
Mixing Quotes

There are 448 quotes

"Even the best harmony lines in the world won't sound good unless they're mixed right."
"It's all about proportions. Yellow and blue? Green. But what level of green are you talking about?"
"Good arranging is good mixing. A killer mix is one that was mixed long before it was even recorded."
"If you're one of those who likes faffing with knobs when you're mixing, this is not the worst thing that's happened all day."
"One thing I always do fairly quickly when I'm at that last third of the mix, where I start really cueing and going into automation."
"The best mix engineers, they don't mix loud, they mix quiet."
"I love mixing things and layering is a huge outlet for me in terms of design."
"We can't mix what we don't hear, and if you're not hearing the low end in your room correctly, then you're going to be mixing and EQ'ing the low end incorrectly."
"Mixing is not just a mechanical gesture but also requires imagination to be done best."
"We mix well until it's a creamy consistency."
"Patience is so, so important when mixing your colors."
"Nailing the kick and the bass is probably the most important sound selection part of this process which can make or break a track."
"Mixing is incredibly frustrating and difficult, but if you get it right, mixing almost kind of takes care of itself."
"I love the idea of taking something that is a little bit older, maybe it's more primitive or antique, and mixing it with more modern stuff."
"You can use a mixer like this as a module or instrument you keep tweaking over time."
"Solve the problems of your mix inside of the mix, and don't try to solve them on the master buss."
"Are you starting with spices? Is that ...? I'm just mixing them together."
"It's going to help your mix come together before sharing it to your friends or not like whatever you do try to do some type of little bit of mastering."
"Mixing is an art there's no one-size-fits-all approach."
"Grace is doing an excellent job with the mixing."
"It doesn't have to be all gold or all silver, it is absolutely okay to mix metals."
"Rather than honing in on the kick drum, I hone in on the drum bus. I treat the drums as a whole, then I hone in on the bass bus, if there's more than one bass track, then I hone in on the guitar bus, the keyboards bus, the background vocals bus."
"Proper gain staging shapes your mix, minimizes pesky noise, reduces Distortion, and ensures you've got ample Headroom to play with for the mastering portion of your track."
"Mix like an artist and not like an engineer."
"The mixing of the clay is so fun, oh my god, so worth the hype."
"I love to mix a good fragrance. I'm like, what am I gonna wear tonight?"
"Learning how to mix vocals properly is an essential skill for a music producer."
"It's easier to make your track quieter than to push it louder, so start with matching the reference track's maximum volume."
"The best thing to do at this point is to practice. The more that you use the equalizer, the more mixes that you actually are involved in, the more this type of information and these techniques are going to become second nature to you."
"This approach will let you maintain gain structure and optimal fader positions while still being able to have each instrument group at the right level in the room."
"Once you set up your console this way, mixing is going to get so much easier and your mix will sound better in the room and on your live stream."
"Vocals are the most important as they need to be the most upfront in a mix."
"Just try and make your mix a little more even. Listen to a lot of records. You know, it's no different than what we do is, I shouldn't say it's no different than the studio stuff, but it's a similar approach where it has to be a well-balanced mix."
"To me, this is just like, what a feat of mixing."
"I'm just trying to make it sound like the amp and yeah there's no room in my mixes for anything you know those guitars need to be that big because they've got a barrel through there can't be this big because then they just get stepped on."
"Mix it all together and it's ready to be served."
"If I'm going to mix an alternative or rock record, I got to give it a little bit of that Tabasco, you know, a little bit of booty."
"Mixing is not something you add to the production, it's what you do to finish the production."
"When it comes to mixing, start with the fundamentals and understand what you're trying to do."
"My challenge, I challenge myself every mix not to automate, you know? And that means that get everything sort of sitting in the perfect spot and then, like you said, Andrew, like at the end, you may now do very, very subtle rides."
"Gain staging is 99% of the time a pre-mix technique. You're going to want to do this before you ever start mixing."
"I love mixing things up. This strawberry needs a compliment."
"This method is not only going to be the easiest but it's going to get you the cleanest and loudest mix and master for your songs."
"Most people would agree that the hardest part of a mix and the hardest part of the spectrum to get right is in the low end."
"You can mix and match graphic t-shirts, sweatshirts."
"Give us a flat sound. Active EQs can make certain notes jump out of the mix."
"Export a dry track along with your effects. More options for mixing are better."
"An entire range of ink colours made from only 5. And all you need to do - is follow a chart."
"That does not work everybody. Don't mix your pineapple with your papaya."
