
Spoilers Quotes

There are 220 quotes

"Conspiracy theories are simply spoiler alerts."
"Different people consider different things to be spoilers."
"Maybe the tail end of season 15 wouldn't have been quite as juicy if TMZ had spoiled the news, right?"
"I haven't finished the OA, don't ruin it for me."
"The show ended nearly a decade ago. If you haven't caught up at this point, that's on you."
"Please be a bro and not spoil others' experiences."
"It feels to me like this is a game that you can really easily spoil because the surprises happen in the moment."
"The problem I keep running into with discussions of spoilers and subverting audience expectations and stuff is that you can only ever surprise your audience once."
"Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers Show. I'm your host Paul, and it's time to lock up your daughters because Game of Thrones House of the Dragon is back."
"The leaks will spoil the first time player experience for many."
"We want it to be something that players... will be able to do so without having the game spoiled for them."
"I won't give any spoilers because people are not into the series, so it's fine."
"This video does contain spoilers for Spider-Man No Way Home."
"The following trailer is rated as for spoilers but come on, you know you've already seen this movie."
"The key art could be covering up spoilers by using present Noah's sword."
"The main point I wanted to make is I needed to capture as much gameplay footage as I could in the very beginning without going into too many spoilers."
"Spoilers are info hazards. Encountering spoilers can lead to disappointment, frustration, or a diminished sense of immersion in the narrative."
"Inscription is one of the most difficult games of many a year to talk about without touching upon spoilers, and if you are new to this one, we urge you to go into it as spoiler-free as possible."
"There are plenty of twists and turns throughout the story, emotionally traumatizing if you play through this game correctly without spoilers."
"For this list we're looking at the most underwhelming, predictable, nonsensical, or disappointing reveals from our favorite TV shows. And obviously, beware of big spoilers coming your way."
"Even if you have everything spoiled, go watch it, it would still be enjoyable."
"Follow me on Twitter but if you don't want it spoiled for you."
"Knowing what a boss looks like in a From Software game is a spoiler, a huge portion of the excitement of fighting a From Software boss is being freaked the heck out."
"If you want to avoid spoilers then I highly suggest you pause the video now."
"That scene when Wonder Woman pops in as Wonder Woman for the first time and saves both their lives would have had so much more of an impact if they did not give it away in the trailer."
"Share your spoiler packed thoughts on Spider-Man across the spider-verse."
"Endgame spoilers abroad! Yes, take the little one, I'll take the big one. Fat Thor's amazing, hated what they did with the Hulk."
"If you're sensitive to spoilers, don't watch any reviews and don't watch any trailers either because Jesus Christ that last trailer from Square-like really gave away a lot of [ __ ]."
"Please don't put any spoilers in the comments, we've tried to avoid it so hard!"
"Viewer, let's try to sort out what exactly happened in Half-Life 1. Full spoilers ahead and fair warning, I'll be touching on a couple of things that just straight up aren't represented in Black Mesa, the popular fan-made remake of Half-Life 1."
"Come join us in the spoiler section if you want to know exact details and plot holes."
"It's considered very bad manners to reveal a spoiler without giving warning first."
"I was so excited, I [Laughter] love leaks, I love spoilers."
"Yeah, it's so much better if you experience it rather than being spoiled."
"For the purposes of this video I don't really want to discuss the morality of spoiling versus not spoiling and it's not just because I can potentially be accused of it but it's because it's entirely irrelevant to the marketing aspect."
"For me nowadays I don't even watch trailers anymore because of how much they give away."
"Definitely worth your time and of course I'm gonna be spoiling some pretty major moments"
"Should I do spoilers or spoiler-free? I'm gonna do this as a spoiler-free reading vlog."
"I guess we'll get into spoilers because I'm curious what you're talking about."
"The F40's spoiler, an icon. If you want to talk about cars with wings, you just start with this one."
"You can give mama wells a call it's this heroes quest that will pop up I don't want to spoil what happens during this quest."
"I'm over people getting mad about spoilers... If you don't watch the thing you don't want spoiled for immediately like the second it's available and then you're on the internet and you get spoiled it's on you."
"There's not much else I can talk about without actually getting into, you know, spoiler territory."
"I hate when people start doing spoilers in the chat."
"If I tell you how it ends, it would ruin the show."
"If you want to know the end of the book, he wins. That's it."
