
Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Leonardo da Vinci
"Leonardo da Vinci once said that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
"Leonardo da Vinci became the first artist to sketch a truly accurate representation of the heart."
"Da Vinci never published the drawings himself, and in the margins of the diagrams, he even wrote, 'I could tell more if I was allowed to do so.'"
"How do you get somebody like Leonardo da Vinci from mixing just three different particles?"
"What if I told you that the secrets of our future, our fate, may be found in the work of Leonardo da Vinci?"
"Mona Lisa is the end product of the greatest inquisitive mind in history."
"One of the prince's most notable purchases was Leonardo da Vinci's painting titled Salvator Mundi."
"Did Leonardo da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa from memory no he had a woman sitting in front of him and he was looking at her that that is a great grand tradition of art to draw by looking at the actual thing as it would have been in the old days."
"The key to Leonardo da Vinci is that he doesn't make a distinction between the beauty of nature that he studies in his science and the beauty of his art."
"If you want to understand Leonardo da Vinci, you just have to look at the 'Mona Lisa,' because it's all there."
"I was inspired by the name of Leonardo da Vinci when I visited Italy."
"Leonardo da Vinci could have one hand to write and draw the other."
"As a scientist and engineer, Leonardo was extraordinarily ahead of his time and contributed to an array of fields."
"Leonardo is arguably the most well-known artist and inventor who has ever lived."
"Despite his Fame as an inventor, in most cases he was merely drawing and conceptualizing these ideas rather than actually building working models on his own."
"Some of Leonardo's most famous drawings depict everyday items like household machines, concepts for new kinds of buildings and bridges, and even musical instruments."
"Many of Leonardo's inventions focused on making individual soldiers more efficient and effective, freeing them up to quickly do major damage in the heat of battle."
"Beyond just projectile weapons, Leonardo was also fascinated by vehicular designs and ways that new modes of battlefield transportation could aid soldiers in combat."
"Inspired by a sketch made by Leonardo da Vinci, the Dynasphere was his futuristic take on the historical monocycle."
"It's a collection of scientific writings by Leonardo da Vinci that gives insights on his findings and beliefs on topics such as astronomy, the properties of water, rocks, fossils, air, and celestial light."
"Leonardo was a heretic, he was a rationalist, he was a scientist."
"Leonardo had the ability not just to connect art and science but to make no distinction between the beauty of art and science."
"Leonardo da Vinci was the person in history who did the most to understand all that was understandable about all things that you could have knowledge of."
"Leonardo is somebody who was able to operate across all these various fields, which is very unusual."
"Leonardo holds the position as the greatest human genius that we know of."
"This is Leonardo da Vinci, one of the greatest scientific Minds the world has ever seen."
"Leonardo was self-taught, using an almost scientific method of observation to learn and grow throughout his life."
"With Leonardo, it's impossible to determine what is sacred geometry or practical geometry used for art, engineering, and architecture."
"When Leonardo died his friend Franchesco melzy wrote the loss of such a man is mourned by all because it is not in the power of nature to create another."
"In the public Consciousness Leonardo da Vinci is most commonly associated with two of the most celebrated paintings in the western tradition: the last supper and the monaa."
"One intriguing element in Leonardo's surviving notebooks is his chosen method of writing: Leonardo was left-handed and he wrote backwards in Mirror script."
"Born in 1452, he was the consummate Renaissance man: painter, sculptor, scientist, engineer, and thinker."
"He acquired a thorough knowledge of many disciplines: anatomy, architecture, physics, and engineering."
"Leonardo trusted The Logical conclusions of mathematics because they were based on concepts of universal truth."
"Leonardo lived in an uncertain, violent age. Renaissance Italy was constantly at War, racked by internal disputes and under threat from other states."
"Leonardo's design was for a mechanized ladder which could be raised or lowered using a system of cranks and gears."
"Leonardo left behind a legacy that still ripples through time, as we continue to learn more and more about him. He teaches us to be more curious, observant, to ask more questions, and to seek more answers."
"Leonardo da Vinci did not pursue money, despite being someone that could have easily made a fair amount if he had wished. He actually came up with a machine that would have totally revolutionized the textile industry at the time."
"The theme of Leonardo is that to truly be creative you have to work across disciplines."
"Leonardo da Vinci is himself the ultimate example of what several of Walter's previous biographies were essentially about, namely people who connected the arts sciences humanities and technology in ways that led to great imagination and innovation."
