
Extravagance Quotes

There are 837 quotes

"When Norwegian students finish their schooling, they don't just go on a regular class trip; they celebrate in what's become one of the most extravagant school traditions in the world."
"The rich are prepping, building castle-like structures with moats that can be ignited on fire."
"This thing is so baller. It is so ridiculous and opulent and crazy."
"Why would anybody spend two million dollars to get their hands on a one of a kind wu-tang album?"
"I dropped 200 racks on this car and I'm only nine years old, I got the keys to this car."
"That’s gotta be a pretty sweet deal, getting paid the cost of a Lamborghini just to party for a single night."
"It's everything you've heard: neat architecture, expensive restaurants, wild outfits, sex, booze, and a bunch of people trying to look like they have more money than they really do."
"Keith Moon drove a Rolls-Royce into the swimming pool of a Holiday Inn."
"Basking in the limelight, he bought a Wu-Tang Clan album for two million dollars."
"Yeah, this is what millionaires do, baby. If they'd drink water out of a wine glass in vain, ma, look at me with my 20% digger Pepsi's ready to go."
"Gemma Collins spent £1,450 on a 24-carat gold steak at Salt Bae's restaurant."
"You know what you can do with a trillion dollars like anything you could buy the moon."
"It's remarkable, people who just have no business affording two or three thousand dollar Taylor Swift tickets well somehow spend two or three thousand dollars on a Taylor Swift ticket."
"It's so ostentatious and that's what I love about pop music like that it doesn't give doesn't care."
"His lifestyle is a veritable smorgasbord board of expensive flights, expensive hotels, expensive meals, and expensive clothes."
"It's extravagant, it's eye-catching, and I think it's everything probably they wanted it to be."
"This is beyond, over the top, extravagant, fabulous."
"They're not supposed to be living the way they're living in these multi-million dollar mansions and driving all these cars."
"I bought the cheapest seats $155,000 and $25,000 seats at the Super Bowl... one of us is not going into the stadium... it's not going to be me."
"It's an absolutely extravagant and unique opportunity."
"All this jewelry lights up my whole neckline like the Vegas strip."
"The fact that she spent an alleged $40,000 a month just on personal glam, was treated as one of her fabulous quirks."
"Armored Core 6 is an extravagant AAA Mech blasting Masterpiece, there's really no room to argue."
"The cost of the soiree will remain confidential, but the young high rollers spend sometimes up to a hundred thousand euros per night."
"You could buy a military sub made up with a giant mega yacht with tennis courts on it, and that would be the chump change in your pocket. That's how much money that is."
"God is extravagant you don't believe he is you look at what was brought to that place when when Jesus and Mary and Joseph had that baby."
"You're a multi-millionaire and you're flying around the world for a $2000 damn boat!"
"Why not pop a bottle of Dom while wearing your $2,400 sweatpants?"
"They gleefully make pricey purchases and literally pour their money down the drain without a care in the world." - Their extravagant spending knows no bounds.
"Glam Glam Glam Glam Glam is a what do you see with Glam okay what don't you see there's a lot going on there right lots of feathers mirrored Furniture rhinestone sequins."
"Opulence, opulence, the opulence is too much. We're in wonderland."
"It's so luxurious that the $400 million aircraft was nicknamed the Flying Palace."
"It's reported that each haircut costs $20,000."
"He admitted that he would fly with his entire suit stuffed with cash from Texas to the White House."
"There's billionaires literally in different parts of the ocean with paid ex-navy pilots piloting these things."
"Jim Irsay is spending $20 million to fly an Orca across the country."
"Worn underneath an orange silk cloak, the dress has Bejeweled panels on the Empire bodice and hobbled knees, instantly reading as extravagant."
"We booked the biggest cruise ship suite for less"
"Mama just stepped out of the Nile River, drip, drip dripping and Swarovski stones and I feel gorgeous and expensive."
"It was the biggest spoil we've ever done for ourselves."
"It feels ridiculous to be driving a Ferrari and have a Ferrari as the support car."
"I just want like the most expensive item on the menu."
"Pablo Escobar was spending $2,500 a month on rubber bands to keep the rest of his money together."
"Thank you chef, this is the Titanic of kachapuri. It literally is a titanic-sized boat full of boiling cheese wrapped in dough."
"A thousand dollar 25 pound burger challenge."
"These rich people sure know how to throw money around, don't they?"
