
Life Support Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"You are constantly being moved towards what is meant for you, and life's unconditional support is not only unwavering but also unending."
"It's really important for all of us really to get educated about basic life support and CPR."
"With these steps combined, we have all the ingredients necessary to create a habitat suitable for life: An enclosed, protected environment, with a steady production of oxygen and water."
"Never take away somebody's hope, because then what do they have?"
"Human life and soil have been living in this equilibrium."
"Earth, our home planet, the only place in the universe known to support life."
"The Earth's oceans wield enormous power and energy its complexity and interconnectedness with various natural systems make it the most important element of life on Earth."
"Earth is one of the only planets in our solar system capable of supporting life."
"If you wanna turn a planet into something that can support her life, you've got to give it something that will turn the environment and turn oxygen."
"Humans use energy for light, heat, motion, communications, computing, and most important, life itself."
"These are our life support systems we're essential to our survival."
"Vault-Tec's impressive tech capabilities, ensuring complicated life support systems functioned as intended and the morally dubious social experiments would be successful."
"I think it's selfish to keep someone alive who's basically dead."
"Can any part of the planet's remaining life support systems be salvaged?"
"The pacing items are environmental control and life support."
"Your body carries you through life and keeps you alive."
"Just know we going through this thing called life together, man. No matter the circumstances, nothing, you know what I'm saying? Win this thing called life together, and you can get through it."
"Healthy love will motivate you to be your best, carry you through life's challenging moments, and make the beautiful ones even more beautiful."
"It's the biggest decision we've got to make his parents but and by doing this we're giving it a life back to it."
"God will always bring somebody into your life to give you what you didn't get."
"We've done it! We have a breathable atmosphere. No way, that means people can actually live here!"
"He was being kept alive by the kindness of our friends and neighbors."
"Thank you all for helping on my life journey."
"Ultimately, we'll need all these things: lots of power generation, mining in general, ice mining, propellant production, long-duration life support, and a lot of construction and Global Communication."
"Art supports life, not the other way around."
"Daniel 7:25 tells you that Satan, through the Antichrist, will change times and laws."
"Why isn't everyone seeing this? We're talking about our life support systems here. If we don't have our life support systems, there's nothing. Nothing."
"The ventilator is not a treatment; it's a support, it's a bridge."
"He hugged her, thanked her for helping him uphold his way of life."
"Life is providing for you that your needs be met."
"Grow me large so that random birds who did not sow may find shade in the scorching heat of life."
"She's the one person aside from my husband to keep me on this Earth."
"The functions of a healthy ecosystem are to create and support life."
"Dialysis is a marvelous life-saving therapy but it sustains life, it does not restore health."
"Was it possible that one of us had sabotaged our own life support?"
"When it comes to our planetary life support system the ocean the physicality of the ocean is not just what makes life on Earth possible but it structures everything else."
"Our five categories are less of a hard list on where life can or can't be than they are a reminder of what we need to consider when we do come up with an alternative option."
"What if you're in a coma, John? Would you want a breathing machine to keep you alive?"
"By putting a patient on VA ECMO, we can just about completely take over the workload of their heart."
"they're just waiting for the call from ground to turn off that suit fan which is providing air to their suits"
"The Earth is shaped by its oceans, playing a vital role in supporting life. Without these oceans, life as we know it would not exist."
"It is their life support system, really."
"We happen to live in a universe that supports life because if we didn't we wouldn't be here to wonder about it."
"It powers the brain and life support system of the unit."
"I am breathing and alive because of the prayers of Angela Martin."
"Do we let our loved one live a little bit longer in hopes they'll wake up, or do we do the merciful thing and let them go with dignity?"
"Our lives and those of all other animals depend on it; we need it not only to breathe but to protect us."
"Mars has the elements needed for life; it means it has the elements needed for civilization."
"Good basic life support in children... you get higher survival, you get better neurological outcome."
"The brain stem helps coordinate vital functions like breathing and the heart, which keeps us alive."
"We need to restore the ecosystems and life support services that nature provides."
"Our planet is not a natural resource; it's a life support system."
"The helmets are locked into neck rings, which are attached to the suit to provide the proper airtight environment that's essential for the life support system in space."
"Terraforming being the process through which we can enhance a planet's capability to sustain life as we know it."
"The ocean is something to be respected. You know it holds a lot of life, it houses a lot of life, we need to respect it and take care of it."
"Earth has perfect conditions for life."
"I observe with joy as life abundantly supports me and supplies me with more good than I can imagine."
"The difference, Vince, is there's someone that'll always care about you and your life, and you're not alone out there."
"If you like being alive, great. It keeps you alive. You're welcome, science."
"The medulla oblongata controls involuntary actions such as breathing, heart rate, and peristalsis."
"It provides a complete life support system which provides oxygen within the suit, provides heat removal from his metabolic expenditure."
"The umbilical cord is the lifeline of the fetus."
"The oceans provide us with oxygen, they regulate temperature, they provide us with food and energy supplies."
"You always want to make sure that you're taking care of the ABCs: airway, breathing, and circulation."
"Water ice represents life support. It's air to breathe, it's water to drink."
"The ocean performs many important functions; for one thing, it produces 50 to 80% of all the oxygen on our planet, which means it keeps us alive."
"If the suit needed a heart, this would be it."
"A person that is in a coma that will never wake up should not be indefinitely kept alive on life machines."
"Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological processes by which an organism uses food to support its life."
"If you have an injury in the medulla oblongata, you're probably going to die because the things it does keep you alive."
"Airway, breathing, circulation, hemodynamic status, fluid, electrolytes, nutrition, glucose, anything that physically keeps your patient alive."
"We elevate the economy above the very things that keep us alive."
"One of the critical questions that environmental scientists have is whether the planet's natural life support systems are being degraded by human-induced changes."
"We all love sunshine and flowers and we love water and things that because innately we know they support our life."
"The air not only allows us to breathe, it protects the Earth from excessive solar heat and the most damaging forms of radiation."
"It is much easier emotionally and ethically to withhold a ventilator... than taking somebody off life support."
"I live in a friendly universe that's designed to serve me."
"ECMO is a procedure that provides both cardiac and respiratory support to the heart and/or lungs."
"Water's unique properties allow it to have a surface tension that supports life actually on the surface."
"I like the idea that they left him on life support so they could bring him back one day in the future."
"Life on Earth is supported by a variety of things, we think of plants capturing Sun energy and providing important resources for us through photosynthesis."
"The atmosphere is a life-giving gaseous envelope that not only provides the air we breathe but also acts to protect us from the sun's dangerous ultraviolet radiation."
"That she was not going to make it and that the hospital had put her on life support."
"Our goal is to sustain life for long periods of time, possibly untended for maybe a year or more."
"We have revealed the planet with the resources to support life."