
Religious Love Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"What drives you to work and gets you through the day is pursuing the love of Allah."
"The Quran came down as an act of Allah's love."
"God loves everybody, God helps everybody, God has mercy on everybody, God heals everybody, God opens doors for everybody."
"Jesus loves all of us, His mercy endureth forever."
"Your love for Israel and your heart towards them, like Paul's heart for their salvation, is still available through the mercies of Jesus Christ."
"Jesus measures his love for us based on our love for his word."
"Love is loving the Father with all your heart, soul, and man."
"They want to love the prophet. That love that is our means to Jenna, that love that's going to bring sha on the day of judgment."
"The sign of loving Allah is that you love people."
"Love like the way Christ said you should love, men love most of you."
"Whatever label you want to put on us...we love God."
"Religion is to love your nearly unconditionally. This is the religion that our father mother God preaches."
"Your greatest love on this planet is the love of Christ."
"He likes me, He loves me so much that He died for me."
"God loves you, you should love Him back because He alone is worthy."
"Falling in love with Jesus is the best thing I've ever done."
"To know him is to love him, and to love him is to serve him."
"Jesus loves her more than her mother, more than her father, more than any lover, more than any husband will ever love her."
"It wasn't nails that held Jesus to that cross, it was love for you."
"God loves Jesus He loves all the prophets very much."
"True peace is rooted and grounded in the love of the Father."
"God is love, and His grace frees us from bondage."
"What held Him to that cross is His love for you and me. Staggering, staggering thing."
"We love your word and we want to stir that up more and more."
"How could you love Jesus and not love someone else because of their race..."
"For God so loved the world that He didn't loan His Son to you, He gave His Son to you."
"Jesus is madly in love with you, desperately in love with you."
"Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world."
"We love Him because He first loved us." - 1 John 4:19
"How can I help people feel that love that the Savior has for them?"
"God understands everything, bro. That's true love."
"Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your presence. We love you."
"God loves me so the reason why I love God because He first loved me."
"Franciscans are probably the easiest to love in the Church because they're just so devoted to living the Gospel."
"So how do you respond? You're supposed to give a reply to the love that God's giving you. So how do you respond? With love."
"We preached about the love of God, we sang about the love of God, and we loved on one another."
"God loves people, and that's what this whole gospel is based on: love."
"Charity is love of God and love of neighbor for the sake of God."
"Our Heavenly Father loves you unconditionally."
"I love you both for the sake of Allah. I've learned so much from both of you."
"The love of Christ for the believer is a Divine love, even unto death."
"Let's get healed... and then they will know us by our love."
"I love you, but Jesus loves you more."
"So hasta la vista baby all right guys we love you and remember Jesus loves you more peace."
"You must love God with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your mind, and all your strength."
"Remember Jesus loves you and I love you too peace."
"Jesus loves people and when's the church going to understand we've got to love people like Jesus loved people."
"You shall love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength."
"Amazing love, how can it be? You sent your son to die for me."
"For God loved the world so much, He gave His only son, so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
"Lord, thank You for being so good and loving us so much. You saved us all by dying on the cross."
"It's love God and love your neighbor right here."
"Love God and love your neighbor; what does it mean to love God? It means you keep the first four. What's the definition of loving your neighbor? It's the last six."
"I began to fall in love with Shabbos."
"Jesus still loves his church, all flawed and sinful and whacked out."
"You shall love God with all your heart."
"You shall love God with all your heart, with all your strength; He will purify you from your sins."
"We love God, we love each other, and we have an awesome marriage."
"We love these prophets and if you truly love these prophets and claim these prophets, then you have to know more about them."
"You shall love the Lord your God with all in your heart, with all of your soul, love God with all of your might."
"We love Allah and we love Allah's messenger, but these two loves are different."
"They do so with a warmth and enthusiasm born out of a shared love of their slain Imam."
"I knew God loved me and I loved him."
"Jesus loves you, you know what I'm saying?"
"We love Jesus; Jesus our great messenger."
"If you're in love with Jesus, you're always in Him; it ain't like you depart from Him because He never leaves us and He never forsakes us."
"His love for us, that's what kept him up on that cross."
"I love Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is our messiah."
"How deep the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure, that he would give his only son to make a wretch his treasure."
"I love God, I love Jesus, my savior."
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and might. Love your neighbor as yourself."
"The love of the brothers brought glory and praise to Jehovah's name."
"Love for the Lord of glory... was the actuating principle of his conduct, love the motive power."
"Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, He loves you so much, He paid the price for me and for you."
"Every single person of iman loves Medina."
"We love you Father, Abba, we love you Lord Jesus, we love you Holy Spirit."
"Authentic love is truly Jesus Christ on the cross."
"You gotta love God with all your heart, love your neighbor as you love yourself."
"You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength."
"And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments."
"If you love Allah, then you want to understand Him."
"Solomon loved the Lord, that was the summary of his life."
"Father God, I love you. Jesus, I believe in you."
"We love Jesus. That's what it's all about, man."
"You see, Jesus loves us so much that he wants to save us."
"It wasn't the nails that held Jesus on the cross; it was his love for fallen man."
"Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and to love each other as I have loved you."
"Yes, Jesus loves me; the scripture says so."
"Jesus Christ loves you so much, he was willing to die than live without you."
"The love of Jesus Christ for his people is stronger than any of these and indeed stronger than all of them put together."
"This is the love of the Gospel, the loving Gospel of Jesus Christ."
"I love Jesus and I love his Commandments."
"All of us are in Christ Jesus and we are so special to Him and He loves us so, so, so very much."
"I love the church, I love the body of Christ, I love church people."
"Jesus loves you; it's really good."
"Jesus loves you more than anybody could possibly love you on this Earth."
"There is no greater love than the love Jesus has for us and that God has for us."
"We love you, Lord, we love you with all of our hearts, with all of our minds, with all of our souls."