
Ancient Greece Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"The Parthenon is often claimed to be a symbol of ancient Greece, democracy, and Western Civilization."
"The idea would have been balance. The Greeks were very much concerned with the proper golden mean in every aspect of life."
"It was really just a bunch of Greek competitions that were all about testing physical limits."
"The ancient Greeks took this a step further. They not only believed that the heart contained a person's soul but that it had a functional mechanism within the human body."
"When we think of ancient Greece, this is the image that most of us have in mind: Parthenon in Athens. This is where the blueprint for Western Civilization received its first draft."
"Philosophy and science, art and architecture, democracy itself have their roots here, and they're all embodied in the serene lines of one of the most famous buildings in the world."
"Imagine, if you will, that you're walking down the streets of Athens 24 centuries ago, give or take."
"The ancient Greeks, you know, they left us this treasure trove of ideas about how to lead the good life."
"Know thyself, the most perhaps the most important dictum in ancient Greek philosophy."
"Lucian wrote stories that would be appealing to his main readership, namely the educated upper class of Greece."
"For it was here, 25 centuries ago, in the rocky hills of this city, that a new idea emerged: Demokratia."
"Pythagoras's teachings have influenced the philosophies of Aristotle, Plato, and through them, Western philosophy itself."
"Music played an important part in almost every aspect of ancient Greek life."
"Plays were thought to be a connection between mortals and gods."
"Olympia: a sacred site that shaped the ancient world and continues to inspire for millennia."
"The ancient Temple dedicated to Zeus Cassius: Uncovering layers of historical importance."
"Nobody did it like the ancient Greeks, and I mean nobody. Ancient Greeks would wipe using broken pieces of ceramic!"
"The Parthenon: a 23,000 square foot Temple held up by 69 marble columns."
"The most difficult part of the journey was the last part, getting the marble up a 302-foot slope."
"For centuries, sophisticated Greeks had viewed the mountainous kingdom of Macedonia as a backwater, hicksville - barely Greek at all."
"Assassin's Creed Odyssey brings ancient Greece to life with its dense cities, bustling marketplaces, and realistic landscapes."
"Render back from out thy breast A remnant of our Spartan dead! Of the three hundred grant but three To make a new Thermopylae!"
"Demosthenes initiated the speech with scathing criticism not of Philip, but of his own countrymen."
"From the decipherment of their written language, we know now as Linear B, we can tell that they did indeed speak a version of Greek."
"Socrates was either born in 469 or 470 B.C.E. in a Greek village located a twenty-minute walk away from Athens."
"The statue of Zeus at Olympia was the physical representation of their God on Earth."
"Athens’ strategic interest in Thrace was focused on two primary regions."
"Ancient Greek philosophy is incredibly influential."
"Andros, an esteemed wizard of ancient Greece, gained widespread Acclaim for his extraordinary feat of summoning a Patronus of unprecedented size."
"The Greeks were most likely the most creative, innovative civilization of all times."
"Perhaps the essential fact about ancient Greece that plays a part in the Iliad is that the greatest value men had was that of glory."
"The Darvini Papyrus is the only papyrus text to survive from ancient Greece itself and it's the oldest manuscript ever found in Europe."
"But among these none more represented the ideal hoplite than the 300 hundred handpicked soldiers who defended the king."
"She does not pretend the past is like the present, or that the people of ancient Greece were just like us; she shows us this strangeness, discerning, challenging our values, piquing our curiosity."
"There was a time when ancient Greeks dominated the battlefields of the eastern Mediterranean."
"How did Classical Greece achieve its golden age? What explains the remarkable confluence of so many outstanding individuals in one era?"
"Alexander knew that he was needed in Greece to crush the revolt personally."
"Ancient Greece was the beginning of a new conception of the value of the individual."
"Individualism stems from ancient Greece."
"Plato does not believe in human equality neither did Aristotle neither did anybody else among the ancient Greeks the Romans didn't believe in equality either except in a very attenuated sense."
"The Antikythera mechanism: an ancient Greek computer that predates the age of Jesus."
