
Collective Responsibility Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"When we talk about the children of the community, they are children of the community."
"Nations have to even confess their sins and pray for forgiveness just like individuals do."
"Abortion is a hard issue. It demands the best from all of us, not a judgment by just a few of us."
"Advocacy is just so important... your job as a privacy advocate is to not just look after yourself but everybody else."
"Let's all agree we probably don't want to live on a world that's terribly polluted and we physically can't live on a world that's uninhabitable."
"The task of restoring trust in public health and science is something that we all share."
"We all have a collective responsibility to step into some basic frame of sanity together."
"There is something incredibly inevitable about this trajectory, and that we have to wrap our arms around it and guide it and control it as a collective species."
"You wanna know who killed Laura? You did. We all did."
"It's up to everybody to take care of the community and make it better."
"You wear a mask to protect me and I wear a mask to protect you. So we're all in this together."
"We all have a role to play in the days ahead."
"He's just a symptom of the problem. The problem is us."
"If it ends in the destruction of everything, we can collectively say let's not put that ring on."
"The future now belongs to all of us; hope we use it wisely."
"We've got to figure out a way to do this as a society or we will fail."
"Let's do this work together. It's the responsibility of everybody."
"It's not women's fault... this is a societal problem... everybody's gonna have to contribute."
"Society has to improve, and that isn't up to just one single person."
"We must demand that all people, black, brown, white, every color, from every political persuasion pull together and hold all people accountable in stopping racism and violence."
"Stopping coronavirus is everyone's responsibility."
"We all got to come together to give them the best education possible."
"This virus will not be stopped without the cooperation of the government, the whole society, and the citizens. This is everybody's business and I repeat this is everybody's responsibility."
"But many times Christians just want to stand in judgment, saying, 'Oh, the reason why we're having the coronavirus is because of their sin over there or that person over there.' No, this is collectively all of our faults. All of us deserve to die."
"We should open our borders and be more global about our thinking about everything because we're all on this planet together."
"We all collectively created Wendy, we're the reason why there's Wendy Williams in the world."
"My freedom is tied absolutely to your freedom to be virus-free and to walk down the street safely."
"We're in this lifeboat together, this lifeboat called Earth."
"They shared the wealth, they took care of each other, they made sure that they were all economically stable. That's real discipleship."
"Looking for answers to problems that have to do with not just you but everyone you meet."
"We all believe that when we talk about the children of the community they are children of the community"
"Our world is under assault by mistruths, fear, and extremism. There's no singular villain behind it. We've all played a role."
"Upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all."
"We need to collectively pitch in to support each other and build a better welfare system."
"If we all did this, the world would be a better place."
"Human existence belongs to us all... we all have our skin in the game."
"It's like a disease that spreads like wildfire and it is all of us collectively who are contributing to this."
"At the end of the day, it depends on each and every one of us."
"This is not a country of benevolent dictators. We all have to be actively involved in shaping our collective future."
"This is not someone else's problem, this is all of our problem."
"This is a problem that not one person is responsible for."
"Remember, until all of us are safe, none of us are safe."
"There was a real collective failure that a lot of people bear responsibility for when it comes to the first wave."
"Unity brings us through the challenges that we face, and the responsibilities that we have to create."
"You don't want leaders, you want everyone to be a leader."
"This isn't about me, this isn't about my generation, this is about our."
"It's important that we see this as something we have to do collectively."
"When it comes to dealing with crime, we're all in this together."
"At the end of the day, the leaders that we get reflect who we are collectively and individually."
"That's a real problem and guess what the problem is not the 100 men the problem is the eight billion people we're the ones that created this entire situation by our silence and our collusion with their egregious acts against human beings."
"Overcoming the epidemic requires collective action and personal sacrifice like not panic buying and staying at home when you're told to."
"This is an emergency power not of the president but of everyone."
"It's not just an individual mental illness, it's a social illness."
"The fault isn't just on that one person who had that bad idea, it's also on everyone who let it happen."
