
Meme Culture Quotes

There are 214 quotes

"Moist Critical aka Charlie aka Penguin Zero was throwing around the idea of making a meme esports team."
"When you wake up, you realize that it's all a joke. Don't take yourself so seriously; life is a meme."
"A meme is a meme because it resonates with people on an unspoken level and what lies beneath is generally worth exploring in depth."
"This show has existed through pretty much every phase of meme culture."
"Memes have undoubtedly changed the way ordinary people understand the world forever."
"The cope is insane, the salt Mite is operational, meme War 3 has begun."
"These archetypes stick around, even though the irony of these memes was lost on the majority of people that followed it."
"Even though these memes are stupid, there is truth in that."
"He's going to exit that octagon either a star and a legend or as a meme."
"If you're an unassuming citizen discovering memes, then Behind the Meme is perfect. Once you're in the culture, you don't need him, and in fact, you may come to loathe him."
"Living in a special time where we're all apes, you know, diamond hands together, ape strong together."
"The brand of the red pill has been borrowed and redefined too many times."
"He actually used a meme from Roadhouse saying that if you bring a gun to a fist fight, you don't have self-defense."
"Thankfully, even without its original context, the meme has been repurposed and remixed for other Friday-based events countless times."
"When you think about it he's directly responsible for the creation of an entire meme format you know the whole fiber gag meme where you pay a professional looking guy to read off some ridiculous statement and the jokes the position makes it funny."
"The first rule of infowar is whichever side has the memers wins."
"Embrace the meme and allow people to hate him."
"So this is how democracy dies, yadda yadda yadda. I feel like this is a line that would be in the running for one of the greatest in the franchise if not for the fact that it's directed so poorly that it once again has become a meme."
"Disney gave us memories, DreamWorks gave us memes."
"He's a bit of he's a bit of a meme he's a bit of a meme this is loud short running around being angry."
"Dogecoin's actually fairly smart and although it's based on a meme people need to understand like it's it's kind of legit."
"Skyrim felt like one of the first games that really was with meme culture."
"There's been an ongoing trope now the left can't meme for a while there was a subreddit called the left can't meme and the Donald was the dominant subreddit on Reddit where people were posting memes."
"We booked it with like four different memes but some of them worked, some of them didn't."
"A man who cultivated an image to make him look like one of the hardest and toughest men to ever walk this earth but instead he just became a living meme."
"Honey badger wins just because he doesn't care. Honey badger don't care, it just doesn't care."
"The meme variations of the trolley problem just show how important context is to a moral dilemma."
"I think the Rock meme is definitely one of those memes that's up there."
"That's a huge W for meme culture and a huge legend, YRG."
"Sometimes stocks go up based on things that have absolutely nothing to do with the company's performance. Memes, let's go!"
"The trolley problem is to ethics what Schrodinger's cat is to Quantum Mechanics. It is, in other words, a little bit of a meme."
"Altcoins basically has no real use case, memes and other social triggers are driving progress."
"This is the example of a coin that's just done the meme marketing just right."
"The NPC meme takes things a step further into political zone where mass outcry against a serial harasser is racial injustice or Trumpian ideas as dismissed as inherently uncritical."
"AMC and GME are so woven into the backbone of the meme movement."
"From literally creating one of the most popular memes of the last decade to being cruelly harassed on the street, that was Welven's story."
"This is brain expansion meme to the fullest."
"LR farmer with a shotgun, man, dude I can't believe how strong that meme is."
"Between memes and franchising, it's probably impossible to grow up without Shrek entering your life somehow."
"Anything that's based on a meme or a joke... is not legitimate."
"We need some apes with diamond hands now. We don't need no more zombie apes, family."
"All Star might be like my generation's Rickroll."
"AMC to the moon is trending, and it's for good reason."
"And beside being Success Kid, these days he's also a cool kid."
"Success Kid is just one of those memes that speaks to a bygone era of memology."