"The Boeotians and their allies march into the Peloponnesus."
"The origins of logic can be traced back to the works of Aristotle, who lived during the golden age of Greek culture in the 4th century BC."
"Before the rise of Christianity, Zeus's myth captivated the Greek world."
"Callicratidas died fighting his enemies for the glory of his alliance."
"Legends of ancient Greek Gorgon Medusa."
"Did the ancient Greeks encode a message in the Minotaur myth?"
"Every Cornerstone of our very own democracy can find its roots in the civilization of ancient Greece."
"The ancient world didn't have an exclusive word for werewolf, the Greeks discussed exclusively men who turn into wolves as lycos."
"Although he would have been considered a humble craftsman in the context of Athenian society, the recognition and painstaking identification of his paintings now allows him to take a well-deserved place among the finest artists of ancient Greece."
"This preserved Athenian culture, and with so many of our modern values tracing their roots to ancient Greece."
"You might consider that this was a completely crazy thing to attempt in ancient Greece."
"The Greeks were very much into mathematics as a way of explaining the world and explaining music in particular."
"Another civilization that originated in Eurasia... is ancient Greece."
"We owe theater, literature, medicine, and politics to the ancient Greeks."
"The most democratic feature of any Greek polis... is selecting citizens by lot to hold important offices."
"This is a style that does not model itself on anything that comes from ancient Rome or ancient Greece."
"Even the ancient Greek world had sacred springs at their temples and their most holiest of places, like Delphi."
"I remember that the gods appeared in ancient Greece as mortals, and I hold my breath and let the wonder in."
"Possibly the most famous mythological monster is the minotaur of ancient Greece, a half-human half-bull creature trapped within a labyrinth on Knossos."
"Parmenides is recorded to have only written one work which we have come to know as On Nature."
"Built almost 2,500 years ago, its advanced architectural details continue to amaze us today."
"Construction of the Parthenon began in 447 BC during what would be known as the Golden Age of Athens."
"The Greeks were fundamentally misunderstanding the ancient Greeks."
"The origins of these notions [democracy, oligarchy, Constitution, Republic] are found in Greece."
"Reason, not faith, instinct, intuition, or revelation, philosophy itself was the product of that first great period in human history: ancient Greece."
"Ancient Greece was like a torrent spreading forth such wealth of knowledge that its consequences were not exhausted to this day."
"Throwing an apple at someone in ancient Greece was done to declare one's love."
"Weep that's your answer from the skians."
"The ancient greeks were obsessed with the mysteries, not just with incubation but prophecy and oracle."
"In ancient Greece, philosophers made early attempts to understand the universe."
"Her name is Hestia, Zeus's sister, and she's the goddess of the home, the Hearth, and the sacred fire."
"The ancient Greeks thought circles were the most perfect shape."
"The earliest known version of ice cream dates way back to ancient Greece."
"The greatest thing about ancient Greeks is their love for life."
"It came from a story that I read where I learned that in ancient Greece at one of the symposia, the subject of human angst came up."
"The ancient Greeks had what I'm going to call a qualitative view of the physical universe."
"Among these ancient ruins is Olympia, where the first Olympic Games were hosted in honor of Zeus."
"It's the year 478 BCE, and an interesting embassy of various diplomats presents itself to the Athenian Assembly."
"He ran the full 40 km in armour exclaimed before the Assembly 'We've won!' and promptly died of exhaustion."
"What is Ostracism? Well for those who don’t know ostracism was an Athenian way of getting rid of people who might be aspiring to overthrow the democracy."
"The first glimmerings of the Greek democratic state, or pólis, began to appear."
"The peripteral temple emerged in the 6th c. BC, and it came to be surrounded by colonnades, or ptera."
"The proportions encrypted in the Parthenon in Athens are an example of the use of proportional means."
"In the direct democracy of Athens, Assembly voters voted on each item debated, rather than platforms bundling several issues."
"The Assembly was where every Athenian citizen could voice their opinion regardless of rank or status."
"When the Athenians built the Parthenon 2500 years ago, one of the stone carvers left a record of his passion."
