
Filming Quotes

There are 1433 quotes

"This is actually the second time we're filming this."
"So we're here again, day two of filming, and we're able to use that to our advantage and have really nice color separation."
"This has made things so much better in terms of being able to maintain the tanks, get to them, film them."
"Now, all we gotta figure out is where we place the set."
"I have a constitutional right to film the police and law enforcement in the course of their duties."
"I know my right to film, and we all should, because when somebody says you can't film here, you go, 'Oh yes I can, I have the right to film, it's in public.'"
"The shoot was fantastic but required some stamina."
"We've already filmed a lot so far in this vlog with how quiet the attractions have been."
"I learned the hard way that you can't eat cheese curds and ice cream before filming."
"Little one more camera never hurts to have too many cameras."
"I want to show my mom me, me, I travel and I film my life."
"Family is always normally always filming whether it's actual cameras or on their phones."
"Speaking of the upcoming Ghostbusters film, according to reports actor Bill Murray is currently in Boston to shoot a spot for the upcoming film."
"Oh hell [ __ ] yeah that is take it with you it's glorious this is the one that goes behind the camera."
"Cars are the means to running the business." - Tim Burton
"The children's astonishment was legitimate in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory."
"You have the right to film the police in the course of their duty."
"We had over 10,000 people descend on our set over the course of three days filming this, it's going to be extraordinary."
"What law is it recording in public, man? What law is that?"
"I'm standing on a public footpath right, so let's get that clear. While I'm on a public footpath, I can film the company."
"21 days in a row of shooting, and I would not trade that for any other work experience I've ever had."
"It's very easy to film CRT once you understand the settings on your camera."
"Duvall later admitted that her time filming the movie had been hellish."
"If these 15 moments were not filmed, nobody would believe them."
"That's so important to have oh like behind the camera it's like it's my it it can make or break your skateboarding that day you know for sure."
"All the interior footage you just saw was captured by this tiny little camera."
"After filming was done, she went into the bathroom and cried for about 45 minutes."
"We are on set, and we are in a room, but one of the biggest reunions ever has taken place in this room."
"Let's get started, we used to film a lot of slime videos."
"Nothing beats going somewhere, filming it from a newer perspective, and the footage coming out better than the feeling of what it was like when you were there."
"Remember how excited I was about that open gate? Well, it also means that you have some flexibility in terms of anamorphic."
"I was helping him with some work for filming stuff and just talking to him was so just it was just so awkward."
"This was super fun to film, I actually had so much fun today you guys, meeting up with some new people, making new friends, kind of just like socializing because I really be in the house all the time."
"We're just burying evidence, facing nothing but still filming."
"The camera man was a little bit sus there, I can't lie."
"I forgot how hard that song was, bro that might be my new song I play before I start filming."
"I love when you see a video, you realize someone is filming, and then you zoom out to someone just walking by."
"Always film the police, it is your first amendment right."
"They filmed three hours of us together and they only used about 5 minutes."
"Zero tolerance policy towards racism during filming."
"I still have like a page and a half of notes and I've been filming for 30 minutes."
"This is a publicly funded library, so I have a right to film in here."
"We have the right to film police without transparency."
"So much of this was shot at one o'clock in the morning, we just had to get stuff finished."
"This one happened on my last pass which was like, this sucks. Like I literally, like I wasn't gonna say anything because I was like, he's probably filming something like a sketch or something. So I thought it was like a prop."
"Everybody looked like they were having the time of their lives filming that movie."
"The scene was captured perfectly on the first take."
"It will improve the rules and provide some much needed clarity about the legality of shooting videos in national parks and on other public lands."
"The vibes I feel right now filming this might be better than Sawgrass."
"Filming's not allowed in here without prior consent... freaking Todd, turn it off please."
"So I'm ready to give my review on the shoulder brace, and I'm going to give this a 4 out of 5 stars. I think that this was a super easy integration to my work life."
"Top Gun Maverick marks the first time ever that a rig of IMAX certified cameras were installed inside of a fighter jet."
"We're not stiff people, but we've tried to film this like three times."
