
Differing Opinions Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"It's vital to debate and hear differing opinions."
"This is why it's good to talk to people who don't agree with you and aren't in your circles."
"Calling someone a bigot because they have differing opinions than your own is bigoted."
"Whatever happens, whatever political device we have different opinions we have, the one thing that will always unite us is the coming together of politicians who may have different views but will unite us because we all believe in democracy."
"I love hearing your ideas I love hearing your perspectives and your opinions I might not always agree with you guys but I still like hearing them and that's okay."
"Surround yourself with people who align with your goals, even if they have different opinions."
"I love debating with people who disagree with me on it."
"Respect the other person's opinion. You may not like it, but you need to respect it."
"This is the key right here: just because your opinions are stupid doesn't mean we can't be friends."
"You have to listen to opinions you don't like."
"That's a big part of it, feeling stupid when someone you respect has a vastly different opinion."
"Reasonable minds can differ means that the opposite side of you can still be reasoned and can be something that is legitimately held in good faith."
"You are allowed to be friends with people whose opinions you completely disagree with."
"It's almost as though it's possible to share vastly different opinions on important matters and still appreciate and get along with someone."
"The only thing I ask is that we treat each other and their opinions with respect, even if they are diametrically opposed to our own."
"Choose your camp folks. There's the one camp that's saying nothing's wrong everything's going to be alright... That's one camp. The other camp is, 'Shit's about to hit the fan.'"
"We can have a difference in opinion and still be civil and respectful to one another."
"Don't close your mind off to people who have a different opinion to you."
"The goal of free speech is to respect differing opinions."
"Watch films for what you enjoy them for and have patience for opinions that are not your own."
"It's totally cool to have differing opinions."
"We should embrace differing opinions because ideally we want everybody to enjoy this game."
"Doesn't make one set of people right, doesn't make one people wrong."
"For every person like that guy there's someone else out there saying it's not catastrophic like AI."
"I like to have conversations especially with people that disagree with me."
"Maybe fortnite is going in a very different direction to me and they just have different views on what the game should be."
"I love talking with people who disagree with me because this is how I learn."
"It's okay for us to have a different opinion on this hot topic."
"I tend to like more movies than I dislike, so I'm always the one that's like, 'You didn't like that?'"
"I just have fundamentally different views of how best to address this issue and how we can achieve the goal that we both want."
"It's not really a friendship unless they can accept you have a different opinion."
"One of the most important things is to have conversations with people that might have differing opinions."
"I think one of the most important things is to have conversations with people that might have differing opinions."
"You're gonna make sure they know exactly how you feel."
"We live at a time in Washington when two people who have strongly different opinions can actually be good friends."
"I can maintain a friendship with somebody and a good friendship with somebody and disagree on certain things."
"I think that Vivek Rama Swami handled himself really well you guys let me know how you think he handled himself I want to thank you guys um you know for coming through and once again uh I would love you know to hear a difference of opinion."
"Feel free to disagree with this list. I wouldn't expect anything less."
"Just to have the discussion on recognizing these are different opinions about our future."
"We are pulling in opposite directions, thinking somehow miraculously one way of doing things is the right way."
"His views and analysis, in my opinion, are invaluable. Yes, we don't see eye to eye on all topics, but uh, that's the way the world is."
"You don't have to agree on everything to be friends with somebody."
"Don't get upset because somebody else has a different opinion from you."
"I want to give you a little clarification. We had some different opinions going back and forth."
"I might not agree with what you and the Royal sister Army's have done, and yet right now more than anything in the world I would be proud to consider you my friend."
"Remember not everyone will share the same views it is okay to disagree just do so respectfully."
"You know we have different opinions but we can agree on this."
"To all the billions of people that loved this movie, I'm really glad you did and I hope that me expressing my opinion on why I didn't enjoy it as much as you is something that you can be okay with."
"Their opinions thing is between two different people."
"If you like Ruby Chibi, congratulations. I'm glad you can like it."
"There's another side to it and when you can come to a view, maybe just a few times a year, where you have an important difference of opinion with what everybody else is thinking about a particular situation."
"I love Broadway shows, but sometimes we have differing opinions."
"Take a look at these guys, which he was going to do anyway, but really come and bring your A-game because we need to knock Chris down a peg on his own pod. This rarely happens on your own pod where someone comes in and has a differing opinion that you may have to defer to."
"Everyone's allowed their opinion."
"I absolutely love when books are super popular and super loved by so many people, and then you get those few people that didn't like it."
"It's all about talking to different people with differing opinions and starting a conversation because I genuinely believe that's the way that we're going to find the best way forward."
"It's okay to disagree, there will always be people on both sides of the fence."
"Even though there are loads of things that we don't agree on, there's so much common ground."
"Just because you have a different opinion, that's cool, we don't have to argue about it."
"I love talking to people who disagree with me; it's a great time right now to talk to people who disagree."
"I love having a thought-provoking conversation with someone I disagree with."
"You do have to respect people who have different opinions than you."
"We might have differences of opinion, but it doesn't mean that we don't love each other and we don't rock with each other."
"I respect others' opinion if they're different than mine."
"It's actually alright to sit down with someone you may have different views of, and it's the only way you can do and agree to disagree."
"Even if they have different opinions, they're still buddies."
"We can agree to disagree, and that doesn't always feel 100% satisfying, but it is respectful to recognize that other people may have very different opinions about things."
"If I hear someone else's opinion, I'm obviously entitled to agree with them; I don't go after them, I just consider where that opinion came from."
"You have a different opinion, but you are still my child."
"You can disagree with someone and still enjoy their content in other ways."
"Religion, politics, and formula scoring are areas where two informed people often hold opposing ideas with great assurance."
"I'm perfectly happy to be proven wrong or to at least have a debate with someone who's got strong views that don't necessarily tally with mine."