"Embrace the meme, wake up in your bed tomorrow."
"All of these very odd videos are the product of the jaff Tik Tok meme Empire."
"It's impressive how consistently bad these memes are because they just been copying and pasting the same meme for the past 10 years."
"It feels kind of like a meme is dying today so I am a little bit sad about it even if we have been asking for this for like, nine years."
"When something happens, the memes around it are hilarious."
"The winner of Ostenax's best community meme is Hasanabe versus Ludwig anime rock paper scissors."
"We the smooth brained gorilla knights of the round only understand hold, a banana full of potassium make ape strong like bull. Let's go."
"The GME price peak is likely going to be in quadruple digits. 10k and 100k is not a meme."
"This is the only financial market that I have ever seen that moves on memes."
"Success... we love to take concepts as humans and then like, memeify them out of existence."
"This guy becomes a meme overnight, people are kind of falling in love with this guy."
"The memes are literally the ones that are waking people up."
"Comparing hard games to Dark Souls may be a tired meme, but this is a case where the spirit of that meme actually applies."
"Promoted to meme maker! Zach has been promoted to meme maker."
"Pepe has mostly returned to the fun, emotional frog that we fell in love with from the beginning."
"This is the story of the meme that went from emotional touchstone to hate symbol, then was revived again."
"Elon made it clear that the meme wasn't about the left or the right but Republicans and Democrats."
"The satire and meme culture or what separates Hell divers 2 more than any other game I've played."
"No no development support for dogecoin much disappointment such sad much wow."
"The usage of memes and voice clips was hilarious in how they were effectively used as substitutes for dialogue."
"Meme magic doesn't need you to believe in it to work."
"The only example I could think of off the top of my head is Lil Nas X because he turned the Old Town Road meme into an actually fruitful career."
"You make one terrible meme that Twitter will never forget, and then you're good for life, dude."
"Respect all memes... Memes should be respected."
"Unbelievable, somebody posted a meme, heard them, and didn't like it so they canceled them."
"Doge is in fact the way; there's no doubt about that."
"Dogecoin for life - the meme that continues to keep giving."
"Florida man's like a meme anytime someone a Florida man found naked in a in a chimney at a preschool says it was his first time trying bath salts that's [ __ ] great a Florida man."
"I've never thought I would reach meme level, but like Linus, watch out, I'm coming for you."
"It's a hundred percent wholesome memes time."
"I used to really like doge because of the culture of memes and jokes and the tipping culture around it."
"It’s about raging against the financial machine."
"The world is built on memes. Hate it or not, memes are driving the market."
"If you release it, you're not in control of that story and you become the meme."
"The supposed most powerful being in the universe just had his power suppressing armor broken and now he's super ticked off, but Saitama just gives an uninterested 'okay' and that moment will live on forever in meme form."
"Doge overtook that spot and said, 'No, I am the king meme coin. I am the captain here.'"
"Why would you change something that isn't broken? The fanbase seem to love it and you guys know the mean by now: 'This isn't even my final form.'"
"I just really believe there is value in memes, there's value in going viral, there's value in being everywhere."
"Since john wick, keanu reeves' career has been almost catapulted into meme status where him just showing up in something can be the joke."
"There is so much that you can get off of it. I almost need to get rid of it immediately."
"What a concept! The vastness of the universe has never been so meme worthy."
"Now we can all be on the same page again we can laugh at and all my apes gone or something."
"There was a similar sort of meme when the Moon was conjunct a huge pile-up in Capricorn and Saturn."
"This meme is so low effort you didn't even bother to fill in/remove the bottom text. That's part of the joke."
"It's more important than ever to have memes that we could still laugh about."
"The left can't meme. They're becoming racist authoritarians who are rigid moralistic and not fun."
"Long story short, it's just because it's a meme."
"Success Kid became so popular it was even used by vitaminwater and the UK's Virgin Media."
