
Divine Influence Quotes

There are 301 quotes

"I'm here on Earth because of some great people. I'm here on Earth because of God."
"Tata Deum...has you playing as a god, fighting for influence among other gods."
"No one can change the heart but God... He's interested in your heart."
"God really does make a difference; He will change your nature."
"The answer to the question of knowing how to recognize Elohim influence in your life...this is found in Galatians chapter 5 verses 16 through 26."
"Real and lasting change is a reflection of God's power through you."
"The Empress: rebirth, balance, and divine intervention."
"Certain prayers offered in faith have the ability to change the very mind of God."
"If you want to be marked by the presence of God, then the Spirit can't just be in you, He's got to be on you."
"To them, natural wonders were clearly the work of gods."
"If anybody's heart turns to God, God has turned the heart."
"Success is ultimately in the hands of Allah."
"A true work of the Holy Spirit will elevate the truth, exalt Christ, oppose Satan, point people to the Scriptures, and result in a love for God and others."
"The gods are influential themselves and it might be that relying on that role-playing of presenting your party as the emissaries of the gods or the champions of the Gods is an important Cornerstone of how you win people over in social interactions."
"Lord, what that means Trey is that your thought patterns will change."
"Small and simple means is many times how God carries forth his work."
"There's only one power, there is only one answer, and that is the power of the Holy Spirit."
"The Lord can turn even the hardest of hearts."
"It is love that wins everything divine love love of virtue."
"When God breathes on you, His breath brings life to you."
"Transform us, God, by the power of your word, in our thoughts, and our emotions."
"What matters is God's attitude, what He means by that term, and its effect upon all of us."
"I give the credit to the Holy Spirit of God."
"I'm just saying, all the good comes supernaturally."
"If the Holy Spirit is moving through somebody, humble yourself, because all your religious arguments go out the window."
"The Divine wishes to live through you and into the world, reaching into the hearts of many and igniting those hearts into greater."
"Everything that's happening... is really the work of God."
"You can make a difference by the decision you make, your destiny has been set by God."
"A life watered by God's presence is a life of fruitfulness."
"The power of the spiritual life is the Spirit of God filling us. Everything that we read about in the Bible only works if He prompts and energizes and empowers it to work."
"As soon as we forget Krishna, Maya gives dukkha."
"We observe the effect of the divine will of God Almighty in our daily lives."
"Purity of heart and the power of God are linked."
"There seems to be some sort of an overshadowing presence in the universe that men have called God or some sort of an ultimate spiritual presence that is leading or directing our evolution."
"The Holy Spirit is creative; God will release creative ideas onto you."
"Your son will be a living breathing testimony of the goodness of God."
"The hand of God is on this material, this message, and it is going worldwide."
"Sexuality and affairs of the heart were controlled by Aphrodite."
"You maintained the lover in you... now time's up and the divine is going to reflect to you the lover that you've maintained in another."
"Those upon whom the spirit of life will descend... will be worthy of greatness."
"God is not lying to you... when he speaks greatness into you."
"The fingerprint of God on the books of the bible."
"When God introduces both the concept and the words, it's a positive form of inspiration."
"I have faith that the power of God will find its active expression in everything that I do."
"There have been situations initiated by the Divine that may have kept you up at night feeling a lot of anxiety feeling a lot of uncertainty."
"Mercy is above this sceptred sway; it is enthroned in the hearts of kings, it is an attribute to God himself."
"We start to align more of the divine to flow through us."
"If you want to carry the life of God, you must Embrace letting God change you as well."
"I think they have been given a delusion by the almighty."
"Every breath we take is because almighty God is on the throne."
"God's serious when he says I will give the glory to no man, no one can take credit for what God is doing."
"The conquest of the desires by the little self and the downpouring of the divine spirit into the purified chalice of the heart."
"The brilliance of Jesus reflected in the dwelling places."
"Okay, I'll ride a rocket into space at 90. I'm trusting the process. I'm going to trust that I can do this."
"The glory of God infuses one with an inspiration that allows one to be the best of who they are."
"When you seek God with all your heart, you become a shining light that brings His glory wherever you go."
"Love is a residue of the power of love, which is God Almighty working through a person."
"Prime ministers and presidents are not really who they think they are. God is the one who does all the moving and all the shaking."
"The Messi of God can change any negative prophecy over any man's life regardless of what was seen about you."
"The goodness of God is what leads men to repentance."
"God Almighty going to work down in your heart and tell you to bring you towards his word."
"If God is using that then I can still praise God for that and praise God that it could change people's hearts and maybe in a way that I don't totally understand."
"Tap into a divine enablement to become who we truly are."
"The sign of the scholars of the affero is their love for Imam al Azadi and his books."
"Your life is being affected by what God has declared."
