
Bees Quotes

There are 509 quotes

"Honeybee mating rituals involve a dramatic and deadly process, showcasing the individual sacrifice for the hive's continuity."
"If we don't make love to our sweet blade, the Earth, then we'll surely see all of the bees leave her."
"Bees have actually been shown to recognize and remember human faces."
"Everyone who knows me knows I'm obsessed with bees."
"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly."
"The bee is the most important living being on the planet."
"Bees don't care what humans think is impossible."
"We're the only ones who make honey, pollinate flowers, and dress like this."
"Bees are remarkably adept at navigation and remembering important locations."
"Murder hornets pose a serious threat to honeybees."
"Bees are great, they're adorable, they're necessary, we need to protect the bees."
"Honestly, bees are so necessary for our environment."
"Ecological reasons alone, bees are very important."
"Sometimes in life, we are just too self-aware, too scared to really give something a shot."
"She'll go to great lengths to make sure the bees are kept safe."
"Bees in general are important for the environment. They pollinate plants allowing them to grow and produce food."
"Bees need advocates, and I'm so glad to do that for them."
"Bees with a strong immune system are less likely to catch diseases."
"Bees can actually be trained to recognize human faces. They have actually been shown to remember those faces for up to two days. It's extraordinary."
"The bees are wild creatures. They can decide for themselves. You know we're not locking them up in the hives or forcing them to stay anywhere."
"Bees will not sting you for no reason. They will sting you if they feel threatened or if they are trying to defend their colony."
"I summoned in the bees Blossoms, they're airborne, I repeat airborne!"
"Don't be scared of honeybees, all they're trying to do is make some honey."
"Bees, bees, that's the key here. Let me ask you, my brother and soup, I want you to tell me how good a flyer do you think a bee is?"
"Hornets love to go out hunting for honeybees and they are seriously good at it."
"Did you know bees, if you feed them and they pollinate, they will make your crops grow faster?"
"Bees do something kind of odd... they'll turn around mid-flight and just stare at it."
"Bees are amazing critters... from stabbing plants to fascinating love triangles."
"Over 80% of the bees exposed to the harshest conditions survived."
"I love everything about bees, I love their culture."
"Bees are nearly endangered, so it's good that you're seeing more of them."
"The best way of course to save the bees and our honey would be to just leave them the hell alone."
"Bees are way more important than that. See, without bees, we wouldn't have certain plants, flowers, fruits, and vegetables in this world."
"So much so that there's a new bee in town: the Africanized honey bee."
"Bees are absolutely necessary for our planet. About a third of the world's food production requires bee pollination."
"Without our bees and pollinating insects, our supermarket shelves would be unrecognizable."
"Bees are creepy, but not nearly as scary as finals."
"Without bees, all the everything changes. If all the bees died, all your fruits and vegetables will suck because it's the cross-pollination that makes everything sweet."
"Doesn't it just make sense to collect local bees that are acclimated to your weather conditions already?"
"Bees have been doing this for millions of years."
"Bees use the nectar they collect to make that delicious, sweet honey loved by kids of all ages."
"The honeycomb is like the floor, the ladder, the stairs, the way for them to get around because they're not flying inside the hive, they're walking around on the honeycomb."
"Kenneth Branagh is doing a musical about the life of bees. He's playing all of them."
"If your bees do swarm it's not the end of the world."
"I think if one day in the real world all the bees stepped out of their hives wearing clothing that they had clearly produced themselves, how we viewed them would be very different."
"We wanted bees because as obvious they're pollinators... and they produce honey as well."
"Trust me, dead bees can sting, so I wear the gloves."
"35% knew to run through bushes to escape bees. Running through shrubs or bushes will distract bees."
"I may have taken out, like, a few of the bees. Vanessa, we won!"
"In fact bees are responsible for pollinating about 70% of all crops globally and a third of all food consumed by humans."
"Most people, myself included, love bees. They're beautiful creatures."
"Beautiful flowers, happy bees, and extra flavor in your cooking."
"When a bee is born, it knows what it's going to be doing."
"Bees collect pollen from flowers, then spread it around, which helps them grow."
"Bees make honey, one of the sweetest foods there is."
"There's nothing wrong with working for the rest of your life. We're bees, the most perfectly functioning society on Earth."
"Why the hell are you being Hitler to bees?"
"Guys, bees are like super super nice animals."
"If they had nothing to protect them from bee stings, their job would be quite painful."
"Bees have a very sophisticated navigational system."
"Bees are defensive, honeybees are defensive, not aggressive."
"Bees take care of their hive really well, like, once we move them in, we had to do very little work."
"The bees uh The Hive itself is like I guess 2 feet by 2 feet I would say."
"What are the cleverest bees? Queen bee, spelling bee."
"Bees transport pollen on their bellies, thanks to pollination."
"Bees communicate with each other by dancing."
