
Property Investment Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Find the worst home in the best neighborhood because the neighborhood is going to help drive up the home's value."
"The true magic comes from being able to combine tax savings with debt to buy more property."
"It's amazing where you're gonna be, Andrew, once you pay off the house with the selling this rental property."
"Buying a property is like one of the best moves you can ever do financially."
"It's so exciting to not only have the ability to purchase a house but to purchase this house that has a big yard and a lot of room for growth."
"If you don't believe in yourself and if you don't believe in property then you're going to self-sabotage."
"This is what you get when you buy some of these properties sometimes."
"I actually made money when I bought this property, I actually got a surplus, so it used no money."
"Property is a good tool for income, but retirement plans offer guaranteed income in tough times."
"Human emotion dies, but property value is forever."
"The nightclub is the best property to own in Grand Theft Auto online hands down."
"If you ain't got 10 million in the bank, bro, don't touch that house." - Akon
"If you're only looking at appreciation, you're gonna lose every time."
"Property doesn't turn out to be a good way to store intergenerational wealth."
"Every once in a while we look at property together."
"Oh [__] oceanfront property in Oklahoma? I'm in."
"Buying those properties turned out to be the beginning of a nightmare for him."
"With our new loan secured, we purchased our new property."
"When this opportunity came, how could you turn down one that's two doors down so you can have more control over the block?"
"I'm a firm believer that written down goals get achieved more than just thoughtful goals in your mind but I I wrote down that I wanted to have 10 rental properties by the age of 40."
"You're going out and you're buying this property but you're not buying it to live in or use yourself you're buying it to rent out to somebody else."
"People have equity in their homes, you're not just going to walk away if things go wrong."
"She and her husband bought a ranch and vineyards in Santa Barbara with over 100 hectares and a value of $12 million."
"I've built up a multi-million pound buy to let portfolio."
"Don't wait to buy property, you buy property and wait."
"Ideally, save 100% of your cash flow, or at least 95%, to reinvest in more properties."
"I want to buy a property paid off over 30 years, live off the cash flow, give it off to my future kids."
"If this video gets 20,000 likes, it'll make my property search much easier because that's how likes work."
"30 years from now, am I gonna be glad I bought this house or not?"
"That's why I like getting properties under market value, you get these massive boosts in your net worth."
"We should get like a really bad property, we can't afford waterfront right now."
"Any expense that is ordinary and necessary for you to obtain this property will be tax deductible to you as the homeowner or as the investor."
"You know all I'm trying to do Susan is I'm trying to upgrade you from being a landlord to a lender."
"I didn't have a floor plan when I bought the building."
"Another good way is starting as a deal sorcerer so that's basically where you find properties below market value you do all the hard work the viewings the negotiations."
"Stop thinking you have to have the biggest shiniest house on the Block. You can just own a piece of property, let it be yours and build your own equity."
"Owning or acquiring a property like this is like owning a piece of art."
"If you have four children, you should have four houses."
"You have to screen your tenants and don't take any shortcuts."
"I get approved based on the income that the property is bringing in."
"It's more beneficial for you to figure it out, get a couple properties going, maybe wholesale something, maybe JV with somebody, before you become a homeowner who has a property to rent in 60 days."
"The holy grail in hmo property investing is when we can take a property increase its value significantly because the income it's generating, refinance, and extract all that cash."
"If this is a property you want to keep, and it's performing wonderfully, the next question is: how much money can we pull out of it and then go put that into the next deal?"
"So let's find out how we're going to get from 0 to 10 properties in 36 months."
"My aspirations are to become financially free over the next five years by purchasing properties, renting them out, and then leveraging them at a sensible rate."
"...own multiple properties, including this quaint little Dome that pays for their entire five acres on the Big Island of Hawaii and funds their entire dream life."
"The Grass Is Always Greener Over the septic tank... almost all of us myself included when we go into multi-family we go for those properties because they look great on a spreadsheet."
"And if the market does go south, those properties that don't give livability, they are the hardest to sell and therefore they could be the worst investment."
"You don't want to be stuck with a property that you have to service every month if your rent income doesn't cover your mortgage cost."
