
Conflict Of Interest Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"I am always held to the standard of a fiduciary at all times. I can never allow a situation to look as if there's a conflict of interest."
"Act independently. Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived."
"The board members of the FED sold their stock portfolios because they wanted to make sure to avoid any conflicts of interest, right? And then they proceeded to crash markets."
"The fact that we have lawmakers who are personally invested in businesses that they're deciding legislation on is unacceptable."
"You cannot have a financial interest in a party to a suit in which you are a judge."
"In doing so, the President placed his own personal interests above the national interests."
"This company was simultaneously making a chemical that induced estrogen and promoted breast cancer, and making a chemical that blocked estrogen production and was being used to treat breast cancer."
"Ryan is a game Runner right but he also has to run the show and at the end of the day like running a game and running the show you don't always have aligned interests."
"Does this sound like a conflict of interest to you?"
"The watchdog for The World Bank cannot be The World Bank."
"A team org should not have control over the schedule, format, funding, seating of their own players, and the biggest events of the year."
"How can you have folks who are regulating industries, trading stocks in the same industry?"
"The hard thing is, if say Perfect Prey did want to work with me, I want to say yes because I like making money, but also I feel like it makes my review a little less genuine, if I do work with a company."
"It's all financial incentives, it's not just because people like I believe so passionately about Syria that I'm gonna lie about the data it's like no like you're doing this because you have ulterior motives."
"The fall of cable TV news: Chris Cuomo fired for colluding with his brother, a major conflict of interest."
"Fanny Willis hired her lover, her paramor, to be the lead prosecutor in this case and then paid him 650 Grand to do it."
"Members of Congress should not be allowed to own individual stocks in individual companies, then vote on those same issues because of its conflict of interest."
"What happened at Seahenge is nothing short of a tragedy, a perfect example of conflict of interest which is overruled by those who held the highest degree."
"The FDA is being funded by the pharmaceutical companies they're supposed to be regulating. Is that a problem?"
"I have an ethics agreement that I signed that we carefully considered whether or not there could be conflicts of interest and I will religiously adhere to that agreement."
"Effective counsel threatened by an attorney's conflict of interest."
"Surely you can see the conflict here and the potential for corruption."
"Is it responsible for the media to accept funding from the weapons industry?"
"There is a conflict of interest. It's not a disputable fact."
"It's remarkable when you look through the actual conflicts of interest here, it is terrifying."
"This is a blatant abuse of power and a clear conflict of interest."
"The practice of payment for order flow creates serious conflicts of interest and should be banned."
"Fair market orders conflict with payment for order flow."
"That is a disqualifying conflict between her personal interest and her public duty."
"A story that reveals major conflicts of interest within the FDA and exposes the true power of filthy rich corporations and greed to corrupt the very institutions."
"Urban urged a military strike against Iran without any disclosure that he worked for defense contractors."
"We're rolling dice with our children who can't even discuss it with anybody."
"There's an inherent conflict of interest driven by the desire to make money."
"It is unethical for lawyers to work together when one client is cooperating with prosecutors and another is still under investigation."
"Surely there's a conflict of interest in the sense that he has large investments in pharmaceuticals and also he is the biggest donor to the WHO. Is this not slightly concerning, guys?"
"They have outsourced government ethics to an art dealer. This is just preposterous and very disappointing."
"If you look hard enough, you can find the bright side in anything."
"You both don't want to have the appearance of a conflict of interest and you also don't want to set up a scenario where if there's a republican president next, then they're going to investigate Biden."
"Trump's tax returns could potentially reveal conflicts between his business dealings and his role as president."
"If Mark Meadows were ever to make a clean break, that's the guy who I would want."
"You should know better and recuse yourself if there's a conflict of interest."
"Manchin's efforts to dismiss questions about his coal interest by saying he has a blind trust is misleading."
"The conflicts of interest are very obvious for the average person."
"Your promoter can also be your manager... If you can't see the immediate conflict of interest here I just don't know what to tell you."
"If he's supposed to be upholding the Constitution, but he also has a conflict over here... I can't see that as anything else other than a conflict."
"If there is an end to war, that means you don't sell any more tomahawk missiles. There's a direct conflict of interest."
"It is a requirement of US law that all federal officials avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest."
"They're bringing in people with ties to the Trump administration so they can lobby the Trump administration."
"Remove oneself from decision-making if there's a conflict of interest."
"Most financial advisers charge a very high fee themselves. And they are conflicted in that when they suggest that you buy this or that mutual fund, what's sort of little known is that they usually get a payment from that mutual fund company to put you in that mutual fund."
"If you operate on an egoistic system... your decisions are always going to have a conflict of interest... that's one of the biggest problems of egoism."
"It really seems like a pretty clear conflict of interest to say the least."
"...you already know how this is gonna work so you can preemptively sort of educate you...your buyer...your seller...so that you're not going to fall into dual agency..."
"What if you call the American I feel like there's a conflict of interest cuz you're an ESPN employee and the games are on ESPN so there could be a conflict of interest."
"Editors of medical journals should not have conflicts of interest. - Proposal"
"A conflict of interest occurs when a social worker's services to a client is compromised or might be compromised because of decisions or actions in relation to another client, colleague, or some other person."
"What this shows definitively is that they knew that the State Department officials knew that it was awkward, that they knew that it was an appearance of conflict of interest."
"There's no conflict of interest. So I don't think there's any conflict of interest, though."
"Conflict of interest is anything that I would benefit from or somebody else would benefit from."
"Do not expect a man to understand something if his income relies on him not understanding it."
"It's very difficult to convince somebody if their salary depends on them not believing it."
"I don't think members of Congress should trade stocks."
"Is it reasonable to think that one office can work for the best interest of both the buyer and the seller at the same time? No."
"It's a conflict of interest for you to fire yourself."
"As soon as it becomes a club where you pay to join, you've got a huge conflict of interest."
"If you get paid taxpayer's money to represent our interest, then you get paid money by big business to represent their interest, that is a conflict of interest."