
Political Discussion Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"Basically, the Intellectual Dark Web is just a bunch of people with a wide variety of political viewpoints who are willing to hash out conversations in decent fashion. Now, we used to just call this America, but that's not the reality anymore."
"The fact that we're having this conversation is evidence that they've had a positive effect. They want the conversation to take place in United States politics."
"At least it puts these political issues on the radar and gives us excuses to talk about them and produce content about them."
"Aren't we really much closer to hot Civil War than you guys have been talking about?"
"He took on the age issue head-on and turned it around."
"For years, Twitter had resisted calls to ban Trump, blocking a world leader from Twitter would hide important information and hamper necessary discussion around their words and actions."
"But Biden hasn't taken that, go ahead, Rich."
"In a time when we are talking about a national divorce we can be talking about something more enlightening about bringing this Union back together."
"Calling a vaccine passport the definition of fascism is um, I don't know, there's a lot of people that have spent a lot of time."
"It's not just political stuff like a discussion happening right now in America is about the way that we've been teaching children to read now."
"Trump is screwed that nobody's really talking about."
"So why does any of this matter? Why have I gone off on a ... discussion about the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics and the very large militia forces that they have put at the disposal of the Russian Federation?"
"Well if they ever lived under communism then we have some conversations to have with those people. Right? Because I survived that. For me, it's very easy. I see things clearly."
"We want to be the kind of central place where people talk about these things. You want the polish of a National Review without the, for lack of a better word, cuckiness of National Review."
"It's frankly, it's pretty bad for the Republican Party that this is the case because it's leading them to be just completely unable to discuss issues that the broad scope of the American populace wants to know about."
"The rurality argument is completely easily debunked."
"Stalin is one of the great leaders of the 20th century."
"Trump's mental health issues are the elephant in the room that nobody is talking about."
"This entire discussion is moot because now we know it's about the destruction of the Ukrainian state."
"Every pub is a parliament... it's where we debate things."
"It's important we talk about honestly and right now there's just a lot of propaganda going on in revisionism about radical Marxism."
"I had conversations with Trump supporters, and it was that, 'Hey man, I'm with you. I'm not one of these people that's gonna put up the [ __ ] bumper sticker 'Not My President.' I'm not gonna [ __ ] do that.'"
"Welcome to Pod Save America. I'm John Favro."
"We did not reach any conclusions. We put many ideas on the table." - Senator Durbin
"You have to have your discussion and your ideas. You don't got it you don't got to like the guy you got to beat him in a debate of course."
"I asked Rihanna if we can discuss politics how deep do you want to get."
"Otherwise, the president would just have his own police force, right?"
"Every president has talked about the need to rebuild our infrastructure."
"Do we not want to keep our democracy the way that we have grown and seen this country?"
"I had three million more votes than the other guy."
"The great reset is not a conspiracy theory, it's literally on the World Economic Forum website."
"President Trump's economic policies nobody's talking about a recession."
"If she won, and it took so little for her to win, one person and not even in every state, that at least now, we are talking about these guys."
"Instead of overthrowing, is there any way that we could reform?"
"I was thinking when I was young teenager in college for sure... I remember vividly I could not have a political conversation with my parents... by the end I would be screaming... it was charged."
"Facts do matter when we're talking about politics."
"The amount of time that we spend in this country worrying about gerrymandering is wildly disproportionate to the amount of evil actually done by gerrymandering."
"Why aren’t the Democrats, who are so obviously correct, winning by a huge margin?"
"Nuance tends to get lost in these conversations."
"Nobody wants to talk about the fact that government doesn't work."
"Reparations is never a topic because the people that are supposed to be representing us, at least in the mainstream media, never bring it up."
"He heard the conversation we were having where you said that maybe Donald Trump might be a little bit racist because of his treatment of Mexicans."
"California would make a big dent if it left on its own."
"CNN cut it short because Trump was doing so well."
"We need to talk about how democracy functions."
"The case of actual voter fraud that they're talking about is infinitesimally small, less than 1% of 1%."
"It's not de facto anti-Semitic to criticize some aspect of the Israeli government or even to question giving aid to Israel."
"Imagine a debate between Larry Elder, fact machine, who's got a good sense of humor and is a good man and fun and smiley and happy, against evil American psycho Gavin Newsom."
"We might all be able to approach the current political discourse about race and police with a little more kindness and empathy."
"A dialogue now, you know, what are the positive things for America that he's thinking?"
"The conversation is escalating, never before in American history."
"Finally, FINALLY, somebody told her the facts about seeking asylum."
"There was actually nothing funny about how seriously they were discussing ways to keep Donald Trump in place as president."
"We all agree inflation is an issue. The question is who has a plan to address it."
"It's an existential question of what kind of country we're going to have."
"Voting, like the number one thing that you could do as a citizen is vote. Yeah, I think that's why is it such a sticking point where it's racist to have an ID?"
"This is an emergency power not of the president but of everyone."
"There is no evidence whatsoever that Biden cannot win. He might not win, but he certainly can win."
"The truth is America needs to have a serious conversation about Joe Biden and the Biden family and their business dealings."
"Every conversation about Paul Gosar needs to start with Paul Gosar... that needs to be part of every conversation."
"We need to have the arguments, discussions on how we make it better. What we need in this country is true new political parties."
"I actually started liking Vosh. I don't agree with him, but I thought he did a great job defending his ideas on Tim's show."
"I think most Trump supporters are okay with hearing critiques of Trump if they hadn't been they wouldn't listen to this program."