"Bees kind of hold our world together."
"Propolis is what bees gather from plants. It's plants up very sticky, high in antibacterial properties. They're plugging up holes, they're making it difficult for predators to get into the hive, but they're also disinfecting their hive."
"Bees are not just about honey. They call them honey bees, and of course, that seduces us and attracts us with this amazing food."
"I hope you can see my love and passion for honeybees."
"The queen bee can live up to five years."
"Most people have never seen a male honeybee before."
"Bees are great for the environment. They help pollinate crops, flowers, and make honey."
"That's right, there were bees involved."
"Unlike the rest of them, this is a natural product. It's from the bees directly to your mouth."
"The world is having a tremendous problem with bees."
"When you see something like this, don't be afraid, don't call the firefighters or the police, don't move and don't kill them. These are just bees traveling and stopping for just 24 hours."
"In a way, I consider it working with the bees just to promote their excellence."
"Bees are a linchpin of the biosphere. When they go we are in trouble."
"Bees pollinate virtually every flower they touch."
"Bees provide this window into the natural world that people are very excited about, and they want to support this as best as they can. And then that trickles down into, you know, this renewed interest and understanding where our food comes from."
"How do bees make honey? They get nectar from flowers, chew it, store it in their stomachs, then put the honey in a honeycomb and flap their Wings Over It."
"They make honey and they help fruits and vegetables grow."
"Bees will always buzz back to their hive."
"You guys, hear the humming of how many bees are at work? It's like almost a vibration."
"Bees make honey by collecting nectar from flowers, chewing it, storing it in their stomachs, then putting it in a honeycomb and flapping their wings over it."
"Bees don't bite, by the way, they sting you."
"Bees don't view foundation as their space and their stuff, but once they put comb in it and especially once they put resources into it, then they really occupy that space and go after it."
"You can always have bees anywhere. Matter of fact, most state laws actually provide protection for people that want to have pollinators."
"Bees have a vital role in our food chain as a pollinator, improving the yield of crops."
"Bees can be really important for keeping our garden healthy and growing."
"Bees are some of the busiest and most important pollen carriers around."
"Bees want to make more bees. They don't necessarily want to make honey. That's a byproduct. They're not there to make honey. They're there to make more bees. That's their first number one job: to secure and increase their population. The honey is a byproduct that we enjoy."
"Bees prefer white, yellow, or blue flowers, and they can be shallow, as shown with the yellow Cup [Plant] flower in the top picture, or they could be tubular like in the picture below."
"That's not going to be an issue anyway because there's a nectar flow going on, and they're going to be too busy getting nectar from natural sources that they're just not going to bother with a feeder like this on the front of another hive."
"Some of these are just fabulous, save the bees, definitely save the bees."
"A colony of honeybees is made up of individual insects that cannot survive without the collective. That collective is a hive and it is known as a super organism."
"It's called exposure therapy. You expose yourself to the thing you're irrationally afraid of, bees in this case, and they'll become less scary."
"Eventually, the bees will start cutting the rubber bands and then they'll start dragging it out."
"They figure it out. That's the beauty of bees, they figure it out."
"The more worker bees are outside and fanning, the more success the queen will have making it back to the hive."
"Bees are survivors... they're really cool bees."
"He likes big honey boxes and he cannot lie."
"I can see bees on the entrance right here so I think they are in the box, so by the grace of god I'm hoping in about an hour because the rain is coming."
"The loss of honeybees could lead to a decline in the honey Supply."
"Could you please help us save British bees?"
"I love that this sesame flowers and then the bees are super busy."
"The word 'drone' originates from bees."
"If bees ceased to exist, we'd only have like four years to live."
"Bees are very important to our environment."
"Bees coming and going, you can see pollen on their legs and you can see things happening."
"So, if you see a bee buzzing around outside, just leave it be. It's probably hard at work."
"Look at this, bees everywhere. It even has a fragrance like mint."
"I just adore it and I can hear the honeybees. I wish you guys were here so you could hear the sound of the honeybees in this tree. It's amazing."
"Bees are making a little honey off of it."
"This is a food source for our honeybees but it also has properties for us."
"Honey bees are fantastic to pollinate flowers, to help trees and plants grow and fruit as well."
"Bees are naturally very friendly creatures and they're gentle and they just do their own thing."
"Bees don't obey laws of physics, but they can fly."
"How bees survive winter in cold climates depends largely upon the number of bees they have in the colony going into winter, their overall health and condition, and also how many resources they might have saved up for winter."
"Super friendly hive, by the way. I can't believe I haven't gotten stung yet."
"It may be November, but it feels like every bit of July, it is sunny and warm, and the bees are buzzing."
"Without honeybees, we all need more honeybees in this world."
"The bees that you catch have already made it through a winter, so they know how to survive."
"We're in a bee epidemic, man, they're going away, we need them."
