
Sun Protection Quotes

There are 517 quotes

"The most important part of a skincare routine, regardless of your skin tone, no matter who you are, even if it's the only product that you use, is a sunscreen."
"A better use of your cash is on sun protection, at least protecting the skin barrier against ultraviolet light."
"If you are not obsessive about sun protection, you know, you're kind of spinning your wheels and wasting your time, period."
"It's the most important anti-ager, [and] everything else that you do is gonna become undone by sun damage if you're not protecting it. So just sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen."
"I invented the sunblock buffer, the first automatic way to rub in sunscreen across your back completely on your own."
"Good for our skin, great for our skin. It's a great moisturizer, it's a great protector against sunburn."
"Sun protection not only can prevent those dark spots, help minimize them, but also helps your body kind of repair itself."
"Save your money and focus on what matters: sun protection."
"People who wear sunscreen daily after four and a half years have 23 percent less photoaging and cumulative sun damage in their skin compared to people who just wear sunscreen willy-nilly here and there."
"Don't make my mistake, be very careful with the sun, sunscreen and reapplication is key."
"If you're not protecting your skin from the sun, none of the other steps in your routine are gonna matter."
"Most sunscreens for the face are moisturizers themselves."
"Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen—protect your skin on the daily."
"Sunscreen is the most important step for everything anti-aging, for reducing hyperpigmentation, for retaining our youthful skin at any given time."
"Fake tan is great because it encourages you to stay out of the sun."
"Use your sunscreen girl...if you're not using sunscreen your dark spots are just gonna stay."
"Your morning and your nighttime routine work as a team...I preach sunscreen to you guys."
"Always remember to stay hydrated, reapply your SPF."
"For something that you can use over makeup, I really like the Tart Tarteguard Mineral Powder Sunscreen Broad-Spectrum SPF 30."
"Wearing some sunscreen is better than wearing none."
"SPF is your BFF, prevention is always easier than treatment."
"Sunscreens are required to demonstrate that they protect against UV rays. That's why you have an SPF on there, and that is a very regulated metric."
"Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! About 80% of what you are going to hate about your skin is from the sun."
"SPF stands for Sun Protection factor, sunscreens are all classified by an SPF number which refers to their ability to deflect UVB rays."
"The best sunscreens offer protection from both UV lights, not all sunscreens are broad-spectrum so it's important to look for it on the label."
"Broad-spectrum SPF 15 or higher have been shown to reduce the risk of skin cancer and early skin aging."
"Water resistant means the SPF is maintained for up to 40 minutes while swimming or sweating."
"An average sized adult or child needs at least one ounce of sunscreen protection to cover their entire body."
"Sunscreen should also be applied immediately after swimming or toweling off or if you're sweating a great deal."
"Sun protection is the foundation for healthy skin, so you've got to incorporate something from this into your skincare routine before you do anything else."
"If anything, wearing makeup on a daily basis, it may actually offer you some protection from the damaging rays from the sun."
"Sunscreen immediately, reapply often, Texas sun is brutal."
"Sunscreen as good for sun protection to prevent against cancer etc aging but this I want to tell you actually will help you continually brighten your skin over time."
"Here's the thing about bucket hats, they do provide you with a good amount of sun protection."
"Sunscreen is the best tool you can have to prevent long-term damage."
"SPF 30 means it would take you 30 times longer to burn than if you weren't wearing sunscreen at all."
"Daily sunscreen - protect your skin from the Sun every single day."
"Just for your information, to avoid a nasty sunburn, it's best to stay in the shade from about 12 pm to 3 pm."
"Sun protection is a human right, it is essential."
"Teaching your kids from an early age to wear sunscreen is so unbelievably important."
"I urge you not to be lazy about applying your sunscreen because it has so many anti-aging benefits and anti-skin cancer benefits and a lot of good things."
"It's really important to make sure we're keeping our skin super safe and protected from the sun."
"Sun protection is a must for preventing sunspots."
"Protecting your skin from the sun is the most important thing you need to do."
"Reapply your SPF, make sure that it is PA++ for those UVA rays because [__] science and skin cancer and collagen degradation."
"Proper sun protection is about covering up, seeking shade, and sunscreen, in that order."
"Protecting your skin from the sun can actually help protect you from future flares of acne."
"Sunscreen is a must-have for everyone, regardless of skin type."