"You are the light of the world, you are the salt of the earth. How does that happen? By the power of the Holy Spirit." - Jack Hibbs
"When we practice hospitality, we allow God to use common things to get uncommon results."
"That's nothing but God just working through you."
"The Great Pyramid was like a building let down from heaven Untouched by human hands."
"The people around you will not always see the presence of God but they will hear your testimony."
"It's not about Trump, it's not about the Republican Party, it's not about the victory, it's about what the Lord is doing in this season."
"No man outgrows the need to be guided by God."
"I feel like what the Lord is doing at this moment there's been in the last 12 months has been dramatic release an increase in the earth of of the glory of God."
"The presence of God wants to affect the nations."
"May your holy spirit guide each one who votes today."
"There's something powerful about an everyday average person testifying about the Lord working in your life."
"Life only comes out of what God is doing, not out of what we are doing in our own strength."
"I pray that those that hear this conversation and hear these words will allow themselves to hear your voice and what you called them to do in their life."
"Let us move forward with hearts open to God's transforming work."
"Every decision you make for Him increases His capacity to move in your life."
"Growth is the evidence of God's kingdom at work."
"Unless science accepts the proposition of a Divine Creator, it will never find the foundation of its own pursuits."
"God people can see it and rejoice and the devils can see it and get mad. That's right."
"It is the grace of God which is determining now an end of days, but the end of days is not the Armageddon scenario."
"Let the divine chaos that hovers over the water, because chaos lets you know that there's creation coming."
"His greatness will shine into you and make you whole again."
"The fruit of the Holy Spirit: divine love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faith, gentleness, strength."
"I just believe when God can have the opportunity to affect your thinking and when God can have the opportunity to be a part of your mindset—a mind that's set on Him—I believe that He'll give to you when you sleep."
"May your Holy Spirit fill us guiding Us in Truth and Love and empowering us to live in a way that honors you."
"The light of the Lord will cause you to shine."
"None of us has a crystal ball, but we don't want to downplay the voice of the Holy Spirit."
"I just want to thank God for giving me this victory. Without him, this wouldn't have been possible."
"Our civilization emerged out of nowhere, something that was built in a very divine place."
"The Spirit of Christ subdues and enables the will of man to do that freely and cheerfully which the will of God revealed in the law requires to be done."
"Everything God touches grows, everything God touches grows."
"This connection has a divine quality to it. There's something spiritual about this connection, more than love and romance."
"It's not about God's wrath, it's about standing side by side."
"You walk into the presence of God, you will be changed, I guarantee it."
"You may not know how to articulate the truth the best way or the clearest way, but nonetheless, the Spirit of God will always use truth to bring people to Himself or back to Himself."
"We give glory to the author because it's all about the author. Without Him, none of this would happen."
"The autopsy of pressure: what caused it, where did it come from, is it God ordained?"
"So I just hope that people can embrace all the work of the Holy Spirit."
"Divinity guides you in a way that you hadn't expected, in a power you hadn't seen before."
"The beauty of a Divine shift is that it touches every fiber of our being."
"I really feel lucky that God has placed her in my path."
"Relationships are gifts from God; good relationships are gifts from God."
"Fasting is for you not for God. Fasting changes you; not God. Sacrifice influences God..."
"Your inspiration comes from a higher source."
"Not by might, not by power, but by my spirit."
"Great challenge comes great [ __ ] possibility."
"When you speak according to his will, then and only then does it have that creative backing, that creative power."
"Find your passion, work it, and know that it's that divine energy that will create satisfaction, fulfillment, success, and sustainability."
"In each and every man in this room today, you are both. You are a man of flesh and you are a man driven by the Holy Spirit."
"How we are with God will govern how we are with each other."
"When you begin to see the statues in the temples... one is struck with the overwhelming feeling of awe. This is the work of the gods."
"It's almost as if once we stop attaching ourselves to all these different connections that we have, Divine energy can then flow in."
"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it is coming from or where it is going. So is everyone who has been born of the spirit."
"Acknowledgment, highlighting these wrong things in your heart, that's of God."
"God apparently likes spirals because he's built a lot of them into nature."
"Stunningly beautiful and all built into numbers by the creator of numbers."
"Whatever seems beautiful we made by the grace of the gods."
"Excellence is rooted in His character. He wants to maximize our created potential."
"I want the evidence of him on my life... I want them to say, 'God's presence was here.'"
"It is about bringing the claim of the divine upon what you see."
"Don't dismiss random occurrences, they may be divine."
"The wind represents the Holy Spirit, causing revival wherever it touches down."
"God is definitely doing something in the hearts of people."
"The earnestness that counts with God is not the earnestness that you or I work up, it is the earnestness that the Holy Spirit creates in your heart." - Brother Torrey.
"The true mother and father of hip-hop is God, meaning circumstances and situations that are unexplainable by the human mind."
