
Gold Standard Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"The dollar's going down. You need more dollars to purchase a fixed quantity of gold, which means the dollar's worth less."
"You can have your own gold standard. You are free to take dollars as you choose and buy gold as much, or as little as you want."
"Around the 1970s, that's when the United States dollar was taken off of the gold standard, and that's when we started printing more money, which caused more inflation, which caused the value of our dollars to be diluted, which made the price of everything else go up."
"The issue is that most people understand financial systems and understand that they need to migrate from the old gold standard to the new gold standard, and the new gold standard is Bitcoin."
"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value."
"The beauty of going back to a gold standard is that the government then does not have the capacity to inflate itself out of bad spending habits."
"Money is gold and nothing else, though all the rest is credit."
"There was a massive fiscal stimulus, but the key thing was through that whole period of that deflation is the US was pegged to gold."
"The only recourse that a nation will have at the end of the day is to use the failed fiat in circulation as the means of distributing gold."
"Gold is money everything else is credit is backed by debt so it the center of every monetary system is gold every Central Bank owns gold at the base and then they print Fiat on top of it."
"Gold is money and these National currencies are money substitutes."
"They have done it. Chiefs are Super Bowl champions here in Miami as they win it here in Super Bowl 54."
"Gold is real money. People forget that before the dollar was the international reserve gold was the international reserve."
"Why save your money to buy stuff when the cost can go up between now and next year?"
"Embracing the gold standard is going to be one of the first steps in turning everything around."
"Under the gold standard, Sudan was a stable economy. Today, the inflation is more than four hundred percent."
"A US currency backed by gold would change the game."
"You know, nobody will want to hold any currency that's not backed by something sound like gold."
"A gold standard is always a limit to a political system's power."
"A gold-backed currency gives confidence and inspires confidence."
"Returning to Gold Standard, we get that under control."
"I'm in favor of going back to a gold system... I don't see the reason we couldn't go back to something like that."
"Gold reserves will once again be placed at the center of the financial system."
"This ultrabook is the gold standard, it's really that good."
"Mass Effect 2 is simply the gold standard of video game sequels."
"Gold correlates with one thing and one thing only back 400 years as far as they can track it inflation not deflation."
"Inflation basically couldn’t exist, at least not aggressive inflation, because in order for there to be more money, more gold had to be found."
"Gold is real money and they all know that they know the currencies work when there's confidence and gold works when there's no confidence."
"Moving us into the gold standard is sound money."
"Gold is honest money and I think we're going to go back to honest money."
"I just said they'll never work they're going to end up with gold they're repeating Kane's process and they're going to have the same result which is they're going to find it's not really feasible."
"For the dollar, the natural conclusion is, well, that just means we're going to have to go back to a gold link."
"Ultimately I think what's going to happen is the dollar is going to lose its status as the reserve currency and the world is going to return to gold being the primary monetary reserve."
"Be proud, little Pierre. We've done it. This is the gold standard now."
"Neymar is without any doubt the greatest gold card in this game."
"Once you really understand gold is money, you're really asking what is the dollar's value in terms of gold, not vice versa."
"If you put in an hour work and you made twenty dollars you effectively made one ounce of gold worth of value."
"So, you know, many times through history we've had currency collapses every single time traditionally it's gone to Gold specifically and there's reasons for that."
"The gold standard didn't cause the depression... it was an equal and opposite reaction to the bubble."
"A gold standard would be a friend to the people."
"Then you have to go back to the gold standard to restore confidence."
"There is no reason why that needs to end in the near term future. It's still only a fraction of what the gold market cap is."
"Governments take us back to Gold when all confidence is lost."
"I think ultimately all roads lead back to gold."
"We're not gonna go back to a gold standard because anybody wants to everybody hates the idea of a gold standard we're gonna go back to a gold standard because every other form of money has failed."
"The gold window is going to open again, it was closed back in 1971."
"You're only going to have the issued currency gold backed currency at the time of the rv."
"From 1945 to 1971 the US dollar was also backed and tied to gold."
"The star is saying that you just need to go for the gold."
"The BRICS economies look set to endorse a new Gold Exchange standard by using their swelling gold reserves."
"We need to have our money backed by something of value like gold."
"Gold is money, everything else is credit. - JP Morgan, 2012."
"The dollar was defined as specie gold and silver."
"The problem with paper money is that it's supposed to be a substitute for gold and silver."
"Once we do that, if we all do that, we will be able to close this gold window for good and demonetize the dollar."
"This is the gold standard of combat patrols."
"Glitchtale is the gold standard of Undertale series."