"The second you turn on the camera, something's gonna show up."
"I want to film a bookshelf tour soon and I want them to look as nice as possible."
"I've never felt better filming. It's been a blast."
"It's official, I'm hyped. We're gonna film that video, yeah, no doubt."
"This is my incognito outfit to sneak in and make it look like I'm totally not filming a creepy YouTube video in here."
"I just brewed up a double batch of green tea and anticipation of filming this video but I'm drinking out of my tits."
"This is actually like my vacation because I never get a chance to just not film."
"Honestly, filming is actually so fun. Like, it's actually hella fun, bro."
"We wait one hour," she said. "No problems. We film."
"Unfortunately, there is no filming on the ride."
"Thank you so much for watching it, definitely took a while to film but who knows by the time I cut it down it may not be a long video."
"I'm a big fan of not filming strangers unless they're doing something super sick, you know what I mean?"
"Guys, I think this review read my mind. Helped me decide. I had to buy a Netflix subscription for this movie."
"We have the right to video record in a public place."
"Mistakes make you human, and it's okay if I film and we make a mistake because we do it right on the fly."
"You put everything together, they've shot about a page and a quarter out of the screenplay in a single day."
"Wow, as soon as I started filming, I just got like a burst of excitement and happiness. I've been feeling really good recently, you know."
"I'll be back next week so Daniel can put the camera in my face when I'm sleeping."
"I don't think I talked to you like I dunno I filmed a clip."
"It got thrown off because my plan was I'm gonna be with the boys during the video."
"Film with the rear cameras and the selfie cameras at the same time."
"I'm gonna try my best; Moses is gonna be on camera filming."
"It's a really unique experience, I'm so glad that I started filming myself planting four years ago."
"I'm sorry about not understanding about you having gonna be filming."
"If it hadn't been filmed, you would never believe such things are possible."
"I have had an amazing, amazing time filming this video."
"It's called Pirates of the Caribbean, so you don't want to shoot it in Long Beach; you want to shoot it in the Caribbean."
"Every day we would just brainstorm on what can we film, and it would be like, 'Well, what's something somebody's never seen?'"
"I'm so happy to be getting out and just filming some new bits and bobs."
"I'm just so excited to be out shooting again."
"It's pretty impressive now, technically you can film in 4K up to 100 frames per second."
"Flight time gives you more time to explore your location, prepare for recording, and get the shots you need."
"I love the sequences that I can get by switching between lenses to get different types of shots while my drone is in the air."
"I'm actually so excited to start filming with this."
"It looked amazing to film from because it was like on this beautiful little grass promontory that went out in the lake."
"We're gonna be filming some really cool things."
"This was filmed over the span of 5 months, so bear with me."
"Drea and Jamie Lynn both came a couple times together to shoot season five it was nice to see that they get along so good as good friends they they look like sisters."
"I've never seen Dan go, I thought he was trying to tell me to stop filming."
"That's how it happens, man, I wish I would have been filming this whole thing."
"I don't want to film anything in the basement; I want natural light everything."
"We shoot the season in one day. It moves so quick. We're 20 minutes for each episode. Next thing, turn it, do it, change me."
"That's the best video you can ever film."
"I just want to sprinkle more filming and documenting into my content"
"Filming the series at Lyndhurst has provided us the opportunity to interpret history in a much more visual and complete way."
"So filming that and being a part of it was a wonderful experience."
"I am often asked how long does it take to film one of these teardowns and that answer can vary wildly based on the type of engine I'm working on."
"...the way this was filmed and the homages to old horror movies that you could just tell the love that went into this movie."
"As I gear up for another day filming, I'm so grateful for my trusty UFO 3 by my side."
"I absolutely love traveling up and down and across the UK to film at some of these most astonishing historic houses."
"The people who film Deadliest Catch are also in great danger."
"The way that was filmed and done was so ominous and creepy."
"I think it'll be a nice way to get back into the swing of filming."
"Filming literally motivates me so much. It also just makes me feel better, takes my mind off things, but also it motivates me to get [ __ ] done."
