
Practice Importance Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Just breathe. If people understood what breathing actually does on a physiological level, we would all be practicing every day."
"Try to have different vocabulary, different sentence structures, okay? And practice, practice, practice."
"Real live game reps are the best way to improve, especially on things that aren't directly related to your skill."
"Seat time... there's no way you're going to get better unless you're behind the wheel."
"I'm a big believer in practice repetition; you don't just read one article or watch one video on a topic and then know it."
"There's never one reason that beauty gurus' makeup looks a lot more flawless than yours... is that they practice a lot."
"Lessons and practice are really the only way you're gonna improve."
"The only way to get good at fighting is to fight. Nothing else."
"Offenses need practice probably even more than defenses."
"The more interviews you give the better and sharper your answers will get so always I cannot emphasize enough if you just do mock interviews you would be set."
"The more you practice, the stronger your fundamentals become."
"Repetition is really key to mastering... what's important for all of this is the repetition because this repetition is going to be responsible... that builds up muscle memory."
"Results don't matter in practice, what counts is putting in the work and improving."
"Practice, practice, practice! The more practice you can get driving, the higher chance of success you're going to have on your road test."
"If you don't practice for the purposes of your road test, you're not going to be successful."
"It's really important to get that practice in if you really want to be at the top of the game."
"This is a very important pose at the end of our practice so I encourage you to never skip it even if you stay for just a few minutes before you continue with your day or your evening please stay for savasana."
"Practice, practice, practice. Very important."
"Every time we go into it, it's a certain amount of practice to fully embody the power and the strength."
"You're not practicing watching this video, so you might as well hit pause, go practice and come back."
"Once you get good at the practicing part, you'll become a professional at it."
"You have to keep practicing; it takes some action."
"You're aiming your shot means you're thinking, you gotta trust muscle memory. Did you practice? If you practice, you don't have to. You just do it."
"Accountability always starts on the practice floor."
"Practice is incredibly important. The more you practice, the better you get."
"Practice, practice, practice because practice breeds confidence and a confident writer is a safer writer."
"The more you practice it, the better you become."
"There is no hack, no quick trick to help you being more confident on camera outside of practice."
"This is why we practiced bro, this is why we practiced. Wow, that was legendary, that was really good."
"You gotta try, you gotta practice. Anyone can get better with practice."
"It's about practicing so that you improve and get the best out of your game to a high level."
"What is really important is to practice a lot to master all those methods and tools."
"Get good at being a self-learner and the only way to do that is to practice."
"Practice makes perfect in personal development."
"You only get good at something if you do an awful lot. That's sort of the secret to it."
"If you want to paint like that you just have to practice and not give up."
"Expert performers spend more time practicing than they do actually performing."
"Practice, practice, practice. I know I say it over and over again, I'm like a broken record."
"Don't ever think you're too good or you don't need practice like we still practice all the time."
"Nothing will get you good more than practice and working with a coach."
"It's actually not as hard as you think it would be. You just have to keep practicing all those sections over and over, guys."
"Practice is where you’ll find the biggest improvements."
"Drawing is a muscle that you need to train and practice."
"Mastery comes through diligent practice, illustrating this with an example."
"I think any method is pretty good if you put enough time into it."
"Drawing is all about practice, making mistakes, and correcting them again and again until you get your desired result."
"Many things in speed-running seem impossible or fake upon first viewing but are actually very real and a result of thousands of hours of practice."
"Practice makes perfect, and it's perfect practice that makes perfect."
"While Beth has immense natural skill, she can't become the best in her field without the less sexy reality that thousands of hours of practice make perfect."
"It's all about repetition, making sure you're doing the right things continuously."
"The master understands that repetition is the mother of mastery."
"This builds your confidence in shooting and it just builds your skill level to two main things confidence and your shooting and you cannot build confidence if you don't practice."
"You get good at something by doing it for like a hundred thousand hours or something like that, some crazy number."
"Trained musicians with good ears have honed their skills through structured training and practice."
"Not a game, not a game. We're talking about practice, not a game!" - Reebok question mid practices
"If anybody's doing their practice, I think that anybody can become exceedingly good at something."
"There's no substitute for practice, expertise does not come overnight."
"Demo trading is a very important part of this process."
