
Video Length Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"This video was way longer than I expected it to be, but if you made it this far, thank you very much for watching, and I hope you enjoyed the video."
"This is truly incredible; a lot of this probably should have made the video, but it was already 30 minutes long."
"The three best lengths for you to be posting under are going to be 60 seconds, 21 to 34 seconds, and then also 5 to 11 seconds."
"This video is gonna be a little bit of some juice and hopefully you see like how long it is in the bottom of your screen there it's it's gonna be some good stuff."
"So, I really hope you've enjoyed this video. I hope it's not too long."
"Thank you for sticking around. I know this video is probably about an hour and 40 minutes long."
"Thank you for watching all the way through this very long video."
"Now, I'm just going to say that video is 12 minutes long since then Youtube has reversed the strike."
"Thank you all very much for watching this extremely over long video."
"No more 45-minute videos on the main channel, back to 10 to 15 minutes."
"Thank you so much for joining me. I know this was a long video but I know you guys are going to like it."
"Thanks for sticking around for a super long video."
"My videos are always so freakin long, it's hilarious. 18 minutes? That's a short video for me."
"The longer your videos are, the easier it is to get 4,000 watch hours on YouTube. Try to produce videos that are at least 10 minutes long."
"Sorry about the length of the video... 'I'm sorry I was very rambly, but I hope it helped you guys.'"
"Unanimously or mostly unanimously, it was like people want to see longer videos."
"I don't like making 10 minute surface level videos... I would love to do two hour videos not have to worry about demonetization."
"Hopefully you don't mind a longer intro for this one, but if you clicked on a video this long something tells me you probably don't give a [__] all."
"Experiment with content being a little bit longer."
"Stop what you're doing right now. I'm telling you guys, I'm so sorry for being 47 minutes long, just how it has to be."
"The most important thing creators need to remember here is you get your point across regardless of how long you think your video should be."
"I probably could have done a way shorter video here today."
"Alright bro, this video is mad long but I'll let y'all, I appreciate y'all think y'all been watching all the way."
"Embracing things is the best way honesty I would rather somebody embrace rather than don't do the thing where every video is obviously ten minutes."
"This same video... could have been delivered in five minutes."
"Everyone I hope you enjoyed this video I know that this is a bit longer than usual but this is something that's I think really been an issue in movies."
"Possibly the longest video you'll ever see on this channel."
"They don't make 10-minute videos about 30-second theme songs."
"This video is going to be quite long... grab some snacks, grab something to drink, and let's jump in."
"If this video does better, it makes me know that you guys want longer videos, so I'll work on them."
"I'll leave it there, I didn't think this video was gonna be that long even though there's so many changes in here."
"Kicking it off with narratology, these are the basics. I'm not going to be able to cover every single aspect of narratology or poetics today because otherwise this video would be very, very, very long."
"And what makes this footage extra special is that it goes on for more than eight minutes."
"I can't wait for people to see your Fallout breakdown hour video that comes out on Tuesday because it's gonna be a long, long video."
"Good evening, everyone. Thank you so much for watching and making through to the end as this has been the longest video produced on the channel thus far."
"You see, when I started YouTube, everybody was telling me, 'If you do videos more than five minutes, it's not going to work.' But we started making videos 15, 20, 30 minutes long, and everybody liked them better that way."
"Shorter is usually better when it comes to YouTube videos."
"I'm back in it baby I know you get some people commented they like longer videos this is what we're doing."
"One of the most frequent questions I get asked is, well, how long should a YouTube video be?"
"Well guys I just noticed this video is getting to be almost an hour long and nobody wants to listen to me for that long."
"Not every Transformer can be in it and we don't need this video being too long."
"I want to show you guys step by step everything that I did, every single detail, but this video is getting a little lengthy."
"I'm finna go man, this is 30 minute this is a [ __ ] video."
"I've always been of the belief that if a video is entertaining enough, length is irrelevant. Plus, don't you want as much of me in your lives as possible?"
"If you want to get a video to 10 minutes, just watch us drinking."
"We're just going to get to, we're just going to get to, this is a nearly 23 minute long video, alright, it's a nearly 23 minute long video."
"I've also passed way too much for only being 19 seconds into this video."
"Alright, well, I already know that this video is gonna be stupid long, so I'm gonna cut it short right here and get out of here so you guys have a wonderful day."
"BDA Law is very consistent with video length."
"In order to monetize your videos on TikTok, they have to be over 60 seconds long."
"This is an extremely long video, and if you stay here for the whole thing, I love you."
"The algorithm has really started to prioritize a lot of longer content."
"I don't care how long the video is, some people say well we try to keep it 10 minutes or we try to keep it... well, I'm like four times that by now I'm sure of it, and I'm still having a blast."
"That's why this video is about an hour long."
"Make your videos no shorter or longer than they need to be, and make stuff that people want to watch."