
Life Decision Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"I'm here to tell you, I gave my life to Him 50 years ago when I was 5 years old, and it was the greatest decision that I ever made in my life."
"This is the biggest investment of their life. They should do serious analysis when they think about how they want approach it."
"Choosing to legally bind yourself to someone and spend the rest of your life with them is not a decision that we should be encouraging people to take lightly."
"The decision was made we're gonna celebrate his birthday that day go out to eat um and then that night I would take the pill cuz we both were off from work the next two days."
"Honestly, as soon as we kind of got settled in here instantly it felt right instantly like this was the move."
"Marriage is a union, a decision to share your life and identity with somebody else."
"Martha McKay was found stabbed and bludgeoned to death."
"Choosing to have children is a tremendous Act of Hope."
"I came to the conclusion that I was going to propose a lot sooner than I expected."
"The best decision I ever made in my life is joining the army, ever. It's not even close."
"When I decided to get married, I took some time in the National Guard Reserve."
"It was the hardest decision that I'd ever had to make giving my life to Christ."
"I had to make a decision of what I wanted to do with my life."
"Getting off social media is the best decision I ever made."
"Bringing a child into this world is a serious decision."
"One simple decision can literally change your life forever."
"If you're in a relationship with somebody right now and they say expresso, and you don't want to murder them, then marry them right then and there."
"I feel the time has come for me to do something I should have done a long time ago."
"I think plays really important. We only live once, and we should try to live with a smile as best we can."
"God bless you. I'm so happy for you. You have just made the greatest decision of your life."
"When a mother making the ultimate choice hears her baby's heartbeat and sees the precious life inside of her, the majority of the time she will choose life."
"I had been unsure what career path I wanted to take, but I knew at that moment when my life was going, so I took the money I had saved up and started up my small business."
"I do think that I am going to be quitting my job and I, I don't know if it's gonna be tomorrow or the next day or the day after that."
"It's the greatest decision by far you have to make in your entire life."
"This is one of the most profoundly personal and life-changing decisions anyone can make."
"The most fundamental and major decision that you have to make in your life is this: Do I live in a friendly or a hostile Universe?" - Wayne Dyer
"The most important career decision is not the degree you choose, but the woman you marry."
"Best decision of my life by the way."
"Meeting your soulmate will require you to make some kind of big change or decision in your life."
"You only wear a condom if you're going to let her live."
"This decision to go to rehab was probably one of the best decisions I've ever made."
"I'm done," the narrator concludes. "I've seen enough in short to know what I really want. I'm going back to New York."
"It's the only decision that you're going to make to spend life with somebody actually choose you. Choose you."
"...if i had to only live with one for the rest of my life i would pick this one because it's just more special."
"I'm pregnant. Um no, I'm moving in with Keegan. I'm moving to Yorkshire."
"I've just... I have a unique opportunity in my life to kind of change careers."
"One of my hardest, toughest decisions was really like leaving the streets, but in order to do that, I had to really say forget everybody I loved."
"The single most important decision you'll make in your life is who you decide to marry."
"The most important decision you make is who you marry."
"I've been married 32 blissful years; it was the best decision of my life."
"That was my hardest thing about leaving Michigan, built that home, raised my kids in it, and yep, it was hard leaving that, but the trade-off was good."
"Weight loss surgery is a huge deal and it's a huge decision."
"This is nothing new under the sun, and this is absolutely a critical moment in your investment thesis for the rest of your life."
"One of the major decisions I made in my 20s was I decided that I've lived on my own a long time."
"The best decision I ever made in my life was to come here because it set me up for the rest of my life."
"I love the city so much, so to try and make it feel like home for the next step of really putting my all into this life decision and seeing where it takes me."
"You are going to make a really important step."
"Having children is one of the most monumental decisions of someone's life."
"Joining the tennis team was one of the best decisions of my life."
"Marriage was definitely the best decision he'd ever made."
"The best decision of my life was choosing to live."
"I told my parents I was going to leave school and join the military."
"He decided that he would devote his life to becoming an artist."
"It was almost like God came to me, like if you don't do it now, you're never gonna do it."
"I guarantee it will be the best choice you will make in your life."
"You need to know the person before you decide to live or marry them."
"At the age of 12, she decided that she would commit herself to religious life."
"Marriage is a very big commitment."
"It was the best decision she's made in her life."
"Marriage is like one of the best decisions I've made in my life."
"I'm gonna live here the rest of my life."
"I cast myself upon the Lord for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in life or death."
"It can be a motherly act in itself to choose not to be a mother and to choose not to bring another life into the world."
"Would you rather become a billionaire today knowing that you will lose it all within five years and have to start over without a single penny to your name or spend the rest of your life receiving a modest but guaranteed income?"
"If I were to choose the location where I would wish to live the rest of my life, it would be in the state of California."
"Choosing the person that you're going to spend the rest of your life with is the most important decision that you will ever make."
"This is probably the best decision I've ever made."
"For me, it was the best decision I could have ever made for so many reasons."
"I looked at my watch, 10 hours down, two to go, I thought to myself, and at that moment I decided I didn't want to work in food service any longer."
"The decision I made truly changed my life for the better."
"My parents fully support me and want me to move in with them."
"Moving to university is one of the biggest decisions you'll ever make."
"Marital decision is the most important decision any man will ever make."
"I don't want to get married, and I don't want to have children."
"It's a legitimate option that we have in America: jail or army."
"Best decision ever before none, marrying my wife."
"Be cautious before you choose your husband."
"I was supposed to stay only one year, but now I will stay permanently."
"Walking away from a way of life or something they once loved to walk toward happiness."
"Sure you can live with this, but do you want to? That's the question."
"This was one of the most pivotal decisions of his life."
"It is the best decision I've made in a long time."