
Household Quotes

There are 691 quotes

"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
"Baking soda can make your sink sparkle, no joke, like a diamond."
"If you ever go into someone's house and you see that they have an absolutely perfect sink, and you wonder what their secret is, let me just blow it for you: the secret's baking soda."
"I've named all the stains on the carpet; that one's Brad."
"Anyone's kitchen drawers are always full of kitchen gadgets that no one has an idea of what they are."
"Okay, this is the area below the girls' room. Whatever it is, my concern is that they're going to chew on the exposed wires."
"Why, why are these underwear in the sink? Why? Why? Why?"
"Getting [ __ ] stains out of different materials."
"He's spent the entire offseason polishing all the dishes."
"I actually love the way a clean fridge looks like."
"That feeling when any source of noise of your house was enough to make you jump."
"Cabinets have been found left open after shutting them prior."
"You have to be very, very careful... even if it's outside, make sure it's not an area where the wind is blowing those fumes into the house."
"Every household needs the word... choose the needful thing."
"This is for the whole household. It's not just a kids thing."
"The average household in the U.S. spends about 12 percent of their entire home energy expenditures just on air conditioning."
"It could definitely save somebody's life in your house."
"There are some jobs in a household that just really require a paper towel in my opinion."
"Our microwave is actually in our pantry, but it hasn't been annoying."
"You already ordered Ziplocs, you told us at Costco!"
"The solution was to turn on the garbage disposal and then reach down and get the key."
"It's always a good feeling to have the fridge clean inside and outside and to have the fridge restocked finally."
"Our house is a bit of a disaster, so here we go."
"People want a laundry room, people want to do laundry in their game, so I'm so glad they added this."
"Never ever put any kind of metal into the microwave, the microwaves can cause fire when they bounce off the metal."
"Foldimate: putting an end to laundry folding nightmares."
"Microfiber cloths: wash about 500 times before replacing, eco-friendly alternative."
"We love you thank you for hanging out with us today as we clean house."
"One of the things that I like to do whenever I really notice it and I'm like oh I should probably do it is this fabric defuzzer."
"So anyways yeah really like that and so we go upstairs and we're ready to go to bed and then Mike is like dude this [expletive] can't sleep downstairs like my mom's gonna be mad she's being crazy like let's get her to come upstairs."
"If yo ass ain't doing [ __ ] and she paying the bills, then you need to help out whichever way you can."
"Every house has an imam, you're the imam of your house."
"As for me and this house, we gonna serve the Lord."
"Oh my God, when I tell you this makes the clothes smell so good."
"Foldimate: the robotic laundry folding machine that ends laundry folding nightmares."
"Do you know what the moral of the story is? Don't drill through the fridge, otherwise it will cost you £830."
"Cut out the condensation and the bathroom will look better for longer."
"Good morning everyone, you can hear the wonderful sounds of our house."
"Household appliances are more than just machines; they are capable of providing services to make our lives easier."
"Taking care of a household is not easy."
"You will not disrespect anybody in this house."
"If you have to get up early in the morning and you have a baby or you have a spouse who needs to sleep, this is actually quite convenient."
"You can never have too many, they disappear like socks."
"The only thing we blow in this household is gum."
"I love that there are varying sizes available to you... You can hold up your cell phone charging cords."
"It's time to season up the shower with our Comet."
"Magic erasers, what are those for? It takes anything you don't want and gets rid of it."
"The tea bags will absorb the smell."
"If you live in an RV and you want to freshen up the damn kitchen, the bathroom, this can go anywhere."
"this is what I had to use to dry off with because we don't have a single towel in the house a single full-sized towel that wasn't used to mop up the floor."
"Make sure Jesus is at the center of your house."
"Microfiber cloth for windows and mirrors instead of paper towel"
"Two-thirds of households say their wages have not kept up with their cost of living."
"A new mop head? Hey, that's great actually."
"You can literally just make your own Magic Erasers. It works just as good, maybe better."
"Shaving cream actually works really good. Not only does it get the base really clean but it makes your bathroom smell really really nice."