"We do need the bees, we found that out recently."
"The easier way might even be to find out what's killing the bees and then stop doing that."
"Oh, I love bees, they're really cute."
"I'm not bothered about plants, I want lavender in our garden because it attracts the bees."
"Everybody's got dandelions, and the bees love them, and the greens are edible, and the roots make tea."
"Then the bees will buzz around my flowers and back to their hives."
"Trembling tracks, this flatbed of flowers wasn't a good idea. Go away bees, please buzz into your hives and make honey."
"It's time to go home all you busy bees, it's time to make honey in the shade of the trees."
"Our native bees did all the pollination before we brought over honeybees."
"You'll be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off in 27 million years."
"Honey is pretty important to me. It's important to all bees. We invented it. We make it. And we protect it with our lives."
"We are making sugar bricks for the bees for the winter time."
"The bees now are beginning to cluster."
"Make the wife happy and the bees happy at the same time."
"Nothing is better than having feed that has been processed by the bees themselves or better yet honey."
"Bees in Terraria can be your best friend. Try to change my mind."
"Bumblebees are loving our blossom tree."
"Honey is a fascinating stuff, it's a magical substance."
"Honeybees are very important to our actual food source."
"We've got all our lettuces, our mustards... and then I let them bolt because the honeybees absolutely love them."
"Busy, busy, busy, like to see white comb and a honey flow."
"It's amazing to think that these bees use similar mental tricks as humans."
"Look at all the bees inside the flower, there's so many bees, they love this flower."
"When male bees die after mating, it's basically their whole life is 'Hi, Honey, Nut Cheerio'."
"No bees, no honey, so keep the hive alive."
"If we don't have bees, we're in a lot of trouble."
"I'm so glad the two of you got together; now David has someone besides me to talk about bees with."
"Honeybees are drastically getting closer to the endangered species list."
"Fingers crossed this year on the bees."
"Bees are like the cleanest of insects."
"It's a delight to see the bumblebees disappear down the flower's throat."
"Bees like us have an immune system identical to ours for the most part, and so what helps us helps them."
"How do bees make honey? They start by using their tongue to drink in sweet nectar."
"A colony of honeybees could be considered a single organism because all the bees work together for the good of the whole."
"They don't have the bee on the packaging because they're trying to tell people about all the bees that are disappearing."
"You will get on well with bees if you can relate to them from the level of your soul, from the level of your heart."
"The bees hold a promise; they can show us a way."
"The queen is the mother of all the bees in the hive."
"Pardon the weeds, I'm feeding the bees."
"The ultimate bee law: no talking to humans."
"Bees perform hygienic behavior to try to remove dead brood or infected brood or infested brood."
"Health and vitality of bees should have a top priority in all selection programs."
"These wild colonies experienced strong natural selection for resistance to varroa."
"When we look at our bee colonies, they really are cognitive entities."
"It's an ever-changing, highly dynamic problem that the bees are solving."
"They produced correct rates of recruitment to and abandonment of the feeders."
"The longer the waggle dance, the more followers and the stronger the recruitment."
"When the bees factor the profitability, they do factor the distance; the flight cost is one of the costs."
"It's called the architecture of bees and it's looking at the parallels between human-built environment and bee environment."
"Inside the hives, the bees are very busy making honey."
"The honeybees absolutely love this."
"Obedient plant is a showy perennial flower native to Eastern North America that is good at attracting bees."
"These bees work together to open up a bottle of soda."
"Bees help pollinate the plants and in return, the bee gets some food from the plants."
"Bees help flowers grow so we got to protect our bee friends."
"Bees are very smart; they're very well adapted little animals."
"Heater bees can keep their bodies up to about 111 Fahrenheit, that's 44 Celsius."
"Certain species of honeybee will actually use this heating effect as a weapon against invading insects."
"Aren't they incredible things, bees, how they can store all this food up for themselves? It's amazing."
"Honeybees gather nectar from flowers to make their honey."
"No wonder they're called busy bees."
"It's amazing how much bees can consume when it warms up a little bit in the winter."
"The colder it gets during the wintertime, the more the bees are generating heat by consuming stored resources."
"Luckily they store so much so we can share some of their honey too."
"This worker bee will collect the propolis and pack it into her pollen basket... isn't that cool?"
"Grab your hook and your yarn and let's get started on making these cute little bees."
"The bees eat sweet nectar from the flower."
"They take it back to make honey in the beehive."
"Bees like it comfortable just like you and I."
"A hedge that hasn't been cut will be humming with honeybees."
"Every five hours they build a new batch of cells, that's about five batches of cells every day, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, even Christmas day."
"Adult stingless bees live for... more like a hundred days on average, and some will even live longer than that."
"These bees are able to communicate with each other in great detail and in more than one way."
"I'm going to talk about native bees, my topic is the management of native bees."
"Every third mouthful of human food is dependent on bees."