
Ambivalence Quotes

There are 358 quotes

"We're often quick to want to resolve the ambivalence by making a choice: leave, stay, all good, all bad, follow them, counsel them. We're not holding the contradictions of people."
"It's terrible and beautiful all at the same time."
"Good morning, game birds. I hate you. Well, I love you actually."
"For us, it's bittersweet obviously, but we're honored."
"More power to those that it's affecting in a positive or negative way."
"This is probably the most uneven and flawed game that's ever made a top best list in my opinion. I absolutely hate it, but I really love it too."
"The captain commented that he felt ambivalent now that he had only six months left until retirement."
"Pretty amazing but also pretty scary at the same time."
"This iconic song perfectly sums up the ambiguity and ambivalence at the hearts of The Graduate."
"Looks good, looks bad, I want more of it, want less of it."
"I don't necessarily love it, but I don't hate it."
"I ended up finishing it, and I... I really don't know how I felt about this one."
"I love and hate this game so much, it's just... it's a weird relationship that we have, but it's our relationship, so that's what truly matters."
"You can be both bullish and bearish at the same time."
"Nichols wanted to hammer-home the message that not all transformations are a negative experience, but still wanted to end the film on an ominous note."
"I sure do love a blizzard," - "I'm not sure if I like it."
"Honestly, not the worst statement I've ever heard but also not the best statement."
"I love my job, I hate the public but I love my job."
"The partnership stuff is, look, I mean a lot of times when alt... Let's just move on."
"Modern technology is great and it's wonderful and it helps us in basically every aspect of our life, but it's also creepy and weird."
"Sometimes I wonder if my ability is really a gift or a curse."
"Friendship, oh wow, the definition of bittersweet."
"I love the snow, but I don't love the cold."
"Some things I like, some things I really, really don't like."
"Half of me digs this, half of me respects it."
"I love it, but I also hate it, but I love it."
"They're having mixed feelings here."
"He's quite good at leading men into battle, and he also hates it."
"Why am I not more excited about this or why am I not more scared?"
"Feel so sure of something and someone, and yet so uncertain at the same time."
"Is it possible to both hate and love something this much?"
"I'm not sure if I love this or hate this yet but I've kept it on my phone for a while."
"I don't think nobody generally hates this guy because if he said nice things about him they would love him."
"Honestly, I'm not really sure how to feel about this."
"Normally I'd be happy about this."
"This is why this place is one of my least favorite places to come to and favorite place to go to at the same time."
"A LoveHate relationship, the next best thing."
"We're kind of being a humbug but kind of trying to have the spirit of Christmas."
"It's just got the melancholy, but also the hopefulness happening simultaneously."
"...the beauty really comes from sitting on that kind of place between adoration and loss."
"There's a confliction in how you feel about them."
"Sometimes I love strangers and sometimes I hate them. That was a really good experience though, so I love that."
"You feel that this person can bring happiness love support caring to you but then they also left at the same time they either left abandoned you or they did something that didn't lead to some form of value to you."
"It's been a bit of love-hate, hasn't it?"
"Our problem is not the depravity of the wicked, it's the ambivalence of the faithful."
"It feels like they're dragging things out, not in a hurry to commit, even though they have deep feelings for you."
"The show walks a fine line between encouraging its audience to understand Walt and encouraging the audience to hate him."
"My relationship with technology has always been a little bit... you know, for whatever reason."
"I'm not against it, I feel like I'm having of their enema right now."
"It's pouring rain, I was just completely soaking, kind of half invigorating, half miserable."
"That's like a bittersweet, yeah. Bittersweetly, right? It was like, yeah, everybody's happy, hugs, hugs. Oh, you're getting the upside down now, you're getting all this snowflakey upside-down nonsense coming down."
"Getting recognized now, which is a gift and a curse I guess."
"I hate the idea of sales but I love selling."
"I can't say I didn't like it but I also can't say that I loved it."
"Organizing is like therapy to me though so I love it, I hate it, but I really love it. Does that make any sense? Probably not."
"Maybe trying BookTube was the worst thing to ever happen to me, but also the best, but also I hate everything about this."
"It feels weird man, it feels weird but it feels good at the same time."
"There's a feeling of euphoria, that sort of end of school term feeling, but at the same time a feeling of 'Is that it?'"
"I'm sorry Harper but also I'm not sorry."
"Everything he does is a double-edged sword."
"It was a love-hate relationship for me I just don't know I I was not I was I did not see this twist coming."
"I hate being alive but I love living."
"Sometimes you can want something and also be scared of something too."
"I'm sad and happy both at the same time."
"A blessing and a cursing all at once."
"It's that kind of feeling here, that it's like they're back and forth with what they're wanting, perhaps."
"But honestly, I still feel a little like I know, yeah."
"it's awesome but also absolutely insane at the same time."
"It's also something that's become a bit of a double-edged sword."
"It's that one love-hate relationship we just can't get rid of."
"Everybody to get people to look at it, it's bittersweet though."
"It was haunting, romantic, sad but happy at the same time."