"If you have any grout that's gotten sort of like yucky and yellow there's these things called grout pens and you literally can just like paint them white again."
"I learned this about a Scrub Daddy. It's designed very specifically. When I learned to use my oeder mop to clean my cupboards, it changed my life."
"So this hack is for Band-Aids and it's how to get Band-Aids off without them hurting. I feel like is especially good hack to have if you have children."
"Ikea, a name that needs no introduction."
"It's the place we come into the house, leave the house. It is an Olympic event to get from the garage entryway to the house to jump over all the kids' stuff."
"It's not acceptable for a man just to be a bread winner and ignore all other responsibilities in the home."
"A heated mattress pad goes under the fitted sheet."
"These are 10 home gadgets you need on Amazon in 2023 and they're seriously some of the most practical and game-changing items for you and your family."
"There's nothing like a smart vacuum to save you time from work."
"The washing machine will take care of it all for you."
"Very thankful to have a dishwasher, I can't lie."
"I had this in my last apartment too, it's a little butter dish. I am telling you, it's just the best thing."
"I'm using the pink stuff paste and a Scrub Daddy to clean my range. I have found that this combo works the best."
"I'm curious do you guys use Dawn power wash or do you have another product that you just are obsessed with and you couldn't live without?"
"This is important, okay? These are laundry detergent strips."
"Maybe it'll motivate you to get some stuff done around your house, I don't know."
"Let's talk about the stainless steel pants organizer I'm putting leggings on here in my daughter's room."
"Trust me on the robot vacuum, they are life-changing."
"This is a fridge, all freezer, kind of like a veggie washing out. I don't know. We have a lot of things, but we get a lot of dishes so this is for our bigger dishes and they end up going in that dishwasher."
"We sold the bed, we sold the butler's table, we sold the lamps."
"They had connections with that kind of dark class household."
"...Boric acid will literally change your life."
"...there was a bottle of Home and Garden insecticide."
"Enough for today. The lamps need to be switched off."
"Not every home has a large set of tools but everyone has a couple of screwdrivers that can be used for various jobs."
"You're doing it yourself and you're actually underneath that coach taking care of your house."
"I speak strong families, that we will have two-parent households if we can help it."
"Taking care of the home is part of staying alive."
"I love deer meat she does too he has him a little freezer he can put in the house but we just wanted to make sure it could fit and we got a perfect spot for it."
"...it doesn't require soap and water so a soap mixture to remove it no water just clean water, now it cleans the copper as you can see now not that you're going to polish copper that's not what we're here for."
"The sponge does a couple things for us... brings the dirt into the sponge, holds it till we bring it back to the bucket."
"For a typical household, the home is the major source of wealth that they've accumulated."
"I didn't ask for it back it was our house and you all didn't anticipate having a separate household anytime in the near future no not at all"
"Do I run the dishwasher? No. But my kitchen is easy to manage."
"I hate ironing. I don't even own an ironing board or an iron."
"this toilet paper holder continues to be one of my favorite purchases"
"this water bottle that takes up no space it collapses into a small circle when you're not using it"
"Lego Ninjago for my household is kind of life right now."
"I need to go through and work on my basement work on my inventory my pantry room my freezers."
"Next time there's a fight outside our house, you wake me up."
"Most protective herbs are household items like rosemary, salt, eggshells."
"I think it's better than Domino's, yeah, but I we were a Pizza Hut house, we were a Domino's house, and that's how it works for sure."
"A woman sets the temperature of the house, but the man sets the direction of the house. Amen."
"Definitely get you some Fabuloso."
"Love those things, just make your whole house smell really good."
"On average I'll spend a single hour per year managing a robot vacuum like narwhal."
"This multifunctional drying rack just lays right on top of your kitchen sink."
"The house needed a lot of day-to-day supplies, so the first few shopping trips were insanely expensive."
"Unloading the dishwasher is one of those tasks that I used to avoid at all costs."
"Yo, what up? I'm gonna restock my entire house starting with laundry. Next, fabric softener. Laundry sanitizer. These are so cute. They're from Target, by the way."