"We cannot fall back into these old patterns of collective guilt and stereotyping."
"We're all culpable... I don't want to be dismissive of that skepticism."
"We are here to consciously choose to move humanity forward."
"Even if there's a small chance, I mean we owe this to everyone who's not in this room to try."
"The way you have your eye on the future, Earth signs, it's not just about you."
"All mankind should support peace for the sake of our planet."
"If they cancel me, they cancel y'all, so protect me."
"The building had 136 condominium units. Unlike an apartment property with a single owner, Champlain Towers South was collectively maintained by those 136 condo owners through an association with board members."
"All of us are complicit. We either win as one or we all go under together."
"It's up to you and me all of us on planet earth they're not going to do it for us no way this is in the hands of we the people."
"Genocide binds all of us and all of us should be compelled to stop it."
"We need to get away from just thinking about the individuals. It's properly acknowledging the institutional nature of the problems and tackling those."
"If one part of the nation is failing, then we're failing as a whole."
"There was a general sense that lots of people let this poor child down."
"Nothing matters to anybody until it matters to everybody."
"The exploitation needs to stop. We're supposed to be in this on some level together."
"If it ain't us, then who? If it ain't now, then when?"
"It's not about blame, it's about working together and overcoming flaws."
"We are in this together, left, right, it doesn't matter."
"It's up to us whether we realize it or not, accept it or not, we're all connected."
"Societies are not built on charities; we have to look to us as a collective."
"Indeed, who are the creators of the new financial and economic systems within the new earth? Why indeed, these creators are of course you."
"Children are our collective product, our collective future."
"A better world is possible but it's up to us to make it happen it's up to us to build it"
"I think it's really interesting that there's this whole conversation over who is to blame and is Travis responsible or not... when it's a collective of all of them that absolutely should be held responsible."
"We all have a collective responsibility to ensure that respect for others becomes the global norm."
"The Imperium by all accounts is Gravely flawed, but many of the people within it bear no responsibility for that."
"We're all neighbors, we're all in this shit together."
"It's like what Paul said... We're all in this thing together."
"We are all in this together... to protect the well-being of all the children of the world."
"If one of you is oppressed, we all are oppressed."
"Our democracy is the responsibility of all of us together."
"Video: everyone has to do their bit for the war efforts."
"We win as a team, we lose as a team, and we take blame together as a team."
"Football is a team game; we win as a team, we lose as a team, and we take blame together as a team."
"This is a human race issue and we all have a part that we can play."
"Every Asian, every American Indian benefited from slavery, and they owe Black Folk."
"It's not all on us, it's not all on the people, it's not all on y'all, but collectively everybody has a part."
"This is really a call to action to the communities to make sure that we get messages appropriately out there so that everyone understands what it's going to take for us all to protect one another."
"It's not just black people's job, it's not just people in positions of power's job to change it. Everyone has to want to change it."
"It's going to be different, it's going to be better, it's up to us."
"To train your brain to make life more wonderful for the world, we got to do it. We're all in this together."
"Everybody needs to respond, everybody's got a part to play."
"Because we are creating it right now ourselves. Yes, we are co-creating it together and therein lies the response ability, responding and being able to respond to what is needed now."
"It's not about who's more at fault. We rise together or we will perish together."
"Fixing the system would be much faster than blaming everybody individually."
"Let me know what changes I should do to my videos and we will see what we can do as a family because if I go down we all go down."
"The non-linear nature of pushing this issue to full awareness and being able to turn the tide in the right direction it's also exponential so it depends on us we're the ones we've been waiting for."
"We Face a common Threat all of us from every side of the fence when this spaceship earth fails we're done."
"We made the world what it is and therefore we can also change it."
"I mean, technically, it was all of us. Because I did bring Daniel into this. It wasn't just my idea or his. Orphans, we all did." - Acknowledging shared responsibility in a situation.
"We have to do better as a collective when it comes to love and relationships."
