
Allegory Quotes

There are 341 quotes

"Atlanteans grew greedy and materialistic, forsaking the spiritual laws of their founding fathers."
"Plato is perhaps best known for his allegories, stories meant to teach a lesson through metaphor."
"The White Walkers are an allegory for climate change. While everyone with power is occupied in their own petty little conflicts, the larger more existential threat goes unanswered."
"It's an allegory for the commodification of females in society and also it sort of explores the aspects of dating in a contemporary world."
"In heaven there will be no law, and the lion will lie down with the lamb, but in Hell there will be nothing but law and due process will be rigorously observed."
"The allegory of the Matrix is, of course, that the narrative of the mainstream, the narrative world told, isn't true."
"They say the pen is mightier than the sword, but Froggy 2 proves that the tongue can wield its spiritual sword just fine."
"I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history – true or feigned– with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers."
"The House in the Cerulean Sea is this lovely little allegory about the marginalization of things we don't understand."
"This photo serves as an allegory for the current and future state of our oceans, pushing endangered species to the brink." - Justin Hoffman
"Majora's Mask is an allegory for growing up and overcoming childhood traumas."
"Some animals are more equal than other animals."
"Fantasy ultimately is an allegorical representation of reality."
"It's a stunningly effective piece of horror, forcing you to contemplate and confront its numerous horrors both real and allegorical."
"A great allegorical story about proving a sword, putting it through a tough test, and proving that it works."
"Like knight and canterbury are again alluding to to holden's kind of like uh sort of paladin outlook on life in his is kind of allegory like yeah it's it is a shame that perhaps more people should should pay attention to this kind of thing."
"I joined the empire when they stood for something, and then I realized I was wrong."
"Republicans are the bad cop and Democrats say, 'hey hey, come with us.'"
"We've already buried hate them just don't [ __ ] your cat like it's not a fable."
"Manbearpig is an allegory for global warming."
"The easiest way to resolve this is to say that the Matrix is at least an allegory about oppression."
"It's still a frank allegory about pharmaceuticals greed corruption and human ignorance."
"Another potential accidental allegory for something terrible brewing here."
"Just like the happy ghost in the story, Susie was going where she could be with her family forever."
"A powerful civilization that enslaved others but was then swallowed into the sea sounds very familiar."
"This allegorical tale is about what we can find in ourselves."
"Deckard is a replicant in the same way as The Matrix is a trans allegory."
"The Truman Show's allegorical message is more relevant than ever."
"Society today mirrors somewhat like The Truman Show."
"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than other animals."
"The humans or sky people of Pandora are a reflection of how real-life humans are treating Earth."
"Bloodborne: an allegory for how capitalism ruins everything."
"Wall-E has been compared to Christianity and Greek mythology."
"The tower will fall, everyone who walks with you."
"The allegory of the long spoon shows the difference between heaven and hell."
"Harry Potter is also an allegory for the Holocaust and World War II."
"Jesus died for our sins, but Twitter died for our Salvation."
"In the world of Hannibal, death is a moth, eating away at the edges of a beautiful tapestry until the picture is so eroded that all that remains is the suggestion of what might have been."
"He caused both the small and the great... to receive a mark in their right hand and their foreheads."
"It's a thinly veiled warning about the ever-present threat of fascism that uses technologically advanced lizard monsters from outer space."
"It's games like this that have such a deeper meaning that you'd ever think you'd find in the surface these aren't just video games but allegories for things on such a greater level."
"John Carpenter's remake expands those Cold War allegories even further..."
"Now what's going to defeat this global warming scare I don't think we it's like it's like David and Goliath."
"Believe the frog, when it tells you that the crocodile is dead."
"The rider on the black horse represents financial slavery, economic servitude."
"Tony's transformation in the cave reflects Plato's allegory of the cave."
"The soul answered, 'I served you as a garment, and you did not know me.'"
"Maybe what this allegory is describing is the way that certain desires possess us and make us feel really out of control."
"To not decide is to decide to become a Pontius Pilate."
"With his clever allegorical representation of certain types it's a bleak dystopian critique of class modern society and it's incredibly powerful."
"Majora's Mask is an allegory for growing up and overcoming the traumas of our childhood."
"The journey of the Golden Boy is a perfect allegory for the hopes and dreams of a young Winnipeg."
"All animals are created equal but some are more equal than others."
"Pan's Labyrinth is a parable wearing the clothes of a fairy tale to say something meaningful about the human condition."
