
Southeast Asia Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"I really want to go to Southeast Asia... Cambodia has always been like my top one that I really really want to visit."
"The Digital Free Trade Zone liberalizes e-commerce across Southeast Asia."
"Southeast Asian dance has its own complicated footwork and expressive gestures and facial expressions."
"Disney has a lot of power and outreach. If Disney were to at least properly do the fashion and jewelry of Southeast Asia in Raya, it would have been a great introduction for people to get invested in Southeast Asian clothing."
"It really did feel like this movie was trying hard to appease to Southeast Asians as much as possible with these little easter eggs of our cultures but nothing extremely explicit."
"Southeast Asia is currently going through a massive Mental Health crisis due to the stresses of modernity but you would have no idea of this since putting on a calm face is considered a moral good in of itself."
"Southeast Asia today, I think, is one of the most intriguing and enigmatic places in the world."
"The Southeast Asian region is full of spicy soup noodle dishes and they're all absolutely delicious."
"I bought a GoPro, started traveling across Southeast Asia."
"The studies suggest that the birds were domesticated in Southeast Asia around 3,500 years ago in rice fields."
"The fruit of the morinda citrifolia tree, native to Southeast Asia and Australasia, is used to make noni juice."
"Developing nations including across southeast Asia... are rising because of industry and infrastructure driven by growing trade with a rising China."
"Indian merchants, scholars, and priests all played a role in transmitting Indian culture to Southeast Asia."
"Now Malaysia is quite the powerhouse player when it comes to Southeast Asia."
"The future's very bright in Southeast Asia in particular."
"The gravitational pull of the Chinese economy is making Southeast Asia a top priority for its Belt and Road Project."
"The movie has southeast Asian roots and is set in a world inspired by southeast Asian cultures and peoples."
"The plain of jars is considered to be one of the most puzzling places in Southeast Asia for reasons that will soon become obvious."
"Malaysia stands out as an affordable living destination in Southeast Asia."
"...duck farming is an important sector of the poultry industry in Indonesia Thailand and Vietnam..."
"Indonesia has over 300 native languages, while the Philippines has 170, most of them being regional dialects. While both countries are easy to get around with English, Filipinos take the crown with their fluency in the language."
"While both cities are food paradises, I'm going to have to give the edge to Kuala Lumpur just for the diversity, especially in the hawker centers."
"I find there to be more things to do in Bangkok than KL. However, Bangkok has nothing as stunning as the Twin Towers."
"I mean southeast Asia youngest aircraft commander on scene."
"Southeast Asia's monsoons were heavy this year in cambodia's cardamom mountains and few of the roads survived"
"We have lots of oceanic crust all converging in this area here and this leads to a very complex tectonic situation in Southeast Asia."
"We have finally made it here to the first stop on our Southeast Asia trip."
"Betta fish can also be seen in different countries across Southeast Asia."
"This is without doubt the biggest and best car event not just in Thailand but all of Southeast Asia."
"America has more invested in Southeast Asia than in India, China, and Japan combined."
"Closing coverage to the IMX 2023 show, always enjoy seeing how car culture evolves in Southeast Asia."
"These are some of the most beautiful snakes here in Southeast Asia."
"It's very similar to other countries, I really like it though, braving the heat but that's Southeast Asia, guys."
"If you're thinking about visiting this underrated corner in Southeast Asia, you're in the right spot."
"Southeast Asia sits at the crossroads of a global economy, one in which the European kingdoms had remained along the fringes for centuries."
"The islands of Southeast Asia were also extremely rich in natural resources, many of which are scarce if not entirely lacking in Europe."
"Our ancestors already had deeper relations and connections in Malacca and across East and Southeast Asia."
"The magic of food in Southeast Asia is that everything has a purpose."
"This is the story of the only noodle endemic to Southeast Asia."
"Theirs was a civilization that shaped Southeast Asia."
"As much as I've loved my time here, I am so excited to start my journeys in Southeast Asia coming at you in early November."
"The Malayan kalugo can be found in the rain forests of some Southeast Asian countries."
"Building a high-speed rail network in Southeast Asia is an ambitious dream for China."
"If China's dream of a series of HSRs in Southeast Asia comes to fruition, China will reap a double benefit."
"Cultures and civilizations... will speak on the history of Southeast Asia's cultures and how they've been influenced by neighboring ancient civilizations."
"Not only has every single Southeast Asian Nation joined the Belt and Road initiative, but by the end of 2021, seven of the top 10 recipient countries for BRI investments came from Southeast Asia."
"I'm far more drawn to those wonderful Southeast Asian places where people smile."
"It's not a salad; it's a magic trick that somehow combines all of the notes of Southeast Asia into one miraculous dish."
"Philippines, a captivating archipelago nestled in the heart of Southeast Asia."
"She is representing our region of Southeast Asia."
"Malaysia is quite the powerhouse player when it comes to Southeast Asia."