"The real stories behind hilarious internet memes."
"This could be the cycle of memes along with Bitcoin."
"If you're ignoring memes, then you're just losing a whole boatload of money."
"Hannah Minx: the blueprint, not just a meme girl or an internet waifu."
"So memes are now, they just have replaced the word joke."
"Once you are mean, you're a meme forever. Like, Twitter is, like, dangerous."
"Memes flood everything: from Twitter, Facebook... they're usually an indicator of some resonant topics."
"I'm a meme, a gif, gif! Come on, glad you didn't say jiff cuz I would have punched you square in the nose."
"Invest in low-cost broad market index funds for steady wealth growth."
"In this age of memes, it seems that a lot of really ridiculous stuff can become like quite a good business idea, and that in essence is what Salt Bae is."
"I mean, it's sort of consistent with Elon Musk, his entire sense of humor is just stealing people's memes and not even bothering to, like, the original post before he steals it. He's just done F Jerry to the, you know, to the Moon literally."
"Dog with hat is one of the most successful meme coins there's ever been."
"I mean, just generally meme culture is my life's work."
"This game has had memes with the doubt castle, it's had some excellent conversation about map control and economy."
"There's more memes of course there are endless memes about this."
"The right is going to meme her into the presidency."
"Become a meme maker and more of a meme maker, less of a meme taker."
"I really liked the insurance joke. I've seen it memed a lot as well so I know a lot of people enjoyed it too."
"Capcom didn't expect Lady D to be the biggest meme out of all this and took that advantage with marketing. Were you surprised, Maggie, about how popular she took off and all the memes that were generated around her?"
"Tweet me your funniest doge memes at Crypto Jeb."
"Oh, here we go, diamond hands! We didn't think this was a good skin, got a dog and a coin. Arrow, stocks are down, close coin down, DOGE coin down, stonks down! Oh, whoa!"
"Memes are about a community, it's about the jump from Pepe to Wojak to maybe, maybe, maybe."
"Bugsnax, the game that has turned into its own little PlayStation 5 meme, will be a launch title."
"Dodgerun combines everyone's favorite meme coin with the lucrative and trending gaming sector of the crypto market."
"Back up to 60 nine away from true meme potential ladies and gentlemen, that much closer."
"Give me those one ups, 61. one step closer to meme potential."
"If you're looking to build a religion or a cult-like following, harness the power of memes, inside jokes, and build your own lingo."
"We know someone's gonna edit this clip of us with like the curb meme later."
"Did you just Rick-roll me?!" - Amusing surprise and humor.
"One dose equals one doge and one doge will always equal one doge."
"It spawned countless iconic clips and memes that have survived in the public consciousness to this day."
"The evolution of memes from when they started to where they're at now."
"Twitter brings the memes and it makes me so happy."
"Rest in peace, but I guess today what we could do is continue on and try and level up and just meme around a bit."
"That's one of my favorite things ever. They embrace the meme."
"It's like a meme with fucking lore, you know what I mean?"
"I think you'd actually find that if you ask a lot of people in crypto one of their first buys was often a meme coin."
"Meme coin mania inspired an entire wave of dog coins."
"There has to be some kind of adversarial knocking of one meme against another meme to see which survives."
"If this comes together, that could become the new Doge of this era."
"An overachiever, but then there's plenty of memes and compilations poking fun at the Basque manager and his now iconic words."
"Elon Musk is like a rich person who understands memes."
"This show has a lot of one-liners, maybe that's why it's so meme-worthy."
"Matt Pat is a genius. Okay, I mostly researched him for the memes, but still."
"Without memes, there's no dreams and without dreams, there's no achievement."
"He invested so much in this meme. Every video I was right there the whole [ __ ] time."
"Thanks to the internet popularity the kid from the Success Kid meme made enough money to fund his dad's kidney transplant."
"The Gulag is now just a mainstream gaming meme."
