
Moral Struggle Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The war between good and evil is fought within the individual human heart."
"Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it tries to silence good."
"It has much more to do with this ongoing tug of war between our the better angels of our nature and our worst impulses."
"Evil is never truly gone, but neither is good. That's why we have to stand between the evil and those it would victimize."
"Every time I see those comments, it lets me know it reaffirms why I am in this fight because it is a fight of good versus evil."
"This is not supposed to be like this and more and more people I talk to feel the same way that this is something there is a battle of good versus evil happening."
"Sin will say 'Just come, just taste me, just play with me a little bit.'"
"There's a difference between struggling with sin and settling with it."
"The lengths at which many characters were willing to go to fight for what they believed in."
"I always feared you would become that which you fought against. You walk the edge of that abyss every night."
"For all of our capacity to do good, the urge to do evil has plagued human history."
"We're not in a battle with the Democrats or our neighbors. We are facing evil."
"Our battle is a battle between good and evil, happening inside of us."
"Good has to outweigh the evil, that's how I look at it. If we don't have the good people fight the fight, then you're basically conceding to the enemy."
"Given what I've done, I'll never be a good man. I just tried to be a better one."
"I know what's right, I know what's wrong, but I can't stop myself... that is the human condition."
"It's just hard to be a terribly well-adjusted person when you're fighting for something that's right."
"The devil wants to get even. How else to hurt the heart of God to the greatest possible extent but to harm the Beloved of his creation?"
"God will Empower you but if there's anything in your life that is not of God, that's a stronghold for these Gods, you know, whatever it is sexuality or materialism."
"There's hope that good will prevail over evil. It's that purity can be retained as much as possible as long as you fight for it."
"I find it to be a law that when I want to do right evil lies close at hand."
"This is a battle for your soul, a battle of light versus dark, of good versus evil... the truth will set you free."
"I'm tired," he says. "I have been trying so very hard to do the right thing but for all his efforts he had only fulfilled the prophecy of this cycle he and the dr. Monty had forged the endless loop."
"We're all in this together. Our job is to be bold, to think very big, and to go forward in a moral struggle."
"We're in a spiritual war, we gotta spiritually begin to fight."
"I personally believe that there is clearly a battle of good and evil in this world."
"Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole."
"I'm not making peace with my sin, I'm putting to death those evil desires."
"The moral equivalent of war: fighting against injustice without succumbing to hatred."
"Evil is something else. Once you give in to it folks, it will destroy you. That's why you must be born of the father, a return to the father. Amazing."
"This is a spiritual war, it's good versus evil."
"When you are struggling to do the right thing, that almost has more value than when you don't struggle...Don't feel the guilt of those things, feel the trial of those things, and then move on."
"Your victory will not be against humans, your victory will be against evil, against ugliness of immorality."
"The battle is against spiritual wickedness in high places."
"Never in my old mind would I have thought things could get so crazy and away from God. Keep up the fight, ma'am."
"A mere mention of the Book of Revelation can send shivers down the spine, not because it contains the story of horror, but because it paints the cosmic struggle between good and evil."
"We're giving you a classic battle of good versus evil."
"That is a tool that Satan right now is using yes to brainwash the minds and the hearts of people."
"All novels, all poems are built on the never-ending contest within ourselves between good and evil."
"Because of the things that we do mess up on and we are immoral even within our own moral code that God put in US you believe it's your conscience but you guys know you're guilty we all know we're guilty."
"Right wins, it's perpetually challenged by wrong."
"Peter will be dragged down by this and his arc in this film will be to fight for the right thing even if it means no one else agrees with him."
"To be assaulted by these Temptations, to feel tempted, is not the same thing as to give way to them."
"The lust of the eyes, everything today is about video posts, everything today is even online porn is such a horrible trap for men and women alike."
"The good that I want to do, oh, that was the curse word that Paul just said, he said, 'I end up not doing.' The bad that I swore would never do again."
"We're living in a time where it's hard to be a decent man in indecent times, you know?"
"I've been struggling with my conscience for some time now, but Father Maguire was the first man to spell it out to me in black and white."
"To be righteous in a corrupted world, you got to fight so many battles and so many obstacles."
"The heart itself is only a small vessel yet dragons are there, lions are there, there are poisonous beasts and all the treasures of evil."
"Trying to be a good person is actually often really hard."
"I do not do the good that I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing."
"Finding it difficult to be a bit hesitant to do a positive deed is not hypocrisy."
"Live for that biggest battle, good against evil."
"You might have everyone else here buying your transformation, but you and I both know you've struggled with doing the right thing in the past."
"You are tempted by your own evil desires."
"We all know what is right and wrong but we cannot follow it."
"Why do we all have to suffer? Why are we all tempted to do bad things to make other people suffer, even other people we love?"
"As much as we struggle with the idea of judgment, what you can't struggle with is the concept of faithfulness."
"I don't know that I know how to be good, but I know that I know how to fight evil."
"It was incredibly fascinating to see their struggle to figure out like morality and stuff."