
Political Importance Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"We face possibly the most consequential election in modern history, not just for America but the world."
"Every election between now and when we expire is the most important election of our lifetimes."
"Protecting our democracy is of the utmost importance."
"The safety of our kids depends on whether this man is re-elected."
"Georgia is one of the key states that Mr. Trump would need if he is in fact nominated and wants to win the White House in 2024."
"This election is the most important in our lifetime."
"To the Republicans who say Ukraine doesn't matter to us, you're wrong, respectfully, you're wrong."
"This just may be the most important hearing that I've attended in my seven years in Congress."
"Your local elections matter far more than your national elections on a day-to-day basis."
"Elections matter. The American people's votes matter."
"I mean what he wrote in that letter was very clear. He said, 'The filibuster is a critical tool to protecting that input and our democratic form of government.'" - Roman Balmikov
"We care about the president but it actually matters who your Governor is it matters who your mayor is."
"The future of free and fair elections in our country that are on the ballot."
"Political speech is indispensable to a free Society."
"What would Britain be like today without the National Health Service? Its existence is beyond political debate."
"This is the most important election of your lifetime."
"The Democratic budget resolution is transformational; it's probably the most significant single piece of legislation that we have seen certainly in decades." - Chuck Schumer
"It's important that we talk... so that we know this race is important for North Carolina and for the nation."
"The vaccine is by far the most important thing in British politics right now."
"This is the most important election of our times."
"Why Ohio is so important too because if you look at elections Ohio is one of those states that tip elections."
"There is no worse policy to get wrong than energy."
"As an anarchist I think that is incredibly important."
"Bernie Sanders is essential in every way, shape, and form."
"There's nothing domestically more important than voting rights."
"Preventing election subversion... is maybe one of the most important challenges we face."
"The future of democracy could be on the line."
"The role of the opposition in this national emergency is absolutely critical."
"We believe that improving security at the Capitol, protecting all elected officials, is of the utmost importance."
"We live in a republic. Speech is not just one aspect of the political order. It's the whole damn thing."
"This election is crucial and that is why I am running for re-election."
"I really do believe that Canadian politics are important internationally, not just domestically."
"There are moments in history when it really matters who's in power."
"There's not going to be more important bill that deals with democracy in our lifetime."
"This is the election of your lifetime, the midterm election of your lifetime."
"Mike Pence versus Kamala Harris in the VP debates will be more important than ever before."
"It just feels like it's all been leading up to this election."
"We are getting very close to the 100-day sprint. It is almost 100 days until the most important election of our lifetime."
"This is the most important election in the modern history of this country."
"This is a district that's 41% African American, and it is critical for us to have a voice."
"Stuff like Economic Policy like it matters border policy matters International policy matters all of this stuff it really really really tax policy thank you very much it matters so all this stuff matters."
"Our democracy really hangs on the thread of these January 6th hearings and hangs on justice for January 6th and ensuring that something like that can never happen again."
"This case goes to the heart of our democracy."
"Rural voices are critical to an America that's functioning."
"Your vote matters, and if it didn't matter, they wouldn't be trying so hard to prevent you from voting in the first place."
"The European project can't survive without France... after all this was a project of reconciliation back in my 1950 ISM."
"2024 is a more important election than 2020 was."
"The election matters a lot... this midterm is probably going to be just as important as the election that we had."
"The story matters because it's not just about two men... it's about the future of our Republic and the principles that we stand for."
"The presidency has such a great importance in terms of what we're doing."
"This is the most important election in the history of the United States."
"This is the most important election I've ever lived through."
"If they can do that, they will be voting with the motion to proceed which again it's just the motion to proceed but it's actually a very very big vote." - Explanation of the voting process
"November is coming, and this midterm is perhaps the most important in a century."
"There is no right more critical to the functioning of our democracy than the right to vote."
"This is the most consequential election in US history because it will change the direction of our country."
"You can't underestimate how important this race is in showing where the country's going."
"Politics should not be what drives you. They should not be the all-encompassing factor in your life."
"All Americans should value constitutional protections like the electoral college."
"I think this midterm election is going to be very important because I do think it's all going to be about the 2024 elections."
"It makes the election for the house and the senate more important than any we've seen in our lifetime."
"These coming elections... are the most important elections."
"North Carolina is essentially a must-win state if President Trump wants to stay in the White House."
"Pence is not just another witness... the coup plotters viewed Pence as their desired MVP."
"I think it's the most crucial issue right now in the United States."
"This is a watershed moment... November 2022 is every bit as important as the Constitution of the United States."
"Politics is a life or death situation and governs every sort of facet of people's well-being."
"This is the most important election of our time."
"This is the most important midterm election of our lifetime."
"America is on the ballot and that's why we need to show up."
"Minority communities are pivotal to democratic victories."
"This election is about the kind of country that we're going to leave our children and our grandchildren." - Highlighting the significance of the election for future generations.
"This election is critical to our democracy. Unless we get this fascist out of the White House, we're not going to have a democracy."
"Understanding how to speak to those priorities is going to be critical if Democrats want to hold power in 2022."
"So much of this comes down to voting rights."
"Literally, your life is on the ballot. Absolutely."
"In a race likely to be determined by small margins... every vote counts."
"This election may not seem important but in hindsight it would have completely changed the direction of history."
"Most important election perhaps in the history of our country."
"Local elections matter. Lots of attention is always on presidential races, but these are crucial as well."
"The next four months may well be the most important four months in the history of the United States of America."
"This period is so consequential for a lot of political actors."
"Listen, this is one of the most important elections in the nation."
"I think this VP pick is the most critical element of the presidential race."
"What happens in this town really, really matters."
"Our federal system... local governments matter, who your mayor is, who your county commissioners are, that matters."