
Voter Sentiment Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Voters hate hypocrites more than anything else. They hate somebody who has something to hide."
"American voters need to have confidence in our electoral system."
"CBS News battleground tracker shows Biden with a 10-point lead among likely voters."
"If 90 million voters don't care and they think what Democrats are doing so horrible that they'll take Donald Trump, then that's the way they're voting."
"We're getting to the point where people will elect a ham sandwich over an establishment."
"The voters aren't going to take it. What they're doing is weaponizing the system and there's never been anything like it."
"Negative partisanship while the Republican polls say that voters are tired of the obsession with Trump, Democrat polls say that no people want Trump to be impeached."
"I'm never voting Republican again. I'm good. I'm good and fed up."
"I think one narrative that does make sense to me at least at this stage was it was a clear repudiation of Trump but not Trumpism."
"A constituency that is losing hope and looking for change."
"People like the Republican agenda, they just didn't like the Republican candidates."
"The anger, animosity, and hopelessness that led them to vote for Donald Trump was not created by Trump."
"Democrats hate working people so much they'd rather lose political power than enact a single popular policy that helps us."
"Black voters are tired of trying to survive, we want to have an opportunity to thrive."
"The Democrats have presented me with nothing other than incessant scandals."
"Just because I voted for Biden doesn't mean I am stupid."
"It's tempting to begin this next story with the phrase, 'Even in San Francisco,' as in, even in San Francisco, voters are getting tired of woke progressive politics."
"Voters keep sending the message that one way or another they are done with inaction and disgusted with the status quo."
"Voters doubt Biden's leadership in favor Trump." - New York Times Sienna poll finds.
"Voting for Trump or supporting Trump is the unforgivable sin. And it's one of those things that they have such a hard time wrapping their minds around."
"Incredible results for the Labour Party because people voted for hope...they want hope in their lives."
"It just means that African American voters feel the existential threat more than other subsections of the Democratic Party."
"If you believe the two-party system is the root of our issue...why contribute to it then?"
"People are voting for hope, people are moved for the hope of a new Lagos."
"People aren't turning out. Joe Biden was not elected for his left-wing activism. He was elected to bring back normalcy."
"Even if the party that I voted for didn't win, I always used to say, well, at least we don't riot and do violence. It seems like the party that I don't vote for does every time."
"The Democrats and Republican voters are realizing that they have more in common with each other than they do with their parties."
"I do think we could do that because a lot of the angst that caused the Republicans to vote for Trump was the same angst is that they're feeling."
"Not everybody who voted for Trump is dumb or racist. Many were just dissatisfied with business as usual in government." - Brian
"Trump voters... he's the only person willing to speak for us."
"I think Biden then really did win the national popular vote by the double digits."
"Regular Americans in the American voter base are not for this."
"How long are we going to help elect people who continue to disappoint us?"
"I think they just wanted a big fuck you to the establishment."
"The people who supported Trump also, for the most part, didn't regret it."
"It doesn't matter who you vote for; they all do the same thing."
"I think people were sending a very clear message, a simple message to both main parties: just get on and deliver Brexit."
"Local issues inevitably played a part, but all politicians know it wasn't bins voters were angry about but Brexit."
"Change is what they got, just not in the obvious two-party politics way."
"The system is doing that itself... people are upset now, they're ready to vote now."
"Almost half of US voters say they would consider voting for a third party candidate."
"I'm exhausted of people supporting this man in office."
"Over half of 2019 Conservative voters want Johnson to go."
"The blue wave is now running into a riptide of uncertainty."
"52 percent of likely U.S voters believe Biden's presidency has been bad for the long-term success of the U.S."
"San Francisco voters have delivered a clear message that the school board must focus on the essentials of delivering a well-run school system above all else."
"When you look at the fact that gas prices are going back up, groceries are going up... you lose their votes and you lose their ear."
"Democrats have been trained to expect very little and to get even less."
"This is catastrophic midterms. I just can't wait for midterms to see what happens there."
"The fastest way to lose my vote is to lie to me."
"Voting for him was like taking out the trash."
"Stop pooh-poohing on the hundreds of millions of people literally between just Trump and Bolsonaro supporters."
"Wisconsin will start to come home as many people start to realize that this is a repeat of the 2020 presidential election."
"We have expanded quite a lot, and let's check on our brothers."
"So, there's a lot of people that have been saying, you know what, I'm voting for Kim Klasik, they get it, they understand."
"But I don't think that's most Trump supporters. I think most Trump supporters have hated the Republican establishment as much as the Democrat establishment for some time."
"Voters complete and total abhorrence of election denialism and specifically Trump craziness."
"The next election is going to be a change election."
"We need to throw both of these corrupt corrupt parties out of Washington."
"This behavior from the DOJ and the left in general is moving people like me who would prefer Ron DeSantis all other things equal and putting us back in the Trump camp."
"The reason why he won is because the corruption goes so deep that people were... He was a primal scream for a lot of voters against the system and he never fully understood that."
"Black Americans are losing faith in Joe Biden and the Democratic Party."
"There are voters out there that are saying you know what I don't love Joe Biden."
"I think he will win because who else is there to vote for."
"Sadly, I don't think many Tory voters care about this kind of unfairness and other corruption stories. It's all background noise now."
"Aren't you glad you didn't vote for Hillary Clinton?"
"85 million of us are going to vote for this guy, they can't cheat enough to beat him." - Auto Worker
"At the end of the day, Republican voters like Donald Trump."
"There's a real disenchantment with major party politics."
"I think they're about to learn that his supporters have a mind of their own."
"...the words of the decisions built popular opinion and voter sentiment for the Emancipation Proclamation and the three constitutional amendments ratified shortly after the Civil War."
"I'm very cognizant of how Malay voters are thinking and feeling on a number of issues."
"At some point, voters are going to wake up and get very angry."