
Exercise Routine Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"One minute of plank, then as many push-ups as you can, then burpees for a minute."
"Once you've got that range of motion, that movement pattern you're happy with, and you're not feeling any pain, now you can start repping out high repetition bodyweight squats."
"There's nothing wrong with having like a regular exercise routine, even working out daily if that is what feels good to you and your body... But rest days are actually just as important as working out."
"I doubled the amount of frequency on my pressing days and my bench went up massively."
"At the end of the day, what we're trying to do is get our heart rate up and consistent."
"Thirty minutes of exercise is enough to see improvements and keep you fit and healthy."
"Bake in structured exercise, periodic walks, especially after meals, to counter sedentary lifestyles."
"You just finished Fitness Blender's total body Tabata HIIT cardio and toning combination."
"I just decided that I'm going to do Whitney Simmons' ab one workout."
"Aiming for between five to twelve repetitions on every single exercise."
"Join Connor twice a week on his eight-week get fit training plan."
"What better bodybuilders routine to take from than Arnold himself?"
"You don't need to have some extreme routine to look fit or healthy."
"Deadlifting once a week is very, very good. You don't have to do super high frequency, in many cases, that tends to interfere with one's recovery."
"You don't have to do the power clean. You just do five squats, bench press, overhead press, and then squats deadlift."
"Four reasons... to make doing the daily exercise almost effortless."
"Let's get ready to come back in and start with that HIIT routine."
"Don't head out yet, I've just got a cool down built into the workout for you."
"The beauty of doing 100 push-ups a day is you get to decide how hard you make it."
"Curtsy lunge to a front kick... really burning out the glute muscle."
"I'm not gonna lie keeping track of my workouts my black book a little bit disappointed in my lips."
"Those six exercises are absolutely essential, and I guarantee you if you can do all of these, do them three days a week for four weeks, you're gonna notice your mobility, your strength, your balance will increase."
"Be consistent but don't push yourself too hard. Try and do a little bit every day. A little bit every day is so much better mentally as well as physically than doing one big session a week."
"Schedule in a mile every day if you can."
"I have been working out almost every single day of the week."
"I like to do two to three big compound exercises and then maybe just one or two accessory exercises. That's my general approach."
"Get up, get my push-ups in early in the morning."
"I could see doing a hold in a really deep chest press right before a bench press or shoulder press. Suspension trainer and dumpy squats, I think to do that."
"Here's a picture of me right at around that time, you guys always ask me what's your exercise routine, what kind of workouts do you do, girl, nine zero zilch."
"Alright, next move we're gonna go five kicks right, five kicks left, and then five each side plank knee tap."
"If you're pretty good at pull-ups you get a pull-up bar set at a certain height you do a full depth squat jump up pull-ups pull-ups pull-ups down fold up squat jumps up pull-ups maybe you just wanted that's brutal."
"What I'm going to do is I'm going to give you a routine that's basically a bone building routine."
"This is a full body workout, this is a full body workout. Day one full body. Day two, we go upper body. Yeah, baby!"
"Cool down your muscles, yeah. Get your heart rate down, yeah, really nice."
"I'd try to do it once a month at least in my quads."
"treating the exercises as a skill"
"The elements in that program cover endurance, rotation, Turkish getups, and even explosiveness."
"I'm back on the exercise bike and I'm having a fun time."
"I'm not sure if I'm gonna use them, but it's a leg workout so I know you guys love these."
"Once you get over the initial hump, it smooths out, and exercise gets so much easier to do and to want to do."
"Train your shoulders between two to three days a week and watch what happens."
"Maximize your weight loss today; we are going to target all the major muscles on your body."
"The only thing you need for this routine is an optional exercise mat."
"We are getting low impact cardio, balance work, and total body strength in just under 30 minutes with absolutely no jumping and no transitions to the ground."
"Our pace should feel brisk but comfortable, something we can maintain for a full 30 minutes."
"We're gonna hit the mat with Lu lang weights and do some muscular structure sequencing that I've done just for you."
"We're going to build on some very basic body weight only moves to give you a total and complete fat burning cardio and sculpting workout."
"I am a huge believer in routine for warming up, stretching... if you're not feeling it, move on."
"Every time I buy a Funko Pop, I do one push-up."
"We're working in the traditional Tabata format: 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest in four-minute rounds."
"Just remember this routine works; these are some of the most effective exercises for shaping the butt and thighs."
"I'll see you back here tomorrow for your cardio workout."
"We're going to get the heart pumping, we'll get the muscles moving, but in a way that also gives us that mobility, that flexibility, that nice good stretch."
"This is a great exercise for building explosive power from 0 to 60."
"I like every single meal I eat every single day, and I like the exercise I'm doing."
"So I hope you enjoyed this workout and I'll see you again tomorrow for seven days."
"This is a really good way to stretch your legs, especially if you're doing some walking."
"Perform anywhere from five to 15 sets of resistance exercise per week... that seems to be the most scientifically supported way of offsetting any decline in muscle strength."
"Are you ready to go five pounds down and get some slim summer abs? Well, that's what we're doing today with no equipment needed. Let's go!"
"Eventually, I started swimming every second day, which had a huge impact on my performance."
"The hip thrust provides me an insurance policy that keeps my hips both feeling limber as well as just moving more seamlessly in general."
"I'm gonna do 3 days a week for two months then see how I go."
"This comprehensive follow-along ankle stability routine will help you prevent painful problems before they happen and improve your performance in life and sport."
"Working out at the exact same time every single day just makes it more motivating for me."
"Let's pulse for four, three, two, one, and then melt down."
"Every day I found myself walking a little more, a little more, and then next thing I know, I'm walking like good 30, 45 minutes, 4-5 times a week, and just enjoying it."
"It starts with education, it starts with making exercise part of your daily routine."