"I want to understand the best reparations argument out there... Marianne Williamson is the only one offering it..."
"Nobody on the left was talking about critical race theory."
"The only thing she's really mentioned is energy security, and I'd like to know exactly what that means."
"I do think, we're talking about the electoral college a little bit, I think that is one thing that will help."
"We're having a very good discussion with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer."
"This should be bipartisan, this should be a hundred percent vote."
"Democrats have also some Democrats have also suggested this idea about a $2,000 per month stimulus plan or maybe even giving people money retroactively Lee for the last few months - how as a way to sort of help stimulate the economy..."
"Republicans have not bagged on the idea of a $1,200 stimulus check... we haven't heard any indications of Republicans saying no way not happening..."
"Immigration has always been essential to America. Let's end our exhausting war over immigration."
"I'm sorry, Megan, please show me in here where Senator Tammy Duckworth said, 'Megan, pick somebody who doesn't have the skill set.'"
"This conversation wouldn't happen in China, this conversation wouldn't happen in places that don't have free speech."
"I highly prized individual rights and freedoms but I'm not an ideologue because I don't go around shoehorning that into every conversation."
"This whole discussion we're having now about Biden being the nominee and this nervousness about whether current affairs will do enough to turn people the left."
"This election is about serious issues like that... well, mostly serious issues."
"More evidence builds of voter fraud in the 2020 election."
"It's extraordinary to me to hear... words like fascism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism in the context of a discussion about what's happening in Britain in the 21st century." - Host
"Why we need borders - a great article that you must read!"
"I think my highest level concern the thing that really like makes me upset is that it's a kind of surrender that is in a way telling the public that you don't think the idea of America you have to sell is broadly appealing."
"Getting rid of is our involvement in foreign wars, you know. So anyway, uh, thank you guys for joining us on the show today."
"Sensible solutions... really should be nonpartisan."
"Your prices and your prices: milk, eggs, food. This is what Elizabeth Warren talks about, that's what you and I talk about."
"Flexibility in politics, okay, let's bring in my panel here."
"Here's why this is a dumb idea: it would be a dumb idea even if it were coming from somebody I actually liked, let's say that you're Mike Lee or Ben Sasse or Ted Cruz."
"Tucker Carlson was the only mainstream Cable News host that was willing to push back against the establishment narrative."
"Switching from capitalism to socialism isn't sufficient for solving climate change, but it might be necessary."
"We're going to deal with deficit reduction in a responsible way, in a fair way, as you say to the billionaires in this country who are doing phenomenally well."
"You can't say now we're going to go back to debating whether Bobby Jindal or Jeb Bush is better in capital gains. I mean, that's, you know, so yeah, that's what I mean when I say that, you know, that Donald Trump was not an aberration."
"My favorite part of this interview has been talking about the national divorce."
"Obama gate: it is the biggest tweet in the world, the most replied, the most retweeted, the most quoted."
"Why don't we ask, is Israel a democracy? And then why don't we ask, what are the key issues to proceed through if you want to come to terms and develop your own views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?"
"There was not a single shred of evidence to suggest that this election was stolen."
"Is there an ironic question? Is there a single example of any federal legislation being passed in response to a far-right attack?"
"I honestly have no idea if I've done everything I'm supposed to do to be able to talk for an hour about politics."
"Strangely, no mention of Brexit, which is strange actually, yes, because you would think the Conservatives would be trying to hammer that point."
"It's a great time to have that discussion because it's being reflected in what's happening right now under the Biden administration."
"This is about the big guy, this is not about Hunter Biden."
"There's a real need to politicize what comes after Putin."
"There's always a kernel of truth when these things come out. And so, that's something for her to talk about, not for us to talk about."
"The intellectual dark web is mostly a collection of disillusioned liberals looking for a place to have honest conversation."
"We cannot talk about compromise when you have that kind of behavior going on this very minute." - Unknown Speaker
"Nobody's gonna listen to your argument... when you start defending assad, it begins to cut away at the reasonableness."
"You don't need an excuse to talk about American gun control policies. It's a political policy that is relevant to the daily experiences of everyone who lives in this country."
"The polls were wrong, come on! Biden's up by like 10 points in some of these polls!"
"Fujitora's plan to abolish the warlord system shakes the future."
"You don't see that with China's government officials..."
"When everything is politics, we lose empathy for all political prisoners."
"When we were talking about Medicare for all... the answer was, 'But what do you think of Jimmy Dore?' That's insane."
"I didn't come here today to actually walk out of here and have us be where we started. I'm walking out of here today hopeful."
"It was a complete debasement of substantive policy discussions."
"He's exploiting the emotions of the younger people, getting them to listen to him because he's talking to Cardi B."
"It's hard to say, we've talked about that with Robert also like the courts seem to be much less politicized here."
"I think to conserve what the United States stands for, we need to have a conversation on what we are actually trying to conserve before we actively try to conserve it."
"You can say anything you want because at the end of the day it comes down to the voters, right? I mean, I agree with you."
"Our democracy? Let's talk about our democracy for a second."
"I think there needs to be a serious conversation about how much we want to protect or how much we value democracy."
"That was a wonderful session and I think you echoed the thoughts of many of us who think that are a strong opposition is an essential component of democracy without that it again drifts towards dictatorship."
"To criticize the state of Israel is not anti-Semitism, because this is what is silencing so many people."
"Whatever happened to that $2,000 a month stimulus check? This was the talk of the town."
"The activities of the lobby and its impact on U.S foreign policy are subjects that reasonable people ought to be able to discuss openly."