
Public Information Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"I think if it's public information, they have a right to ask for it, and I can give it to them. They do with it what they want."
"Its purpose is to inform, not to alarm. You will witness a series of events reported by the evening news on television."
"The public should make their own determination. That's really what we are foundationally about as IGs: putting out information and letting the public, an educated and informed public, read them and make their own decisions."
"The media has to find a difficult balance between informing the public and not becoming numb to the shock value of certain statements."
"The media has a responsibility to use the information that is available to them to report that information and to explain it to the public."
"The news should not be for profit. The news should be to inform US citizens of things that we need to know in our daily life."
"The backpack and notebook... it's very interesting that they released those. What's there and not the rest of the items in the backpack?"
"There are a lot more people infected than the government reported... 100%."
"What CNN is doing here is not properly informing citizens of what's been done in their name."
"First, I've always started by telling New Yorkers the facts before my opinion."
"We funded the research, so it's our right to know everything."
"I think we are not being told the whole story."
"Nearly 2 million people have died, their families deserve to know the truth."
"The provision of accurate bad news should be seen as a valuable service."
"I find it very odd to see journalists calling for censorship. I think we're at a place in history where there's probably a lot of fear because of the access that now the public has to information."
"They were gay. You don't have to google it anymore, guys. They were gay."
"I'm here to file a foil request, Freedom of Information law request."
"Freedom of Information Act: promoting transparency."
"It's becoming more and more acceptable... people are more comfortable to talk about it."
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Let it all be made public. We need to know everything; there can be no secrets here."
"And we've really been using those briefings to inform the American public about the changes that are being made."
"I call on the cabinet office to allow Mr. Hancock to write an appendix for his book containing the redacted passages on the lab leak theory."
"The American public has a need to know and a right to know."
"People didn't take the time to properly inform themselves before weighing in."
"We think you have the right to know about this stuff as timely as we can make it available to you."
"Communicating critical risk and event information to all communities and countering misinformation is crucial."
"The American people need to know, in clear terms, how did this happen? Because that will impact holiday travel."
"Ordinary people using the Freedom of Information Act are the ones that often uncloak all kinds of interesting things about the government."
"Thank you for continuing to keep the American public informed about what's going on."
"You think about the kind of intelligence that the White House was putting out publicly declassifying in the early days."
"I just want to point out that if it wasn't for independent journalists like this channel...the majority of people would not know that was happening."
"We know the mainstream media has so as we go into breaking and kind of go into the next half hour here I'm curious are we on a path for confirmation or on a path for disclosure because that's the big drawing line."
"There's so much misinformation out in the world right now and not just about vaccines."
"Google Kamala Harris record and then these the things that came up."
"Let me close by saying this: the vote we're going to have here is a clear choice of whether we are going to feed the beast of ignorance or we are going to tell the truth to the American people."
"If news outlets were responsible, they would run continuous like a dashboard continually updated data on things like crime rate and greenhouse gas emissions and extreme poverty."
"The coroner revealing that his beautiful daughter was sadly strangled to death."
"The Biden Administration has taken...to really determine what types of information the American public gets."
"It's the FBI confirming that Brian Laundry is deceased."
"What data does Pfizer have on this new bivalent vaccine? Clinical trials? No, not yet."
"Medical knowledge should not be the guarded secret of a select few but should be freely shared by everyone."
"The very nature of elected government is an informed public capable of criticizing things they don't understand."
"Your reportage with the rebel has actually being the number one source of information for a lot of Brits and fans of Tommy around the world who simply couldn't rely on the mainstream media."
"Social media is doing great, spreading truth messages instead of just personal information."
"The public has a right to know what has happened here and why."
"What information were they privy to when they were telling the public?"
"You can't call yourself a journalist if you have information and don't make it public."
"Americans have a moral right to know the answers."
"It's actually stated on their public website that you can unlock over fifteen hundred dollars in free benefits."
"The public has a right to know, they have a right to have these documents unsealed."
"Lee Fang is doing what journalists are supposed to do: convey difficult, challenging, truthful information to the rest of us so that we can make informed decisions for ourselves."
