
Societal Adaptation Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The world has changed so fast that we can't even get our heads around it."
"It's not easy to operate in an economy and in a society where we all have to practice physical distancing, but it's what we have to do."
"We live in madness, and we've adapted to madness."
"Computers right now can do the things that humans spend most of their time being paid to do, so now's the time to start thinking about how we're going to adjust our social structures and economic structures to be aware of this new reality."
"Capitalism has survived for the last century not because it's the best system...but because those at the top of capitalist society have been able to change capitalist ideology in line with people's complaints about it."
"Life is going to be quieter for a matter of months. Everything will function. Life will function."
"How does a society thrive when the world economy is undergoing constant disruption?"
"Who (beep) cares? Nobody's being replaced. You're not being deleted. They're just like new people."
"Reality has moved forward... it's the future, old man."
"We live in circumstances that are not only novel at an unprecedented level but are changing so rapidly that even to the extent that we can figure out what to do, the world changes out from under us."
"UBI addresses the disruption caused by technological unemployment and enables people to adapt."
"Despite whatever our biological programming is telling us to do, we need to adapt to modern society."
"If Donald Trump loses we will get through it."
"Every citizen is being called upon to make sacrifices, every business is being asked to fulfill its patriotic duty, every community is making fundamental changes to how we live, work, and interact each and every day."
"It's a new world that we live in and we need to catch up to it."
"In a down society, we're going to be bartering."
"It would just be better to let people figure it out... over time."
"When the pandemic sort of lockdown started in March and I thought the world was going to end and it really has done the opposite so that's good, good."
"It is not an economic or financial or philosophical or social crisis. It is an evolutionary crisis."
"Freedom would become the environment of an organism which is no longer capable of adapting to the competitive performances required for well-being under domination."
"We have to handle these incredible cultures we've built thoughtfully and with respect for today in this modern era where we can probably weather most any crisis."
"It becomes so easy, people become so used to you being vegan."
"We have to become modernists rather than reactionaries in order to actually deal with modernity as such."
"Once the public gets used to something that really is in the public's interest, it's very hard to get rid of it."
"A great example of this is covet so when the pandemic started it changed daily life for all of us."
"We need to find a way to live in an advanced technological society while maintaining as much human freedom as possible."
"I think we have to reimagine education. I think we are stuck in a mold that doesn't fit our times."
"Robots are set to take over the world and you know what they say if you can't beat them join them."
"We have to think about this in a way that, yes, we have the new norm living with coronavirus."
"You need to understand that what we're living through right now is going to be permanent."
"Our world is ever-changing and our old concepts no longer apply."
"We must understand how this control system will morph into varying forms to suit the conditions of the day."
"A pack of masks sent to every citizen in Britain, and then maybe when we go through this whole rigmarole of putting that mask on before we go to the tube, do that."
"Let's resist any temptation to bemoan the changes around us. Let's build a coalition for openness and innovation reaching beyond established alliances and the confines of geography."
"In 60 years if you're still upset about this technology you're probably going to be the Boomer."
"Liberalism in today's society has become maladaptive."
"We are at a truly unique moment in history... a voluntary and involuntary reset of global demographics."
"Some big changes are going to be coming down the pipeline, and this is going to affect everyone."
"I was right the whole time it is absolutely struggled and been propped up to exist and as I said extended by the pandemic not killed by it extended."
"So many things are going to change... cooking, coffee consumption, alcohol consumption, sugar consumption."
"The proof is in the evidence. As you grow into a certain lifestyle, you become part of that lifestyle."
"Robots can solve problems like human beings and all walks of life in the world will increasingly rely on Automation and robots just like mobile phones."
"Automation isn't as bad as it looks, but there's a lot going on."
"The digital disruption has already happened."
"We have got to the stage where it's no longer the first item on the news every day. People are beginning to want to get on with their lives. That's understandable."
"This time last year, nobody had a vaccine. Now, 200 million Americans do, and we're seeing this push of demand." - Highlighting societal shifts amidst the pandemic.
"This all seems inevitable I would say I am surprised at the speed."
"At some point we have to get back to normal everyday life and simply live with the virus."
"Things are getting better, that's different from saying sure that the pandemic is over."
"You feel good inside... it really does feel and taste like a home-cooked meal."
"Society needs to embrace the shift in employment."
"Just keep doing yourself, people will adjust. Just keep being you."
"Our time has come, we're in the fullness of time, our baby is due, we're moving different now, the traffic laws have to adjust to accommodate our assignment."
"Humans as a species were having to adjust to a virus that didn't go through the normal pathways."
"It's the 21st century and we need to get with the modern times."
"I don't know how you put the cat back in the bag regarding that generation."
"Things will never go back to what we once knew quite frankly just three or four months ago."
"It's time to get with the Next Generation, and I think a lot of people are appreciating that."
"From today, French citizens will have to show a vaccine pass to enter public places." - Announcement of new COVID-19 restrictions in France.
"Fall in love with who you are becoming and the world will adjust."
"Those in power can't do what they are trying to do if our citizens refuse to carry out immoral orders."
"History and technology are respecters of no society, no individual opinions, but it moves on."
"I think we're past this pandemic. I think what he meant by that was that it really isn't changing much of the way we live, work, and play at this point. I'm feeling uh immune."
"We shouldn't be okay with not accepting a new normal."
"We are moving toward a time when COVID doesn't disrupt our daily lives."
"I like the world of quiet place even if the people in the world of quiet place haven't quite figured out how to live it."
"Geo-maxing is the idea of moving to a place on the globe where people are shorter."
"The stress will increase in the coming years as technology advances."
"We need that slowdown in order to integrate."
"The trend of consumption downgrading is likely to become the new norm."
"America's democratic norms... must be made to work in an age of racial equality and unprecedented ethnic diversity."
"We're not going back to the way the world was in 2019, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing."
"In the reality of a largely pluralistic, non-Christian populace, you will have to make concessions."
"The only way we adapt civilization and transition to this next phase is by suppressing the immune system response at the same time giving life to new ideas that better map to the opportunities and possibilities that technology will bring us."
"It's almost like they think differently, the world is not adapted to them, and they don't get the care that they deserve."
"Adapting to the new rules of post-Soviet society is easy; it's just like solving a new problem."
"Iterative deployment is, in my opinion, the only safe path and the only way for people, society, and institutions to have time to update and internalize what this all means."