
Exoplanet Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"We're looking at Proxima Centauri, the system that has the nearest terrestrial planet in the habitable zone."
"Gliese 370b is located in a habitable zone of its star."
"An exoplanet or extrasolar planet is any world that orbits a star outside of our solar system."
"Kepler-1649c, located 300 light years from Earth, is very similar to Earth in size and estimated temperature."
"Astronomers studying the dimming of a nearby sun-like star over time have concluded that their data point to an eclipse by a massive exoplanet's intricate ring system."
"My name is Kepler-452 b, also known as Earth 2.0. Yeah, that's me. I may support life within the Goldilocks zone while orbiting a sun-like star like yours at home."
"Leaving this super-earth is extremely difficult."
"An exoplanet with a magnetic field 4 million times stronger than Earth's."
"It's the first of its kind, a habitable planet orbiting a white dwarf- and it doesn't have much longer left to live."
"Trappist-1e is the most likely to house life... extremely similar to Earth."
"This amazing world orbits Tea Garden star, a small red dwarf discovered in 2003."
"Assuming the planet's atmosphere is similar to ours, the steady state temperature on the surface of TOI-700d is estimated at 268.2 K or 4.3°C below zero."
"Proxima Centauri B is in the middle of the star's habitable zone; this means that chances are liquid water and life might exist on the planet."
"...the first detection of an extrasolar planet around an Earth-like star."
"Kepler-186f is the first rocky exoplanet found within the habitable zone, with conditions potentially right for liquid water."
"NASA just discovered their second earth-sized planet orbiting within the habitable zone of its star 100 light years away."
"Web finds methane on an exoplanet."
"Discovery of life on an exoplanet."
"Imagine a planet the size of our ice giant Neptune, it's a burning world floating close to its star."
"The James Webb Telescope has confirmed the presence of a rocky exoplanet, LHS 475b, 41 light-years away. This exoplanet has many similarities with Earth."
"Kepler 70b: A fiery rock with temperatures that exceed those on the surface of the Sun."
"WASP-12b: Tragic might be the most fitting word."
"GJ 436b: A world so contradictory that it boggles the mind."
"Exoplanets offer a sobering glimpse into the extreme and varied conditions the universe harbors."
"Kepler 452b is the most Earth-like planet astronomers have discovered so far."
"Evidence for water vapor on a planet orbiting another star."
"The James Webb telescope confirmed the discovery of its first exoplanet."
"TOI 1075b is nearly 10 times the mass of Earth, making it one of the most massive super-Earths ever discovered."
"This was one of the first times that methane has been found in a transiting exoplanet using space-based telescopes."
"Kelt 9B's status as the hottest known exoplanet is a direct result of several extreme factors that come together to create its scorching conditions."
"Proxima b is particularly interesting because it is located in the habitable zone of its star."
"Kepler-186f is the first planet to be discovered that is similar in size to Earth and lies in the habitable zone."
"This could be the first planet that was actually detected, this one is real."
"We have a habitable planet in view, very likely habitable."
"The closest sun-like star with an earth-like exoplanet in the habitable zone is probably only 20 light years away and can be seen with the naked eye."
"Super Saturn, also called Saturn on steroids, is a real object that scientists discovered in 2012."
"The lonely traveler is actually a gas giant 4 to seven times bigger than Jupiter."
"This starless planet floats around through space, passing only 130 light years away from our planet."
"It's raining rocks; the planet's so hot it vaporizes rocks."
"The closest exoplanet to us, Proxima Centauri B, orbits the Red Dwarf Proxima Centauri which is the closest star to the sun."
"I am TOI 561b, one of the oldest rocky planets discovered."
"Kepler-438b is one of the most earth-like planets... it's in the habitable zone of its host star."
"The atmosphere of this distant world is a cocktail of elements and compounds that could support life."
"The hydrogen-rich atmosphere of K2-18b offers unique conditions for previously unexplored life."
"The potential for a subterranean ocean and hydrogen-rich atmosphere makes K2-18b an attractive target for studying extremophiles in the exoplanet environment."
"The first exoplanet we discovered was only about 15 years ago, and it was very much like we were the only house on the block."
"As far as we know, our nearest planetary neighbor outside the solar system is just down the street, 10.5 light years away, orbiting the orange star Epsilon Eridani."
"Being extremely close to its Sun, the Neptune-size exoplanet boasts temperatures hotter than a blazing oven and yet it's covered in ice."
"Far away Neptune-sized exoplanet Gliese 436b is a paradox; it's made of scorching hot ice."
"On WASP-76b, it rains iron at night."
"A planet where night never ends and it's pitch dark and scorching hot."
"Wolf 1061c is within the habitable zone of the star and can be considered a potentially habitable celestial body."
"There might even be a planet that's made of diamonds."
"Can you imagine another Earth, a new humanoid species?"
"Planets like this around red dwarf stars could still have the Goldilocks temperatures that could support life."
"My favorite exoplanet is Proxima Centauri B."
"I'm the smallest planet discovered around a mid-sequent star outside the solar system."
"My name is Kepler-452b, also known as Earth 2.0, yeah that's me."
"What fascinates most people about Proxima B is its similarity to Earth."
"Proxima Centauri has an Earth-sized planet in its habitable zone, known as Proxima b, which could potentially support life."
"There is a planet that has winds blowing at seven times the speed of sound."
"It's more than likely that this exoplanet features a perpetual sideways reign of molten glass."