"SPF, just because you are black, does not mean that you don't need SPF."
"Winston becomes the first quarterback ever to go 30-30."
"Sunscreen or SPF is the most and most effective thing you can do for any person who has skin. Every day."
"TR in plus sunscreen is going to be your best friend."
"Never forget to wear sunscreen, especially under the blistering hot sun of Earth Island."
"Good SPF is key, especially in the summer. Sun exposure ages our skin and can cause spots, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity."
"Sunscreen is the most important aspect of taking care of your skin."
"How cool would that be if you add like your own SPF with the cartridge, that would be an awesome idea."
"Protect yourself from UV rays by avoiding exposure to harmful rays of sunlight."
"Have a Sun Hat, always. It doesn't weigh that much, and it prevents you from getting fried out there."
"Regular sunscreens are safe for the eyelids and eye area."
"You really have to be diligent about protecting your skin from the Sun."
"Sunscreen is amazing. If you guys don't wear it on your face every single day, I don't care how old you are, I don't care if you want to get a tan, you're still gonna get your face tan."
"The best anti-aging skincare product for someone who's in their early 20s is SPF. There's no better anti-aging skincare than SPF if you're in your early 20s."
"And last but not least SPF... just put on SPF okay."
"Sun protection is really, really paramount when using a topical retinoid."
"Give this video a thumbs up, share it with your friends, and as always, don't forget sunscreen and subscribe."
"You really need to commit to sunscreen because that is really the thing that is going to keep you from getting any more sun damage."
"The most important part of the routine: sunscreen."
"Sunscreen is not just about preventing burns; it's about protecting your skin from deep damage."
"Moisturizers with SPF, if applied correctly, are a fantastic choice for everyday life."
"Moisturizers with SPF help keep the skin moisturized and offer protection, so long as they're applied correctly."
"It's the best tinted mineral sunscreen in my opinion on the drugstore market."
"I feel very cute with its fashionability and its head protectiveness and its forehead burn preventing measures."
"Sunscreen should be the last step of your morning skincare routine before you move on to makeup every single day."
"If you only do one thing out of everything I've just shown you today make it be SPF."
"Bring your sunscreen and your lip balm... it can still be very sunny in alaska you can have days where you're absolutely going to potentially get a sunburn."
"Protecting your skin from the sun, Retin-A or no Retin-A, is the number one most important thing."
"Vitamin C is in no way replacing your sunscreen, but it does decrease how much damage the sun can cause to your skin."
"Mineral-based sunscreens provide a physical barrier between your skin and the Sun."
"This is a great chemical sunscreen, one of the better sunscreens I've used in such a long time."
"Good skincare starts in the evening because that's when you're not in the Sun."
"The best sunscreen is the sunscreen you'll actually use."
"Relying on sun protective clothing is actually a lot more reliable in the long run."
"SPF still stands only for UVB protection and it means how many times longer can you stay out in the sun before getting red."
"Sun protection: the number one treatment for melasma is sunscreen and sun protection. Literally, if you do nothing else, this will help your melasma."
"Use SPF 30... slathered all over your body and then go out in the Sun and don't worry you'll still get tan."
"You want to keep reapplying [sunscreen on the lips]... probably even more than on your nose, for example."
"One of the top sunscreens listed is Neutrogena's sheer zinc oxide SPF 50."
"Sunscreen is probably going to make the biggest difference."
"Ferulic acid is wonderful for reducing the burden of oxidative stress from the sun."
"It's very important to use sunscreen to protect against UV rays."
"If you can see sunlight, you need to wear sunscreen."
"Sun protection is such an important part of skincare."
"Always stay in a shaded area as best as you can."
"Protecting your skin from the sun is going to pay off in your older adult years."
"Protecting your skin from the Sun is the most proactive thing that you can do to keep your skin healthy long term."
"The most important anti-aging ingredient you can use and product you can use in your entire routine is protect yourself from the sun and the UV rays."
"It's so hot. Drink lots of water, wear lots of sunscreen, and try to go inside as much as you possibly can to get in the AC."
"The basics of scalp care are very similar to the basics of skin care, which is cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection."
"Every inch of skin can be affected by the Sun, including our lips."
"Sun protection is essential and that includes not only wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen but also sun protective clothing."
"Protect your skin from the Sun, wear a wide rimmed hat, and use sunscreens where the active ingredient is zinc oxide."