"I felt I didn't know how to feel about that, you know what I mean? It was kind of like I wanted to keep my distance, but yet part of me was like, 'Man, why am I now being reached out to?'"
"You're not ambivalent about the queen when you're with her."
"things are going surprisingly well and i don't know how to feel about it."
"Being away from Corey is 50/50. Like 50 of me is happy to have some space, alright?"
"I like my life to be private, but on the other hand, there's been that to make new friends, new friends, possibly maybe enemies. I'm happy."
"I hate it, but I guess I love it at the same time."
"Would I recommend this book? I don't know. Would I say that you should skip it? No, I don't."
"Technology, the fresco seems to be saying, has always been with us, and it's always been a force for good, but also for bad."
"I almost miss getting them, but not quite," Wolf said.
"When people become famous overnight like on TikTok or Instagram, it's bittersweet to me."
"My voice is coming back, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I'm happy."
"So, you know, when you're winning, oh man, you love it. So, that's your music. When you're losing, that's your funeral march, you know? So, I don't know, man. I... I guess that's why it's the best. I don't know how to feel. It's also the worst. But it's also the best."
"I hate this show, I love this show, but I hate this show."
"Nothing is wrong. Everything is wonderful. The pounding music and blinding babe. I know that you hate it. Just kiss me already. Jesus Christ."
"I remember not wanting him to come home, but yet I loved him to death."
"Ambivalence creates an attitudinal dissonance. It is an inner conflict between two internalized beliefs, attitudes, statements, or propositions held to be true."
"Another form of dissonance that is immediately provoked by ambivalence is, of course, emotional dissonance."
"Ambivalence is when you feel love and hatred towards the same person, towards the same institution, towards the same cause."
"This is a marriage where you've got one foot in and one foot out."
"I'm not sure how I feel about it anymore."
"It feels terrible but like also great at the same time. Is that what art is just in general... like terrible but like great?"
"I have a love-hate relationship with track days."
"You can have two feelings at the same time. I'm angry with him and I love him."
"This movie fully broke my brain. I loved it. I hated it. I was engrossed. I was supremely bored."
"The world was ready to embrace and to love Lee Trevino, and he didn't quite want it."
"I have like a love-hate relationship with it, you know? Like I want to wake up and leave, like yeah, like oh my God like I'm like, I'll go do that right now."
"Always surprised when I go in like a business and they're burning a scented candle and it's like a scented candle with a really strong throw and I always enjoy that but I think to myself like this must be making some people miserable."
"I love it, hate it, whatever you want to say."
"I have this weird thing where you remind me of a little brother. So it's like I hate you but I still like you and it confuses me."
"I'm building something that I simultaneously love and hate at the exact same time. God, that's annoying."
"The Christmas stuff is on sale - oh no, this is very bad, but also very good."
"It's just a love-hate relationship, dude."
"You know, would I wish it on anyone? No. Would I change it? No. You know, it's a hard question."
"It's okay to make a conscious decision from a place of ambivalence."
"I've got a lot of mixed feelings."
"As much as I hate it, there's a lot of things to like about it."
"Wow, there were some things that I really, really liked, other things I was impressed by. I'm undecided on how I feel about the not necessarily actresses, I think they did fine, but where the characters are specifically, you know, the Queen and Princess."
"...I think there is a very important one. I have an ambivalent relationship to the term allies."
"You love him when you hate him, he's great to play with or he's a nightmare to play with."
"Leo has a love-hate relationship with being told no."
"Sometimes you hate her guts and she can be really malicious, but other times she grows and she's actually really quite sweet."
"You can love and hate it at the same time, I feel like that's normal."
"It's like a love-hate relationship. You love it but you hate it."
"I hope you two have a nice life. Or not. I really don't care either way."
"I kind of want to watch but not, you know what I mean?"
"He's a pro at boosting the anticipation for a fight. You want to hate him but you kind of love him at the same time."
"I've got no dog in the fight between Moxley and Danielson because it should be Moxley for business, but then we got to watch more Moxley matches so I'm ambivalent there."
"I really do have mixed feelings on Daybreakers."
"I equally love and hate the butt pack."
"It's been good, it's been good to us but also a little bit creepy."
"Slightly terrified, kind of into it."
"I'm excited for winter and then I'm not."
"It can love and hate you in the same breath."
"I wish she didn't have to grow up but at the same time I'm excited to see her grow up and just, I'm so glad that I get to be her mom."
"We're going to have one foot forward, one foot back, you choose which side."
"I think it's okay I think it's all right you know like it could be better."
"Oh, this is great and it's so frustrating at the same time."
"That's kind of cool, but also kind of scary."
"It's like bad but good at the same time."
"...the ability he has to be both himself and committed to a political struggle and so and full of ambivalence at the same time about all kinds of things he's just able to hold a lot of different ideas in his head simultaneously and that is an ideal for me..."
"It's tragic, it's romantic, it's bittersweet."
"When he became God, that was not cool, right? I mean, it was kind of cool though. It was nice to be God."
"Why do I love it and I hate it at the same time?"
