
Personal Wellness Quotes

There are 350 quotes

"Whatever your exterior is showing is a representation of what you're doing on the inside too."
"I meditate for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night... I fall asleep to affirmations."
"I hope you feel excited, I hope you'll try something new if what you're currently doing is not working for you."
"Pick a one word mantra. Something that resonates with you, like 'one' or 'peace' or 'love.'"
"You have to become your own doctor and realize you can do more for your health and well-being than any hospital or drug."
"When I first adopted a whole food plant-based diet, my body loved it. Within 12 weeks, that 20-pound spare tire of fat melted off my waist, my high blood pressure normalized, my cholesterol normalized, and I felt great."
"Holding a grudge is unhealthy, but enforcing boundaries is perfectly fine."
"Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress."
"Positive self talk, which is a very difficult habit to get into, but just like you were saying about you feel good when you're naked and stuff, keep doing that."
"The thing for me was health benefits. All my issues, which I was struggling with from week to week, were disappearing."
"Sometimes the grind is real. If you're feeling this way, maybe take a break."
"It's spring cleaning. Get everything downstairs taken care of. You will look better, you will feel better, and you will smell better."
"I make sure that my day is not too full; I make sure that I turn off at some point during the day."
"It's toxic to be thinking about what other people think of you all the time."
"Let go of any energy that is no longer necessary in your life."
"I would suggest that you do a three to five day fast maybe every quarter maybe twice a year."
"I feel so much better when I feel good about my skin."
"Look after yourself, it doesn't take nothing."
"Treating yourself is not a money thing, it's a mindset."
"It is really important to me to maintain high vibrations and to keep myself feeling good because no experience can be made super fun if you are not feeling well."
"A good work-life balance is important for the individual, for the company, and for society."
"Do something else. You feel like calling them out? Bake a cake. Go to the garden. Do something else."
"My shout out this week goes to that next day when your body completely resets and you feel like a new human and The Hangover is gone."
"It's so incredible how you can have a yoga practice for whatever mood you're in."
"Self-love and compassion is the revolution, where rising and resting when you want to is an act of rebellion."
"Focus on mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical health."
"Being happy comes from within, not from achieving a dream physique."
"Never forget, you must take care of yourself first in order to be healthy enough to take care of others."
"I didn't realize that I had consistent therapy, it just wasn't in that traditional form."
"Heal anywhere where you might feel like this is just gonna work."
"It's not about denying yourself a food that you love outright but about collecting data over time on how food makes you feel."
"Balance is key; it's about finding what works for you."
"Health is wealth, guys. You need to take care of your body."
"Supplement that actually tastes great... It makes me feel unstoppable."
"I'm doing something good for my body... giving my body the nutrition it craves."
"If there's anything redeeming about this, it's that Biden's mental decline is bringing to the fore the importance indeed the political and cultural necessity of maintaining our own physical and mental fitness."
"As long as you're breathing, there's more right with you than wrong with you."
"I'm really trying to not put any negative emotions in me."
"How important it is to take care of yourself before you can take care of others properly."
"Nobody should look down on you for trying to fix the things that'll make you personally feel better."
"I feel like it would be so great to have a way that you can be weighing yourself if you want to but not feel bad about yourself doing it."
"Anything that can remind us to take care of ourselves and to put ourselves first as a general matter, I am definitely down for."
"Give yourself permission to put your happiness as your number one priority."
"Primarily today, we're gonna focus on your health, on your wellness, on you getting lean and clean."
"If you ever want to boost your confidence, feel a little bit more goddess II or gaudy...amethyst is so, so good for that."
"There's a lot more to live for than just our bodies."
"Find your tribe, you will lighten up, you will lose weight, you will get younger... instead of being a snack for vampires."
"You know sometimes you just have to take care of yourself."
"Once you fill yourself, it will naturally spill over."
"You have to protect yourself and your spirit always."
"Health is Paramount. Do it for your health. Do it for the people you love who you want to be around forever."
"Literally just a little capsule... clear skin no sweat odor and your gut will literally be detoxed by the cellular level."
"It is just a really beautiful week of realization, beautiful week of meeting people, beautiful week of you taking care of yourself."
"Whatever that thing that you feel you need to cope, you should be doing it."
"I can trust the data. Anytime I get, I can feel that my body is fighting something."
"I've already noticed such a difference in my sleep quality as well as my energy levels and my hair."
"I believe that health is more important than anything else, more important than gains."
"Always use soft words even when you don't feel well."
"A big part of how I take care of my own mental health is by seeing a therapist that I trust."
"Self-care shouldn't be a shame; it's about being responsive to yourself, giving yourself a break when you're having a tough day."
"Lighten your load, decluttering could also be helpful."
"Cultivate play and rest and let go of exhaustion as the status symbol."
"Feeling good in your body is a very accessible thing."
"The actual practice of eating healthy, drinking healthy, sleep, and exercise... doesn't have to be super hard."