"It is, in my eyes, the gold standard for Harry Potter adaptations moving forward."
"In 1971, President Nixon severed United States currency from the gold standard."
"Return to the gold standard, brother, this is [__] [__], nobody's talking about this."
"A world in which gold was the money again would be a superior world to the status quo."
"Hoover lived in the world of the gold standard. He couldn't imagine a world without the gold standard."
"The gold standard was the pinnacle of human achievement in terms of economic systems."
"He was making a fundamental change in American international economic policy by closing what was known as the gold window."
"President Kennedy said he would not change the price of gold."
"The argument for returning to the gold standard is at bottom a real one in the economic sense if we want the likes of extended Prosperity say like what we had during postwar prosperity or the great moderation or even better we need low and stable gold."
"The argument for returning to Gold can draw deeply from all of this nation's history the incredible growth Century that was the latter half of the 19th century shows this abundantly but our own history is that which is closest to us."
"The gold standard was instrumental in tying the political classes and the voter to the reality of constructing an economy."
"The San Francisco model of care remains the gold standard for HIV care."
"Randomized clinical trials are considered the gold standard for epidemiological research."
"We have the gold standard for teaching and preaching told us the truth: what all the fathers of the church, including St. Augustine, taught... Genesis is history and as history, the inerrant Word of God."
"Do not, it's Granny Griff, Granny gets the gold."
"McDonald's is like the gold standard."
"If you're on the gold standard, the price level is pretty stable."
"He helps put the country back on the gold standard."
"1944 was Bretton Woods which is the tying of all the currencies together to the gold standard pegged to the US dollar."
"China will aggressively settle Russian energy trading in its own currency, moving away from dollar dependence, and tie it all to gold."
"It's so worth its weight in gold."
"I think they're moving to the Russian model, which is they'll sell oil in yuan, they'll sell oil in euro, and what are they going to settle in? I think they're going to settle in gold."
"Gold became the bedrock of our economies; it was the ultimate standard of value."
"Gold is a viable alternative to the fiat money that central banks create."
"The price of gold rose to $35 an ounce, where once again we had enough gold to where we could have gone back on a pure gold standard that was fully backed, but we didn't."
"Every dollar was exactly correlated to a certain amount of gold."
"The brics countries are going to increase by 81 additional members and all of these people are going to go to a currency that is backed by gold."
"The gold standard was like putting the world into an excessively tight straitjacket."
"The gold standard was a system by which the amount of credit that central banks could provide was constrained by the amount of gold in their vaults."
"A country seemed to have done better if they went off the gold standard sooner in the depression."
"The link between currency and gold is probably a pretty significant cause of the Great Depression."
"Defined benefit pensions are seen as the gold standard of workplace pensions."
"The creation of the International Monetary Fund would maintain an adjustable foreign exchange market rate system that was pegged to gold."
"The gold standard for soft hackles, at least a lot of the patterns that we see, are based on Partridge."
"Real true honest money, internationally recognized as money, constitutionally recognized as money, biblically recognized as money."
"The gold standard, when obeyed, had the great virtue of keeping currencies stable."
"Gold is the best barometer of inflation and deflation."
"Gold, man. There's a reason Olympians get it. Oh yeah, it's the top tier of sickness."
"Bitcoin just needs to be better than gold to be successful."
"Research article: the gold standard for identification of axonal pathology is histochemistry."
"For nearly a century Britain had been operating on a system called the gold standard."
"The gold standard is one kind of constraint; in fact, with the gold standard, you can do away with the central bank."
"The best historical example we've got is the classical gold standard where inflation wasn't zero every year, but if prices started to go up, there's a better chance of them coming down again."
"The social savings of making a little gold go a lot further in having a money supply that's ten percent gold and ninety percent credit versus a hundred percent gold."
"The British money supply was so big in the 1800s because it was seen as the perfect currency."
"The dollar should be linked to gold."
"The currency has to be backed up by gold so they can't print as much as they want."
"The gold standard test is the best test for a disease."
"The moral justification for a gold standard is the fact that those who earn their money keep it."
"With the app and MasterCard, you can effectively put yourself on your own personal gold standard."
"U.S. Treasuries replaced gold as the world's reserve currency and ultimate store of value."
"Under the Bretton Woods system, you could exchange your currency or your dollars for gold."
"Tandy is our base golden girl, she's as good as it gets."
"For every single dollar bill that they printed, they had $1 worth of silver or gold in a vault to back that up."
"When we were backed by gold and silver, all of our money printed was backed by a finite resource."
"The US dollar was pegged to gold, which was really what was underlying the whole system."