"Your cat leaving the litter box, perfect meme material."
"As goofy and off-putting as the genre can be, its aesthetics have continued to be a staple of goth clubs and even meme culture of all things."
"How high do you think Kulo can go? I'm hoping it goes to a billion. With memes, anything's possible."
"Some of the most glorious gold in life comes out of these memes on the internet."
"Money isn't real, okay? That's becoming a serious meme."
"But memes for sure will [continue], and I will continue to hunt for them for you guys."
"The audiences of the future want to get their information from memes."
"Memes are a piece of non-corporate, non-establishment media imagery that reflects a moment in culture and reflects something that we're all going through and explains it in a very simple and shareable way."
"In order for something to be memeable, it has to be iconic."
"I'm going to make it say 'donuts', why not go all in on that meme?"
"Enjoy your meme supplies, same energy."
"When you realize Pikachu surprised face meme is nine years old."
"The entire starting point for meme culture in general can be traced back to a little website called somethingawful.com."
"Meme culture as we all know it can be traced back to something awful."
"When you show someone a meme and don't have to spend one hour explaining the joke."
"When you laugh at a dumb Meme and your partner who is not an internet person asks what's funny: But it's like a tier three Meme and you got to explain about 7 years of internet for them to understand the nuances."
"It's all a meme, somebody commented, and he meant to say the year 1999 but he said 199, so we just memed on it."
"You guys are the most important part to everything, like the memes, the things that are happening."
"It's amazing how memes there how memes are born rise to prominence die get resurrected die again and then are almost completely forgotten about."
"That's the slow death of a meme that you really liked. It's actually one of the saddest things."
"So, there's this one, wait, it's all memes. Always has been."
"You could take any frame of Spongebob out of context and probably make a meme out of it."
"Revenge of the Sith is the most memeable and most tragic at the same time."
"I love that that became a meme, that's great."
"It's the Thanos meme: 'Let's build it ourselves'."
"We are memes, and we're getting paid to make memes."
"You know how you see those memes with like Biggie Cheese? 'You smoke too tough, your swag too different, they're going to kill you.' They actually killed him and they stole his swag."
"My favorite meme is Doctor Strange saw 14 million versions."
"It's everyone's dream to make a meme account and then five years later make 85 million dollars."
"Dogecoin on the other hand is very hyped, it's very solid, it's very memeable because it's a meme coin."
"He seems very wholesome... he's really smart apparently gets memed for being super smart but he just seems really adorable."
"It's very easy to go viral on TikTok, especially if you're posting stuff like funny cat memes or dog memes or any viral kind of content."
"Press F to pay respects has taken on a life of its own and is now a very prominent part of Internet culture."
"If you're serious about launching a meme coin, then make sure you sign up."
"This ironic love for gopniks would eventually transcend just being a meme."
"Diamond hands, man, diamond hands."
"Feels good man is about the artist Matt Fury, he's the guy who created Pepe the Frog."
"A meme coin can only do well if it has solid marketing; that is literally what a meme coin relies on."
"The terrified look on his face is hilarious and is the embodiment of this meme."
"Sometimes when someone's like, 'Why is this meme funny?' It's like, well, in 1999, after the fall of the Soviet Union..."
"It's such a classic, I'm glad that's like one that's a meme that has been so apparent in media now for like the last 50 years."
"I think that being a modern-day meme is like somehow like you would just forever live on."
"The three things are narrative, meme, and popularity. Period."
"Never before has this meme to star phenomenon been more prevalent and replicated."
"One frog's face became a vessel for participation, and we all fell in love with him."
"No, atheists don't go to hell. But the people that don't crop memes properly? Straight to hell."
"These leggings remind me of those like memes that are like, 'Oh you can only choose two out of the three things.' Except these leggings are the embodiment of you could have it all."
"The show is so memeable, it's great."
"She's a genius, oh yeah, she is a meme lord, power level over 9,000."