
Distance Quotes

There are 3060 quotes

"A true friend will always be your friend despite distance."
"Remote viewing not only penetrates through geographical distance but also the dimension of time."
"Sometimes distance isn't measured in miles, it's measured in moments."
"I think forgiveness comes when we're able to empathize or understand, sometimes that does come, it can only come with distance."
"In love, the distance of time and space is erased by love."
"A love that never fades, no matter time and distance."
"Time apart is needed; distance will bring clarity. Take the time to focus on yourself, doing the things you love."
"Never mistake a clear line of sight for distance."
"America...so far away." "Not so far away that I'll forget you."
"The mission has traveled nearly 5 billion miles since launch."
"Even though we are apart, I am slowly falling in love with you."
"Since I like you so much and you are so far away that I cannot give you a kiss, I am now writing this little letter and am asking you whether you like me as much as I do you? Answer me immediately. Thousand kisses from your Doxerl."
"You could not get further from Alaska than Florida, that's kind of impressive actually."
"Wow, the double meaning of 'far' like you don't recognize her but far as in she keeps you far away."
"Talking about this and being so removed from it will help a lot of people."
"It looked really cool especially from far away."
"You may hear about them being far away at some point if that makes any sense."
"I know we're connected even when we're apart."
"I almost immediately distanced myself and we went from talking almost every day to almost no contact."
"It helps you form genuine connections with them no matter the distance."
"Zeno Zoldyck is in the extreme list not only because he's able to control his incredibly powerful transmuted nen through emission, but he's also able to do it from insane distances."
"Distance that will keep us together and alive when we reach the other end of this."
"You share a very strong astral connection. You may know how each other feels from a distance."
"This family is from the coastal town of [name] and that is so far away from where we are right now."
"The forehead touch placed between two minds distanced by Worlds Apart but never ever truly apart."
"When you find a church like that no matter how far away it is you need to be a part of it."
"I'm not saying that it could never work between us, but now's just not the time. Oh, I mean, you know you're on the other side of the country, and I'm going to college soon. It's just, you know, like we're in different places." - Good Luck Charlie
"If you knew exactly where to look at the right time you might be able to see a little bit of it like right on the horizon but that's pretty far away."
"Time and distance make no difference in the spirit world."
"And the odd relationship with the thorned princess continues. It might be a while until we really get close."
"I am completely and utterly alone here. When I was like snap, and because most of my family's back in America."
"We're making friends, grin said he's quite far away but that's ok, he could be a worthwhile ally."
"They feel inspired by you from afar, you fascinate them."
"Telescopes allow us to gaze into space, providing us with information about galaxies that are light years away."
"The grass is always greener on the other side... sometimes they seem a whole lot more interesting when they're an ocean away."
"Sometimes you have to get away from certain people and things to actually start believing in you."
"We have not come back to the Lord; we've grown much farther away."
"But, it just feels, it feels like man, you're not an active part of your loved ones lives or you're a much less active part of it just because of the shear distance associated with it."
"Imagine you find out you're so far but you had no idea."
"May the force be with you, unless you're J.J. Abrams, in which case, we need some space, it's not you, it's us."
"Hey, this thing fits! We're a Long Way From Home."
"You can smell a lie 10,000 miles away across the world over the seas."
"Love breathing... built to keep your opponent far away from you but your sword close to them... adjustable range..."
"Distance does in fact make the heart grow fonder."
"It's complicated. Being able to see things at all distances helps us to study all different aspects of astronomy."
"Distance doesn't diminish passion; true connections transcend physical boundaries."
"Sometimes you have to love from a distance, even temporarily until they get their frequency together."
"Absence sharpens love, but presence strengthens it."
"Gonna want to run on foot like five zones over in 100, 200, 300, 400."
"500 miles in the 500, that's why they call it that."
"They've grown fonder of you since the distance."
"15 billion miles: the huge distance that now gapes between us and Voyager 1."
"In the physical realm, there's a distance between us, but in the spirit realm, there's no distance."
"Not as far as you'd think, but further than you'd hope."
"Now that we're a little bit further away, everything looks a lot more proportional."
"Don't confuse distance with safety or security."
"Even their love protected me... from thousands of miles away."
"No one knows what those ballots were because even when our observers were there and the press were there, they were kept back so far like 40 to 100 feet away."
"Your Name: a clever plot sets the protagonists impossibly far apart yet intimately close."
"For Earth to be completely safe from a supernova, we'd need to be at least 50 to 100 light years away."