"Busted. In my household, one of the worst crimes a child could commit was disobedience, and for that, you could get the capital punishment."
"These silicone stove gap covers keep food and junk from falling between your stove and counters."
"A Holy Grail product to have in the household."
"Steel wool is an amazing product for just so many things."
"I am the chief executive officer of my house!"
"This is kind of neat, I don't have to go get a garbage bag."
"If you have carpet girl you need carpet powder."
"My tumble dryer finally packed up so I can bring you up to speed on that because we have purchased No well I'll get to that we have new tumble dryer and washing machine coming and I'm really really excited about it and I'll tell you all about that shortly."
"I am so excited to finally have new appliances."
"The spice rack is basically the same as the hair caddy except without the green attachment."
"Holy crap, buy this. So what the chom chom is, it grabs pet hair. This is the best thing you can use to get animal hair off of your furniture. I've shared it before, but I thought it's definitely worth showing again. It's all over TikTok. Laura's been using this for months."
"I vacuumed up like four or five full canisters in an XL vacuum of just dog hair out of this room it was so bad."
"The reason the whole household gets saved is because they follow the father he's the leader of the house and everything rests on his shoulders."
"It's not important. Ten years from now you're not gonna be like 'I'm so glad that I cleaned that house that one day even though the kids were crying.'"
"The mess is really, it's not important. Ten years from now you're not gonna be like 'I'm so glad that I cleaned that house that one day even though the kids were crying.'"
"I'm going to use this tray here, place this over here, and then I'll be able to put a cup under here for my detergent and call it good."
"...homes have to be democratic places that homes have to be places where everybody has an equal say among all adults there should be equal say in a household and equal access to resources."
"Dry laundry outside, not in the tumble dryer."
"There are some home items that are very common yet they are also almost impossible to keep looking clean even if you've just cleaned them. In fact, I bet you have some of them in your home right now."
"Cleaning services: People will pay someone to clean their house."
"So that's just facts. That's just data. The sex life of a married couple increases when men and women share the equal load of housework and childcare."
"I've invested in a spray mop, so now I just give me little floors a spray mop."
"So we thought that it'd be a bit more sensible if we spent our money on something that we need for this year. Our Christmas and birthdays is that we're gonna buy a new kitchen."
"You are the head of your household. The job of the head of the household is to put your wife first, put your family first."
"Choose you this day whom you're going to serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
"Now, Charlie and I have just been dashing around the house."
"You have to give it a try, you may be like, 'Gabby, what are you eating?' Everybody loves it in my house."
"If you want to be able to clean your house really well or touch up anything or fix anything just invite people over for a visit."
"Oh shoot what oh the new armoir is being delivered today and someone has to be home between noon and 3:00 to sign for it."
"She is the household leader, believe it or not."
"The whole house went wild with excitement."
"This is my go-to for initially cleaning things."
"I'm so excited to have a laundry room and I don't care who knows it."
"I just love that we got a really big trash can. I bought mine from TJ Maxx so it was a lot cheaper than what you would find at like Target or places like that so I just think it was really smart to get a bigger trash can than you thought you would need."
"Maintenance takes the toilet tissue dried off and all your weight."
"I found the holy grail of paper towel holders. Inside the paper towel holder is a spray bottle, so your cleaning solution is right there with them taking up no extra space."
"I engaged her about three weeks ago when Mrs. Emery our former housekeeper left."
"Make sure you bring color catches because it means you can buy a bigger load and put more colors together."
"A healthy dose of vacuuming plus some dedicated floor mat leather and plastic cleaning."
"Imagine you're shopping on one of your favorite sites... I have a lot of darn fruit flies in my kitchen... so I found this gadget that you plug in and it has a blue light and it attracts all the fruit flies... and it saved me like 20 bucks... seriously, I'm obsessed with it."
"The best budget solutions for your household are those that save you time and money and add to your quality of life."
"It lives usually in the cupboard at home mainly because I don't have a little girl, I have two boys so it does kind of stay away a little bit."
