
Divine Strength Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
"I thank You for being a faithful God who will grant me divine strength. Blessed be Your holy name, Lord."
"Even your weaknesses aren't a liability; they actually become a platform for the strength of God to be displayed through your life."
"Your weakness is a magnet for God's strength."
"God's strength is made perfect in my weakness."
"What if God gave you the weakness to show his strength?"
"God's strength is made perfect in our weakness."
"His strength is made perfect in our weakness."
"There is no passion, whether it's inherited or cultivated, that Jesus Christ cannot give us strength to overcome."
"The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge. The Almighty God is greater than everything and everyone."
"The weapons of our warfare not carnal but mighty through God."
"I prophesy strength to come upon you right now in the mighty name of Jesus."
"You are our Fortress and our deliverer and in you we find our strength and hope."
"The joy of the Lord is our strength, but if you read it backwards, the strength of the Lord is our joy."
"God gives power to the faint and increases strength."
"Oh lord, how excellent is your name. Your name is strength, your name is power."
"God says this very foolishness is wiser than this world... the weakness of God is stronger than men."
"God chooses the most broken person... to show His strength."
"Father, we ask that your strength be made perfect in our weakness."
"The king rejoices in your strength, O Lord. He shouts with joy because you give him victory."
"I rise today through God's strength to pilot me, God's might to uphold me, God's wisdom to guide me."
"My purpose is to please you in every way; increase me in strength Lord, make me a strong and powerful person of influence on this Earth."
"Give me your divine strength to overcome every obstacle in my path, with you walking beside me, working through me, I can make it."
"In Isaiah 41:10 we find a promise that anchors us: 'Fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.'"
"Living in the strength that God provides also has a profound impact on how we relate to others, it compels us to move beyond our limitations and to act with compassion, courage, and conviction."
"We have yah's love, and if you don't know how strong it is, you can never understand why and how we depend on it."
"My flesh and my heart fail... but God is the strength of my heart."
"Don't forget that the strength that you need comes from the Lord, the strength that you need comes from his word."
"God uses the people who are weak but that surrender their lives to him."
"Our strength comes from Jesus; it's not about how hard we try or our ability to fight, it's all about Jesus."
"God can take you and give you strength for whatever he's going to bring your way."
"Pressing on is not merely about the strength of our own will, but about leaning into the Infinite Strength that God provides."
"When our power runs out, when we are weak, that is exactly when he is strong."
"You shall be confident knowing that you can do all things through my strength."
"This is the one who gives his strength and his might to his people. This is the God giving us his kiss of peace."
"The guy rose from absolute poverty with no real education, had to work as a child in serious labor back in the bad old days."
"Yield to the Holy Spirit in the battle against the flesh. Rely on His strength to overcome."
"I boast in my weakness Lord Jesus, because when I am weak, you are strong."
"Receive deliverance, receive victory, receive the strength of the Lord upon your life. I bless you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet." - Fernando Perez
"In your situation today, God sees surrender over strength."
"His grace is sufficient for you and his strength will be made perfect in your weakness."
"My grace is sufficient for you because when you're weak, then it's my strength that makes you truly strong."
"God was using a man in his calling, and he was operating within his calling, and so the joy of the Lord was his strength."
"It's not by might, not by my strength, but by the word of God that we can have access into eternal life."
"The strength of God will set you free from addictions and limitations."
"In God's presence, our limitations are shattered, and we find a wellspring of unwavering strength."
"The spirit of God dwells in that man, strengthening his frail mortal flesh to walk in the will of God."
"The Lord Almighty is their God; they are strong because the Lord Almighty is their God."
"Your arms are too short to box with the Most High."
"The same power that brought Jesus out of the grave is at work within us to do more than we could ask or imagine."
"Our trust should be in God, not in human strength. It is God who performs miracles, surprises us, and showers us with rich blessings."
"The Lord is your shield, strength, and refuge. He will bring light into your darkness and clarity to your life."
"Receive strength from God to overcome your enemies, break through barriers, and conquer difficulties. He equips you with strength for the battle."