"Just because God feels distant doesn't mean God is absent."
"It managed to break its previous record by 194 kilometers."
"You can mentally live in the distant place as though it were here."
"Get away as far as you can, set those boundaries."
"You're only going to be seen from a range of 11.2 kilometers."
"There is a deeper connection to people we've never met than the ones living near us."
"Emotionally unavailable: pushing others away."
"No matter the distance, yeah, baby, I got you."
"As far as the east is from the west, so he has removed our transgressions from us."
"My training club is alone at the distance to the moon."
"Absence grows the heart, makes the heart grow fonder."
"Keep troubles and torments at a distance where they may be easily forgotten."
"SEIU would still look after them, even from a distance."
"Consciousness travels instantaneously over any distance, at least it appears that way over the known Earth to Sun maximum distances measured thus far."
"The best range is offered by the KTM, you can go up to 450 kilometers with this bike."
"Facetime makes everything a lot easier because you don't feel as far or disconnected."
"I will say before advice that will go for miles..."
"Merry Christmas from a distance. I wish you were here tonight."
"What king! He went for a [ __ ] long way, didn't he?"
"Wow, look at the distance, just compare that!"
"Absolutely, Sean, in totally different ways of going about this. Distance is the name of this one."
"Even this far away from it, the old man can still pick up on his mental activity."
"The goal is to get to Borkum. But it's very far."
"Nothing is gonna happen, you're playing video games with a girl 800 miles away. She doesn't even know you exist beyond the microphone and the goddamn controller."
"You have every right to love people from a distance."
"Beloved, though we may be physically apart, spiritually we are always united."
"This man is mine, and though he's far from me, his love will always be my guiding star above."
"I'm not even going to bother looking at the distance for a good while here because it's three miles uphill. That's a long way."
"Someone really misses you in their life, Leo, and I feel that you've been keeping your distance."
"I miss you so much, why is New York so far away?" - Unidentified caller
"Distance creates understanding; it allows you to see reality from a wider perspective."
"Distance creates love; it makes them realize how much they love you."
"How the heck are you supposed to hit the ball over 600 foot?"
"The mind can affect results even from many miles away."
"We bit each other a hasty farewell as my mate lived a few streets away and I decided to push on a loan."
"Despite physical distance, there's an energetic chord that still exists."
"77 miles straight up and then 77 miles straight back down."
"Ideally, you wouldn't fight it directly, but you would shoot at it from a distance."
"Distance is not an obstacle, that's why they invented airplanes."
"You can love someone or something unconditionally, needing nothing in return, even from a distance."
"Let the big dog eat, blast a disc as long as you can."
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder."
"Distance equals security and one of the most important factors to consider is the matter of feasibility."
"We've driven 13 kilometers, that's over eight miles."
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
"No matter how far, no matter the time, space, and distance, I still feel this connection with you."
"It could just be an emotional distance, doesn't have to be physical."
"We love you guys up to the moon and back."
"Looking further and further away is the same as looking further back in time."
"It took nine and a half years because it's a long way."
"Creating distance from the stress, that's where the magic is."
"What in reality is a relatively small distance is a huge Gulf between two vastly different ecological regions."
"I followed the sound of the singing at a safe distance to the end of the street."
"I hate how far apart people live."
"This can be such a powerful exercise that your twin flame can feel the warmth of your love, can feel that love energy embracing them even at a great physical distance."
"I feel you even though we are apart."
"No matter where you are, my heart feels you."
"Distance is from one vector to another, while length is the length of a single vector."
"Near, far, wherever you are, my heart feels you."
"Long distance, it's the way to get things done today."
"The farther you go, the prouder I'll be."
"Distance means so little when love means so much."
"Moving away from home is such a scary experience... it's nice to remind you that you are loved and you have people at home who are rooting for you."
"Shout out to Sarah, she's in the US and I'm in the UK, and we're watching together. So glad we can share this."
"Our love is always there despite the distance."
"The cool thing about Radiance is that it is unaffected by distance."
"We can forgive from afar; reconciliation is conditional."
"You make me feel like my troubled heart is a million miles away"
"I hate being long-distance friends; it just sucks, but it always makes the time we do see each other so memorable and wonderful."
"Oh, I can see a bear way off in the distance, too far for this little lens though."
"Time heals all wounds, distance makes the heart grow fonder."
"You should have some way of signaling with smoke; it's one of the only ways to signal to somebody who's very far away."