"There's a fine line between the two, you know what I mean, 'cause it's like, 'I hate you but I love you.'"
"It's things, but it's not a bad thing. Right. Cuz I, I love the way."
"The audience both hated her and loved her at the same time."
"I felt like Vegas was a person in a friend group that didn't like me and I didn't like them, but they're friends with all of my friends so I just have to continue hanging out with them."
"It's a both fun and scary place. It is a scary place, yeah."
"It really has a warm but sometimes dark vibe."
"Sometimes you have this feeling like, 'Maybe I don't really want to talk to them again.'"
"It's addictive and it's there, but yeah, it's like a LoveHate relationship with social media."
"Baba Yaga isn't entirely evil as she's willing to help, but she has to earn it."
"Good Jesus, may not stone that guy, sometimes I like him."
"I am terrified of childbirth but I also would love to have children."
"Do I miss certain aspects? Like, do I miss the wonderful people I worked with? Like, yes, but not basically."
"For 40 years, he waited for Crib to die, but the death brought a mix of good feelings and bewilderment."
"It's just like I'm going back and forth in my head yes no yes no."
"He lay back on the bed, not sure how to feel. Of course, he was happy the killer had been found, but the way the guy had been caught made Daniel feel kind of cheated."
"I thought it was fun. I don't think it was the worst thing in the world. There were bits of it that kept sucking me in and then there were other bits where I was just not caring."
"I hate that they're tall... I hate that they moved... freaky, I love it though."
"Never Felt So Good, never felt so bad, Never Felt So Good."
"That's a sneaky, snaky way to win a football game. I don't feel great about it, but I love it."
"She had a what you, I guess, could call a love-hate relationship with that film."
"so when I tell you to tread carefully you would do well to stop it I gotta love him like I kinda hate him but I kind of love him you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah he gets some of the best lines in the second half of the Season true"
"I was really happy for those guys, but I was blatantly hoping they lost the finals."
"...this is just actually it's borderline evil but it's borderline beautiful as well."
"I don't know how I feel about it, I don't know if this was the best idea ever or the worst idea ever, we're going to find out."
"She was basically nice to me. I get it. But she was acting like a weirdo."
"Honestly, going through the whole accounting program, I was, you know, I liked it, I didn't like it, I don't know, there were some aspects I liked, some things I didn't, but I feel like after a university degree, that's okay."
"There's an uneasiness with the resolution there's an uneasiness with the victory was it actually a victory it never really feels like a hundred percent a victory in the mignola verse this title definitely had that vibe to it."
"Man, I wish I could hate it or love it, and it's just... it refuses to go one way or the other."
"You must have mixed feelings about those abilities of new licenses being issued."
"But it's sort of a bittersweet scenario, isn't it?"
"Every quins has a point or two points that are, 'Wow, this is awesome,' 'This sucks,' at the exact same time."
"I think I like it, I'm confused on my feelings towards it."
"...Godzilla's victory over Hedorah isn't an entirely joyous occasion."
"You kind of like it though. You kind of like it. It's like, it's easy [__] fun."
"The movie's not perfect...I loved it and I hated it."
"It's bittersweet because it's like we're going to be happy with whoever wins."
"That was both the best and worst day of my career."
"I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it."
"Some days I'm like oh yeah I love this and some days I'm like why did I do this to myself."
"They love to hate him, they love him."
"This is a touchy subject for me because like I every day all the [ __ ] the all the good things that happened for me the military has provided for me but also the [ __ ] up things that happen to me the military gave to me so it's like a double-edged sword."
"One of the most fascinating characters in the show. She's good, she's bad, she's mysterious, she's evil, but like in a way where you kind of root for her."
"We've enjoyed having you here, kind of, not really..."
"It's a bit sad and exciting at the same time."
"I hate the 8-pack. I love it. I like it."
"Mentally, I'm here. Physically, I don't know how to feel about this."
"We can go back home much more rich much more proud but at the same time, well, we want to go back home."
"What am I supposed to root for here?"
"I always wrap back around hating it but I love it but I still hate it."
"American society's attitude towards China has been so ambivalent in these years."
"I'm one foot in, one foot out, got you."
"It's sad, but is it comforting at the same time?"
"I feel guilty kind of living there."
"I don't like you, but I love you."
"Technology is our friend, even when sometimes it isn't."
"I'm studying an information systems degree and I have a love-hate relationship with it."
"Love hate Audi. They treat me well so I come here and they're good to me."
"I do love this place, don't get me wrong."
"Traveling is so incredibly unpredictable, and I definitely have a love-hate relationship with that."
"This perhaps the feeling that I'm getting the most from this space. So whilst it is just lovely, feel a little bit like a prison."
"I will be graduating too, which is super duper exciting, if I don't drop out."
"I have a love and hate relationship with red hair."
"There are lots of things I like about this car but there are lots of things that don't like about this car."
"I wanted to talk to her as much as I wished she'd leave me alone."
"It's like a love-hate relationship, right? I mean, there's this saying, IHTFP: I hate this place. But, you know, in high school, I had friends but I didn't have what I would call deep connections with the people that I was going to high school with."