
New World Order Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"This is for real and this is the new world order for the foreseeable future, so you better get on your game."
"God gave a promise to Israel that... the Lord's going to take it back for himself, he's going to reclaim the land of Israel for himself, take it away from the antichrist and the globalists, and set up his new world order system."
"The events that are transpiring right now are all leading towards a great reset that will bring in a new world order."
"World leaders, business leaders, religious leaders, social leaders have all spoken about working towards this goal of a new world order."
"The New World Order... needs to get you back into a fear state because when you're in a fear state, your mind operates at a low frequency vibration."
"It's clear as day that King Charles III is the king of the new world order. It's why he declared the great reset; it's why he's the woke Prince."
"A new world order is emerging, and with it the foundations of a new and progressive era of international cooperation."
"We refused the human capital bond market we refused putting children on blockchain and we you know refused the new world order."
"Bush kept said, 'We needed a new world order.'"
"I think its path will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when really a new world order can be created. It's a great opportunity."
"Surely it was that out of all the grief and loss would come a new world order."
"The one thing that man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by a world government, a new world order."
"If your name is Dries Van Tour or your name is together, they've done it again."
"The great reset is leading us towards a new world order."
"Abductions, genetic experiments, organ harvesting, and a new world order. We better hope these witnesses are wrong because if they're not, we're in big trouble."
"They're gonna get something they're not looking for... this utopia the New World Order it's not gonna turn out to be the Paradise that they're expecting it to be."
"The Antichrist will come up with a new order where you can't buy anything, work, or travel without the mark."
"I think it is a new world order designed for their benefit and at the very great expense of the rest of us."
"Bagwell brought something different to the New World Order." - Wrestling BIOS
"It's all there to put us into this new world order, this one-world government."
"There's a plot to crash the US dollar and usher in digital money and cryptocurrency and the New World Order."
"Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective: A New World Order can emerge."
"Does the Bible speak about a new world order? Yes."
"We live in a world that goes from explosion to explosion. A new order is being born in the world that buries imperialism, buries the colonialists, and opens the way to a democracy of nations, a multi-polarism."
"The New World Order can sense this, the teeth of the Beast."
"There's no doubt a new world order is forming."
"People die, people go, people do their things, the devil's going to build up his one world order system."
"We're going to create a whole new world order. This is exactly what's happening right before our eyes."
"The New World Order is the old world. It's just the names have changed, the appearances have changed, but the concept hasn't changed."
"It's my way of giving the New World Order the middle finger every time I step out of my house."
"It is incredibly important for Russia to not just maintain sovereignty, but to chart a new world order away from the so-called rules-based international order."
"The goal of the New World Order is one-world government, no religion except theirs, no borders, and no presidents."
"The New World Airport Commission sounded uncannily like the New World Order."
"I certainly do not agree with a new world order... what it seems that we're headed to." - Steven Ben-Nun
"Out of these troubled times a new world order can emerge... a world in which there is the very real Prospect of a new world order."
"The King of Kings is coming, there's a new world order coming, it's Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God."
"We need a new order that recognizes that every person on this planet has a common humanity."
"We are witnessing the brink of a new world order, a great reset."
"Control of the world: World War One was merely the first salvo in this clique's attempts to create not a reordering of this society or that economy, but a new world order."
"Push a New World Order and global government."
"Russia has learned from Yugoslavia that it is incredibly important to not just maintain sovereignty and defend sovereignty but to chart a new world order."
"Everything within a political structure is connected... it's all part of the same thing, right? New World Order."
"We have a tremendous responsibility to bring about a better world order."
"You're watching the beginning and the birth of the New World Order."
"Anything is possible... we're looking at kind of a new world order."
"The fact that they're actively saying 'new world order' in an official video, that's so bizarre."
"If you search up a video on the new world order, it is now saying this is a conspiracy theory and it is not real."
"As a fact checker, the new world order is real. You guys just slapped a new name on it."
"The ultimate goal for the New World Order is to destroy nationalism and the greatest nationalism and threat that is not totalitarian as or it wasn't were traditionally white countries."
"We are on the precipice of a truly new world arrangement."
"The endgame is a world government...the new world order."
"These stories get suppressed because we have this new world order... who want control."
"A cashless Society is the most important facet, the most important controlling facet of this new world economic order."
"This truly is the new world order that we've been talking about forever."
"The policies of this world are being used to drive us toward this new world order."
"A new world order is moving the world from under the rule and worship of Yahweh to now Satan being worshipped as God."
"He says there needs to be a UN-led world order, a new world order led by the UN... I'm not making this stuff up, you can find it in the document."
"So the world is bifurcating as we speak into these pockets and what you'll start seeing and write about a lot is these new alliances that will be formed."
"Another step toward building a multi-polar world."
"The real problem is that by the time the world understands what's going on, the global fracture will already have enabled Russia, China, and Eurasia to create a real non-neoliberal new world order."
"The New World Order became the hottest thing in wrestling."
"Have you ever heard of the New World Order? It came into being in our past year."
"He's going to call them home also going to pull with them a great huge force of non-Israelites that are going to become the new world order."
"Remember this day for it will mark the beginning of a new world order, of a zero world order."
"There really are some cracks forming in the NWO after all."
"The new world order is a new arrangement of global finances and control of the flow of capital and goods."
"We have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders."
"We stand on the threshold of a new world order that may be defined either by an increasing polarization that fuels a spiral of escalating conflict and violence or by growing global cooperation."
"I want a new world order based in universal free expression rights, political freedoms, property rights, accountable limited democratic government."
"We either believe that we are a constitutional republic and we govern ourselves accordingly, or we see ourselves as a part of the New World Order."
"Not a half-bad resume, I think it's safe to say that the New World Order is one of the most decorated stables in all of professional wrestling."
"The NWO made a huge impact on pop culture that still felt to this day."
"What started the wrestling boom? Of course, the NWO."
"The New World Order wasn't just a bloated wrestling staple; they were almost a movement."
"The New World Order versus the company, maybe it's not exactly the same since WWE and WCW are different promotions, but it's the same thing, same premise."
"It is towards this goal, the goal of a new world order, divine in origin, all embracing in scope, equitable in principle, challenging in its features, that a harassed humanity must arrive."
"After more than a hundred years of merging the souls of monsters with the bodies of humans, humanity has found a new system."
"It was said that Alexander had hoped to create a new world order based on his multiracial ideal of brotherhood among nations."