"I'm big on like don't go in the sun."
"I always wear sunscreen, especially for daytime."
"I have been on a journey to try and figure out how can I make my makeup look amazing and last but also maximize my sun protection."
"The huge mistake I see with people in sunscreen is underapplying."
"I have been dying to try this SPF for such a long time, it is the Ultraviolet SPF 50 Supreme Hydrating Facial Screen."
"Protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays every day, even in the winter."
"Always finish your morning skincare routine with your sunscreen; that's really the key here."
"...this is tinted so it has iron oxides which may offer some protection against visible light, visible light from the sun plays a huge role in persistent stubborn hyperpigmentation and melasma."
"A hat is really good to have on holiday because it does shield your face from the Sun."
"I love being outside, I'm using SPF daily."
"Let's not forget our sunscreen, our SPF, nothing hurts more or feels as uncomfortable as a bad sunburn on a vacation."
"For real though you have to wear SPF during the day no matter the season no matter how cold it is."
"Always finish with SPF 30 after using this product."
"Consistent sun protection daily is really what is advocated for."
"If you are a person of color and you really don't feel comfortable wearing a sunblock then by all means wear the sunscreen."
"Regardless of your skin tone, all skin tones can benefit from wearing sunscreen."
"You should never rely exclusively on sunscreen to protect your skin from the Sun."
"Seek shade, wear hats, sun protective clothing, and sunglasses."
"The only time we used an SPF6 was that first time we went out in the sun after The Long Winter pasty pale."
"Sunscreen is an absolute must on a daily basis."
"Can't do anti-aging without a trip down the sunscreen aisle, if you're not on sunscreen and sun protection, I don't know what to tell you."
"These are really black so they completely block out the Sun for me."
"Not only does sunscreen prevent future sun damage, it can actually help your skin to repair past damage."
"Put your sunscreen on first, after the active ingredients, and then makeup goes on after it."
"Wearing sunscreen is beyond important for optimizing your overall skin health."
"The higher the SPF tends to be, the better."
"Tinted sunscreen essentially is just regular sunscreen with tint and the tint is made of iron oxide which is really the tint that is found in a lot of our Cosmetics."
"I'm big on sunscreen... but I'm also big on in people that have a lot of sun damage on their chest and wearing UV clothing."
"Sunscreens, you can think of them as like a moisturizer with active ingredients that protect against cancer Rays from the Sun."
"Having other ways that you're protecting your skin from the Sun is super important."
"Why should I have to get sun protection at the expense of being fluorescent?"
"Nobody cakes for SPF harder than I do."
"Sun protection always number one."
"Sunscreen... it does not matter what you're doing with your skin if you're not protecting it from UV radiation and the damage from the sun."
"Don't forget a wide brimmed hat to help protect your face, your ears, and your neck."
"I'm hoping that for any of y'all who have not taken sun protection seriously that this will be your wake-up call."
"I always just have moisturized, moisturize, moisturize and wear SPF. That is my main tip."
"I swear when we got back in the car I put down the thing I had a mustache in one day from that day on I do not go in the sun ever even in my car without makeup on or sunscreen."
"I think we got a long way to go in this industry in thinking about sun protection. I know it's not very sexy or exciting to talk about, but neither is cancer."
"My absolute favorite beach chair... it's super adjustable and it has a built-in sunshade."
"It's great to have some sun protection. I especially like this when I'm doing morning walks or any type of running errands."
"I just think everyone should look after their feet because the Sun is coming out."
"My auntie was like you have to wear sunscreen every day, trust me on this, you will thank me for the rest of your life."
"The main thing when it comes to sunscreen at the end of the day: the one that you actually use consistently and wear is the best one."
"Studies show that the higher SPF tends to be better in terms of reducing sunburn."
"If you're not using SPF, then I'm going to just very lightly slap you from the screen right now."
"Whether the sun's out, the sun's not out, it doesn't matter. Make sure you guys use SPF."
"Sunscreen doesn't work if it sits in the bottle in your cabinet. It only works to protect your skin if you actually put it on."
"Sunscreen is usually a moisturizer, but I'm going to do both just in case. You can never be too moisturized, you know what I'm saying?"
"Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide protects you against the whole UV spectrum UVA one UVA two UVB it has the whole spectrum covered."