"You want to buy the worst looking house in a decent neighborhood because you can always make that house better."
"Do your research. Make sure that you know the area that you are buying in, to make sure you know the developer that you are buying into, and just be confident in knowing that you are making the right choice."
"Check planning permissions. Look at future plans. Don't be afraid to ask the question when you have the meeting with the sales office."
"All I want is first crack at any properties you're looking to sell in Reseda."
"Is this property gonna make us rich? Over time, slowly it will. It's get rich slow, not get rich faster."
"Probably when they realize you can make about a thousand pounds a month from a property that you don't even own."
"...the FHA program only requires you to live in the property for one year and then you can always move out and rent out the space that you were living in and keep it as a rental property."
"If you want to build a property portfolio more quickly and you've got the borrowing capacity to do it, then it certainly makes more sense to use as much equity as you can at the start."
"Our key mindset is that we want you to buy a property that is a stepping stone to the next one and then those two become stepping stones to number three and so on and so forth."
"You're literally achieving the Holy Grail of property investing."
"If you have any ideas about getting into property, start now. Time will not wait for you. I would advise you to go for training, whether it's buying a book, read, get more information, and take action."
"Property investing there's more than 2.2 million property investors in Australia, and they're just most of them are just very normal normal people on normal incomes normal salaries."
"You want to make sure that you're purchasing a property that if you had put 25% down, it's at least getting a 10% cash on cash return."
"We're property by property making the city better and more stable."
"Money, time, and knowledge are the three things you need to be successful in property."
"I was 18 when I got my first property."
"You can actually end up saving like thousands of pounds across your entire property project."
"Would you want your property paid off, or would you prefer somebody to lend you 225,000 at five percent and you can get that money working for you?"
"The location just screamed at me: buy this property."
"Hold on to the properties as long as you can because you'll be making a lot of money from your rental properties if you buy them correctly."
"Property has completely changed my life, and you know what the secret weapon is? Joint ventures."
"There's nothing more safe than property."
"Your cash flow is 397.75 every single month from this property."
"I'm buying a beach house. I'm gonna go there. Now, you know those guys that spend and they get a house they never go? They go, 'You know, you guys stay as long as you want, we never go.' I'm not doing that. Like, I'm gonna buy a beach house, I'm gonna enjoy my beach house."
"Let's be honest, building a multi-million pound property portfolio or being successful in business is just hard work."
"I plan on buying a property in the middle of Farmland Texas to have a little farmhouse."
"Not doing a full title search plus City Works... you have to know all liens and judgments that are on this property."
"I help people build passive income through the property investment accelerator using data."
"It's an investment property, you want to make sure that it's not an emotional decision."
"I want to be a realtor basically, and I also want to like buy houses, fix them up, sell them, rent them, all of that stuff."
"Make sure that you really are clear about the property, the type of property, and indeed with the mortgage interest cost that you can or cannot offset."
"I'm looking forward to buying property there, hopefully this summer."
"If you have your risk diversified, you can also take advantage of different property growth cycles."
"Once we talk to the landlord, we understand that he is qualified; he's a lazy landlord, he doesn't like raising the rents."
"I want you to find the worst house on the best street."
"I'm thinking around 220, I'm gonna say 220 is our top in for right now and I'm gonna use that ARV to do one my numbers."
"To many people, this house might look like an absolute disaster, but to a professional property investor, this property is a gold mine."
"Let's take a look. We're going to cover off on things that you need to think about when analyzing your property as an investment and what the benefits and risks are of the decisions that you make."
"If you're new to property investment, it can be intimidating, but don't worry, we've got a checklist that you can follow to get you started."
"As a property investor, if you understand how to negotiate, you're going to be in a much better position."
"If somebody's buying their first house or any house, always check the property's rent range and see if you can get your payment within it."
"Welcome back everyone to Property Couple, I'm Leah and I'm Aiken, and this is our channel where we document property investing business and working together as a couple."
"Property ownership is a wealth generating thing over generations."
"In less than a year, he has three properties and in two years she will have financial freedom."
"You are finally getting the good news that you were waiting for regarding money so that you can funnel some of that money towards your property sector."