"You can be virtuous just by sitting at home and watching a press conference at 11:00 a.m. every day."
"Broadcast networks should run the press conferences but be ready to fact-check in real time."
"If an organization portrays itself as balanced but is not it should be labeled to inform the public."
"I urge Fox News to order Carlson to cease propagating the big lie on his network and to level with their viewers about the truth."
"I like the fact that you're digging into this and I think it's like the behind-the-scenes story like people need to know."
"It's extremely important to note that certain aspects of the story are verifiably true."
"The press has ignored a ton... but Just the News filed a Freedom of Information Act to find out what that was all about."
"The public deserves more clarity about the pandemic's early days."
"It's really silencing people...about one of the most important issues for the public to know about right now."
"Reporters are people who are paid to find out what government is doing and tell you about it so democracy can continue."
"Most of us don't want to live in a world where our government withholds critical factual information from social media entities."
"Important to remember: Pages public, remainder still classified. Plus Cruz."
"The IRS just released a couple of days ago that money is now going to be going out."
"The report is available, and I know it's been available to you because your spokesperson has commented on it." - Activist
"I love synthesizing all of that data and then going out with the best that we can to explain to people what's happening."
"There's been no official statements about this."
"Thank you for telling us the truth and how sad people don't know whether they got it or not." - Tracy
"I feel like that would help so much. It's just such a small change but people I feel like they deserve to really know how this change works."
"You might want to write this down as of May 12th when this program opens, you would go to the website get emergency broadband.org."
"I keep people informed, that's my mayor." (Repeated for emphasis)
"Massachusetts reports first case of monkey pox in the U.S. this year."
"I will get all the honest answers and they will be shared with all of you, honestly."
"The press totally ignored the new charges against Hunter Biden."
"Is the FBI finding out about crime the same way I am?"
"They were asking the media in Ireland was asking people not to share the video or pictures of the perpetrator and so in that circumstance they're hiding the ethnicity of this person entirely."
"Florida currently has a 50-year low in its crime rate."
"I am five seven apparently according to Wikimedia."
"Good news: it's so good to finally get a health warning that is useful."
"...the press and the public had a right to know."
"We effectively provided information into the public sphere to demonstrate that it was going to occur."
"I'm very happy to publish all the details of the Randox contract."
"Everything that I'm about to tell you all was meant to be told to the public."
"I ask the media just print the facts, people want to know facts, not skewered testimony, not lies, not interpretations, just the facts."
"You can't keep murder out of the newspapers."
"It's necessary to do something to provide honest, complete evidence information to the general public."
"To inform the police must in the long run mean to inform the public."
"Everything needs to be out there in the open so people can assess this for what it is."
"How can you call yourself a lawman and think that there can possibly be anything wrong in this whole world with making the law public?"
"External destination displays can be incredibly useful for telling people that a train just pulled up is going where you want it to."
"These are public records and they are supposed to be open for inspection."
"We'll put politics aside, we'll take the muzzle off our experts so the public gets the information they need and deserve: honest, unvarnished truth."
"It seems obviously beneficial for the public to be hearing from the so-called experts."
"In the semi-strong form, people are able to digest the publicly available information and quantify its impact on the stock price."
"This information was publicly available; however, it would be impossible for a member of the public to get their hands on enough nuclear fuel to enrich it to a significant amount."
"It's ideal for public sourced information and things that are aggregated."
"We should have a right to vote on this and not to have this information exempted from the public view."
"The JSON web token... allows us to expose the public information and still maintain the validity of the token."
"Americans can handle the truth. We deserve to know the truth on vaccine safety, COVID origins, the Hunter Biden story, or corruption on any side of government."
"Whether in an emergency or in the course of routine business matters, the success of government efforts to effectively communicate with members of the public depends on the widespread and non-discriminatory availability of accurate, timely, and vital information to the public."
"It's important that all of you know that if a person is found not guilty by reason of insanity, that person will be not freed."
"We must find out the facts, give the public a clear explanation."
"We are doing everything we can to provide regular and constant information to the American people."
"I see a lot of misinformation being spread out there, and I want to make sure I clarify some things for you."