"The movie does not lose the more grown-up allegorical themes."
"Electronic Arts is Evil. Literally as evil as a fictional villain in an anti-drug PSA."
"Chosen is an obvious allegory for people who deserve a second chance."
"Animal Farm by George Orwell... an allegory, quite witty and poignant."
"King Kong versus Godzilla would follow a similar allegorical beat to other science fiction pieces."
"Some animals are more equal than others."
"The original trilogy was an allegory to the guerrilla warfare of conflicts like the Vietnam War or the American Revolution."
"Thy maker is thy husband; the nation of Israel is like the most high God's bride."
"The movie 'The Matrix' is not science fiction; the movie 'Matrix' is a documentary."
"That's us. You are, Socrate -- Plato suggesting here, a prisoner in a cave looking only at the shadows of things."
"The whole purpose for entering Narnia was so that by knowing Aslan and Narnia, they will know him better in the world."
"This movie is very queer-coded and that just about everything is an allegory that fits with queer people and now Prejudice that Society has been and is to them."
"The wandering Jew must be somebody who understands this power and has fixed time, albeit symbolically. There is also more to this character - there are always more levels of understanding."
"The growth of the Wizarding World with regards to prejudice can be seen as an allegory for our own real world."
"Our lives become an allegory and perfect picture of the coming of Christ."
"Let me tell you a story: we're all prisoners in a cave."
"Make no mistake, this is not a mere difference of opinion in the ivory tower, the battle itself has become an allegory for something as important as a debate itself."
"The Cybermen were created as an allegory of sorts to Communism."
"The arthurian legend is a perfect allegory for Batman and Superman in the comic book, 'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns,' but in this movie, they're just a couple of guys who've met once or twice."
"He had a rabbinic way of reading the scripture... every passage is like every log was about Jesus."
"I think it's a wonderful political allegory I think it's absolutely about the misuse of power."
"Everything that happens within the film is an allegory told in the form of a horror movie."
"Louis Caroll masterfully wielded fantasy in order to tell a larger story about the truth of the world and our perception of it."
"The story of the Ramayana is part of natural law."
"It's a story of what's happening within us."
"Every single move and detail of the story is representative, is symbolic."
"The idea of the monster slowly shifted from an inhuman creature that should be feared and into an allegory that many would find relatable or even romantic."
"After people realized it was made by two trans women and works remarkably well as a trans allegory."
"It's a beautiful fable about what it is to be a father."
"The Quran here is talking allegorically, because the Quran addresses human beings and when you address human beings and especially the whole world it has to address them in a way where everybody could understand simple language."
"We’re all in this cave watching the shadows on the wall, and what we need to do is realise that we’re living in a fake reality, and then come out of the cave into the ‘real’ world."
"The genre of Science-Fiction, at its core, is fundamentally about metaphor and allegories."
"When fiction wants to tackle real-world political issues, they'll work it into their universe in such a way that it requires a bit of intentional reading to suss out what they're trying to say."
"It is an allegorical painting on the concept of liberty, embodied by the female figure atop the crowd."
"Works on all ends as an allegory and is added on to by having the bee animals in the first place."
"The shepherd always knows his sheep. They always know him. He calls them by name and the sheep follow because they know his voice."
"John's Gospel positions his first miracle at Cana on the third day, an allegory for his death and resurrection."
"Falstaff is life's ambassador to us."
"The bugs are evil, they are the enemy, they are a dangerous hive mind, hence the Communist allegory, and they are a clear and present mortal threat to all human life."
"There's a deeper meaning to this story that provides Christians with valuable insights about their relationship with God and how to be a good Christian."
"Here's a quote from it: 'Behold human beings living in an underground den which has a mouth open towards the light...'"
"It's a beautiful story for people that like Alice in Wonderland or Narnia with a wonderful message."
"It's basically all this bigger allegory in the story that I really enjoyed."
"It's such a great allegory for just like people growing up and finding their own paths in life."
"All art she maintained is anagogic, an interpretation that finds beyond the literal, allegorical, and moral senses a fourth and ultimate spiritual or mystical sense."
"It may ultimately be an allegory about grief and coping with the finality of death."
"Myths go down the deep end. They are beautiful stories without the use of facts. They tell deeper truths usually than the facts of the matter."
"The whole point of Narnia is to reacquaint us with the knowledge of these great concepts."
"If you don't know by now, this is a post-apocalyptic horror/fantasy story with tons of allegory and nods to other works."
"He's a perfect allegory for addiction."
