
Significant Other Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"If you are looking for love, then I see somebody quite significant for you on the horizon."
"Your next big major life change is a relationship that is of significance."
"There is a very special person about to manifest."
"My girlfriend did the sweetest thing for my brother, and now I know she's the one."
"At the end of it, I see someone really significant that's just gonna really float your boat."
"This is somebody who's gonna make a huge difference in your life."
"Somebody who's going to make you feel completely different, somebody who's going to change your life literally."
"One of the most important decisions you will ever make is deciding correctly when it comes to a significant other."
"Just to be able to see her have relief is, was huge."
"The queen's heartbreaking tribute to her husband of 73 years." - Daily Mail
"The biggest undeniable in my life without a doubt is my wife, you know, is Aaron. She's the woman of my dreams."
"This person is going to rock your world; they're going to absolutely really change your life."
"Thanks to Amanda, I feel more alive. I feel on top of the world."
"They're very aware of this connection; they see you as the completion to their current world."
"This person is definitely the other half... they're very special."
"Your life is going to be greatly enhanced by this person."
"He's the best thing that ever happened to me in my entire life."
"You were the light, you were the Sun for this other person."
"She's my absolute everything in my heart."
"Meeting Choru was the best thing that ever happened to him."
"It wasn't meeting them. It was meeting you."
"I just feel like out of all the guys that I've talked to in the past I feel like he's almost like the one."
"We meet that one person that we never want to think about having a life without them."
"One positive thing that you love about your significant other."
"A significant other or someone who you can collaborate with quite well is there to have your back."
"My dream is to be with Evelyn, my significant other. I feel a profound connection, almost as if she was made for me."
"You're going to meet this person during a very transformative time in your life."
"This beautiful human has just been in and out of my life for the past four years now."
"What's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you? Meeting Helen."
"I wouldn't be here today without her."
"To be honest, all I remembered was her face."
"The only person I really had in my corner was my then boyfriend and now husband."
"The most important day of my life was the day I met you."
"You're his partner, there's a difference."
"This person is going to be the turning of a big fate for you."
"...she made his life better than he could have ever imagined; she was the ray of hope in an otherwise dim world."
"The luckiest day of my life was meeting Kate."
"He loved her so much, probably more than anyone else in the whole world."
"I think she's the best thing to ever happen to me."
"It was at a rally that I first met my wife."
"Good luck to everybody; I know this process is the toughest one because you just want to be with your significant other."
"I owe her everything, I have the most beautiful woman in the world."
"Spirit wants you to go outside a little bit more because there is a very significant person that is supposed to enter your life."
"Lucy, meeting you is the happiest moment of my life."
"You remind me of that one thing I did right in my life."
"I remember thinking how I have found the most important person in my life."
"This person is going to make a tremendous change in your life and have a huge impact."
"It's the time of your own transition, and someone is going to play such a mind-blowing role in your life."
"This person came into your life at a time when you were very driven to move forward."