"If you find something that works for you that makes you feel good, then that's awesome," she said.
"The full moon is a perfect opportunity for us to check in with ourselves."
"True security comes from having a reserve of time, space, energy, personal power, and love."
"Beauty is from within and definitely confidence is the best accessory that you can have to any outfit that you're wearing or feeling good in who you are, and attractiveness comes as a result of that."
"The healthier an individual is, the more robust their immunologic memory is."
"She feels better now in her 60s than she did in her 30s."
"Toxic friendships and relationships can deeply impact our vibrational energy, leaving us immersed in feelings of anxiety, stress, and negativity."
"When you start putting health into your body, you get healthy. It's the only way to get there."
"Weightlifting is really important...You don't just look good, you feel good."
"I do just feel really good if I know and I can, you know, check off a box that day for like journaling time done."
"Meditation and yoga... really help me raise my vibration... no matter how hectic or crazy my day gets."
"Drink your water, mind your business, and be safe."
"I'm living the most balanced life I ever have."
"Creating time for ourselves off social media is extremely important."
"We are building healthy habits that are going to help us tomorrow."
"It's not about how much stress you have, it's about how you deal with it."
"Mindfulness moments are absolutely a way to check in with yourself."
"I'm so peaceful, I took a shower, so I feel better, even though the day was just stressing me out, I feel better."
"Your heart beating and your breath are two great areas of focus in any meditation practice."
"I'll never stop screaming from the rooftops how much better it is, sober life is 100% better."
"My bowels are happy... I planned a cyclical ketosis day... experimenting with this approach."
"I feel amazing... so much more energy, no more brain fog."
"Believe in yourself and make the choices that are good for you even if they're hard and painful."
"Deal with self-care, self-love, and self-acceptance."
"You don't have to carry the burden of everything for everyone."
"Continue caring for your sacred vessel and nourishing your body with practices that make you thrive."
"Setting healthy boundaries and practicing self-care is a form of love."
"If you had one goal and that was to feel good, you would never again need to hear another word from anyone."
"Kung Fu Hustle was perfect, the art of the exaggerated fight with special effects and choreography."
"You can literally feel the stress leaving your body."
"Ignore health and fitness but just finding that stuff that just makes you feel like you."
"Trying new concepts like meditation and 'me time' to improve life balance."
"Put on your shoes and go walk outside for an hour."
"There's a difference between self-care and self-worship."
"It's the little things, like buying flowers for my room or going on a walk, that make a big difference in how I feel. Taking care of yourself and your space is so important."
"Taking a rest day does my body more good than harm."
"Focus on your mental health, and you'll feel great on your wedding day."
"It has helped with mental acuity, stamina, and intestinal waste management."
"Intermittent fasting: It's like whoa, this is amazing."
"If you're not energized... then somebody not in alignment."
"Just exercising because it makes me feel good and I enjoy this time, and I can be excited to get back into exercise without having to be about bouncing back."
"Be kind to yourself. Love yourself because if you don't love you, nobody else will."
"Just focusing more on finding ways to have pleasure in your day and reduce stress whatever that may be."
"If you are able to work out, then you shouldn't be taking that for granted."
"I'm not anti-carbohydrates, I'm anti-feeling like crap."
"Your body is a temple. It doesn't... You're not treating it like one."
"Put yourself first, everything else will work itself around you."
"You need a break. You need two forms of rest."
"Life will always be busy and throw you curveballs, which is exactly why you must show up and prioritize your health."
"If you work out, you're gonna be in a good situation."
"My goal has always been health, not just long hair."
"Start feeling good about yourself today. The greatest form of wealth is your peace of mind."
"I never thought I'd get to the point where I'd wake up, feeling normal again. But Helix gave that back to me."
"Embrace something small in our life, find something joyful."
"The best way to tackle goals is to find a balance between healthy and enjoyable for sanity's sake."
"The best reset that you could ever do for yourself in your day is go have a bath."
"Knowing when you gotta love yourself in order to love everyone around you."
"Sometimes you just want to put on an entire face with makeup for no reason that's okay too if it makes you feel good about yourself it's a good thing to do."
"Your mind starts to work better you're the better husband a better father a better friend and life is just better when you care for your body at the highest level."
"The only hope for young men is to revive religious communities."
"Vision boards are the biggest mood shifter for me."
"Balance is very, very important. Calming down, accepting things the way that they are, and working with what you have."
"If you show up for yourself you're gonna feel a lot better than if you did some other stupid shit."
"Showing myself a little bit of self-love and doing some self-care doesn't necessarily have to be like this huge big thing."
"When you look good, you feel good, and you feel good."
"No matter who you are, no matter how healthy you think you are... you can be healthier if you fast."
"Move your body every day... as long as you are taking time out of your day to move it every day you're doing good."
"I'm actually having like a pretty thrivy morning because I slept for 10 and a half hours last night, woke up, went to yoga, just shoved a sandwich in my face, and I'm ready to party."
