
Non-competition Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Your success is my success, and my success is your success. There's no need for competition."
"Feminism means pushing and encouraging women to get to where they want to be without stepping on the toes of other women to get there."
"Somebody's success should not be a threat to yours."
"Rejoice in your uniqueness. There is no competition and no comparison."
"You trying to eat with [ __ ], not compete with [ __ ]."
"I feel like I have a lot more to offer life when I don't treat it as this constant competition or performance."
"We have to stop competing against each other and stop hating one another."
"I'm not in competition with nobody. I want you to be successful."
"Queens can recognize queens, we do not compete with each other."
"Absolutely, I love the community. We're all here to support, and you know it's not competition, there's room for everyone."
"If you're not in competition with anybody, you don't really have to uphold anything."
"...it's like having multiple best friends or like everyone is like unique in its own way but it's like it's not like a competition..."
"It's nice to not be in competition with each other, especially 'cause I'm losing."
"We're not out to compete with nobody 'cause there's no one out there to compete with, that's right."
"By remaining true to yourself, without seeking to compare and compete, you will achieve universal respect."
"Even if it means allowing her to rise, let her rise because I'm not here to compete with you."
"You're not competing with anybody else."
"We're not competing with you. She is lowkey the biggest in the world."
"We are not each other's enemy; we are not one another's rival."
"Stop competing with anyone; just simply live your life."
"We are not supposed to be competing with each other as women; we are not supposed to see other women as threats or competition."
"It's not about competing with people, being better than people; it's just about getting out there and doing what you love."
"When you know that you're the Lord's creation and he loves you, then you can look at the beauty of another woman and go, 'Thank God,' and it's no longer a threat to you."
"There's a lot of good opportunities that can be brought about throughout the season without competing."
"Remember, there is no competition in how far you go. The most important is you're present, you engage with what you're doing, you're listening to your body, you're taking care of yourselves."
"A star does not compete with other stars, a star just is."
"It's just a cycle and a space for all of us to open up doors for each other instead of compare."
"It's not necessarily a competition belt but it's pretty much perfect for everything else."
"True goodness is like water; water's good for everything. It doesn't compete."
"It's all love, family, you're not racing nobody, it's all love."
"I am not fighting or competing with anybody; I am running my own path."
"No book is competition, ever. This isn't a presidential campaign."
"Every church can grow, and no one is a threat to another."
"Everyone's trauma is different; this isn't a competition."
"God favors that when you're not competing with your woman, when you loving her and you not keeping score."
"Secrets of a successful female friendship is even though you're in the same space, no competition."
"I am here to give, I am here to create, I am not here to compete."
"If your woman happens to have a business that's doing... instead of being like, 'I need to be in competition with her,' if her business is the one that's going, then go with it."
"We don't have to compete and they can all get along."
"We're not competing with nobody, we're just learning."
"Both of our products cater to extremely different markets; there is no clash in the markets."
"Why compete when you can go at your own pace?"
"I don't care if you'd be better than me in the day, like I don't care if you go be bigger, I don't care if you have more money than me at the end of the day because I'm not in competition with you. I want to see you win, I want to see you do better."
"You don't have to be in competition with a friend."
"Never feel the need to compete with others... just get into a place of feeling confident and comfortable with you and where you're at."
"We can all exist without having to compete."
"Move at your own pace, don't be in competition with nobody."
"You're not in competition with people, and you are operating through the heart."
"Life is a race, but this is the most wonderful race because really there's no competition."
"You're not in competition with anybody; you're just here to have a good time."
"A hammer and a nail have a relationship but not a rivalry."
"You don't need to compete with your neighbor or other homesteaders or people on YouTube; just do what's right for you and take it slowly."
"You're not here to compete with anyone; you're here to rule, Capricorn."
"We aren't in competition here; this person thriving doesn't take away from anybody else thriving."
"I don't compete because I don't have to compete. These people are not in my league."
"There's enough clothes companies, makeup companies for everybody, and there's no reason why we have to feel like a competition."