"It will be a ruin that they collectively brought upon themselves."
"We've all got to take responsibility, so the idea of 'we're all in it together' has really stuck."
"We all, all of us are now passengers on a runaway train of calamity and collapse."
"Get a vaccine save your life save other people's lives and then hopefully collectively when the scientists and doctors say it, it will all be done it will actually be done yes it will we'll get there."
"When you stand up for your rights, you stand up for the rights of everyone. When you give up your rights, you put everyone else's rights in jeopardy."
"We as people, as a country, as everybody needs to be better."
"It's never about one individual's feelings. I'm never going to stray away from my message because I understand what I'm saying will bring power back to us, our community, not one individual, but to us as a whole."
"You are going to be someone that is asked to not be someone that is using your gifts just for yourself, but using it for the collective."
"By removing the name on books and by speaking as part of a collective and by having kind of collective responsibility, it's really liberated me."
"A More Mindful Society Might Depend On You. And you. And you. And you and you and you. And me."
"Peace is a responsibility for every creature."
"I should have known it wasn't just one person, it was everybody."
"This trial has illuminated not just one individual's actions but the need for all of us collectively to introspect as well as we deliberate on the charges."
"We all have a stake in these questions of how we're gonna live. We all have a stake in them."
"We want the collective Glory but not the collective shame."
"Acceptance, it's not about blame but realizing we all have a part in this."
"The best way to explain this is when we refer to the UN as 'they', as if we are outside. But the UN is all of us."
"It's about us all. It ain't just about me."
"We are all affected by inequality."
"The Prophet Muhammad likened society to a boat, where individuals' actions affect the whole."
"Our lives are comprised of many, many choices beyond what we just buy, and our world and its environment are comprised of many, many choices beyond the ones we make as an individual."
"It's time I think for us as a species collectively to begin recognizing that we are on a resource-limited environment and to behave accordingly."
"Security is not just the job of securing the security folks. It's the job of everybody."
"It's not for us to finish the work. We all have to do what we can."
"This isn't someone else's war, it's our war."
"...no single raindrop is responsible for the flood but the flood is nothing but raindrops so you can't say like well it's you know it's the flood well the flood's made of raindrops so what were those raindrops..."
"It's not this one on trial, it is all of us."
"The entire village would raise these kids so it wouldn't be one single person."
"This really is a call to action on behalf of all of us."
"The mandate my party earned in 2019 is not the sole property of any one individual; it is a mandate that belongs to and unites all of us."
"Nuclear safety is everybody's business."
"Safety and health is everybody's responsibility."
"We are all in this together with the natural world."
"Who's to blame for all of this? Well, no one but also everyone."
"Racism, like homophobia and sexism and all kinds of injustice, they're all everybody's problem."
"In baseball... you win as a team, you lose as a team."
"We got to do better, people. We got to do better, and that's just the honest truth."
"We all make up this country, and it is all ours, and we have to take ownership of that."
"You all want to be anti-racist, don't put that on me. It's our job together."
"A safe work environment is everyone's responsibility."
"The effective board is collectively responsible for the long-term success of the company."
"Save the Ocean, it's everyone's responsibility."
"The quality of life is determined not by individual circumstances alone but substantially by the structural conditions of society which we collectively create."
"The stability of our nation is our stability as well."
"This is another one, get it together brothers and sisters."
"Cybersecurity is everyone's responsibility, not just yours."
"We have a responsibility to rise above and build this nation moving forward."
"To each his own, but joint obligation is all for one, one for all."
"Joint obligations are proportionate, while solidary obligations are collective."
"We are responsible for our own pleasure."
"It's not the parents that raise the child, it's the village."
"We are all in this together whether we want to be or not."
"It's not just up to one party to protect our election system; it's all of us who are responsible for protecting our system."
"We all have a moral obligation, not only me, not only those people who went on demonstrating, but all of us."
"We have a system, but everyone has to play their part."
"The Lord judges nations collectively."