"Between Vietnam and Indonesia, they will soon have more than 400 million inhabitants and an ever-increasing economic development."
"It's modern yet it pays tribute to Northern Thai culture and also this entire region of Southeast Asia."
"Malaysia is the best kicking off point for the rest of Southeast Asia because of the diversity of Cuisine and just how good the food is there."
"Malaysia is the perfect mix between being in Southeast Asia and being affordable."
"Southeast Asia will have a very bright future in the multipolar world."
"Sun dong cave is rightfully considered one of the most breathtaking places in all of Southeast Asia."
"The Mekong is the primary source of fresh water for nearly 70 million people across Southeast Asia."
"The Mekong River is currently dying for the nations of Southeast Asia."
"When done right, elephant tourism can be the most rewarding experience in all of Southeast Asia, but it is up to us to make sure that the future of elephant tourism is one that we're proud of."
"It is not only the largest and busiest airport in Malaysia but also one of the biggest airports in Southeast Asia and worldwide."
"Cambodia is the king of affordable living here in Southeast Asia, hands down, no question about it at all."
"The rich histories and the colorful culture and traditions of the many diverse people of Southeast Asia, including the Philippines, had always been intertwined."
"In Southeast Asia... female rule was not just allowed but it was often preferred."
"Southeast Asia in the pre-colonial and early modern period represents a time and a place when female rule flourished in a remarkable fashion."
"When I think of street food, I think of Southeast Asia, I think of Vietnam."
"Let's look at some examples of fierce women in ancient Southeast Asia, from legendary queens to fearsome warriors in the battlefield."
"Vietnam is a beautiful country with approximately 97 million people, it's the second largest Southeast Asian country in terms of population."
"I love Southeast Asia because for me it kind of checks all the boxes."
"You can travel like a king through Southeast Asia but very limited money."
"The future of such areas of Southeast Asia ultimately may be determined by events taking place in remote jungle villages which appear on no maps."
"Gunung Mulu National Park is one of the most awe-inspiring natural attractions in all of Southeast Asia."
"Southeast Asian mangoes have no failure."
"Southeast Asia is a good area because it's cheap and there's a lot of good stuff to see and do like nature-wise."
"I fell in love in 2005 with Thailand and Southeast Asia, and I can unequivocally say that it changed me to the core."
"The 12th century saw the Khmer Kingdom at its peak; it comprises present-day Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, and Myanmar, formerly Burma."
"He was known to many across Southeast Asia as the legendary Nakodaragam or in English, the Singing Captain."
"Cost of living in Southeast Asia is very, very attractive."
"The Indian culture influenced the Southeast Asian region starting with the first century."
"In Southeast Asia, on a hot day, one of the really nice things is actually a nice big block of ice in a glass of beer. It doesn't water it down, just keeps it really cold."
"We serve Southeast Asian food predominantly Thai and Filipino, but a lot of inspiration from Malaysia, Vietnam."
"Lao and Cambodian food are incredible, and especially Lao food, it might be one of the very best foods in the world, to be honest."
"Southeast Asia is a region with huge potential and also provided a very good performance in terms of the economic as well as social progress."
"Southeast Asia is a very dynamic region... we have another economy which we call it lion economy, that is Africa now."
"It's one of the most inclusive competitions existing in Nepal and in Southeast Asia as well."
"In our past experiences in Southeast Asia, the malls are usually pretty epic."
"One simple rule for eating in Southeast Asia: the best places to eat are usually on the side of a busy road."
"I'm 100% convinced that the next rise is in the East, it's in Southeast Asia, no question about it."
"Often hailed as the queen of fruits, the mangosteen is a tropical delight originating from Southeast Asia."
"You can't ask for better weather in Southeast Asia from let's just say one November to at least 15 March, this is just beautiful."
"Kale City is actually the most underrated city visited in Southeast Asia."
"The Indianization of Southeast Asia will begin roughly around the time of Christ."
"Nowadays, the borders are open again, you can have a decent life in Southeast Asia."
"We're finishing up an investigation into Small Arms trafficking right in Southeast Asia, which has been fun."
"Malaysia is a good place to do business in with respect to Southeast Asia."
"On the 26th is a total lunar eclipse, the first lunar eclipse of the year, the whole eclipse is visible from Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia."
"We're looking at one of the world's largest buildings, the third largest building in Southeast Asia."
"It's one of Southeast Asia's most dynamic cities and one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the world."
"Southeast Asia, a fascinating atmospheric and exotic world full of unspoiled nature and cultural treasures."
"The extensive Delta of the great Mekong River of South Vietnam is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable natural habitats in the whole of Southeast Asia."
"If we spent the entire year in Southeast Asia... we could spend $20,000 for the entire year and live like kings."
"We are making a video on how to travel Southeast Asia; it's going to be an overview of the whole of Southeast Asia."