"A spoiler robs the revelation of emotional impact."
"I don't want to spoil it, but which English bow down in general."
"I went into this game completely with no spoilers and I even avoided all the YouTube videos of it, nobody told me about this."
"This video may contain spoilers, so as always, here's your sign and let's begin."
"The worst kept secret since time travel in Avengers 4 has finally been revealed."
"Light of the Jedi is so good that people are yelling at you for spoilers in the chat."
"If you sat through this video without playing the game and got spoiled on anything, it doesn't matter. Still play it, it's still worth it."
"Did you think about the reveal / identity of sabotage? Sound off in the comments below."
"Strap in and let's get going. I'm coming. There may be some spoilers on this ride."
"I've been warning people for years that when this day finally came it would be open season on spoiling the [ __ ] out of every nook and cranny of the Ghost Michelle mythos."
"Everything is still spoiler free which is how I want it to remain because I love getting excited a new mod."
"I’m Kyle with WickedBinge, and this is Good to Evil: Invader Zim. Oh, also. Spoiler warning for those who haven’t seen Enter the Florpus!"
"Would you like to know what the end of the movie is before the ending happens?"
"Spoiling something people have been looking forward to for a very long time will no doubt leave a bad taste in their mouth."
"I've logged off of all social media to avoid it, and I'm basically trying to become a hermit just to get away from spoilers relating to it."
"When you search up a character and find out how she/he dies. Duck, what the hell."
"I avoided spoilers for so long, I can't take it."
"The ending will shock you unless of course you've been following the series, in which case it absolutely won't shock you."
"This show is fantastic and it's impossible to talk about without spoilers."
"I'm really anti-spoilers. I mean, the clue's in the word, right? Spoiled?"
"Spoilers: Ben could have watched the movie without context."
"Don't be worried about spoilers, don't watch the don't look at this video and be like oh man I, I don't want the, the storyline of this to be spoiled for me because that I'm super vested in that you just you boot it up and go like man where's the genocide."
"The spoiler that started all spoilers."
"Many of the best jokes here come from how much that [__] escalates so I don't want to spoil too much."
"I hate telling anybody ever go looking up a Wikipedia or something like that because I feel like those get so super spoilery."
"That makes all the following spoilers seem not so important, doesn't it?"
"Almost all my problems with this movie have to do with the plot, so the rest of this video is going to be spoilers."
"Check out this spoiler, Jacob. What do you think of it? I think it's the greatest thing I've ever seen."
"I was actually reading that, I was like, 'Wait, spoilers.' I was like, 'No way, both of you, yeah, we're fine.'"
"'Now we are going to be getting into Comic spoilers so check out now if you don't want to know what could be happening.'"
"Then we get there, but it's an exploit. I just know the more you look into it, you can spoil yourself. Don't do it. Just don't do it. Google it and tell me, and then I'll act like I've always known, okay?"
"I won't spoil anything at the very beginning."
"This is your warning now if you've not seen Spider-Man No Way Home up until this point and you're still watching you're about to be spoiled."
"Elden Ring, I've had a lot of little stuff spoiled for me."
"Every time someone would say, 'Oh, it's so good,' and I was like, 'Okay, I'll go watch it,' just shut the [__] up. I'll go see it, I just don't want to know anything."
"I have avoided all the spoilers for this, just like I did with all the previous new Marvel films."
"Scanlations are spoilers for the official release? No, 'cause the scans are better than the official release in most ways."
"It's like they're aware that putting out spoilers can really mess with people's experience."
"it's their best album spoilers but yeah it's their best"
"I just kind of become this de facto authority on the show to where like you said people come to me and obviously the credibility I've built up over the years of just having the right spoilers."
"I think Madoka Magica is actually one of the series where I do think it is meaningful to consider the effects of spoilers on a first-time viewers enjoyment of the franchise."
"This video will contain spoilers for the entirety of Attack on Titan, but I mean you clicked on the video, what were you expecting?"
"Stranger Things season four came out today, I've been avoiding social media so I don't see any spoilers, but I'm gonna sleep on this flight, go home, watch the entire season."
"Everything is on the table. There will be spoilers for 'I'm Thinking of Ending Things'."
"Honestly, I love spoiler discussions."
"It's all about The Flash, so if you haven't seen the movie yet, you know, you don't care about spoilers."
