
"The body is intelligent... it only knows to do one thing: maintain and return the body to normal."
"Our bodies want to be in homeostasis; we don't want to become more acidic because our bodies always want balance."
"The psyche strives to maintain a state of homeostasis, of constancy or stability against a state of excitation."
"The kidneys are vascular organs that filter urea from the blood, regulate fluid balance in the body, and assist with production of bicarbonate."
"Osmoregulation is the control of solute concentrations and water balance."
"Homeostasis is maintaining a constant internal environment, important for water, ions, temperature, and blood glucose levels."
"The kidneys have a really important role in homeostasis, mainly in water control, removing urea, and regulation of ions."
"Insulin is necessary for your body to maintain homeostasis and pull glucose out of the bloodstream into your cells."
"Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable steady internal environment."
"Every individual cell can maintain homeostasis, but the body as a whole functions because cells also communicate with each other."
"The mind wants wholeness, it wants to equilibrate, it wants homeostasis."
"All the glucose that gets filtered should be thrown back into the blood of the body."
"The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is a system that gets activated when our blood volume drops and our blood pressure drops."
"Homeostasis is the ability of the body to maintain internal stability."
"Understanding the skin, hair, and nails is crucial as they play a vital role in protecting the body and maintaining homeostasis."
"Our body likes homeostasis; our pH, temperature, and electrolytes are maintained in the same range."
"The body only needs time and space to access that natural state of homeostasis in which healing begins to be possible."
"We always want to have that equilibrium, that homeostasis inside of our body."
"Consciousness essentially evolved to deal with an extension of homeostasis, which is balance within the body."
"Homeostasis means that the body tries to maintain a balanced internal state to ensure survival."
"Homeostasis is how we regulate the internal environment of the body."
"Negative feedback is like a thermostat, helping to maintain homeostasis."
"Your body likes to be balanced, so homeostasis is the system that keeps you from being too hot or too cold."
"What interests me is homeostasis: how is it that our bodies maintain themselves?"
"Your organism should be able to maintain balanced conditions inside itself; that's called homeostasis."
"Organisms work to remain in homeostasis, which is basically a fancy word for a relatively stable state."
"Homeostasis is the state that our body tries to maintain regardless of what happens outside of our body."
"Our bodies are like these exquisitely tuned heat machines, we're very good at keeping our body temperature stable around 98.6 degrees."
"The normal pH for blood is 7.35 to 7.45."
"Blood buffers are basically compounds that can regulate how acidic and how basic the blood is."
"The hypothalamus of our brain is at the center of homeostasis, controlling the release of so many different hormones."
"The negative feedback loop ensures normal levels of hormones in our body."
"The process of control to maintain a constant environment inside our body, whether it's an environment of constant mass or constant composition, or constant temperature, is called homeostasis."
"Your body has elaborate mechanisms for maintaining this state of homeostasis, that is, things staying the same; the body stays the same, homeostasis."
"Homeostasis is enabled by sometimes complex, sometimes very simple control mechanisms."
"The main function of all your cells, and all your tissues, and all your organs is to maintain this homeostasis, which allows you to live in a changing environment."
"Homeostasis is the ability of the body to maintain a relatively stable internal environment even though the external environment might be fluctuating."
"A negative feedback system is a system in which the response of the effector reverses the change in the controlled condition."
"Negative feedback tends to bring us back towards our set point for a controlled condition."
"The endocannabinoid system... keeps us in homeostasis or biological harmony."
"It's the ability to keep the inside of the body the same, despite what's going on on the outside."
"We have these homeostatic processes to bring things back to the norm."
"Homeostasis is maintenance of nearly constant circumstances in your body's internal environment."
"Buffers resist change in pH so they can help organisms maintain homeostasis and stay alive."
"Negative feedback tends to minimize change, keeping variation in key systems within limits compatible with our long-term survival."
"Buffering is an example of homeostasis."
"The job of the control center is to compare the actual condition of the body with the desired condition of the body."
"If they don't match, the control center will send an output signal... activating various organs of our body to try to compensate or correct and return our actual body temperature back to the desired set point."
"Built-in homeostatic reflexes maintain our body temperature at 37°C."
"Built-in homeostatic reflexes maintain the pH of our blood somewhere between 7.35 and 7.45."
"Animals have to maintain their internal environment and so in order to do that they've either got to adjust their temperature accordingly or they can release heat or absorb heat to maintain a constant temperature."
"Regulators are going to try to maintain homeostasis to keep the internal temperature fairly constant."
"The homeostasis is going to be benefitting by a negative feedback loop trying to get things back to where they were or to a range that's appropriate."
"The intestine, the bone, and the kidney are the three major sites of calcium and phosphate homeostasis."