"Ancient Greece is fascinating because of the mythology, the culture, and the almost tribal-like inter-city conflict that erupted."
"The Greeks believed that their polis system, due to its self-sufficiency, was the best social and political structure."
"They use geometry and taught Pythagoras the Greek mathematician all of his theorem."
"By the year 500 BC, here in the city of Athens, the Greek people were laying the foundations of what we know as Western Civilization."
"Temples to Asclepius were built all across Greece, and you could basically think of these as ancient hospitals."
"The silver mines at Laurium were worked by slaves. Their sweat and toil had helped to produce the golden age of Greece, which made Athens the most glorious city of the ancient world."
"Just the fact that the ancient Greeks had an automated calendar for the stars is remarkable."
"In ancient Greek, cosmos was the opposite of chaos."
"The Cult of Dionysus was one of the preferred cults in ancient Greece due to its encouragement of copious wine drinking."
"The sanctuary complex found on the island of Kithnos was the place locals went to give praise to the goddess of the earth."
"That coin could have actually been used or touched by Plato."
"Greek literature, art, religion, and philosophy were all absorbed into Roman culture."
"The ancient Greeks knew only five planets of the solar system besides the Earth."
"We live with ancient Greece every day. We live with ancient Greece politically and emotionally. We live with it, as well, architecturally."
"The ancient Greeks called it 'Thebai,' the city of a hundred gates, and it became known to the classical writers as 'Thebes.'"
"We're learning so much about the history of not only this area but the whole of ancient Greece."
"If I was Socrates walking in Athens in the 5th Century BC and I looked up in the sky and saw Seven Stars, I have no reason to believe that there are any more stars in the sky."
"The most important literary dialect that was flourishing at the time was the classical attic dialect."
"What is Athena's favorite animal?"
"The Parthenon was the greatest temple of its age, a wonder of the ancient world."
"He was the god of intelligence, he invented clear the pipes, the musical scale, astronomy, weights, measures, boxing, gymnastics."
"The Greeks held all sorts of poetry contests; they were way into it. It was a big part of the artistic culture of ancient Greece."
"After this world wasn't necessarily the nicest place for the Greeks; that's why this life mattered to many of the Greeks much more."
"To win the war, Athens has to build an army to defeat the Spartan army."
"The body of the Statue of Zeus was covered in ivory, and his clothes in gold."
"Under Pericles, a new Parthenon was built, honoring Athena."
"The Gates of Athens captures what I feel that Greek world, what I want to feel when I'm reading a book about ancient Greece."
"Below the Acropolis was the Greek Agora or the meeting or marketplace."
"The Greeks building their religious structures on the Acropolis and then down below the meeting and marketplace."
"Music was one of the four subjects without which the ancient Greeks thought we could never develop properly."
"The tomb of an ancient soldier... gives unprecedented insight into the lives of the people who were the first to become an organized society in Greece."
"By 560 or 50, the temple of Apollo was constructed and this was the greatest monument the Corinthians were able to produce."
"It's set in ancient Greece with Gods and Monsters, and it's all so real."
"Plato once wrote of his fellow Greeks that they lived around the Mediterranean like frogs around a pond."
"Music in the times of the ancient Greeks was considered as a mathematical art."
"We always knew that some of the people of ancient Greece lived in wealth and opulence."
"The Mycenaean age lasts from about 1600 to 1100 BCE."
"Ancient Greece, the birthplace of Western civilization, for over 1,000 years."
"This strong and charismatic people devised the most advanced technological feats the world had ever seen."
"Feats of engineering so amazing, the ancients believed they had been built by the gods."
"These technological wonders were fueled by leaders whose thirst for greatness united a people and launched them to the heights of empire."
"These ruins show us that not only were these early Greeks master builders, but they were capable of some amazing engineering feats."
"Miletus is the birthplace of Greek science."
"One of the major developments in ancient Greece was that the Greek people steadily expanded out of mainland Greece."
"The first written account of the legend came from the ancient Greek philosopher Plato."