"It's about integrating it into your life so that it feels like it's part of your lifestyle."
"Surrender to peace. Don't give your time, your attention, your emotions, your tears, whatever your sweat to anything or anyone that disturbs your peace."
"There are zero supplements that you need to be successful."
"Start prioritizing our mental health as much as we do our physical health."
"Treat yourself doesn't mean you have to spend money, it's really about finding time just for you."
"Just taking inventory of those good things being appreciative of what you have right now."
"The goal is to live a happy life and part of being happy and fulfilled is being physically healthy mentally healthy spiritually healthy and financially healthy all together."
"Don't let anything bother you, stay safe, stay healthy."
"Putting your own needs first, feeling comfortable in your own skin, self-care routines, being a healer, nurturing yourself, and having security."
"It's your birthright to be looking good and feeling good."
"Whenever I'm truly like sweating it out let's the point where you're sweating and like your skin is like your pores are going the next day my skin will be so good."
"Work on your craft, improve your skill set, but don't exhaust yourself, allow your body to guide you."
"I think meditation is probably really, really key to that kind of stuff, you know?"
"Either way, I hope this video helped you in your journey towards a cleaner butt."
"Follow the health principles we're talking about tonight and your odds will greatly improve."
"Feeling good makes you treat people a little better."
"To love yourself, you have to take care of your body."
"I will tell you the best part of this has really been getting centered and managing stress during this pandemic, which has been really one of the most stressful times of my life."
"I definitely feel more energetic than I thought. Sometimes after I'm filming I feel incredibly depleted, but I actually feel okay."
"Sometimes we all have to put ourselves first."
"Nothing like a good leaf, I'm gonna feel much better when I have idiots to do this for me."
"It's okay to love yourself, you know. The Bible declares that we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, and I feel like sometimes people do not love themselves."
"It especially helps me during the colder months where my skin can get kind of itchy."
"She needed to feel good about herself and about life and hopeful and I think that's what she went up there to get."
"Quitting your social media... deleting it... and then stay off stuff for six months."
"It's weird to say but kind of like a spiritual healing."
"For her, this is all about her self-care moment."
"I felt so much better that entire week I was waking up at five in the morning I felt like I was really taking time for myself."
"You're finally getting reprieve from all the stress that you were dealing with."
"Reducing my phone usage... delete all the social media apps off my phone."
"Smell is really important; it can change your day."
"Learn about what you need to learn for your health and your family."
"Riley has woken up feeling refreshed, ready to take on the world."
"Don't put yourself last. It's really, really important. Put yourself first."
"Make sure you take care of yourselves, gentlemen."
"Spoil yourself a little bit, not in a crazy way, but do something nice for yourself."
"Don't forget to shower, maybe get a massage, rub your own toesies, take a little bath."
"Sometimes you gotta cut down on the carbs, sometimes you gotta cut down on the sugar."
"Self-care is all about doing things for you."
"A full-on case of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff."
"I just want people to be okay with who they are."
"Recognizing that you cannot heal anyone else or influence their behavior enhances your own well-being."
"My intention for tomorrow is to have a little self-care day."
"Let's glorify peace, ease, grace, being okay, being enough."
"Most of it you can't control the toxins in your environment as much as we like but you can limit them."
"Asking myself, 'Is this good for me right now?'"
"You gotta have balance, people. Where your brain's actually signaling for your body to recover has been super important for my recovery."
"I think therapy is the best thing in the entire world."
"Balance your emotions through journaling, exercise, and healthy communication."
"I figure I want to take advantage of this feeling good, this energy, go take a walk, get some movement into my day."
"Waking up is the gift, walking, seeing, touching, hearing, all your elements in alignment."
"True health is about mind, body, spirit." - Kip Anderson
"Invest in your health. That's the most important investment anyone can make."
"Claim that affirmation: I matter, and I put my happiness, my health, and my success first."
"Stay away from negativity as much as you can, stay away from negative environments and excessively negative people."
"Those healthy changes you've been meaning to make are imperative for you now."
"I recently got completely addicted to hot yoga and it helps jump start my day."
"I now feel like I have nowhere to go but up."
"I love my early morning gym time... it's honestly a form of therapy to me at this point and it's become an essential part of my day."
"Helping people while you're helping your body feel good."
"It's only money and egos that's keeping you and your friends sick."
"You need a break. Now, I know many of you may be saying well, I just don't have the time. You have it, you have to make it."
"Make time for music, incredibly powerful thing."
"Love or a relationship can't be a substitute for other parts of your life not going well."
"Putting your own needs first is not a selfish act. It's an act of self-care."
"I know I've been there whether your answer is to open up that bible and to get a therapist whether your answer is to go do yoga do it all do it all do whatever you need to do to save you because trust us you are needed here and you are valued."
"Self-care is about being responsive to yourself, giving yourself a break when you're having a tough day, nourishing yourself, and simply being aware of what you need."
"The single best thing anybody can do is get vaccinated for their own well-being."