"Dubai is a land of extremes: extremely hot, extremely full of money, and extremely shiny. Outrageous things exist just because people have enough money to do whatever the heck they like."
"This food just walked up and threw about 400 million dollars away."
"He had enough money to purchase an entire Island little Saint James and he would get them to sleep with women."
"This is the fanciest trance I've ever seen." - Give that man a ticket to Transylvania.
"We're living a different kind of life out here - gucci gang!"
"I got your salary on my wrist, I don't know what to do with myself."
"I was rich, spending money like it was nothing. That was the life."
"Istana Nurul Iman Palace: Covers a mind-blowing 2,152,782 square feet and features a mosque, 257 bathrooms, five swimming pools, and air-conditioned stables with space for up to 200 ponies."
"This big giant honker is a full American Wagyu tenderloin."
"This is literally the most swaggiest house ever."
"Then I would log into schlatt's bank account and then I would buy the $400,000 monkey." - Tucker
"If you're going to do a limited edition like that, just go full on, go all out crazy."
"I don't care about cost, just go all out and absurd with things."
"I guess it's easier to make something like this, you just go all out and absurd with things."
"I may have bought some Halloween costumes... 350 Halloween costumes."
"They live like rock stars... their lifestyles are so lavish."
"First you buy a mansion and then you launch it into space. That's exactly what happens when you hit around ten million subs."
"But the most exciting part of the look was the feather coat... it's dramatic, it's over the top, it's beautiful, it's stunning, it's ridiculous."
"A million-dollar horse? Multiple? Come on, that's wild!"
"Who the [__] orders two million dollars worth of booze?"
"I can't believe we're actually getting two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in one... we're so obnoxious."
"Once upon a time, a costume designer known as Madame Cherie threw huge and decadent parties for VIP guests at her top-secret castle in Chesterfield, New Hampshire, USA."
"Did I mention this room costs over $3,500 a night? No, I don't think you did."
"It's beautiful, it's stunning, it's ridiculous, it's over-the-top."
"It's essentially a diamond star. It's the Liberace of the cosmos."
"Humanity, what are we doing here? A man used a COVID loan to purchase a $57,000 Pokemon card."
"Rapper Lil Uzi Vert embedded a $24 million diamond in his forehead—more than his house and cars combined."
"You can never be too rich or too fluffy. Never get out of bed for less than a ton of caviar. The best things in life are always really, really expensive." - Flash Cat
"Why does this always happen why is this all every time people get kicked out of money they always buy like the most extravagant."
"Like what am I even gonna look at? How cool it looks! I'm just gonna completely max it."
"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I'm too fancy."
"Would you spend 1.3 million dollars on a single roll?"
"The world's most expensive grilled cheese sandwich is gilded with gold."
"Do you have anything more expensive than champagne?"
"The teamwork house is the biggest and most expensive youtuber house in the entire world, and it's all thanks to you guys for supporting Team RAR."
"Fifteen million dollars for an iPhone? Just for a cover? Like I'm walking around with nothing but diamonds and gold on my phone."
"Imagine being so rich where you're like... let's make a man-made lake."
"His birthdays the only day that he spends it's a full-on like non-stop orgy of cash."
"This vehicle is ridiculous in every possible way and I am thrilled that it exists."
"I've outdone Ric Flair 101 in throwing money..."
"She does what she likes, and it's just so beyond extra that it's just a good time."
"It was like 13 12 million, it was nutty, it was actually nutty."
"My ice cream is like my hotels: luxurious, extravagant, and leaves you wondering why you spent so much. Classic, huh?"
"The design, well, that's going to just get more ridiculous with Lamborghini."
"I spent a lot of money on booze, birds, and fast cars, and the rest of it I just squandered."
"This is almost too fancy for us, but it's so beautiful."
"Every little girl wants to be loved so much that a man will throw a hundred parties in the hope that she'll come."
"It's almost as though diamonds are hanging from the ceiling."
"She lived in almost unheard-of luxury, even spending tens of thousands of dollars to send private jets to the United States bring her back Diet Cokes."
"I just bought this Birkin bag as a prop for my number on the tour, so I'm reimbursing myself for this bag."
"There is nothing about this car which is remotely sensible logical or anything else, but it's a V12 Lamborghini."
"You can't put a price on a meaningful romantic gesture, but if it costs you 5.1 million dollars, maybe look into buying some nearby real estate instead."
"Gold on a steak does absolutely nothing; it's just for show."