"I could not stop. Oh, it was just it kept flowing from me and kept flowing for me and my body was really under the power of God at that moment."
"If God's in your relationship, you'll always see a future together."
"You carry the atmosphere of heaven everywhere you go so that you give the Earth a little piece of heaven every time you move."
"The glory of God does something to you... in you... through you."
"Grace can flow into the world through the sacraments."
"The Holy Spirit will not sustain carnality. Only what we do in the spirit can be sustained by the spirit."
"People can sense the presence of God upon you."
"Our battle is not against flesh and blood. We need to see the spirit and the anointing of the Holy Spirit."
"Forgiveness is a supernatural thing, it's the Holy Spirit."
"Where does good come from? It comes from God."
"Your fire is not the product of man's strength, but of Divine Life active within man."
"There's some divine intervention here that's happening."
"Listen to your heart... God will begin to change your want-to's, he'll begin to shape your desires by spending time with him."
"God gave you these two giant 30 mah solar mass stars to collide together and black holes to collide together. Isn't that good enough?"
"Thank you, Spirit, for your blessing, wisdom, power, and work in our lives. Thank you, Spirit."
"God causes me to hate my sin and love and long for Him."
"When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, that's the oil of Heaven marking your life."
"Our life should look like a flowing river of blessing wherever we go, that whatever God is doing in me and whatever God is doing for me, he's going to do through me."
"God established America. He played the pivotal role in the formation of the United States of America." - Ben Wilcox
"I always want my life to be free from the nature of the enemy, I want the nature of Jesus Christ to manifest."
"Once you add God you're adding just a small little extra ingredient about what God could do."
"Transformation and renewal of the inner man by God's grace."
"True wisdom doesn't actually come with age, but rather by the spirit of God." - Kenoi
"Plant Jesus in a nation and watch what he'll do."
"God's grace, that's how I'm able to be here."
"God is doing awesome things, he's doing awesome awesome things in your life."
"Believing supplication is God writing his desires upon the hearts of his own children."
"Believe in God and believe in your abilities."
"Paul said to Timothy that when you're going through hell and high water the Bible... is the answer to all you're going through."
"The love of Christ expressing in a human animating that human's intelligence."
"We are not to be led by our accomplishments in this life; we're not to be led by our achievements or our expectations. We're to be led by the Holy Spirit."
"The wind bloweth... everyone that is born of the spirit."
"You are guys, you are a love god, it's Venus energy."
"God often Works through people who others consider to be insignificant."
"As parents, we are God's agents in the care of our children. We must do everything we can to create an environment where our children can feel His divine influence."
"Prayer is necessary for God to change what's happening in our lives on Earth."
"Promotion does not come from the east, the west, or the south. It comes from the Lord."
"I believe it's the goodness of the Lord that leads men to repentance."
"The life of God was made to affect the human body."
"When we allow god to speak through us, molecules and atoms of the earth literally do change."
"It is God who works in us both to Will and to work for his good pleasure."
"There's a strong spiritual current to this relationship."
"The Holy Spirit brings Unity to the body of Christ, in the church, in the family, and in the nation."
"The Holy Spirit often described as the Breath of God moves through believers' lives in profound and subtle ways."
"Creative ideas are divinely inspired."
"To be filled with the Spirit means to be totally controlled by the influence of the Holy Spirit."
"His power is made even more obvious as it works through human weakness."
"His presence fills you with love, peace, patience, and goodness."
"God puts thoughts and feelings in our minds."
"Thank you God for using me, for moving through other people."
"He came as one but he sends as ten thousand."
"So, what's more powerful? The word of the Father through Jesus's lips or the word of the Father through yours? The power is not through the vessel, it's from the source."
"All of that was by the Holy Ghost, all of that was by the holy spirit."
"He was filled with the Holy Spirit."
"Intercession is the Spirit of God praying through you."
"Blessed be the Lord God of Our Fathers which have put such a thing as this in the Kings heart."
"They were moved by the Holy Spirit."
"Let God's Word release its power in your life today."
"Let the Lord beautify your heart."
"If I leave my choice completely out of it, oh no it was nothing having to do with me."
"God works through our Brokenness."
"In order to follow God where He's going to take you, you're going to need to get drunk on the Spirit."
"God tames you, and no one can tame you like God."
"The Holy Spirit prays through us on Earth."
"Sanctification which is God's work in you."
"Let the Holy Spirit touch you. Let Christ transform you."
"The Holy Ghost will pray through you things that you don't even believe yourself."
"God was planting seeds of sympathy towards the Christians in Herod Agrippa's mind."
"In fishing, there are good days and there are great days. Time is just a wink from the Almighty."
"Reflects God when you really start dissecting and looking at what God anything God touches or is behind or manufactures, it's done with excellence."
"It's the Word of God that does this."