"The allegory of the cave explains our predicament."
"So much of this comes down to the simple wisdom that is in Lehi's dream."
"This beautifully demonstrates the way that Tolkien writes allegory."
"Tarantino's Western is an allegory for our current times."
"This story is a religious allegory, but most simply, it's a story where good trumps evil and mistakes can be forgiven and bad actions can be redeemed as long as you're not as cold-hearted as a witch."
"It's in the form of a story or a parable, but it's true to life and the afterlife."
"Hidden in the fantastic other-wordly narrative of Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away is an allegory about society’s toxic obsession with work."
"DeVun argues that, whether or not we realize it, modern science also operates on an allegorical level."
"A friend with wings has the enemy that flies."
"I mean, yeah, this movie was basically just an allegory for teenage girls growing up."
"Do you mean – so, like, kind of writing a show for Jarvis as a... kind of, um, segue from real life? Like... Allegorical to Jarvis's life?"
"The creation story could still be an allegory and be true. It's just not to be read like a science book."
"This isn't about Frank Herbert writing about these characters because he really loves them even though he does it's really about trying to teach us the reader and make us more wise and expand our awareness and see how this stuff works because it's a real thing good."
"The Angels now serve Godzilla, so Godzilla has become God."
"Plato's famous allegory of the cave comes up all the time whenever anybody's talking about philosophy."
"Some of the illustrations that are used in the biblical text are not necessarily events that happened but they're events that are story form."
"The good King! Aslan, for the C. S. Lewis readers. Is he scary? Yes. But he’s approachable."
"I have deliberately written a tale which is built on or out of religious ideas but is not an allegory of them."
"The simple, but clearly allegorical story is often viewed as being about animal rights, presenting the idea that humans may not like being treated that way if the shoe was on the other foot."
"The allegory of the cave serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of critical thinking and open-mindedness in the pursuit of knowledge."
"Jesus used parables to conceal truth but also administer it."
"When you read scripture in the future bear in mind that the persons stated there are personifications of states."
"Plato's Cave Allegory parallels The Exodus narrative, both symbolizing enlightenment from ignorance."
"I hope to illuminate the allegorical essence of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah."
"But I do understand why people might feel a bit Nazi'd out when it comes to the use of space fascists as sci-fi allegory."
"The visual storytelling and allegories were on point, adding depth to the narrative."
"In writing 'The fox and the hound,' Manix created what I consider to be the definitive xeno-fiction novel addressing modern humanity's relationship with and stewardship over the wild."
"Knowing of Hans Christian Anderson's conception of the original story, The Little Mermaid will always inherently be a queer allegory."
"Using the child needs to outgrow a fantasy crutch storytelling template as meta allegory for exploring how mid 20th century germany or any civilization really can fall under and then try to crawl out of the spell of something as absurdly evil as nazism."
"The metaphor of heartbreak and every death-related allegory ever conceived."
"Tolkien states that The Lord of the Rings is not an allegory that deals with the political events of that time, especially the Second World War, one by one."
"The Matrix, as a film, is a really well-executed film, and the allegory in it is not a new one. It's just a very well-executed one."
"Lewis introduces us to a strange world called Narnia, where things are done differently. But as we read and think, it begins to give us thoughts about our own world."
"But if you read the king in the story to be an evil king, a mob boss, a slum landlord, a corrupt politician, the same truth is revealed: serve those who are evil, do their bidding, be loyal to their wishes, and you will share in THAT master’s joy."
"It's very allegorical to today with the young people."
"This story in the Bible is an allegory of washing from sin. That even if you have everything the world can offer, if you don't have life, what good is it? But if you are healed, if you've got life, then you can enjoy everything else. Amen."
"The true church is to be the bride of Messiah."
"Kong Skull Island uses the mistreatment of Kong and his environment as well as the retaliatory actions of the human characters to make a greater point of how the Vietnam War was a similar exercise of self-righteousness."
"Throughout the centuries we have mistakenly taken personifications for persons, allegory for history, the vehicle that conveyed the instruction for the instruction, and the gross first sense for the ultimate sense intended."
"We were loyal to the wrong dragon, that's all. I see that now."
"I like the one skelly boy who's just kind of screaming as it all goes by... that's an allegory for life right there."
"The allegory, I'm going with that one because that was fire."
"It takes it out of allegory into a larger global conversation."
"All good stories are allegorical."
"It's funny because when you see it that way you realize that that's also what's kind of going on in the story of Adam and Eve because it says that Adam and Eve were created in the image of God."
