
Unexplained Events Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"In recent times, a series of peculiar events have left communities puzzled and with more questions than answered."
"Police officers, firefighters, airport managers, air traffic controllers, they're all baffled."
"Following a strange and unexplained death in Oxford, creepy surveillance footage of a hooded figure began to appear all over the city."
"I don't have any way to explain it other than there's some crazy [ __ ] going on."
"What do you make of these Mysteries and disappearances?"
"The Erie 1920s levitation photograph...a compelling piece of unexplained history."
"The Belmez faces: a remarkable case in the realm of unexplained phenomena."
"In the world of strange occurrences, few things are as weird as the Fresno nightcrawlers."
"Appliances and lights turned off and on by themselves."
"That's crazy! And indeed, turns out the phone wasn't even plugged in yet it rang, with nobody on the other side."
"It's highly unlikely, incredulous even, to believe that two very healthy siblings have suddenly died of natural causes."
"Everything and I mean, everything, people have documented. Doors being slammed so close to them where absolutely there's no other explanation."
"Throughout my three and a half year employment, I saw several things that I can't explain."
"Amazingly though there was nothing... the door still intact and if there was someone out there we couldn't see them."
"Could it be possible then that the Redditor's pets knew that something ghostly was roaming right outside the bedroom door?"
"Something happened that made them tear open the tent and they all ran."
"Unidentified flying objects emerging from or descending into the water."
"Many believe that extraterrestrial visitors may well be the reason for the vanishings."
"There aren't too many explosions throughout history that have been unexplained."
"The sightings look damn puzzling. They do not look easy to dismiss."
"The UFO appeared to maintain a consistent altitude but made rapid lateral movements."
"But at one point, it simply disappears from history without any clear mention of what happened to it."
"Unexplained fires break out... bruises scratches and burns."
"The footsteps came out of nowhere... as though someone was leaping from one point to another."
"This thing was just gone, no logical explanation."
"There's something like blowing at the very bottom."
"Cases often involve elevation changes, with people found at higher altitudes with no explanation."
"Here are top 15 most dangerous and unexplained videos natural phenomena in the world."
"The U.S. government has investigated UFOs many times over the years and more than once it's found things that it just can't explain."
"Paranormal is anything that is not scientifically explainable."
"I can't comment about Fort Knox area, but I've seen just a crazy amount of UFOs along the western edge of Tennessee into the western edge of Kentucky for about a decade."
"Strange things happen on set, things that cannot be logically explained as just coincidences."
"To this day, I still don't know how to explain what happened that night."
"So many crazy things would happen that I have absolutely no explanation for."
"Starting stop at number 10 is the Dyatlov Pass incident. On February 1st and 2nd, 1959, nine Russian hikers mysteriously died on the Euro Mountains."
"What takes all doubt away, at least for me, was that the bench was moved by OP for it to only be back in the original position under the window a week later."
"I'm 41 years old and I've had a life full of strange things that I cannot explain."
"I couldn't explain why it had happened, but I didn't care."
"Every single day things happen all around the world that defy conventional explanations."
"Events that defy conventional explanations."
"There was some weird [ __ ] that went down, right, some unexplainable things, exactly."
"There's only been one incident in my entire career that myself or my colleagues have not been able to fully explain."
"It's weird things that happen in life and it's just like things that you can't explain."
"The school had become a nexus of unexplained phenomena and spectral mysteries."
"The world is full of mysteries, from unexplained disappearances to phenomena that defies logic."
"Visitors and employees of the hotel have seen and witnessed things that they can't explain."
"Hear the stories of people who have gone through situations which they believe cannot be explained with critical thinking."
"I am on the fence about the existence of ghosts, but something happened that I really couldn't explain."
"For the past 40 years, campers and park rangers alike have reported a variety of unexplained phenomena."
"It was really strange, and we still talk about that night, how weird that was."
"These stories were sent in from subscribers just like you who have experienced things that they cannot explain."
"Reports of strange lights being seen in the sky, weird sounds with no explanations, and odd smells coming from the mountains."