"This dense atmosphere simultaneously blocks heat from the nearby star while also trapping volcanic heat from the planet's surface, creating a significant greenhouse effect."
"Astronomers announced that they had found a monster planet orbiting around a small dwarf star which is many light-years away."
"Proxima B... is the first potentially habitable planet found close enough to Earth for its atmosphere and composition to be observable."
"Proxima B is an exciting candidate in the search for potentially habitable planets outside our solar system."
"This planet had water vapor in its atmosphere and orbits within the habitable zone."
"What do we actually know about K2-18b?"
"The density of K2-18b is 3.3 grams per centimeter cubed."
"Such a world would be what we would call a water world."
"55 Cancri e, an exoplanet that captivates the imagination with its extraordinary characteristics."
"Scientists theorize that the intense pressure within 55 Cancri e could transform carbon into diamond, creating a world that, quite literally, sparkles with these precious gems."
"The potential for 55 Cancri e to host an atmosphere rich in carbon compounds not only intrigues scientists but also stirs the imagination about what other kinds of worlds could exist in the vast expanses of our galaxy."
"The intriguing prospect of this planet being within its star's habitable zone does more than just spark the imagination; it drives forward the scientific quest to understand the conditions under which planets can sustain life."
"Proxima Centauri b presents a tantalizing glimpse into the potential for life beyond Earth."
"KELT-9b's discovery unveiled a world where daytime temperatures soar above 4,300 degrees Celsius, hotter than many stars."
"Kepler-1625b is an exoplanet that has captured the attention of astronomers and the public alike due to its intriguing characteristics."
"The most striking aspect of Kepler-1625b's discovery was the potential detection of a moon orbiting the planet."
"KELT-11b stands out among hot Jupiters due to its extremely low density; it is one of the least dense exoplanets ever discovered."
"The real showstopper here is LP 8909 C."
"It's also a bit larger than Earth, but its real claim to fame is its location within the habitable zone of its star."
"We're looking for a habitable planet around another star, an Earth 2.0 if you will."
"If we could travel to this giant planet, all we would see is a world brightly glowing from the heat of its formation."
"This is the first detection of a magnetosphere in any exoplanet."
"Kepler 22b is Kepler's first planet in the habitable zone of its star."
"Whether Proxima B is habitable or even inhabited remains to be seen, but its discovery represents a significant step forward in our exploration of the universe."
"My name is Kepler-16b, an extrasolar planet on the scene."
"I'm an exoplanet orbiting the star CoRoT-7."
"I have a temperature of 1300 to 1800K."
"I'm thought to be the darkest known exoplanet, reflecting less than one percent of any light."
"I'm likely to be tidally locked to my parent star."
"I'm the smallest planet discovered around a main-sequence star outside the solar system."
"I'm classified as an exoplanet, also an Ace of Earth."
"I am an exoplanet, my name is Kepler 1649c."
"I'm the first exoplanet found outside your Milky Way galaxy."
"I'm a Saturn-like planet they had found, classified as an exoplanet outside the Milky Way."
"GJ 1132 B could have become a potentially habitable world."
"Kepler 452b is 1.6 times the size of Earth and it's about 6 billion years old."
"Kepler 22b might be covered in a super ocean."
"This delicious exoplanet has the density of a marshmallow."
"Wasp 12b is so close to its star that it takes just over one Earth day to complete its orbit."
"The first exoplanet found around a normal star, 51 Peg B, mass comparable to Jupiter."
"This is the prototype of something we call a hot Jupiter."
"Can you imagine hot ice? It exists just 33 light years away from us on one exoplanet."
"When I'm talking about an exoplanet, it's the term we use for a planet that's in orbit around a star that is not our Sun."
"Proxima Centauri b... might resemble Earth even more than they previously thought."
"This planet is not earthlike at all, but it's very interesting."
"We call this a detection of water vapor in the exoplanet atmosphere."
"One is my exoplanet transit sequence that I use when confirming exoplanet transits."
"I'm Kepler 186 F, an exoplanet I span; let's learn more about me and where I have been."
"The first ever exoplanet around a normal sun-like star was only discovered just in 1995."
"This nearly invisible dot among the stars is an unusual rogue planet."
"Even though Proxima B is within Proxima Centauri's habitable zone, that's not to say it could sustain life."
"What we want to do in direct imaging is to study the planet, to actually take a picture of it."
"Finding an Earth Mass planet in a habitable zone of an M dwarf will be very very interesting."
"Planet toi 700e is roughly 95 percent the size of Earth and appears to be mostly Rocky."
"Kepler 62e needs 122 days to orbit its red dwarf star, its neighbor Kepler 62f is another potentially habitable zone."
"Kepler 438b is one of the most earthlike planets, it's only 12% larger and is in the habitable zone of its host star."
"The first exoplanet was actually discovered."
"This is the first body that didn't form in our solar system of this size that we can see and gives us a window in what's going on elsewhere."
"Is there a rogue planet in the outer solar system?"
"One of the Holy Grails of astronomy is a discovery of an earth-sized planet within its star's habitable zone."
"This exoplanet is sometimes called super habitable because it might be more habitable than Earth."
"That seems like that this is something, this is probably weather happening on this planet, which is quite amazing."
"The most promising scenario, assuming abundant water and carbon dioxide, is a planetary type called an Eyeball Earth."
"The question is whether a climate could develop in the first place on a locked planet."
"The planet known as 55 Cancri e... has grown a second atmosphere after its star destroyed its first."