"I believe we are the bride of Christ."
"Dante assigns Virgil another of his deeper meanings, turning him into the symbol of human reason and poetry."
"Objection to allegory does not mean that Tolkien himself did not see applicability. He just didn't want to ram it down your throat."
"Ultra 7 is actually not a sequel to Ultraman... Ultra 7 is someone who found himself tangled in a non-stop war against Alien Invaders, much like how the innocent civilians of Japan during World War II were wrapped up in a hopeless war they didn't want any part in."
"So there's all this suffering that was required in order to keep the city going and then the protagonist has this vision that this machine is actually this demon Moloch so again it's like this sort of like mechanistic consumption of of humans in order to get more power um"
"What does the stick story represent?"
"The Targaryens are Nazis, like I'm not sugar coating this."
"The werewolf condition as an allegory for HIV/AIDS is a compelling interpretation of societal fear and discrimination."
"What allegory does is to provide a stimulus for introspection. It provides for the reader a stimulus for introspection and insight, which can lead to a real assimilation of the lesson."
"The lesson of it all is, your Highness," said the oldest dwarf, "that those northern witches always mean the same thing. But in every age, they have a different plan for getting it."
"The force and the dark side itself is really an allegory for how a human being will either become selfless or selfish."
"We always saw it as being an allegory, so 'Blind Forest' is about the child-parent relationship with Ori."
"People just don't understand that my messy room is an allegorical art piece representing mental illness and a reference to the hit 2004 movie 'Hell's Moving Castle'."
"The genre can do well by creating allegories for marginalized groups like queer people, so that we can have these conversations about societal issues."
"This is the Christian knight making his way through life, trying to ignore these horrible evil hazards."
"I feel like this is kind of like an allegory for addiction a little bit."
"The biblical story of Jonah serves as a poignant allegory for this stage of your journey."
"What an amazing allegory, what an amazing illustration."
"The first man is Adam, the second man Jesus Christ."
"It's like Lord of the Flies meets Animal Farm."
"It's a peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols."
"The Bible As A Tale of Two Cities presents two cities antithetically: Jerusalem as the city of God and Babylon as the city of man."
"From the dragons of Middle-earth, we see the danger of weapons of mass destruction."
"Pilgrim's Progress is a marvelous insight into the nature of the Christian Life."
"The film serves as an allegory about truth and subjectivity."
"The whole of history is an allegory of humility."
"The Golem is us, and I think that's a powerful lesson."
"It's one of those things, those of you guys who are familiar with the allegory of Plato's cave, that's what this is."
"Our original biography of Jesus doesn't appear to be a biography at all; it's an allegory."
"Picasso's largest allegorical painting from this period, 'La Vie', was painted on a return to his home city of Barcelona."
"The story of Atlantis was a relatively minor aspect of two books written by Plato."
"It was simply an allegory that Plato invented to try and prove a point."
"This Godzilla's response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster."
"It uses Godzilla as an allegory of Japanese reliance on nuclear energy and also a complete criticism of the Japanese government."
"A play by Arthur Miller entitled The Crucible explores the evils and ignorance of the 17th century witch hunts."
"Whether interpreted as a divine warning, a symbolic allegory, or simply a relic of the past, its enduring allure continues to captivate the human imagination."
"The prophecy becomes a powerful allegory for the transformative potential of divine grace and the opportunity for spiritual renewal in the face of adversity."
"The Journey to the West is packed full of symbolism, dense literary context, and some majorly influential characters."
"The good seed are the children of the kingdom, but the tares are the children of the wicked one."
"It's essentially an allegorical monster movie that manages to overcome common pretentious pitfalls to stay both genuinely scary and emotionally layered all the way through."
"He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; The good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one."
"The allegory of the cave is the way I explain my view to the layperson."
"It is the story of a lamb that entered the battle against the greatest evil and was victorious as if a lion has entered the battlefield."
"Night of the Living Dead was the first major zombie movie and also the first to present itself as a socio-political allegory."
"One Piece is... a parable or... an allegory of Buddhism."
"The guarding cherub trying to keep the thief out of paradise, and the good thief stealing his way in."
"All is allegory," says my Philip, "each creature is key to all other creatures."
"Maybe all we see are just shadows on the wall."
"Mammon led them on, Mammon, the least erected Spirit that fell From heav'n."
"But you know I'm on the side of the angels, don't you?"
"The entire thing is a brilliant allegory."