"Screw's talent for mixing was becoming well known."
"I'm just going to pulse this in the blender and get this mixed together."
"From these colors, you can make almost every other color of rainbow. Did you know that?"
"With all these tools that we have here with the channel strip, it's very easy to get your mix to a point where it's already sounding incredibly good."
"I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said that if you really want to, you can pretty much do your entire mix using the channel strip without any plugins."
"When you can start to kind of sculpt different elements, you can get away with adding a lot into your mix because they all have their own place to sit."
"Mix all of these different types of wall decor pieces together in your home for an interesting look."
"Bus processing is an absolutely essential skill to learn to get your mixes up to a professional level."
"Two little moves and a little bit of saturation, and we're getting way more clarity, fullness, and punch in our mix."
"Now we're finally in the sixth step of the mixing process, we're going to start applying it to the mix that we've been doing together."
"Working with a mix template makes my mixing process way more fast."
"Mixing is not where we make our song loud. When you finish this mix, it's likely going to feel quiet, and that's to be expected."
"Compression is about making it pop through the mix."
"There is a formula you just don't know it yet. 80% of mixing is pretty formulaic."
"Welcome to mixelite.com and in this video we are going to uncover how to master kick sample selection, how to shape them to always fit your track, and I will give you some secret mixing tricks to put all of your friends on their knees begging for tips."
"Tighter performances and better tuning will do more for your mix than any mixing move could ever do."
"Reference tracks and spectrum analyzers can make a massive difference to the quality and frequency spread of your mixes."
"Sometimes boosting frequencies is the right move, but usually, I would say after cutting the unwanted frequencies."
"High pass everything except the kick and bass, but be careful as some sounds will lose their power if rolled off too high."
"Automate your EQ if you know what you're doing, but if not, static EQ settings can work for the rest of the track."
"Using the solo button to EQ can help get a sound sounding good on its own before mixing it with the rest of the track."
"Sometimes EQ isn't the right tool for the job. Know when to use it and when not to."
"That's a lot of EQ on a kick drum sound but it's doing the job right."
"EQ does a lot of magic in your mix."
"The right balance between lows, mids, and importantly highs can lead to a polished mix."
"Mid/side processing means affecting the center of a stereo track separately from the sides."
"The worst thing in the world that we can do is to mix the things of God and the things of Satan."
"Being able to identify specific frequencies that need adjustment allows you to fine tune your productions and mixes and produce top quality sound that truly stands out."
"If you use your subwoofers to get your low end and not your mix to make things balanced and tight and punchy across the whole frequency spectrum, your mix isn't going to sound good outside of your room."
"Scrape that pod and add the vanilla seeds. Give it a mix."
"The gain staging is just like, 'Oh, I'm hitting the mix bus too hard? Great, pull everything down. I'm not hitting the mix bus hard enough? Right, push everything up.'"
"I wouldn't push anyone away from doing that, actually, because you can get so much out of just taking your mix and a/bing it with someone else's work, and really dissect what is the difference, what makes it sound good, what is the ultimate shape of that successful mastering?"
"Panning can make or break some mixes, people don't really realize this, that panning is incredibly important to opening up space in the mix."
"Automation to create more dynamics in your mix is super important."
"Finding where something needs to be automated and changed is smart mixing."
"Compressing bass is how to make sure you have a rock solid foundation that your mix needs for power, excitement and emotion."
"Compression with the bass guitar is a really important part of having a mix that sounds professional and avoiding that telltale give away where the bass is just not consistent and notes are just too quiet."
"I tend not to mix my parties up because it always is that somebody like my birthday party. When you mix regular folks and celebrities, it just don't go so well."
"When you start mixing a song this I have this theory the moment you start mixing you also start losing perspective and the longer you work on a mix the less perspective you actually have."
"...having these options for the analog summing and the tape saturation and the bus compressors and so on gives things a really nice warm Punchy sound much like you would associate with mixing on a console."
"I don't think any of you that spend any time mixing something should ever call it a rough mix. Call it a first mix, but don't call it rough."
"Mix bus processing is one of the most discussed topics when people first start mixing and with good reason. It's the final destination of your mix, it's what glues the mix together, adds extra EQ touches if needed, and usually the main starting point of your mix."
"In order to make sure that the mix and the low end translate wherever I go, I'm adding in those upper harmonics."
"This is us building a rough mix, just getting it back to it's... it's still a little bit roomy on the drums."
"These are the five things that all of the best mixers on the planet do in all their mixes."
"Using a summing mixer or a mixing console along with your DAW is a very simple way to combine everything together and have it right here in the analog domain."
