
Halftime Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Giants have to feel good going into the half."
"That might have been the greatest halftime performance I've ever seen in my life."
"I love that Amanda Gorman is going to be doing the halftime."
"And that will do it. What an entertaining first half of soccer between these two teams."
"I think the big thing was, we came out in the second half, two plays and a touchdown, changed the whole momentum of the game."
"We need the honest to score, all right, it is just out of halftime."
"...they have an opportunity between halves to go in and discuss their strategy."
"...53-0 leading by four points at halftime, that's really impressive stuff."
"A 28 to nothing lead going into the second half, since he's trying to punch one in."
"So at halftimee it was like 260 and we all came in and we just said right Lads let's try let's try and grab a goal here just abandoned all defensive duties."
"You got to put on a show. They got another half to do it, but that first half, that is not going in a time capsule of how to play the game."
"I found out that during halftime, if I text them, they look at their phones. I didn't know that. I go, 'Oh, you can respond? Oh, yeah, everybody's on their phone during halftime!'"
"Talk about being touch and go at halftime."
"Remember both dilemmas last year: we were down 31-14, we checked the fieldwork before they into the half, we got back in the game."
"He could say to his players in a week of practice he may not even have to say that much at halftime."
"The Boise State University Broncos have come to the desert and at Halftime, an overwhelming Underdog coming into this one against Oklahoma."
"Oh, no. It's halftime. Okay, man."
"You just gotta get a little bit of something going positive for halftime."
"The Steelers remember our leading in this game seven to three as we near the end of the half."
"Yeah, I mean we didn't expect to blow them away as much as we did in the first half."
"That good end to the half though for England."
"Right, it's halftime. The atmosphere out there is unbelievable. Can't hear myself think, let alone vlog. What we need to know is we are one nil up. We are 45 minutes away from making history."
"I'm running out of battery on my phone and I'm stressed and we're not even at halftime yet."
"You know, I don't know that you could have a better first half than what we just had."
"One of the sobering things that opened it all up for Coach Prime to say okay, let me try something different here is when you look at that first half of UCLA. It was 7 to 6 at halftime."
"It's half time at Anfield and what a crucial goal that could prove to be."
"Nice score at the end of the half would help."
"Manchester United totally in the boss seat here at halftime, three nothing."
"That will do it, at the end of the first half with the score Pittsburgh 17, San Francisco nothing."
"First and goal... But what a first half he's having so far in this ballgame."
"I love this halftime stuff. Yeah, the drummer is fantastic."
"We've been spoiled in this first half for entertainment."
"Just a little over five minutes to half time."
"It's halftime here at Mohegan Sun, our score UConn 38, St. John's 15."
"I just knew when you're up at halftime, we were doing something, I just knew it."
"What a first half of netball we have seen."
"It's half time and they've got to do it all again and that's big pressure."
"Where the heck was that in the first half?"
"That brings us to the end of the first half."
"Alabama tied at the half for the first time this season."
"They're well in this game at half time."
"The Bears, halftime leaders, three to nothing over the Buccaneers."
"It really is set up for the perfect second half."
"I feel pretty good where we are going into the second half."
"At half time, I thought that was a decent score."
"I don't care what you do in your halftime, I support you."
"It's a decisive scoreline, one-nil at halftime."
"I like that, I like that. Okay, so changing up the feel from the straight time to a halftime feel."
"It's not the end, it's just half time."
"Well, at the halftime show, kids, Shakira and Jen, I mean, they were great."
"How about that statement to start the second half, my goodness."
"He's been classy after half time."
"That's the whistle for half time."