"Theater was central to ancient Greeks - The communal sharing of stories was centered around the annual celebrations of the god Dionysus."
"The earliest celebrations involved participants from the community - men and women - gathering at the base of a hill singing what was called Dithyramb in honor of Dionysus."
"The sanctuary of Despotico was so much more than just a religious complex."
"The king of Persia sent envoys to the Greek city-states asking for 'earth and water'."
"For the ancient Greeks, Dionysus was an irrepressible life force that gave humans energy."
"In the year 440 BC, Greek historian Herodotus wrote a book about the history of the world."
"The Oracle was actually a priestess of Apollo named Pythia."
"The Venus de Milo is one of the most recognized pieces of sculpture on earth, probably the most recognized piece of ancient Greek sculpture."
"The myth of Hercules is that his labors took him through the vast ancient Greek world."
"Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Syracuse, Delphi, Thebes, and Rhodes are some of the most well-known city-states of Greece's ancient past."
"In art and architecture, in poetry and prose, in drama and philosophy, 5th century BC Athens led the world's first great experiment in intellectual humanism."
"The Greeks were said to treat those in mourning with a substance called Nepenthe, an antidepressant known to chase away sorrow."
"The earliest poets wrote of many-fountained Ida, the mother of wild beasts."
"If you want something that's not strictly historical fiction but is in a historical ancient Greek setting, please read Madeleine Miller's books."
"The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote that it took 20 years to build and required the labor of 100,000 men."
"It was the largest temple in the Peloponnese and was considered by many to be the perfect example of Doric architecture."
"Coins from this area are so detailed that people back in ancient Greece thought of the coinage as a gift from the gods."
"The Peace of Callias. This is about as debated a subject as there is in the history of ancient Greece."
"For centuries, Greek philosophers had tried to explain what the universe was made of."
"The notion of our Supreme Court... is taken directly from the Council that Solon set up."
"Many schools of philosophy rose to prominence in ancient Greece; they espoused a range of philosophical positions, styles, and methods."
"Aristophanes, the greatest philosophical thinker of the ancient Greek world, I put my money on every time."
"The Parthenon stands as a large rectangular temple, its advanced archaeological detail still amazes today."
"So much of our modern world has been influenced by the ingenuity of the ancient Greeks."
"The Greeks are definitely the fathers of modern democracy."
"Oh goddess, accept our offering," she said and threw the drachma into the rainbow.
"The battle of Thermopylae was fought in 480 BCE between the Persians and the Greeks led by Sparta under King Leonidas."
"The ancient Greeks, renowned for their contributions to Western democracy, medicine, and culture, are notably recognized for their citizen soldiers, the Hoplites."
"The distinctive shield used by Tarantine Cavalry depicted on coins was shallow, allowing the cavalrymen to handle javelins and reins simultaneously without encumbrance."
"The Egyptian religion engendered science; the Athenian religion tradition protected itself from science of the Egyptian origin."
"The war stirred the imagination of ancient Greeks more than any other event in the history."
"This is a quote from Democratus who was an early Greek philosopher and is very well known for having postulated with others that materials are made of atoms."
"If you want to learn about ancient Greece, I can pick up the Odyssey or The Iliad, but in a world in which I can enter a virtual world... that is amazing."
"She sat down near the road, sad in her philon heart, at the well called Parthenion, where the people of the polis used to draw water."
"Olive oil became liquid gold and it poured prosperity into the Greek Islands."
"It's from the olive, this understanding of the potential of the Olive Tree and of the grapevine, these were fruits that made possible life itself."
"Once that civilization was established in Greece in ancient Greece, it gave birth to nothing less than wisdom itself."
"I think a lot of stuff written by ancient Greek philosophers is a good place to start."
"So that is a proof that Archimedes' method works."
"The Greeks called the planets 'wandering stars'."
"The majestic Concordia Temple dates back to 425 BC, it's one of the most well-preserved sanctuaries of ancient Greece."
"The majestic Concordia Temple is one of the most well-preserved sanctuaries of ancient Greece."
"Ancient Greece is something that I'm so interested in."