"Super simple, one-to-one paste is so easy to mix up."
"Bass in any mix is essential to giving us that powerful low end that just adds weight and authority to any mix."
"So there you go. Do not miss out on this step as this is part of the art of mixing."
"The mix actually starts way back at the front, during pre-production and arranging of the song."
"The mix starts during pre-production and arranging of the song because so much of what you do at that point informs the way that you record it."
"Almost every color on this palette could be mixed with my primaries."
"If after I mix them, you can't, they're not separatable."
"...the biggest problem I'm hearing in a lot of your mixes is something called the 127 effect."
"Some things shouldn't be mixed around."
"You do not need to be a world-class mix engineer to mix a decent sounding demo. Basic level and panning is really all you need."
"Here's dessert oh yeah panakot it take a little bit of both mix it and then got the crunchiness in nuts."
"If there was just one bottle I had to have, it would be the Monkey Shoulder for mixing."
"Harmonic mixing creates a harmonically pleasing blend of music."
"How did you do it? I just mixed the three colors together like I told you, red with green and blue."
"The most important tool in mixing is not eq, it's the fader."
"If you want your vocals to feel bigger, use two separate reverbs on individual buses."
"Don't be afraid to boost frequencies."
"A great kick sound is gonna have both a nice top end to cut through the mix but also that low end thump."
"So let's say you don't have an analog mixing console and you don't really care to ever have one, but maybe you like analog gear and you like plug-ins."
"Prussian blue is a really rich deep almost phthalo-like blue, it's super intense so you only need the tiniest little dot of it in your mixes."
"Permanent alizarin crimson is one of my all-time favorites, even though it's like a deeper pinkish red, it's my go-to red because it mixes really nice with all my colors."
"Yellow ochre is another one of my favorites and is really nice for mixing neutrals."
"If you wanted to do a quick mix while you're songwriting and creating, you can go into the controls menu at the top here."
"Now it's going to ask me what pad do I want to add those four different stems to."
"That's the secret...forget the mix and go make your tracks sound good."
"I think it's when you get to the second level of Sound Engineering that you then start seeing EQ as a way of fitting frequencies around each other and tracks around each other."
"The fourth way I like to use multi-band compression in a mix is to add air."
"Logic's stereo pan helps you control the stereo of your mix for cleaner mixes."
"Put the lime in the coconut and mix it all up."
"It's kind of swirly together though that's fun."
"It's just the mixing process, the most important thing."
"I'm not afraid to mix some expensive and inexpensive items."
"When you mix, create some movement. Open up your headspace."
"Equalizer is one of the most important tools when it comes to great mixing."
"There are formulas behind great mixes."
"Even the compressor, which some people find too soft or too slow, can totally be used for full mix or mastering purposes."
"Boosting those low mids can sometimes carve an opening and push you right through."
"Mixing 101 will deal primarily with balance, which is one of the goals of mixing a song."
"We can also add a bit of sidechain compression to that reverb so it doesn't get too overwhelming."
"Mixing in the beads give it a nice satisfying Crunch."
"And again when it comes to vocals having your lead vocals and your backing vocals both going into one bus so you can gently compress them together and make it sound like just a lovely cohesive hole is really the difference between an amateur sounding mix and a pro sounding mix."
"It's tucked super far in the back but it adds this nice little bit of harmonic addition that will kind of thicken it up in the mix."
"You can't come to the house and just free mix"
"Go for a more minimalist, hands-off, passive, subtractive approach, and I promise you will see amazing results on your acoustic guitar mixes."
"Mix with your ears, not your eyes."
"Use reference tracks sparingly... not to copy some other mix..."
"...cracking the code on drum mixing and getting live drums to sound up to that competitive bar."
"...these are not cookie cutter. Like a few years earlier, my mixes were. They're all at that pro caliber but they're each kind of serving the band and serving the song and getting the sound that that band requires."
"And when I finally did feel like I had it right... I would have no power in my mix."
"So, way overstated advice that again has this tiny little technical kernel of truth in it but, if EQing things in your parallel processing make sense for your workflow and get you better results, do it because so many of the best mixers do this."
"...that kind of rig it was mixed in with a mixer so it's blended in."
"They will mix all sorts of products, yes sir."
"...mixing is all about so there should be elements that jump out at you you know what I mean it's not about balance it's about imbalance sometimes it's about symmetry but sometimes it's about asymmetry."
"...does it help the mix feel a lot more like a record with that with it than without it and if the answer is yes and that's a big win and I'm going to keep it on my mix bus for the remainder of the mix when I start to bring the vocals in."