"I need to be the queen walking down the aisle, so I need an extravagant dress."
"Expensive mansions are expected when you're a global sensation."
"What if I told you there are luxurious multi-level maritime mansions sailing the seas?"
"If you're going to do a custom loop, you sort of want to go all out and have it be a showpiece."
"Just to say you have a slide in the house is a wild notion."
"What an incredible place, 19,000 Square ft, this is by definition a mega mansion."
"This year we want to be extra, extra, and going into next year, call us gaudy."
"Throwing a big party for all of my friends and family, in celebration of the person that I love the most, seemed like the best way possible to spend my money."
"Tomorrow I'm going for a 14 course meal, I'm going for a tasting, it's so crazy."
"Horses usually make a lair for themselves like a Hollywood dragon hoard; it will be piled with currency, coins, gold, baubles, and people."
"Spencer spent it all on your room, the whole world, baby, which is so stupid because we rent this place, but who cares."
"Make noise, be obnoxious; this is the Maserati way."
"They filled them to the brim... because their obedience was extravagant."
"Let's explore some of the wildest and exorbitantly priced Airbnbs that you can stay in on this planet."
"Wow, this is proper luxury right there."
"All of the noise and all of the glamour and all of the color, all of the excitement, all of the R and all of the money - these are the things that really linger."
"I feel like you go in there for like one thing and you end up spending an absolute fortune."
"If I buy a bottle that's ten thousand dollars which I wouldn't but if I ever did I would make sure I had ten thousand to give that people couldn't eat like that's my thing now."
"When the dad car's channel is lots bigger, Daddy will buy the most ridiculous car for Mommy possible."
"The reception was ruined this time but we held a huge party with a client's CEO's money on a later day."
"I'm wearing my Chanel bow, Chanel sunglasses, with the hat, too much."
"The Holy Grail of canes no truly and they were and it was you know I I certainly overspent on this was going to say because it was it was state of the art."
"Hiring out a 3.5 million pound car in a Bugatti Chiron, I mean who on earth does that?"
"But the unnecessary shit about vacations and birkins and 200K fucking diamond rings and all this, that shit is unrealistic."
"Money is no object. Put them on my C. I have to have two of them though. You saved my life."
"...Henry was determined to impress the tournament ground itself was the size of a small town as well as the combat Arenas there were hundreds of tents and Marquees fully fitted with apartments and Chambers for their Royal residents."
"It's absolutely insane to spend that much money."
"I don't know, Johnny. Those 80 fur coats..."
"Money flows like water, plans are handed over a drugstore counter, and packets of tea get spiked with thousand-dollar bills."
"...when you think of luxury this is what you think of..."
"I talk like this, I act like this, I look like this because I want money and power and a house made out of solid gold and a rocket car."
"It's crazy how many times I get that question on a home theater tour: 'Yeah, but how much did he spend?'"
"...a gorgeous Saint Laurent monogram cabas bag in lipstick fuchsia leather which retails you guys for two thousand six hundred and fifty dollars."
"Imagine a pair of wings cost 40 million euros each. 40 million."
"Some couples hire fake wedding guests to make their wedding appear larger and more extravagant."
"Once I'm done doing my little speech, I'm gonna crack out the captain's cannon gar, that's right, the captain's canna gar, a seven gram cigar that's completely made of cannabis."
"I spent sixty dollars just to get a sandwich."
"The price is absolutely astronomical, but you don't buy one of these because it's sensible. You buy one of these to be insensible."
"That's it, you know it's kind of a baller move to be able to set yourself on fire to light a cigar, right?"
"The luxury cars, the opulent Mansions, the exotic animals, the Priceless and downright weird purchases they made just because they could."
"Hope you guys enjoyed this abandoned $7 million Penthouse and the rest of this crazy building."
"Balling out of control, I mean out of control, I mean out of control for real."
"I thought it was strange that you, who's stingy and frugal, would bring me to such a fancy restaurant like this."
"This is a drug dealer mansion in here. They were trying to make grandma proud."
"Some rich people they going to do what they want, they go crazy."
"What is the craziest textile that you've ever seen up close? No contest, one time I went to a second-hand luxury store and they happened to have a Birkin that was in crocodile leather."
"I'm gonna go tell them to make something like this, but in king size for me and extra sparkly."
"If you're going to be fancy, why not go all the way?"
"The king of the lot is this extraordinary um goat's head centerpiece."
"Quarter billion, give him a berry then."
