
Alcohol Effects Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Alcohol helps you fall asleep faster, but it disrupts your REM sleep and sleep cycles."
"Avoid alcohol. Alcohol tanks sleep quality and rest."
"Alcohol is probably the most misunderstood sleep aid... It's desperately damaging to your sleep."
"Alcohol is toxic to the liver, and prolonged abuse can cause liver damage."
"The body’s natural reaction to being poisoned by alcohol is the dreaded hangover."
"Local police say raccoons aren't rabid. They're just drunk."
"When clay has a couple of drinks he does the slow blink."
"Alcohol probably like I I know definitively that alcohol only makes my life worse"
"Alcohol tends to amplify who somebody really is."
"Understanding these scientific mechanisms underscores the importance of moderation and timing when consuming alcohol."
"Whenever you drink alcohol, your body delays burning fat and prioritizes burning off the alcohol."
"Drinking alcohol will make you drunk, did you know?"
"Alcohol, the first thing it does is hit the part of the brain that is about self-observation."
"We want to know how was he not just barred over this. We want to know. This wine is making my nose stuffy."
"He drank three bottles of soju, he was smashed."
"Trying's worth it, and you learn a lot from trying."
"I'm pretty shy, like, I mean, I'm pretty quiet, but, and I don't drink much, but yeah, if you get a few drinks in me, it's game over."
"But the way it is being taken by kids when they've had a bit of alcohol in the mix..." - Nick Ferrari at breakfast
"You feel the absinthe? No? Come on, what are you, an amateur lightweight?"
"Absolute vodka fills it all, it gets you drunk, it tastes okay, and it makes you feel like you live in the American dream."
"Drinking alcohol is actually really bad for your skin."
"Booze won't fix it. Booze will make all your other problems worse."
"Alcohol can alter your brain and your body in ways that we're not really aware of."
"I truly believe that alcohol is a spiritual portal towards demonic spirits."
"I'm drunk I'm seeing double which is weird because I don't drink."
"Alcohol is a Scourge; it causes dysfunction, disease, and rape."
"Alcohol can mess up with your nervous system and interfere with sleep."
"It just it is what it is and like alcohol just makes you more relaxed and like why did you just have a cheese pizza for certain nights like it's gonna be fun."
"Being drunk is not the way you get better at things, despite what drunk you might think."
"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise."
"She's my baby girl, and to think that we could lose her because of alcohol, it just... it tears me apart."
"At the tipsy level, you still have enough wherewithal to understand what you want."
"You're asking for trouble. You're already in a state of dehydration and the alcohol is just going to make this worse." - Narrator
"I just went to sleep on a table and the parents thought I was passed out drunk."
"You'll never see me behind the wheel of a vehicle while drunk. Simple as that," - Commentator
"Save your brain, liver, skin, bones, intestines, heart, immune system, and grasp on reality. It's almost like whiskey is bad for you or something."
"I am [ __ ] bad yeah when I drink in the [ __ ] champs."
"Excessive alcohol consumption can also break down your collagen much faster."
"How much funner are certain people drunk how much better are certain people if they have the edge taken off right there's nothing wrong with that."
"I reserve the right not to take responsibility for anything I do after I start drinking wine for the night."
"One drink is the same whether you've been drinking for 20 years or you've never had a drink in your life."
"Alcohol causes depression, it causes the opposite."
"The alcohol was the thing that propelled me into not being a motivated person."
"Nothing good in the long term has ever come from alcohol."
"After two or maybe five beers, I went to get some fresh air."
"How bad is alcohol when it comes to anxiety?"
"Alcohol relieves inhibitions, and I think that's the biggest problem."
"Drinking isn't who you are, it exacerbates the way you feel."
"Alcohol really numbs you out but it also numbs you out from feeling the complete scope of happiness."
"Alcohol, the trigger for stressful dreams or nightmares."
"Alcohol slows your reflexes and reaction time, reduces your ability to see clearly and makes you less alert."
"Tequila... the experience of going home slightly drunk."
"Alcohol you could get [ __ ] done on alcohol, yeah. You could still somewhat, you know, have a normal life for at least through our 20s."
"Alcohol frees a person to act without thinking clearly or without feeling appropriately. It makes us brave when we should be cautious, it makes you loud when you should be quiet."
"We started to drink to get back to what we started to drink over in the first place."
"The cause of the calamity was clearly the concoction of alcohol and cavalier choices."
"Alcohol potently blocks the process that allows you to make long-term strong synapses out of synapses that you studied with."
"If you drink before sleeping after studying, you're in effect erasing those memories from all that studying that you did."
"I feel like I know my core values, I know who I want to be as a person, and the way that alcohol makes me feel, the choices that I make as a result of alcohol, I feel like they're not me."
"Alcohol also affects the quality of your sleep; it messes up your sleep cycles."
"We find that alcohol or relaxed people do better."
"It always hits when you're drunk."
"I think alcohol unlocks doors that are supposed to be locked forever."
"Alcohol starts off affecting the frontal lobe of your brain which is what controls your judgment and your reasoning."
"Alcohol takes you out of your already fragile normal state of consciousness; it takes away something that's essential to your humanity."
"Alcohol is like stealing time from tomorrow; it can completely disrupt everything."
"People's bodies metabolize alcohol differently, so a drink might affect one person way differently than it affects another person."
"When you start tracking your sleep stats, you realize even one drink really wrecks you."
"The cerebellum is preferentially affected by alcohol."
"Beer with or without alcohol improves gut health and that could very well help recovery."
"Is the point that alcohol is in it and that we get buzzed, or is the point that we want to drink something adult and something nuanced?"
"Any amount of alcohol can affect one's judgment and physical coordination and can lead to criminal charges."
"Alcohol makes you forget about your problems and then when you wake up the next day you have to deal with those problems."
"Alcohol's effect on organs is not just the liver; it's a lot of different organs."