"God is giving you strength to overcome evil."
"The Lord is my strength and in him I will trust."
"You're hidden in the strength of God most high."
"If you don't give it to God, you're gonna implode. You're strong, but he's stronger."
"Discover the miracle of preaching in the strength that you supply."
"Lord, I am weak, but now I can tap into your strength."
"When God calls you to a great task, he provides you with the strength to accomplish what He has called you to do."
"God loves to display his glory and strength through things that are otherwise thought of as weak."
"The failure of God's people is no evidence of the weakness of our Lord."
"God will strengthen you for whatever problems may come your way."
"Prayer is exercising on God's energy, not on the energy of the flesh."
"Greater is he who's in you than he who is in the world."
"Grace is the ability God gives us to resist sin and to obey His word."
"We're to bring the weapons of our Warfare, not carnal, but Mighty through God."
"God's power is going to be made perfect in your weakness, and His grace will be sufficient for you to get through this."
"He's too omnipresent to be absent, too omnipotent to be weak."
"Realize that strong in the strength that God supplies, victory is assured and we need not be afraid."
"You are not powerless because God has given you his power."
"I'm not living and leaning on physical strength; I'm working with divine capability."
"O God the Lord, the strength of my salvation, thou hast covered my head in the day of battle."
"They that wait upon the Lord... shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."
"God's power is made perfect in your weakness."
"God's gift is perfect; it does not get strengthened because the gift is an expression of God's strength."
"Mightier is He that is in me than he that is in the world."
"Not by our flesh, not by strength, not by might, but by my spirit says the Lord."
"It was my first encounter with the cross and with the divine strength that it inspires in those who carry it."
"Christ's strength is made perfect in our weakness."
"God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes me tread on my high places."
"Those that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not be weary, they shall walk and they shall not faint."
"The remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God."
"God will never give thee strength to glorify thyself."
"His strategy was surprise, his strength was from The Lord."
"Satan loves to make strong men weak, but God loves to make weak men strong."
"Satan can only be stopped by the strength of the Lord."
"Strength comes from God who rose from the dead; my strength comes from the Lord."
"Why is God's strength made perfect in our weakness?"
"I'm not strong in me, I'm strong in the Lord; in Him, I can do all things."
"My God is big, so strong and mighty."
"He gives power to the weak and to him who has no might, he increases strength."
"When you push yourself, you will tap into a divine strength, a supernatural strength that you didn't even know that you possessed."
"Christ's strength in me fuels something far more significant than my best effort; it fuels my faith."
"When we reach the end of ourselves, that's when we can really allow God's strength to show forth in our lives."
"Without me you can do nothing, but with Him we can do all things."
"I'll never give up. God will show Himself strong."
"Be strong in the Lord, leave everything you have in His capable hands."
"His strength is made perfect not in your strength, but in your weakness."
"The Lord is the source of my strength; the Lord is the strength of my life."
"The joy of the Lord shall become your strength, saith the Lord of hosts."
"Be faithful even unto death, and you can't do that unless you have the supernatural strength of Jesus Christ abiding in you."
"God's strong hand is mighty to save."
"Trust God's sovereignty, trust God's strength, trust God's wisdom."
"May you walk in confidence knowing that God is the source of your strength and prosperity."
"The sun is gonna rise tomorrow, and God is going to give you strength for whatever is ahead."
"Three times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time He said, 'My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.'"
"Thank you, Lord, that no matter the circumstances, I can count on you to shelter and give me strength."
"It is God that girdeth me with strength to the battle."
"I will walk in the strength of the Lord God."
"Though his arm be strong to smite, it is also strong to save."
"When you surrender your fight to God, you tap into His limitless resources, enabling you to rise above adversity."
"When you trust in God's unwavering faithfulness, He imparts His strength into your very being."
"When God makes you strong, you're strong."
"I praise and glorify Your divine strength and Your indestructible being."
"We are all broken people and when we're honest with our Brokenness, that's when God's power rests on us."
"Raised in His power, the weak become strong."