"Talking to girls is like a muscle, you have to actually do it to get better at it."
"Practice, we talking about practice?" - Referencing Allen Iverson's famous press conference about practice.
"Certainly, practice is a very important part of sculpting."
"Nobody's good at anything until they practice at it."
"The most important thing is to have fun and to practice."
"Once you green it one time with the hands or one time with the feet or one time with muscle memory, you just want to repeat that."
"Speed running is its own beast in terms of learning what skills you need and practicing those skills."
"You don't get good unless you practice. That's like with anything, and I'm trying to practice a little bit more, I think."
"It's definitely something that's worth practicing."
"The secret here is effort you must continually practice and give special attention to those areas that need help the most but you worked hard on your painting and you deserve to be proud of each and every imperfect masterpiece."
"Debates are a skill. The only way to get really good at it is to do it a lot."
"It's almost like autopilot, you practice to the point where you memorize it like the back of your hand."
"Nobody is born an artist; some people are born with a talent or a gift, but you definitely need hard work and dedicated practice to grow that skill."
"It's important to practice, whether you're creating something for yourself or for the company."
"That's the idea, but it's going to take practice."
"The most important thing is to have fun and to practice, practice."
"What's the most important thing to have? Food and to practice, practice."
"Practice is so important, that is one of the biggest pieces of the sport."
"Good practice is really important and it becomes more and more important."
"It takes a certain kind of talent and ability and belief and practice, practice, practice, practice."
"A clean kill is best, but target practice keeps you sharp."
"Put in the number of hours... eventually software engineering is a balance of knowledge, some skill and some form of art... all that is achieved only through practice."
"If you want to become good at something you do have to practice it."
"Comfort is really the key. The more you practice, the more comfortable you are with cleaning, disassembling, loading, unloading a gun."
"You just have to practice and kind of perfect your craft over the years."
"If you don't use it, you'll lose it. Is that the same with the musical finesse gift?"
"Stop, practice, and do what we've just done. It helps with the learning process."
"If you really want to do something well, there's no substitute for practice."
"But everything we do is just practice."
"Fundamental understanding of the language that only comes with repetition and practice is the best investment you can make in yourself and in your future."
"There's nothing like just doing it over and over again."
"The only thing that's going to make you a better photographer is actually going out and shooting with the equipment that you have and shooting with it often."
"Remember that 20% of your actual exam preparation is content review, while the remaining 80% should be done exclusively for practicing those really dense passages."
"There's just no substitution for practicing this stuff."
"This is the best way for you to get to the basics of this, practice with this first."
"I don't see any other way of honing a skill than just hours of practice."
"I think the more you know practice and training the better."
"More important than anything else in our yoga practice is the breath."
"Repetition and practice will get you to where you need to be."
"Chess is complicated. You can't be a great chess player without doing work."
"It's not just one thing you've got to learn lots of lots of different practices and then put them all together."
"The more you practice, the easier it will become, and the more you'll build this skill and be able to do a fantastic job as a professional."
"It doesn't matter what profession you're in... we need to practice."
"Languages are like a muscle; they will atrophy over time without use."
"It is the single most important thing you can do for your guitar journey, for your goals, and to get enjoyment and fulfillment out of your guitar."
"A huge part of the exam is the mental factor; if you've done the practice and you've still failed, it's definitely the mental factor that got you."
"Interviews are tough, they're difficult, and they require practice."
"Practice your backing... that is one skill that's super important."
"Practice, practice, practice. A lot of chart time is involved because the skill set is a skill set that pays."
"Don't worry, you'll all get better with practice."
"Pronunciation practice is important."
"Practice, practice, practice. Now, that is a cliché in like every single skill, but it does apply to Instagram."
"Practice, practice, practice, and making mistakes and figuring things out and getting better at this, it's a skill."
"There's nothing like going out just practicing and seeing what works for you and your camera."
"The key to chemistry is doing tons and tons of practice problems."
"It isn't always easy when you start something new, but if you keep on practicing, you can learn to do almost anything."
"Practice is the only way you'll improve your skills."
"Master the pen tool in Photoshop a thousand times, and you might already be good at it."
"You will need to be fast with mathematics; it's not that hard after practicing for a while."