
Industry Dynamics Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Reggie seems to be calling for two things: one, more stability for team owners; two, more stability for players, citing patch cadence."
"A lot can happen in this industry in a pretty short span of time, and I think this year is a good example of that."
"Xbox is slowly... turning around. It feels like Xbox is outmaneuvering Sony for the future."
"It goes without saying that once enough power is consolidated in any industry by limiting competition the workers in that industry will flock there because that's where the majority of the opportunity is."
"It's always worth going down into seeing how like the big tech companies go against each other..."
"Call of Duty began to steal the spotlight from EA's franchise."
"In short, Hollywood has been and always will be a battle between a large group of creative people who want to make art and a bunch of executives who want to take advantage of that desire."
"A huge lawsuit against Threads just within hours of Zuckerberg bragging about the massive influx of people joining Threads."
"Unfortunately, today along with a lot of other amazing Esports folks I've been let go from Blizzard casting Overwatch and working behind the scenes planning some of the best years we've had with Overwatch Esports."
"Even the smoothest movie production is a creative tug of war between the director and the studios, typically resulting in a series of compromises in order to keep both sides at least somewhat happy."
"It changes the nature of how I approach industry-related news. It cuts off some degrees of what I can do, but it opens up many other doors of what value I can add and conversations I can add in different ways."
"AMD gets sort of pushed kicking and screaming into feature parity with Nvidia, and it arrives later, and usually it's not as good."
"Here's a guy who purposely tried to ruin my career and in many ways succeeded."
"Gina Carano has essentially been completely blacklisted now."
"I don't think he's hunting for a paycheck and I also don't think he's gonna be pushed around."
"What keeps it interesting is the new operators."
"But where there is money and success, there's going to be competition and drama per year."
"Rappers understand that their image is everything, and cooperating with the police will destroy their ability to create music and sell records."
"Add your task: fast API, React, and MongoDB."
"I think it's going to do better because a lot of the people who shouldn't have been in the industry right now are going to walk out..."
"I think that we're living in a time where this is gonna be sort of a... power balance between what players want and what they have."
"The comic book industry needs you more than you need DC."
"Competition is a great thing and Call of Duty hasn't had any real competition over the past couple of years outside of like battle royale."
"AEW Fight Forever may have the audacity to challenge the current king of wrestling games..."
"The best thing that's happened to AMD is Intel entering this market."
"Feige has his power back, and all this kind of stuff. I fully expect to see Marvel get back to their winning ways."
"People move around, I mean whether it's coaches or if it's a brand. I mean this is just the way it happens."
"I think gaming is just where it becomes very interesting."
"This is an industry about trust and building a community around personality."
"I think what's up is Brie Larson in the Oceans 8 cast wanted to throw in white male reviewers who dominate the press. We dominated because we're the best, and that's why reviews are at the top of review aggregators like Rotten Tomatoes." - Narrator
"I'm just excited to see another studio get involved for sure. Competition, oh I'm a fan of competition in this way."
"The corporate culture of how magic is being ran has permanently been changed."
"Why did it fall off and die as hard as it did? It's cuz everybody loved it. It's because Rare got bought out by Microsoft."
"The industry, man. It's not the same. Doesn't have to do with talent. It's about playing the game."
"Nobody survives Puffy, there's nobody that survives him. It's only Total and 112. 112 got a fight in there, and the Lox are still here locked in."
"If your game's good enough, then wild battle royale success can occur seemingly overnight."
"It's only natural at some point you will start to see some AEW names jump to WWE."
"The most amazing thing was to discover that it would be the women in our industry who would have my back and show me the most vocal support at one of the most difficult times."
"Sony is no angel either, but Disney losing even the tiniest bit of power in its industry is not a bad thing."
"This is a story about creative interference."
"Turns out in this day and age you can make a hell of a company out of people that McMahon either threw out or chased out."
"It's a relationship that we need to balance between player and Kabam."
"This is a power play move, and I'm happy that Xbox has handled it this way."
"E3 was at its best when the industry itself was also in a particular phase... the biggest brightest and most expensive games were also kind of AG... creatively aggressive."
"The real E3 now would be the middling publishers that have all the cool ideas."
"It's always a good day. Yeah, it is. You don't have to get anybody's approval. You don't have to get any... you don't hear notes from non-creative people."
"The problem with game development is the massive surplus of labor."
"Football gets involved in politics, it's about image."
"I think Sony will be announcing more acquisitions throughout this year."
"The big story of 2017 is the revelation of the WME IMG preference over the sport."
"There's this weird dismissal/antagonism between old media towards new media personalities."
"Somebody had a great line. They said it's like, they're dinosaurs suing the Ice Age. You know, when the technology changes, that's the dealer in this game is the technology."
"It must be fantastic to be able to come up in the industry with women who are equally as successful as you."
"I think just over time, see that's why I don't like wealthy [ __ ] getting in the game. I'm not... He just said it like I'm not doing it for money."
"There's a literal war going on between Gamers and journalists, developers, and how games are being made."
"I don't think the writers are going to go for this, and it seems like it is a pretty wide gap between this and what the writers might accept."
"They love actors and they understand actors, and they just watch you until you get in trouble, and then they'll come in and help you out and straighten you out, and you get on with your business."
"Different from industry plants prior to social media, these new industry plants keep their connections private, rather than use them as a means to legitimize their career."
"It made him lose it. Xbox are not playing around."
"Competition is the most healthy thing especially for video games and you know companies and stuff like that."
"Edge and Daniel Bryan joined the WWE writing team a few weeks ago. They have much more creative input than most superstars."
"People's egos actually take a huge precedence over growth or content, which is hilarious to me."
"Ultimately the power is back on the artists and the creators."
"Being in the same industry, the sides were bound to cross paths."
"I want it to flop. If you said that, Eric Larson, if you said that four or five years ago, you would have been blacklisted from the comic book industry."
"Fashion is the intersection of art and commerce."
"So what you have is the situation where the rail industry is doing phenomenally well record-breaking profits but they have been totally obstinate in preventing the unions from getting paid sick time."
"It's a cocktail of factors, the industry's constant demands, the very fleeting nature of Fame itself."
"I don't know, maybe the industry is dreaming. They must be asleep because I'm super grateful to be supported by Dime, Vans, Loophole Wheels, the homie companies from San Francisco, shout out to Zach and Jesse, and Empire Board Shop."
"The trend is your friend. Understanding the dynamics within an industry is critically important."
"Ticketmaster is there to be the bad guy in the music business, that's how their whole business model is set up."
"I think that it really raised questions not she wasn't the only attorney who had gone to work for him who ultimately we realized had ambitions of crossing in so the entertainment industry."
"There is no industry in the world that is easier to get to an eight-figure exit than digital media but there's also no industry harder to get to a 10-figure valuation than digital media."
"The studios and networks need us to make this content."
"There's content being made, and we're not really given a chokehold on the studios and networks."
"The more Vince giveth, the more Tony will taketh from him."
"I mean, yeah, it genuinely does prove that luck is what this whole industry runs on."
"Every day is different, and every day in the excavating industry, especially, you're learning something new."
"It's so interesting how things change so quickly in the music industry."
"In such a competitive environment, you end up in a hits-driven industry; not everything can survive over the long term."
"The top rappers definitely changed."