
Satanism Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Satanism is not about worshipping Satan; it's about worshipping ourselves and placing ourselves in priority over our Creator."
"Satanism, for the satanic temple and its members, is a non-theistic religion that is focused on the central symbol or metaphor of Satan as depicted in Romantic Era literature as a symbol of rebellion against arbitrary authority, the pursuit of knowledge, and personal liberation."
"I'm a 40-something attorney and mother who lives in a quiet neighborhood with a yard and a garage full of scooters and soccer balls. I'm not the type of person who would normally consider becoming a satanist, but these are not normal times."
"The description of the tenants and origins of Satanism make it sound more like an anti-religion."
"The most common form of Satanism is self-worship."
"The Satanic temple and Satanism more generally does not mean the worship of the devil they are atheists at their core they're not supernaturalists their religion does not rely upon belief in impossible things to function."
"The Satanists are like really walking the walk they do not care if people like them they know that people don't like them and they're like whatever and I just think I have to say I think that's heroic."
"I feel I'm extremely sympathetic to their worldview I think that their religion is a very good religion if I were going to join a religion it would probably be Satanism."
"I am a goddess, so please bow down to me. I do not believe in god. I don't worship the devil. But yes, I am a satanist, which means I am my own god and I worship myself. Thank you, have a good day. Your grace, and bow down to me."
"There has never been an account of anyone who has been a member of any organized satanic religion that is committed to crime."
"If you're participating in Halloween, you're aligning with satanic worshipers, witches, and people into the demonic realm."
"Satanism is about freedom to live your life deliciously."
"My satanism got me through that very difficult time."
"Most people who publicly declare themselves to be Satanists are not actually real Satanists."
"Satanism, you know, my new religion. Have you heard of it?"
"Food innovation and markets are going to save the world, and you can be part of it."
"I'm a Satanist myself. If anything, he teaches open your mind a little."
"Satan means adversary. That means he's your enemy. Why would people worship their enemy?"
"The rise of Satanism in America is at an all-time high and it's particularly to the young people."
"Satanists don't believe in a literal Satan. Then what do you call people who do believe in a literal Satan? Christians."
"Satanists don't actually believe in Satan. He's merely used as a symbol of passion, pride, and Liberty."
"I renounce Satan and all his works, I want nothing to do with it."
"To demonize men, to demonize women, to suggest that they are intrinsically flawed is a satanic project." - Nancy Randal piery
"At the heart of satanism is a lust for power and pleasure."
"Don't publicly call someone a Satanist unless you can prove it beyond reasonable doubt."
"There is actually very little evidence that any bands from this era were actively worshiping Satan or practicing the occult."
"I know that Satanism would never be a religion for the majority. It will always be a minority religion, and it needs to be that."
"Satan attempts to defeat us with strategy and deceit through well-laid plans and deliberate deception"
"Satan does not rule in Hell, it was created for him as his place of incarceration."
"The abuso, or the bottomless pit, is where Satan is going to be bound for a thousand years."
"There are politically progressive forms of Satanism that are taking the world by storm."
"Do you know what's happening in America? Young people by the millions are bailing out of our Evangelical churches and going into Satanism and devil worship and human sacrifice and animal sacrifices because they are searching for the Supernatural."
"The deeper I delved into Satanism, the occult, the mystical history of the past, the more I realize how little I know, how much is yet to be revealed."
"Satan's a loser and anybody who consciously follows Satan is a loser."
"Maybe even scarier than Satanism, which is really the scariest thing ever."
"Anton LaVey, who is reportedly a staunch atheist and anti-theist, established the Church of Satan."
"When these supposedly satanic people got in touch with real Satanism, they reacted negatively because they saw it as too much of a humanist approach."
"The essence of Satan or the lowest vibration is suffering and pain and fear and all that stuff that we just don't want."
"Satanism teaches indulgence, do whatever makes you feel good."
"Satan represents rebellion... fighting for the oppressed and that's really the most important thing in Satanism above all else."
"I've never met a Satanist who I didn't want to hang out with; they're just all like very empathetic."