
Re-reading Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"I like to write the books to reward rereading. You may pick up things on a second reading or even a third reading that you missed the first time."
"I'm sure you could because I could read this again and find a lot of interesting symbolism."
"What is your favorite book to reread? Honestly it's like Ender's Game. It's just a comfort book to me."
"Best book ever, I still. This is the one book that I almost want to reread."
"Reread stories to better grasp themes and ideas."
"I adore Wuthering Heights, I really really really do, I can't wait to reread it, annotate this copy and just fall in love with it all over again."
"If you haven't reread The Hunger Games in a while, it might be time."
"Simplify your vision board. It's much more effective than really complex and intricate vision boards."
"Every time I reread it, I still pick up on things that I might have missed before, like the amount of foreshadowing, there is a lot, just jam-packed in it."
"The ending actually made me want to go back and reread it."
"It's definitely one that I will reread and continue to think on."
"I'm rereading a bunch of stuff including the Andromeda Strain the novel because it ties right into the pandemic."
"I just want to read it again...pure perfection."
"This was amazing and I want to read it again... from Guardians of the Moons immediately."
"I loved every moment of it and I can imagine myself going back to read this again and again and again and still finding more to fall in love with."
"I really wanted to read it a second time to make sure I fully understood everything."
"It's the kind of book that makes you want to start at the beginning and read it again to see if you would read it a little bit differently."
"The rewards are great when it comes to rereading great works."
"I think this is a series that if I do ever go back and reread it after I finish all 14, I'm gonna have to reread them because again I feel like this is a series that you don't even get all of what it's worth until at least the second time around."
"...it's the kind of story that you're going to want to reread and not just because you'll pick up on a bunch of small details that you missed the first time around."
"I just feel so sad that I'm finished with the whole series. Like, I want to hop back in and reread it all."
"Slaughterhouse Five is absolutely magnificent. I've read this four times; it grows better each time I read it."
"This moment to me, it was tear-jerking when I first read it and it still is upon the 13th read."
"Reading it, I'm going to notice so much more the second time around."
"By the time you finish this book and flip that last page, you're going to want to read it again."
"Rereading a favorite book can remind you why you love reading."
"This perfectly captures the experience of reading Gravity's Rainbow and gives reason for rereading it."
"Morrison's work rewards multiple readings"
"This is definitely one of those books that I want to re-read to see what I would think in present time."
"I think it's enough time... I don't remember everything so it's kind of like the perfect time to reread it."
"Honestly, I'm not a huge rereader, I typically like to wait a long time before rereads."
"It's not only the book that I know I'm gonna read again but it's a book that after I go for a certain space of time I need to read it again."
"Twilight is a lot of fun to reread."
"I figure as I reread them I can buy the hardcover."
"It's such a weird angle, but yes, definitely want to reread Crime and Punishment."
"It is just perfect for this time of year and I do want to reread it every year because I read it for the first time last year loved it so obviously I was like got to reread it this year as well."
"This is my favorite series. I love this reread. It's just so fun revisiting it."
"I love this so much. It's my favorite series. I love this reread. Noticing things again that every single time I reread this, I notice something new."
"The one book I could really, really, really just keep rereading for the rest of my life is whatever edition of HP Lovecraft collected stories."
"I would probably take one that could stand rereading so I'd take a really complicated version like Alexander Pope's 'The Iliad'."
"I kind of want to physically reread it and kind of highlight throughout my favorite verses."
"I can already tell that when I finish this series, I absolutely want to reread it at some point in the future."
"I fell in love with that book and read it several times."
"I'm loving the second one so much, it makes me want to read the first one all over again."
"Rereading is one of the best ways for kids to improve their fluency."
"I just really enjoy it, and it's a book that I have read more than once."
"It's a novel, of course, that you have to reread in order to appreciate its greatness."
"It's a masterfully done series, and I'm enjoying it more on the second read-through."
"Running with the Demon, and it's actually my favorite Terry Brooks novel that I keep reading and rereading."
"They are books that I could totally go back and reread, and my favorite characters, my favorite book boyfriends, they're just basically everything to me."
"It's definitely a book I want to reread, I'm sure many summers to come."
"It's such a sweet story and one that I've thoroughly enjoyed rereading myself."
"There's a lot in the books you simply cannot understand until you read them a second time."
"It was excellent, it was so funny, I was cackling, I already want to read it again."
"I don't say this very often, but this is the kind of book that I could see myself rereading multiple times in my life."
"I'm so glad that I picked it up; it's definitely a book I want to reread."
"The reread of Pew was even better. I think it's like one of my all-time faves now."
"I just started reading 'The Brothers Karamazov' again. I finished it last year, friggin' loved it."
"This series brings back a lot of memories, so I really wanted to get it to reread it and just to have it."
"It's one like '84 Charing Cross Road' that I'll re-read again and again."
"I had the most amazing urge to reread this and I'm so glad that I did."
"This is the type of book that if you read a second time, I'm sure you see so much more."
"It's so good, easy five out of five. I want to reread this book immediately."
"It's going to be an experiment to see if I enjoy these books the same the second time around."
"Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell is my most reread book of all time."
"I'm hoping I'm gonna find this one just as captivating the second time around."
"I freaking love red, white and royal blue like I honestly want to reread this one so badly."
"I'm gonna reread this. I don't reread books often, but I will absolutely 1000% reread this."
"I'm currently on my second round of rereading and annotating it."
"I somehow love it more the second time, and this was already one of my favorite series ever."
"The plot twist is so insane that if you would reread the book, everything would just be different."
"It's my favorite of John Green's books and it's definitely one of those books that I always go back to, to reread passages."
"Good poems grow in the rereading."
"These are literally series that I have read more times than I can really even count and I just love them so much."
"I cannot wait to re-experience it again and I have no doubt that I'm gonna love it just as much the second time."
"It was a really incredible book back then, it's going to be an incredible book I imagine to read again."
"I'm very happy to own it and I definitely plan to be rereading this book several times in the coming years."
"It was just so good, and I just will be rereading it."