"We have to look after our skin, people. SPF, very important, even in winter."
"Sunscreen is super tricky to get just right for your individual skin and yet it's the most essential skincare product that we use every single day."
"I didn't start wearing sunscreen until I was 39."
"You want to reapply your sunscreen every two hours, especially if you're gonna be outdoors."
"Now, when you're using a glycolic acid or any type of acid for that matter, these products will make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so you definitely have to make sure that you're always wearing an SPF on your face when you're going outside."
"A lot of black people think that they don't need sunscreen but the gag is if you're doing all these different things to your skin and trying to work on your skin and protect your skin but you're not putting sunscreen on you're basically wasting your time."
"By wearing sunscreen not only of course protecting your skin from sun damage but news flash sunscreens are moisturizers."
"Protecting this wound from the sun is going to be ideal."
"LYAN PLAINUS: Sun protection is crucial, especially for the actinic variant in sun-exposed areas."
"Protect your skin from the Sun. Sunscreen, Sun protective clothing is a must."
"I would always advocate using a proper cream or a liquid or a lotion SPF first because you can really apply it where you need it."
"Keeping the sun off of your skin can be vitally important."
"If you're not using sunscreen basically all of your skincare products are irrelevant. They will do nothing for your skin if you're not protecting from the Sun."
"Friendly reminder if you are going to be enjoying the outdoors, make sure you reapply sunscreen every two hours while you are outside."
"It doesn't matter how gloomy it is out, you need to wear sunscreen."
"80 percent of power skin ages is driven by Sun aging so SPF matters."
"Wearing sunscreen is so important."
"Take a hat in case you get burnt."
"Always remember to reapply that SPF."
"Aruba is beautiful and sunny, but that means we'll get burnt to a crisp real quick, so make sure you apply it."
"Just find the sunscreen you love and just use it."
"I just think hats add to an outfit, and especially now it's getting sunny, it just blocks the sun out, love it."
"Sunscreen is important and it does affect your skin health."
"SPF and foundation is not enough. I absolutely cringe when I hear people say they're relying on their foundation to provide their sun protection."
"Bring a hat, sunglasses, and most importantly, that sunscreen."
"I don't go a day without wearing SPF as soon as I wake up."
"But if there is an option between where we can still stay protected from the Sun but not contribute to breakouts that is the ideal."
"Imagine you're at a lake or at the beach and you're covered up with long sleeve shirts and a hat and sunscreen because you're trying to defy the laws of physics and prevent your skin from getting naturally darker."
"Even when it's cloudy outside, I'm always putting on SPF because that's like the one thing dermatologists don't shut up about."
"The single most important thing you can do when you're younger... is don't bake in the sun."
"sunscreen needs to be worn by everyone"
"Remember your sunscreen, kids. Remember your sunscreen. It's very important."
"Embrace our natural skin tone and protect ourselves from the sun because it is not worth it."
"People believe the sun is damaging and they put on sunscreen before they leave the house."
"Yeah I know sunscreen's the answer, but please wear sunscreen everyone."
"Before we do the base, you always gotta make sure you put on sunscreen first, okay this step is really so important."
"Wear sunscreen. Do me a favor, wear sunscreen."
"I'm just putting on some sunscreen right now because it's very freaking hot and sunny outside."
"You need a sunscreen in your skincare routine to protect you from the sun."
"As always, don't forget sunscreen."
"I enjoy self-tanner because I like know too much about the sun and sun damage, so I avoid it if there's like dangers and harms. And self-tanners like for your skin long term, do not let me know in the comments. Ignorance is bliss, and I'm happy this way."
"...you don't have to go out and buy a full wardrobe of UPF clothing... things you can do... look for darker Fabrics... a denser weave... certain types of fabrics like nylons and polyesters..."
"...a hat can feel expensive but that is so much cheaper than laser resurfacing than one session of Botox I mean it is really an investment in protection and prevention..."
"...a wide brim anything that's three and a half inches or bigger..."
"I just really like to have options for sunscreen because yeah since I'm so fair it's really important to bring sunscreen."
"Sunscreen is like adding a whole other group of ingredients to your skincare routine."
"Make sure you're completely protecting your face as much as you can."
"It's a really lightweight, flowy fabric, but I love that the longer sleeves are still an option because that does give you some sun protection."
"She did not wear sunscreen. She did not. No she she just did not do it."