"It opens up the ability to cruise for longer distances without destroying your wallet."
"There's a red light off in the distance up there."
"You can really go really far with those bikes."
"The incredible world of Caption B is only 13 light years away from us, but its age is estimated at 11.5 billion years."
"That is the distance light travels in one second."
"So long as you live, we'll always be looking at the same star, no matter how far apart."
"You can munch the miles, that's for sure."
"No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter mile away or halfway across the world, you'll always be with me."
"My love for you is stronger than distance."
"If we know the distance to this shape, then this is going to be the closest distance for this whole thing."
"There's distance here, this person misses you."
"A grueling journey of 2,880 nautical miles from New York to the southern tip of England."
"Even though you're not there, we're always a phone call away."
"I'm so glad to be away from all of that."
"There is no God in the sky, look at the Earth too, if there were gods they would be far away from humans, no need to worry because they can't reach there."
"I am a firm believer in, if you want to be with someone, you will travel 10,000 miles for one second."
"Gaining distance from the narcissistic abuser whether that's psychological, emotional, or physical distance."
"The effectiveness of this ability was reduced due to distance."
"I really can't believe I've driven 14,590 miles."
"The distance will never change my love for you."
"This is the distance at which bayonet charges are pretty much guaranteed."
"That's a lot of separation in space."
"Whenever you double your speed, it takes four times the distance to stop."
"Don't feed on drama. Don't pay too much attention to people that criticize you, misunderstand you. Love them from a distance."
"Distance is no barrier with this love."
"You already see something here and you've decided that you're going to keep your distance."
"You're going to get about 300 miles... that is how you cruise if you want the big distances."
"The distance never made a difference to me."
"This person wants to put this connection back together and the World shows them closing that distance."
"How far past zero kilometers can we go?"
"What's real amazing is that we can interact like this from so far away."
"Love knows no distance; it transcends time and space."
"The inverse square law... every time distance doubles, the falloff is four times from here to there."
"Her mom flew in multiple times in one year and called every day all the way from India to the US."
"It's got plenty good accuracy for most hunting out to, I'd say, 300 yards."
"Just like gravity, love can be past through time and space."
"That communicated to me that there was a disconnect and a distance."
"Even if you spend time apart... you'll always feel connected."
"I don't get how an avocado can leave California and make it all the way to here."
"I don't think they'd get him over an American football field distance."
"so we wanted to make it feel like we're in the same room but we are very much so not"
"British people take for granted how close things are."
"Somebody feels like you were guided to move away from them"
"I'm so obsessed with you guys on the floor I hate it I can't even bring myself to be near you yeah there's just someone whose love for you guys ran so deep and I think that like"
"As things get further from us, they should also be getting smaller."
"I love you from a distance if you have to and if she's being toxic definitely from a distance."
"There was a funny thing. I thought I could never get along without Paris. Now I'm happier with every mile we get farther away from it."
"Stay in your car and just view from a distance."
"Preparing to go through a sustained period of long distance."
"Love transcends distance, love transcends time, love closes the gap, love stands in the gap, love bridges the gap, love bridges the distance."
"Who wants to drive the 3 hours to get to each other? Now that we have a place there, we just had the best Easter weekend ever."
"There is love, love is always there despite the distance."
"The stress overwhelms him. He's distant and disconnected. It's like nothing really matters to him right now, including me."
"Chase, we are 925 miles away from our new rig."
"Allowing distance doesn't mean letting go; you're not going to let them go."
"You're keeping your distance, that's the outcome."
"The reason your person is being cold not only because they're away from you but also because they're going through so much crap."
"If time isn't an issue, then is there really any distance?"
"Your person has really taken a step back and maybe walking away from something which feels... which is everything they want."
"Riflemen were trained to shoot accurately to 300 yards."
"What happens to the light intensity if you move a plant twice as far away from the light source? The light intensity decreases to a quarter it quarters that's because light intensity and distance following inverse Square relationship."
"...safe to say this battery has an easy hundred kilometer range."
"Distance doesn't stop God from touching you today."
"You're a genuine person and you deserve somebody by your side. Even if they may be at a long distance, it doesn't matter."
"I'm probably gonna throw it like five feet."
"Travel with this person or you live at a distance from this person."
"You could be a thousand miles away from the nearest person or the nearest telephone line and still be able to stream 'Friends' in 4K."
"It's funny, these elk... typically running way before you even stop your quad, up to a thousand yards plus away from the sound of your quad."