"Sometimes artists do the mixing as well, but that is becoming more and more common these days."
"A mix isn't about automation perfection. A mix isn't about sitting there and manicuring every compressor and EQ in your plug-in library. A great mix is about less is more."
"Another great way to maybe try and figure it out is to not use your own mixes as a test."
"I mix maybe on my Phantom Focus curve for a lot of time."
"You're just changing the character, and it just gives you a lot more control over what's happening in the mix."
"...a static mix... before you do anything else... is always a great place to start... and it is also more importantly a great place to finish."
"One thing if you're not really comfortable mixing yet... just use presets. It's okay. If it sounds good, it is good."
"Tracks with subtle analog saturation baked-in are actually easier to mix."
"Using a side chain as part of your mix bus compressor is often a good approach."
"Rather than just using the side chain to cure a problem of way too much sub-energy, take it as a cue to just listen and double check your mixes."
"Lower ratios are usually used when it comes to mix bus compression."
"But there are people working out there today who get great sounding mixes who use way more compression than you're supposed to on your mix bus."
"Once you really understand on a conceptual level how to set these things and why and how to hear the changes that you're making, only then will all the stuff that I just told you actually make sense and actually be useful for you."
"The rhythm guitar player doesn't need to be louder than the lead guitar during the solo section; they need to be balanced."
"If you're listening and things in your mix are feeling a little quiet, rather than reaching for the faders and turning them up, which is only going to make it a lot more likely that you're going to clip on your main output."
"That shaker track that sounds weird by itself might sound perfect in the mix and may not need a thing."
"Weak drums will always make the whole mix sound unprofessional and really make things feel small and dull."
"Now it's obviously ideal to have the full instrumental track outs when mixing your songs, this way you have full creative control over the mix."
"Start with the most important elements. Man, that is huge. That is so huge when it comes to mixing."
"A mix can only take so many low end frequencies before that low end bucket starts to overflow and your mix becomes muddy and the low end gets out of control."
"Are you happy with your mixes? Are you getting good mixes in the box?"
"It's very important that you know your room and the effect that your room is having on your mixes."
"Using room mics is such a massive part of getting a really unique mix."
"The idea that I have moving forward, doing some of the mixing and mastering with the DAW and doing the production side or the creative side with my NPC or my Hardware, that's where I've noticed both worlds match."
"Your mixes don't suck because you haven't watched enough compression and EQ tutorials. Your mixes suck because you haven't watched enough tutorials on editing. Let me show you."
"Our job is to make a mix sound better. If you hear something and it should be better, make it better."
"Gain staging is not the be-all and end-all of mixing. It's an assistant, it'll help you out."
"The vocals actually went up in the mix rather than back in the mix."
"A vocal that cuts right through the mix."
"Now the fun part, I can go in and mix these tracks the way I would if it was a real drum recording."
"The only backing vocals that I use are for like pop stuff. I'll mix it a little bit louder."
"You can mix to do with beer, any light beer."
"Just a few ways that I think about mixing the two."
"Mix too hard, I don't know my own strength."
"Dodgy method mixing actually, there's a bit of everything in here."
"Mixing is such an art, this is where Rick really, really comes in in a great way is that the mix, you know the mix has to be just right."
"That powder doesn't cake when we mix it in."
"This trick helps to provide dynamic contrast and color contrast in the mix."
"I can have 10 instances of this guy in a session rather than just the one on the mix bus super great for parallel drum compression too even room compression as well."
"It's all mixed up, this is gonna be so yummy."
"No one seems to talk about the things that actually make a real difference in a mix."
"You can do things like mix stereo down to mono and stuff, which is actually really, really neat."
"80% of a good mix is the selection of the sounds."
"I'm not gonna lie, I kind of get the same way when I start mixing things, like mixing spirits."
"Mixing is a lot easier and a cheaper way to paint."
"I think in general, we mix our vocals too loud compared to what we were used to when we grew up."
"The key to DJing is knowing where and when to mix."
"The challenge in harmonic mixing lies in determining which key pairs harmoniously with another."
"When it comes to mixing epoxy, there's really only one cardinal rule that you really have to follow, and that is you have to strictly adhere to the ratio of that particular type of epoxy. It has to be mixed to that ratio."
"I could mix and master longer without ear fatigue. Frankly, I don't know what's the magic behind this, maybe it's because of the three-way build."
"It takes me less time now to mix and master. Almost most of the time, I need to make fewer reviews, if any."