"...and then tackle all of this laundry oh my gosh it just when you don't stay on top of it it really really piles up."
"Dividing the responsibilities in the home and being really forthcoming about that, talking about it, communicating."
"People in households pool their income and their interests as a household then tends to be tightly connected to the most exploiting and dominating aspect of the class relations within that household."
"Electricity bills are not the homeowner's best friend, especially as they seem to get higher every year."
"I was just going to tell you, we need a washer."
"Are you running your household as a group of individuals versus a soccer team or a group team?"
"This is their New Gen 5 out size and you guys when I say I have never been so excited for a vacuum before."
"I really really love to use it on our bed frame because our bed frame is kind of a linen material and it is just so easy to pull it out and use like this."
"Mother used to say, 'Make sure you turn out the light before you leave the room.' And of course, nobody pays attention to that until I say, 'We're paying the bill!'"
"I declare that there is only one King in this home, and that is Jesus Christ."
"Trash bags should be heavy-duty contractor bags."
"Cleaning the toilet is gross, so at least you can make that process a little bit easier with this brush. I love it, I would highly recommend it."
"...and start rubbing it against this sponge."
"You're a stay-at-home mom, not a slave. The children, including your husband, should do the bare minimum of tidying up after themselves."
"Hey, it's made life so much easier. I've got a blender, a rice cooker now, uh, I can plug a vacuum cleaner in, a hair dryer."
"It's beautiful in a household kind of way."
"I will lead a life of integrity in my own house."
"I highly recommend buying one of these Hayward above ground pool skimmers."
"I feel like there are like two kinds of households, those that love berries and always have them on hand, and those that don't. We are definitely a berry household."
"I have them for everyone in our home."
"The horror of it is the misery that suffuses the whole house."
"I hope this helps you think of a few different ways you can try and avoid food waste in your house."
"The canary is the person that warns all the other people. So when somebody in the house is getting sick in this way, maybe they do have some of these variable factors, but sometimes people are the canaries for other people in the household."
"Chores and homemaking can feel mundane, so this week I really was focusing on finding the Beauty and the joy and making it fun."
"I think it's horrible that she's doing everything in the household and gets no reward."
"Your children are real people, they have meaningful work to do in the home."
"Even if you are paying all the bills, that still does not alleviate your responsibility to contributing to the household somewhat."
"Multitasking at its finest: cooking while helping my mom paint her room all afternoon and evening."
"Men want to be leaders, men want to be protected, men want to be providers, men want to be the main source of the house."
"Shaving foam reduces/stops misting on bathroom mirrors and car windows."
"When you close the fridge door and hear some stuff fall and leave it in for the next person."
"Full freezers are more energy efficient than empty freezers."
"The first thing to do is to unload your dishwasher after you've done a cycle of dishes."
"I'm really excited. It's been two years since we've had a dishwasher. It's like Christmas."
"These kids need a male role model in the household."
"The woman is the boss of the house."
"There is just something lovely about being able to put your washing out on the washing line and get it dry, give the tumble dryer a little rest."
"...that is how you're charging your cells properly without blowing up your house."
"It's kind of weird how we're both the ones cooking, cleaning, keeping up with all the house stuff."
"Just be picky with your pressure washer selection, unless you've just got endless money."
"My mom, a teacher who did not believe in rock, didn't believe it should even be in the house."
"I've always liked the Mrs. Meyers and Method products, but I was really searching for different cleaning products to try out this time."
"We love all things cheeseburger, just like we love tacos or anything Taco Tuesday. That's a constant theme in our house."
"Laundry goes in there, lift up and get it out."
"Good morning, let's clean the house."
"What if I told you there was one magical product that could clean anything in your home that you probably already have in your kitchen?"
"My whole thought process is I have the upstairs kitchen."
"This soup is gonna be a staple in this house."
"I am most definitely in need of some more dryer sheets so I cannot wait to get this stocked up."
"I guess we'll go ahead and switch on the vacuum pump here."
"...trust me on this one it is an essential feature in my household."
"If you're living in my house, you gotta do your chores first."