"It's in our human weakness that the power of God is demonstrated."
"God is really, really strong when we're weak."
"Now to him who is able to strengthen you... to the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen."
"The King of Glory shall come in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty."
"God gives strength to his people; he blesses his people with peace."
"Greater is He that is in you than the one that is living in this world."
"He is greater, He is stronger, He's the God of possible."
"Thank God the devil is not stronger than Jesus, amen."
"In the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength."
"We're supposed to leap into worship because the strength of the Lord has been carrying us all week long."
"My God is so big, so strong and so mighty."
"Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock."
"Do not measure the problem by your strength, which is limited, but measure the problem by the strength of Jesus, which is limitless."
"I know He is immeasurably strong and thoroughly in charge and 100% on my side, even when He sends painful circumstances."
"There's nothing too hard for the Lord."
"Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him."
"Gabriel's name means 'God is my strength'."
"The spirit of God in you will rise up so strong, He'll put your soul in place and your flesh to death."
"They fought with the strength of the Lord far beyond what their mortal capabilities, I'm sure, were."
"The almighty authority, the one who has all might, all strength, but it's the strength of kindness, it's the strength of love, the strength of goodness."
"God show yourself to be a God who gives strength to the weak, show yourself to be a God who renews and gives power to the weary."
"I will strengthen you and help you; I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."
"My God is stronger than a steam hammer."
"Jesus gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."
"When you and I realize our strength comes from God, there is nothing we cannot do."
"Father, give us your strength, for when we are weak, you become strong."
"I point up to my King, the one who strengthens me."
"God is awesome and his comfort and strength are all we need."
"His strength is made perfect when I'm at my weakest."
"God's restoration means that you will be empowered by the Holy Spirit."
"The nonsense these people are doing, it's going to waste away very soon because good always wins, good overpowers evil, God is stronger than the enemy, remember that, just continue."
"God will give us the strength and the courage to drive to victory in a just cause."
"It is God who is within me, it is God who is strengthening me, it is God who I serve, who is going to help me defeat you."
"God expects us to be superhumans, not in our own strength, but in His."
"God's power is gonna be perfected in your weakness."
"Hardship is never permanent, and God only gives you what you can handle."
"Now all glory to God who is able to make you strong, just as my Good News says."
"You are more valuable than all creation, and your strength lies in me, your Divine father."
"The god of the white man was stronger than death."
"Our weakness is a constant reminder to us to rely on God and not on our own strength."
"Lord, if you don't give me your strength today, then I won't make it through the day."
"God cannot show himself strong until you face the biggest challenge."
"It isn't my strength that's gonna help my people; it's God's. And since God called me to do this, He'll supply the strength I need."
"No matter how hard they try to defeat you, chosen ones, you just can't be beat because it's the God in you that makes you unstoppable."
"God is great in all things, and you're able to do whatever you feel like you can't do."
"The power of God is within us; He's given us all things that pertain to life and godliness."
"It's okay to be tired, but that's why God is our strength."
"Go with the strength of God, keep God with you."
"We too may be overcomers, not on our own strength but in the strength of Jesus."
"Let each day be an opportunity to seek my divine strength in times of doubt or despair."
"He is my strength, I am weak but He is strong, and I trust Him."
"Leaning on Him for the strength to love your neighbor as yourself."
"May our days be numbered by priesthood. Oh God, make us strong, make us intelligent, make us wise."
"It's a battle he should not have won, particularly as a 75-year-old man, but he did because of God's strength."
"It's in your weakness that God's strength prevails, enabling you to overcome your limitations."
"Pray to Jesus if you ever feel like giving up; never forget that God is far more powerful and awesome than anything you can think of."
"God is that pillar that you need when you are becoming weak; He is the strength that you need when your heart is failing and your knees are giving in."
"The power of God is given to the weak, those who understand their limitations and frailties."
"Strength will be provided to those who wait on God; they will begin to do extraordinary things."
"Let him know that you're with him, that God you're going to carry him through this and strengthen him even through this."