"I am so so happy with the space and I thought that I would go ahead and film this now because we might be moving things are a little bit up in the air at the moment that I'm filming this"
"I'm really glad Mark and I decided to stop here after we were done filming the other stuff we were filming that day. It was a good way to spend a Saturday afternoon."
"You really want to think through what is happening with your subject or with the scene that you're filming, and then find a drone shot that's going to help tell that story."
"That entire scene is filmed right here and it's easily findable because of the word Blair in the scene in the movie."
"There are tons of ways you can film with the GoPro to get really unique and captivating shots."
"It's holiday season actually I'm filming this before Thanksgiving."
"When the pandemic hit, we were hanging out at my house a lot so we took advantage of filming every day."
"I had so much fun cooking and filming these recipes for you guys."
"I was just like psychologically, being followed around cameras all day, being in a lounge all day, I mean it's strenuous."
"I don't feel comfortable with it, but... As long as... You know, I'm not in the film. In your video. Then... I could still- I could film your voice, though."
"It's kind of faded into the background a little bit which is really... we're having that kind of experience on a shoot with a gimbal."
"Adding a gimbal gives you even more stable footage but also gives you more flexibility."
"The gimbal opens up the opportunity to do tracking where you can set the camera down and the gimbal on the camera will continue to move and track a subject."
"Every time I'm shooting whether the screen's horizontal or it's vertical it's always going to be capturing horizontal footage."
"Chevy Chase actually broke his pinky finger while filming that scene."
"We're going to be filming the house tour tomorrow and then also we have another fun video which is going to come with Family Fizz."
"People always say that my kitchen looks really clean it's because I film here every day."
"This could be a studio, whether you're looking to film or maybe you like recording music."
"I have just spent the past six days filming a solo Overland trip using this trailer."
"I'm gonna have a clip of me ready then I want to have a clip of me going into my bathroom."
"We're going to be filming all the haunted stuff that people are too afraid to do."
"Wow man, I'm just like wow man, like you can see the passion we're just filming videos."
"I'm super excited because this is actually the first time that I have filmed with Miguel and my sister together."
"Filming is really therapeutic for me and helps me stay calm during the process."
"We're gonna be filming something really special."
"This is a lot of fun to film. Please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down below to share your love and support. It really helps me out a lot."
"Tom Holland finished filming No Way Home just hot off the heels of wrapping the filming on Uncharted."
"Thank you so much for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed this adventure. This was the coolest thing ever to film. It really was. I've never filmed a structure this massive, this big, and this deep."
"People ran out. They used sprayers and air mortars to launch blood and guts on set."
"So yeah, my blush broke today, literally right before I started filming, so I'm not in the best mood."
"I film on the back camera and I always film in a reflection like in a mirror so I can see that I'm in frame and that it's recording, you know what I'm saying?"
"This is probably the last nice day that i'm gonna be able to drive any of these cars so i gotta film whatever i need to today."
"...you guys would always go get footage and you're always getting phenomenal Clips."
"I am so excited to film this video."
"Love, by this time next week, we are able to actually get started on, like, properly filming and using that space for what it is intended for."
"This is gonna be my first-ever office, my first-ever beauty filming room. Whatever you want to call it."
"Since we've started shooting, this is the best day of my life."
"It's been awesome... just so easy to film with your phone."
"The reality is you're going to film more if it's easy to film."
"So that's the end of our location shooting, and we are about to go into our last 100 days."
"I cannot tell you how excited I am to be filming this review."
"I only wish I could have filmed it."
"I'm so discombobulated by the time I sit down to film I can't even speak."
"I wish you wouldn't get this on film but"
"I went to the end of the line and I started to cut the line and take the reel, and I thought, 'You know what, we're filming a documentary here. We should actually document this part.'"
"Thank you to Logan for volunteering his body, self, and life with riding and filming both."
"Right here in this area, they filmed all the pool scenes, beginning and end."
"Feeling alone, Andrew takes out his camera and begins recording random people."
"What would it be funny if I told you that I've been filming this whole thing?"
"Jessica Hines' scene was filmed long before anything else and was the very first thing taped for the End of Time."