"...the film, oh my god, where do you start with spoilers? It is the most intense ride and it's all about this psychological meanings behind the comprehension of how the world around us works manifesting our thoughts into existence."
"I hope we talk again after you do because it is like, yeah, I am more than happy to talk to you after I've seen the finale and do a spoiler conversation because there's a lot I would have liked to have asked that you know."
"Do you agree that most movie trailers reveal way too much of the movie nowadays? I absolutely do."
"Anticipate potential spoilers for future story content ahead."
"Finally as I mentioned earlier I said that I was going to mention what the guy that was posting these supposed spoilers on Reddit was saying or at least the things that he was claiming were going to happen in the story and that at this point have kind of been confirmed."
"I swear I better not get any comments below about how the statue's spoiling the series you're giving too much away if you clicked on this video and you haven't watched the series what are you doing get on that."
"You know, when we were kids and we were here spoilers, and it made us want to see the movie even more."
"Because Star Wars is so big in pop culture now, I feel like I already know the biggest spoiler of all time because I think it's truly impossible to not hear 'I am your father' at some point in your life."
"It is very likely that at some point we're going to give examples of how yes or why spoilers did or did not ruin or improve my experience."
"Being spoiled for a piece of media, according to their study, slightly improved people's enjoyment of the piece of media."
"...I'm not gonna go into huge depths of the plot but I will be talking spoilers..."
"It's hard to explain without spoilers, but I want Happy Endings for multiple people."
"Let's do it live! Let's look at this trailer. All right, just by the way, this trailer is extremely spoilery."
"It was so hard to talk about this book without any spoilers so that's why I'm trying to be like super vague about it."
"This is probably the generation where we got the least amount of spoilers going into the game."
"They gave away the entire movie in the TV spots."
"This almost just tells us what's gonna happen to Jon."
"Thankfully I have not been spoiled, and if you do spoil in the chat you will be sent out to clean, yeah absolutely. I'm talking about a lifetime ban for sure."
"The trailer gave away everything that was good in the movie."
"Expectation spoilers ruin the surprise."
"From now on we’ll be getting into some spoilers. A big part of the fun of these movies is trying to work out who the killer will be."
"We are gonna be spoiling this, of course. If you don't want to have any spoilers, go watch the show and then come back to see what we think about it."
"...for sure going to be diving into spoilers once the movie is Le so stay tuned for that cuz there's a lot I want to get off my chest..."
"Characters are about to return, and I do have to step into spoiler territory, so just take that into consideration."
"In the mid-credits scene, Toomes is locked up at the raft and he turns into Gargan who mentions that he and other criminals are trying to come together to kill Spider-Man."
"By season four now everyone knows... that Gus is going to die... he's the greatest villain ever."
"If you don't want to know any spoilers, don't listen to this next bit."
"If you're here for spoilers, let's get into them."
"We will see it again we will do a spoiler discussion but I'm gonna try to keep it as spoiler dry as possible."
"I'll make it explicitly known when I'm starting my spoilers section."
"Sometimes, expectations are definitely spoilers."
"Hey readers, Laurent here offering you analysis and perspective on your favorite bits of geek and pop culture media. If it wasn't obvious from the intro, this video will, in fact, contain spoilers for 'They Clone Tyrone.'"
"Expectations are like potential spoilers for the entirety of the arc moving forwards."
"Spoilers, unforced errors, Easter eggs. We're doing it all!"
"Power of not having to avoid spoilers on the internet anymore."
"The plot was revealed. Yeah, it's gonna be like they're gonna kill everybody within like the drum of the family and stuff like that basically have Sanji like hostage type [ __ ]."
"I mean, you're not going to get spoilers if you're sleeping between midnight and 8:00 a.m. the next day. You're not going to see spoilers because you're asleep."
"Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, yet for me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the Lord."
"Do not date a movie spoiler. In general, do not date someone that spoils life's little pleasures for you."
"I'm going to leak that surprise post-credit scene on TikTok."
"Is he actually Luffy's brother? Like, you guys spoiled it for me and said he wasn't, but now is he?"
"Even The Rock's been spoiling it."
"we are going to avoid any and all story spoilers because of how quote absolutely goated this franchise is end quote"
"The spoiler is very large. Spoilers. You can see the exhaust pipes even after only 1200 miles. You can see the ones that get used regularly versus the track ones on the outside, right?"
