
Socio-economic Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"It's a fact that we live in the most prosperous society ever."
"Religion is there to keep the poor from stealing from the rich."
"Money actually would make a bigger difference in many people's lives."
"Black economic empowerment should be our religion."
"It's not me versus my fellow man, who's also poor and suffering with me, they are not my enemy."
"Going from job to job and struggling to survive had made it clear to him just how much the City of Lakeland was divided."
"These predatory practices are bleeding, especially with the working, poor, and the lower working class."
"You cannot effectively compete with your counterpart if you remain trapped at the bottom end of the societal economic spectrum."
"There's a right way to do something that can lead to beneficial socioeconomic outcomes at the same time are assistive and regenerative to the environment and also us who are part of it."
"It's expensive to be poor, very much expensive to be poor."
"How do they stop living on the street, right? And how many of them started out being hard-working decent normal people who are trying to pay all their bills on a minimum wage salary when the price of the real estate just kept going up exponentially?"
"Especially now that I'm stepping out in that economic apartheid."
"Even unskilled workers were the biggest beneficiaries of growth since the Industrial Revolution."
"Chances are you're probably earning more than your parents did even when adjusted for inflation, which sounds great, but when you begin to ask yourself why, a different narrative emerges."
"There's levels to this. There's the poor, and then there's the 'I'm above getting money from men'."
"I was brought up in a council state we didn't come from money."
"It's like the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer."
"Use education to improve your socio-economic position."
"I grew up in an area that was pretty mixed as far as income."
"Most working Americans don't have rich parents."
"You don't have to want to return to a barter system in the Stone Age to complain about the way the financial crisis affected large numbers of people in the world, do you?"
"There has been a huge increase in the number of poor people in 2020."
"Thousands of people have been dying a day in overwhelmed hospitals. Millions are out of work, losing their health insurance and falling into poverty, and child hunger is on the rise."
"Everybody thinks that it's about white or black; it's not about that; it's about bread. Facts."
"Poverty is not just about having no money. Poverty is about having no power."
"All you got to do to improve every aspect of any group's life is to simply improve the level of income of the family unit."
"The idea that it's all about race is oversimplified when I think that it is really a socio-economic factor when it comes to who gets killed."
"The rich-poor divide has become an enormous problem despite claims of rising standards of living."
"In order to become an inventor, you seem to need two things: you need to have high quantitative aptitude as measured by your 3rd-grade math test and you need to be from a high-income family."
"Depression and anxiety prevalence are higher among women and low-income populations."
"The white working-class... has actually lost a great deal of ground economically and socially."
"The realization is that for many, the American dream is now just about survival."
"Poor kids usually have access to the worst education and thus the worst jobs and income levels."
"The issue is actually access to things like birth control so that people don't have children early on. And it's like, but the issue isn't actually birth control. The issue is actually, you need a certain amount of money to move out early and to get married."
"Why is it that the average household income for whites in America is fifty-six thousand dollars a year, but the average black home only makes thirty-seven?"
"NYU is not economically diverse...you have to have enough money...90 percent of students who go to NYU are above the average income..."
"The poorest people have always been the healthiest in terms of diet."
"There are people who are facing essentially a kind of collapse into poverty."
"A common story along a border that separates Haiti the poorest country in the Americas and the Dominican Republic the most booming economy in the same region."
"Poor people's time: Rich people use it to make money, employing. Poor people use it to pay their bills, working."
"We're witnessing the greatest wealth transfer, and there's not gonna be any middle class."
"Every time you double the size of a city in any given urban system, all socio-economic metrics increase to the same degree by approximately 15% per capita."
"...I think we have an opportunity that comes along only every couple of centuries to redo the socio-economic contract and how we include everybody in that and make everybody a winner and how we don't destroy ourselves in the process is a huge question."
"China's middle class is on the rise."
"The best route out of poverty is being in work."
"I would like to see all Americans do better and I certainly would like to see the outlook economic outlook for African Americans improve."
"Having a dual parent household... is the single greatest socio-economic indicator of future wealth employment graduating college."
"Poverty's a disease. Like, your zip code is as impactful on your future as your genetic code."
"A country full of opportunities, and yet from the socio-economic point of view, the rates of poverty and inequality in income distribution and land ownership in Columbia remain very high."
"The accuracy of object recognition models correlated with the income of the homes where the test images were taken, pointing to a clear bias in these algorithms."
"Everyday folks in this province should be able to afford everyday life."
"It's great for the lower and working in lower middle class; they're getting the bulk of the relief."
"People who live on lower socio-economic positions or in poverty have increased risk for mental health problems."
"Equality of access, everyone has the same opportunities; equality of circumstances, they should start school with similar socio-economic statuses."
"Children are three times more likely to get a degree than children from low-income families who haven't had that exposure."
"The notion of privilege doesn't exist to describe everybody doing well; it's to acknowledge that there are serious gaps between people that do well and people that don't do so well in some circumstances."
"The most important thing is for them to have a job so they can have an income."
"The better someone's socio-economic circumstances, the more privilege they will enjoy."
"Poverty has a significant impact on intelligence."
"Roughly one quarter of all children in the United States have a parent earning the minimum wage or just above."
"The American dream is under more and more threat."
"Inequality is approaching record levels."
"The moral argument is absolutely on our side."
"I feel comfortable in that community and I was part of that economic ladder."
"The socioeconomic contributions to heart disease are often overlooked."
"It's more expensive to be poor than it is to be rich."
"Zelinsky's model of migration transition depicts change in migration patterns in society that generally results from socio-economic transitions."
"A socioeconomic system perpetuates itself just so long as it ever can, no matter what damage it may do to society as a whole."
"The hardest working people in this country are the people who don't have anything."
"The first black immigrants fell into a well-established socio-economic pattern that carried no implications of racial inferiority."
"Self-help or wellness is the preserve of the wealthy and the middle classes... but actually, habits like this... it's also going to help someone who is in poverty."
"If my genetic variants for BMI or height associate with socioeconomic status, then there is a causal relationship there."
"The government says they're lifting one percent of people out of poverty a year."