"...I thought that so much of the movie was filmed on location and pretty much every shot of it was filmed right here in Adams County Pennsylvania."
"This is why I love Brooklyn in particular. I love New York and I was very happy to be able to get the opportunity to film my special here."
"...the sake bar wrapped up our day of filming in Tokyo but we did make sure to schedule a few friendship non- filming days however..."
"Can you believe you're watching the finale? I can't believe I'm filming it."
"It's such a joy and a blast to shoot with."
"It's good to see these characters again and good on Harold Perrineau for coming back and filming so many of these."
"These are probably some of the rarest cars that I have ever filmed."
"We literally shot a scene from start to finish. I've never done anything like it and it feels like complete chaos."
"That was cute, I got some really good footage."
"The reason this thing worked is because they filmed it back to back and it was just lightning in a bottle."
"It can keep it consistent and it makes filming and photography possible on even really dark days."
"What I love about shooting Queens more than anything is just that there's so much family out here. You know, there's a closeness out here that I just don't get in the city."
"I had a really fun time filming. I hope you guys enjoyed this video."
"Number ten is slow motion. Now, beginners sometimes get carried away with slow motion because it looks so freaking cool."
"The GoPro necklace makes it so easy to do POV shots."
"I feel like I've been dreaming of filming this video for like my entire life."
"For my YouTube channel, at first, I did use my iPhone to film all."
"It's been one of the most magical filming location adventures we've ever done."
"I think the goal like you're saying is if you're watching something bad happen right which has been like the reoccurring theme of our conversation don't just film it yeah maybe don't just try to term it and like totally like you know maybe try to be part of the solution."
"Less of the camera and more of the lens guys, this is so important whenever you're filming like beauty related content."
"The stabilization is fantastic as well. You can shoot with this camera literally handheld, and it will stabilize your shot and almost make it look like it was shot on a gimbal."
"This isn't gonna be as well filmed as the coast-to-coast or Alaska series... because I don't have a crew to operate cameras for me... when it's time to learn I let the cameras roll and stop paying attention to them."
"Those caliber tricks, it's like bro, you guys, the filmers and photographers just need to be in the right place at the right time and capture that [expletive] because this is like snap, man."
"This might be the craziest thing I've ever filmed in my 20 years on YouTube."
"I don't know if you know this Nancy but your season and our season season 2 um cast it at the same time I think because we filmed back to back like the moment deep and I left the pods your season went right in."
"Anytime that the entire cast was in a scene together, I mean, all hell broke loose, the poor director completely lost any semblance of control that you might have had."
"The 5-in class drone is really great for freestyle and any action cinematic shots that you want."
"I attach the pocket free to a selfie stick and find that gives me better control."
"The gimbal has the ability to film in any app without the need to always go back to DJI Mimo to switch gimbal modes."
"Olivia deavin was here about a year or two before they filmed Gone With the Wind she became this Immortal Hollywood star after that but uh yeah here in this very remote part of staw County she was filming a movie just I think that's so incredible."
"Figured we should probably film a little bit of this so we can show our baby girl someday what we had to go through to get her here."
"I'm filming a surprise that you can't see until I think it's December 11th."
"I always get like paranoid [ __ ] like that cause I'll be filming I've been feeling like people are going to jump out of a car and jump me or something so I was chilling in my car."
"I gotta go, I'm still on camera, I gotta go."
"I usually don't film especially with my cell phone but I'm kind of excited about this deal."
"Just doing a bit of filming of the Royal Mail building."
"You can question but you can't stop me filming, mate."
"I was ready to film another one of these videos."
"We're going to check into the hotel now and that's where we're going to be filming."
"The only thing that's kind of keeping me sane in these crazy times that we're living in is doing this abandoned stuff and going out into forests and filming videos for y'all."
"It's hard to get into that mindset, but when I'm here and I'm filming it's a nice disconnect where I can just feel like I'm being with you guys."
"Let me tell you, shooting this is the most extreme [ __ ] I've ever done in my entire life."
"Knowing what's in your inventory of static cameras, human operated cameras, and remote control cameras, you determine your camera position based on what role you expect that camera to play."