"I don't really think that you can really spoil romances."
"Skipping past the fact that he already had defeated the Abomination,"
"You shouldn't know spoilers going in and twists should be hidden until the release."
"This video is going to be all spoilers."
"I kind of don't like watching trailers because then I feel like I already know too much of the story, so it's hard, yeah, some trailers really give away too much."
"I'm gonna be spoiling the entire season top to bottom and yeah I would recommend watching this season first you're gonna get a lot more out of it without knowing what happens next"
"Netflix, stop with the thumbnail spoilers."
"It's par for the course to tell you that the video will contain heavy spoilers so if you complain after this point then you can kiss my putt."
"Trailer just give away way too much and stop doing that please we're begging you stop stop giving me the whole like plot in your trailer leave something to be a mystery."
"We live in spoiler culture. Don't get yourself beat up over spoilers."
"I won't talk about the end of the game, but you know, it's a... is there a cutscene for finishing the deal in Legendary?"
"Remember when spoilers were for movies in theaters?"
"Don't give me spoilers watching The Walking Dead, you know I'm gonna just don't talk about it."
"No spoilers, please. Not everyone has had a chance to see the latest and greatest."
"I used to be really bad about spoilers in some regards because I couldn't help myself when I worked in a movie theater."
"this video does contain major spoilers for the eternal so proceed with caution if you like these types of videos i've made others such as thanos versus darkseid the suicide squad versus the suicide squad venom vs venom and more"
"I love the ending of this, and I would love to know if you've read it. Maybe I should do an 'Old Reader, New Reader' with Maddie just to talk about this with people and really go into spoilers."
"But let's go ahead and do a spoiler-filled walkthrough of the Dragon Reborn."
"But regardless, let's go ahead and get this book opened, look at the artwork, talk about some of the stories without going into too many spoilers."
"If you read the book, then you know it can ruin the enjoyment for some people."
"Spoiler alert, they are so darn cute."
"Dark Age comes in so hot. Spoiler-free, can you break down for people what to remind them where's Dark Age starting?"
"Books are not only full of thinking, they're full of spoilers."
"Please stop spoiling things for me."
"I hate spoilers because I love the element of surprise"
"Fans that really like spoilers and that are into the leaks and that kind of culture, we have to learn to be respectful of like fans like you."
"We should figure out a good way to be very careful not to spoil things for people."
"That's so crazy because for Multiverse of Madness they're showing like everything... They're showing like the craziest [ __ ]."
"Please no spoilers in the comment section."
"I can't wait and I don't want to get spoiled, so we will be here every week."
"What's in that book? It's forensics, spoilers."
"We just watched the entire movie in the trailer."
"What more terrifying thing can there be than spoilers?"
"Shout out to all of you that keep the spoilers out of the comments section."
"Don't go on Twitter if you want to enjoy a show with no spoilers."
"They do a really good job of not giving too many spoilers in these intros."
"I don't like spoilers. I know people say you can't spoil reality TV, sure you can."
"Twitter is dark and full of spoilers."
"Knowing the plot twist can dilute a movie's impact on repeated viewings."
"I really do appreciate the no spoilers warning; I hate spoilers."
"The internet is dark and full of spoilers, so once you venture out into it, you're risking yourself anyway."
"People don't like spoilers, but prequels are okay."
"It's a spoiler alert: if you don't want to know, see, or hear anything about the plot, the characters, or the objects in an upcoming movie, please be sure not to click on and watch videos like this one."
"I've been ducking and dodging spoilers left and right just to react to this movie on the channel."
"These seasons were when you absolutely had to be watching the show Sunday night so it wouldn't get spoiled for you at school the next day."
"I already know so many spoilers, but it's still going to be special; I can feel it."
"What are your thoughts on spoilers, how far are you willing to go to avoid them, and what do you think about people deliberately spoiling movies, etc.?"
"Please be respectful of spoilers, but if something does get spoiled for you, just know that it doesn't necessarily mean something is ruined."
"Is there anything worse than someone spoiling the end of a story for you? It's like they are literally robbing you of a cultural experience."
"Please do not put any spoilers in the comments... please have respect for everybody."
"Everything will break if you knew the spoilers for your own life."
"Don't watch anything about it; don't even watch the trailer because the trailer shows way too much about the film. Just go in totally blind, and I think you're gonna be really, really happy with what you see."