"I think it's wonderful, of course, it was a wicked extravagance, but I don't care, it's worth every single penny of it."
"I want it to be really like literally I want it like a giant... I want like a 12 foot high gigantic door like big chandeliers hanging still modern."
"I always wanted to redo my bedroom into something more extravagant especially considering that pink is one of my favorite colors."
"Both of these were built by the same company and they were both built without regard to expense they wanted to build the biggest most luxurious most powerful most gimmicks whatever you want to call it into the car regardless of cost."
"One really only regrets one Bargains one never regrets one's extravagances."
"If I were to describe this movie in one single word it would be extravagant"
"When Nicki Minaj has to get around, she does it the only way Nicki Minaj can - Larger than Life."
"Every time I shower I don't even need the soap, I'm an animal, it's only right that I walk around and reek of gold."
"...this is like a black tie event kind of perfume. I'm talking like, megalo vibes, you are exuding the energy that you have stupid amounts of money when you wear this."
"The famous kitchen sink Sunday serves four people and features scoops of vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, cookies and cream, and mint chocolate chip ice cream."
"The most expensive cocktail you're going to find on the Trader Sam's menu inside Disney's Polynesian Village Resort."
"He used to go to the fanciest clothing stores, purchase the most expensive items, take the most luxurious perfumes - anything they desired, they could afford it."
"We're so fancy, you don't even have to squeeze lemons."
"By the time I'm finished with you, you'll have seen more red carpet than the streets have seen urine"
"I've got all the security in the world, and I don't need to overcompensate for my lack of financial muscle by getting extravagant cars."
"Life is lavish so live it lavishly."
"I loved my feather centerpieces. They were over the top and really maximized my Hollywood theme."
"The Prevost H-345 VIP is the ultimate portrayal of mobility, space, and luxury."
"Step inside and you'll be welcomed by a world of extravagance."
"An actual rainforest in the bathroom with live monkeys and plants everywhere. Just imagine."
"These people aren't just rich, they're crazy rich. Yeah, there's new money all over Asia, but the Young family, they're old money rich. On another level."
"...teams went crazy spending the extra money."
"One of those sales is worth over 100 million pounds for accessing the obscenely wealthy Andrew is dynamite."
"The setting was as lavish as they come."
"It's a place of fantastical beautiful marvelous wild excess so if you want a real Disney Castle outside of Disney I think you've got it."
"The parties thrown by Hollywood's elite were legendary, embodying the excess and extravagance of the times."
"He's a full-tilt diva he was flowers he wants parades he wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered."
"Tastes like Vegas, you know? It's just rich and extravagant. It just hits you in your food-loving soul."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am being extremely extra today."
"Perhaps without meaning to do so, you and I live pretty extravagantly considering what our means really are."
"We're extra as hell here because why not make my whole omelet extra?"
"Wait till you guys find out how much I paid for this car. You're not going to believe it."
"Don't tell me to come through to Miami if you don't want to blow budget."
"Las Vegas reflects just about the worst of America. It is the ultimate in bad taste."
"What are you doing with two yachts? Well, that's what everyone does, I just buy a second yacht when the other one's going to take too long."
"Michael Jackson rented out an entire grocery store and hired his friends and family to pretend to be regular people."
"I just think weddings have got a little bit out of hand."
"The marriage Feast was something beyond anything I had seen in any Buffet or any lavish wedding Gatherings or restaurants. It was absolutely incredible."
"Who made this shirt man this ain't got nothing to do with Hey Hardy baby get me [__] up this just fly I don't even know the name [__] I seen them in the store and I caught five of them at 200 a pop you [__] do that you did."
"I'm gonna fly to Vegas once a month and I'm staying in their nicest [__] hotel room and I'm not gonna pay for it."
"He would ride down the street and throw $50,000 out the window."
"Bling until your heart's content."
"Special occasions demand special things," she said, and hurried off in the direction of the dining room.
"Wilde was affluent, he showed off, he disdained prudence, he delighted others, and he delighted himself."
"What's not to love? It's completely over the top."
"This is the most incredible Vegas-esque platter of sashimi and sushi I've ever seen."
"Love is emotional, but not only is love emotional. Love is extravagant. It spares no expense."
"I think it's fabulous in its excessiveness."
"The prophets from a single movie could have funded the construction of 11 complete replicas of the Titanic."
"It's just really expensive, just to be fancy."
"I want a magical wedding. I want it to be over the top and extra just like me."