"The resting membrane potential depends on the selective permeability and the sodium-potassium ATPase."
"As your body becomes metabolically adapted, will your ketone production decline and level out? The answer is your body is always trying to reach for homeostasis."
"All living things must be able to maintain homeostasis to survive."
"Homeostasis is an organism's ability to maintain a stable internal environment suitable for living conditions."
"Our system relies on a buffer system to effectively maintain the pH of 7.4."
"Homeostasis means to keep your body level or in balance."
"One of the basic things going on in organisms is that they're trying to keep their inside constant while the outside changes."
"The blood buffer system needs to have a pH of 7.40."
"Skin is involved with body temperature regulation."
"Homeostasis is trying to maintain constancy of the internal environment."
"Everything our bodies do is about maintaining homeostasis."
"It's a very elegant way that the body is tying a functional role of insulin production to the functional need of insulin demand in the body."
"By means of these two opposite hormones, our sugar level in our bloodstream can be maintained more or less constant."
"Matter, energy, and information... related to metabolism of homeostasis, energetic balance of the cells."
"The hypothalamus... controls things like your body temperature, helps control your blood pressure, it does a lot of stuff in your body."
"We're completely disturbing the blood acid-base balance so the body makes adaptations."
"The hypothalamus is essential for the regulation of our homeostasis."
"Thermal regulation helps the body to maintain a stable internal temperature through negative feedback loops."
"Our core temperature is obviously what we want to maintain."
"The set point is 37.1 degrees Celsius... if the body temperature reduces below this level, we will activate heat production and reduce heat loss."
"Homeostasis is basically the attempt to maintain that internal environment."
"At a certain threshold level of activity, appetite is regulated, and you match your energy intake with your energy expenditure."
"Skin prevents water loss and helps maintain homeostasis with regards to body temperature."
"The endocrine system is going to be secreting long-distance chemicals... a critical part of how our body stays in balance."
"We use hormones a lot because they help us with feedback control... to stay at homeostasis."
"Homeostasis is the equilibrium or balance in the body, a constant effort to maintain stability in each organ and tissue."
"Everything in our body is being regulated; this is called homeostasis."
"Another important function of blood is to regulate pH."
"The urinary system controls fluid balance in the body, filters the elimination of waste, and controls the pH balance."
"The increased release of a hormone will then create a variable that will then stimulate the reduction in the release of the hormone."
"Temperature regulating system is one of the most efficient systems in the body."
"The kidneys excrete toxins and nitrogenous wastes from your blood, regulate the levels of many chemicals in your blood, and help to maintain the water balance."
"The job of echo consciousness to increase its own capacity is to access these other forms of consciousness on the basis of need for homeostasis."
"Our kidneys regulate the water level of our body with the help of the antidiuretic hormone called vasopressin."
"Homeostasis is the body's capacity to maintain relative consistency in its internal environment within very narrow ranges of change."
"Having a stable internal environment or homeostasis means that the inside of a body remains the same in many ways, regardless of what kind of crazy shenanigans are happening on the outside."
"Our body loves what we call homeostasis, which is this state of being but it's adaptable."
"Leptin is kind of like your body's body fat thermostat."
"We have buffers that hold it in that range because if we get very far away from 7.4, we start damaging proteins."
"At homeostasis, when everything is working properly, this cycle keeps it maintained at about minus 70 millivolts."
"All organisms maintain homeostasis or stable internal balance."
"Negative feedback regulates the secretion of erythropoietin."
"By responding to both external and internal stimuli, it allows organisms to avoid harmful external changes and maintain an optimal internal environment."
"The kidneys are the functional aspects of the system."
"The kidneys are all about maintaining a stable environment in the body."
"Homeostasis is the regulatory mechanisms that maintain an organism's internal environment even though its external environment may fluctuate."
"In order for life to proceed, you need to maintain a constant internal environment."
"This maintenance of ideal environmental conditions is the term homeostasis."
"It's also helpful in sort of regulating temperature."
"Aldosterone's role is to actually increase the secretion of potassium and also hold on to more sodium and water within the body."
"Balance, again, is very very important."
"Homeostasis is that natural system control which keeps variables within physiological limits."
"We have a name for your body or an animal's body trying to maintain a steady state on the inside, and that's called homeostasis."
"Thanks to this signaling process, we release glucose when we get low, we take up glucose when we get high, and we don't even think about it."
"Thermoregulation is the name of the homeostatic control of body temperature."
"The brain evolved to act and it would act to maintain equilibrium between the organism and the environment."
"Endocrine signaling is going to play key roles in maintaining homeostasis, mediating responses to stimuli, and assisting with the regulation of growth and development of cells."