"Leonardo is no less than history's most creative genius its consummate innovator."
"Leonardo being able to do the visual display of information all of his art and science and his theater comes together."
"The principal subject matter of the Codex Leicester is water and its properties, but it also touches on a range of other topics."
"Is this the Leonardo da Vinci of our day, playing 34 hours of video games a week?"
"Leonardo was working at the court in Milan and his employment gave him the time and money to pursue his very wide interest both in the arts and sciences, so it was a very important time for his work."
"Leonardo's earliest dated work made during his time with Verrocchio is this drawing of the Arno Valley region where he was born."
"Leonardo was a perfectionist when it came to art, and he sometimes left works unfinished and in some cases he abandoned pictures."
"In the annals of military history, Leonardo da Vinci stands out as one of the most creative brains to have ever lived."
"Leonardo's Keen interest in nature and curiosity about the world around him would become defining features of his later life and work."
"Leonardo da Vinci is widely recognized as one of the greatest artists and thinkers in history, and his contributions have left an indelible mark on the Renaissance and beyond."
"The name Leonardo da Vinci has become synonymous with genius, innovation, and the boundless potential of human creativity."
"Leonardo da Vinci's fascination with Automation and Robotics transcended the technological limitations of his time."
"Despite lacking access to modern technology, Da Vinci's designs for a humanoid night robot showcase his Ingenuity and creativity."
"Leonardo da Vinci, he's one of the best anatomists of all time. So, you know, you get extra marks for him."
"Leonardo da Vinci had many admirers during his lifetime."
"Leonardo da Vinci certainly epitomizes the Renaissance man."
"Leonardo's quest is saying how do we fit in to this cosmos."
"There's always something new to learn about Leonardo."
"He was somebody we can really learn from because, unlike Einstein, Leonardo was somebody we can relate to because it came from a childlike curiosity."
"Leonardo, artist and scientist, the leading genius of the Renaissance."
"You have Leonardo da Vinci; he totally got that right. Not that wrong, in fact, it's pretty right."
"Leonardo's dreamy landscapes show depth that way in a classic sort of Leonardo trick."
"Each piece of wood is supported by another, and that's what's known as Leonardo da Vinci's self-supporting bridge."
"Leonardo, the greatest genius the world has ever known, was born in Italy in 1452 and died there in 1519 at the age of 67."
"Leonardo da Vinci is not a terribly prolific painter; what we know him more for is his ideas and his concepts."
"Leonardo da Vinci was not just a brilliant painter, he was also an exceptional inventor of war machines."
"Leonardo da Vinci understood gravity in the 1500s before Galileo, Newton, and Einstein."
"Suppose I were to tell you that I am now preparing to sell an original Leonardo da Vinci."
"Leonardo da Vinci is perhaps the most enigmatic figure the world of art has ever produced."
"Leonardo's artwork goes beyond the obvious."
"Leonardo da Vinci was completely obsessed with sacred geometry."
"It's not only the religious nature of the painting that made it famous; it was the way Leonardo mastered perspective, motion, and human emotion."
"The orb is supposed to be a representation of the world, the celestial sphere of the heavens and the Earth; it signifies Christ's role as the savior of the world."
"But it is here, in the face of the Mona Lisa, that the beauty and detail of Leonardo's brushwork comes to full fruition."
"This was painted by the Leonardo da Vinci and costs 100 million dollars."
"Leonardo da Vinci was strong enough to bend an iron horseshoe with his bare hands."
"Leonardo da Vinci said one can have no smaller or greater mastery than the mastery of oneself."
"Who painted the Mona Lisa? Mona Lisa... da Vinci!"
"Let's get painting, Leonardo da Vinci; I think I can feel the power within me."
"Is the joy of understanding." - Leonardo da Vinci
"Leonardo da Vinci was the one who first came up with the laws of friction."
"Leonardo da Vinci was famously an artist, an engineer, a writer."
"Drawing was how Leonardo saw and thought, how he unlearned the mistakes of medieval anatomy and grasped some of the human body's most intimate secrets."
"It reminds me of sfumato, Leonardo's invention, where he deliberately hides the lips and the eyes at their edges."
"I am a huge fan of Leonardo da Vinci; I absolutely love his artwork."
"Leonardo da Vinci was a mathematical genius that lived in the 15th century."