
Demonic Influence Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Maintaining focus on God, who is goodness itself, diminishes the demons' ability to influence or tempt you."
"The fact that you and I live in the middle of Two Worlds and that we are literally dealing with what are spiritual entities that are demonic in nature."
"It's really uncanny at times to see how the demons give you the information and actually do exactly as you command them."
"There are spirits involved in battles and warfare and these are demonic spirits."
"They were somehow able to overcome the pervasive corrupting touch of the sorcerers and demons."
"You better be walking very very close to god because I see some very very demonic things happening in the world today."
"She was certain that these Visions were the work of the devil."
"Christians need deliverance from strongholds which are rooted in deception, unbelievers sometimes need deliverance by way of exorcism because of demonic possession."
"Deception... I believe it's demonic in nature."
"Sanity came to the insane when Jesus overruled the demonic and addressed the spiritual cause, not merely the physical symptoms."
"Abalam is a king who serves under payment. The thing about Abalam is that he preys on the flesh of the innocent."
"I had an interesting Deliverance... demons were giving him heart attack symptoms."
"Wherever there is a lack of the Holy Spirit, a demonic being will seek to influence."
"It really is not complicated demons are on assignment and Believers are their targets."
"It's not exactly around the corner, but it's a time when the last efforts of the demons to ruin our lives are at play."
"One of the first signs of the demonic is discord, the level of discord in this country is through the roof."
"Demons are going to have a heyday in the end of the age."
"I truly believed, still do, that he was being attacked, tempted, or latched onto by a demon."
"The fasting isn't causing the Deliverance; the fasting is starving out the thing that even demonic entities feast on."
"Once you crucify the flesh and pornography addiction continues, then your problem is a demon."
"The consequences of demonic influence can be severe, leading individuals down paths they never imagined."
"A real believer that knows who they are... can cause demons to shudder and tremble."
"The Jezebel spirit is an intelligent demonic influence that uses seduction and manipulation to gain control over people."
"The devil is not a man at all, no, no. The devil is a spirit. And it is the spirit they get in man, that's right, that's right."
"When a person utters a curse... that gives the demons permission."
"Neither give place to the devil, speaking of influence."
"There are demons that are trying to kill us, there are demons that are trying to destroy us as a people, destroy the witness of God." - Wanda Alger
"The Grand Grimoire,' aka 'The Gospel of Satan,' is an unsettling text supposedly written back in 1520 by a man named Honorius of Thebes who just so happened to be possessed by the Devil."
"I believe there's more demonic energy in the realm of liturgy than in many other places."
"Demons don't need to possess you to torment you, because they don't need to own you to lie to you."
"Not every mental disorder is demonic, and a lot of times there are demons that have occupied behind mental disorders."
"The corruption is strong in hell and even the police are likely in the pockets of elite demons."
"The demonic wants to infiltrate people's minds with the whole goal of taking them over."
"Many times demon spirits come in the form of a thought. A lot of our reasoning is nothing more than a demonic assignment."
"Neutralized is demonic. It is satanic."
"Every demon in hell knows the power of the Cross."
"Behind every idol, I believe is a demon."
"A lot of this demonic stuff that's going on in your life is because you're fighting something and you're on the devil's territory."
"Anxiety is a demon from the pit of Hell."
"How can I forget? I don't have to forget what you've done to me but I can forgive you for it because at the end of the day that's because your heart was evil, that's because you had some demonic [ __ ] going on with you."
"It appears that animals can't resist demonic possession like humans can."
"We have to live our life holy and pleasing to God and we have to live a life dedicated to him and keep all the doors closed to the demonic."