
Decree Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"In the name of Jesus, I decree and declare over every mountain that stands between me and my result, hear the word of the Lord: be crushed into pieces."
"Strange financial favor, I speak it to your life, I speak it to your destiny."
"You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on your ways." - Job 22:28
"I decree and declare you are going to be the solution the world has been looking for."
"I decree and declare that there will be no holdups, no setbacks, no delays, no substitutes."
"You will also decree a thing and it shall be established unto you."
"They're effectively trying to create monopoly through government decree."
"Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee."
"When you decree from there the solution, that's the living word."
"The king's edict granted the Jews in every city the right to assemble and protect themselves."
"When He decrees a matter, He merely says to it, 'Be,' and it is."
"I decree that God's plan for your life will begin to manifest in the name of Jesus."
"I decree that there is restoration of love, joy, and peace in your family."
"You will be restored financially, materially, and economically and I decree that the Lord will heal you and bind up your wounds in the name of Jesus."
"I hereby declare your farm exempt from taxes forever."
"I decree that only God's counsel for you will stand."
"I decree that all the weapons of the enemies targeted and you are rendered non-effective."
"I decree that you would never be bruised and injured by the weapons of the enemies."
"I decree that all your dreams visions and goals receive the Breath of God and they come to life in the name of Jesus."
"Peace be multiplied unto you. I make a decree that in every dominion of my kingdom, men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel."
"Zeus called for an end to the turmoil."
"When we as Christians begin to speak something, it is literally a decree in the spirit realm."
"Every door that has been closed over your life, I decree now that door is hereby opened."
"They decreed by public edict ratified by vote that the whole nation of the Jews should observe these days every year."
"I decree and declare the grace to retain resources. Receive it now."
"I decree from the position I have in God that the legal right... is now removed and revoked."
"I decree over you that you will never be limited by the prison of the wicked ones in the name of Jesus."
"I decree over you today that you will never be held hostage by evil forces in the name of Jesus."
"I decree that no weapon formed against you shall prosper."
"I decree that you shall witness God's majesty in your life."
"The prince issued a new decree: all killed and wounded subjects of the kingdom will be provided for."
"We're entering into the era of the mouth so that we can decree and declare what's permitted and what's not permitted according to God's blueprints."
"Decree and declare this is going to be my year of the unexpected."
"Decree over you that you will dwell in the sacred place of the highest and you will abide under the shadow of the almighty and as you do these you will abide in safety in the name of Jesus."
"I decree the destruction will come upon the evil ones at an unaware time and they will fall into the Trap that they have set for you in the name of Jesus."
"It is not for God to take a son. Glory be to him. Whenever he decrees the matter, he only says to it 'be,' and it is."
"I decree a thing in the name of Jesus: We're turning jails into boarding schools."
"Decree a thing and it shall be established." (Job 22:28)
"We decree that repentance shall miraculously impact our government, Congress, the White House, courts, businesses, schools, and families."
"I stand on the word of God and I decree that you would not die without being remembered for good."
"I decree and declare that no weapon formed against us shall be able to prosper."
"I decree and declare anyone fighting the prophecy over your life and sitting where they should not be, I stand by the apostolic and the prophet. I overturn them, I overturn them, I overturn them, I overturn them."
"I decree and declare every demonic thing, any kind of satanic engagement that anyone here, if there is any strange marriage, that is not of God, every demonic fraternity that has tied you in the spirit, be dissociated now."
"May we go from strength to strength, from glory to glory as you do, and this I decree: Lord, your kingdom has come within us, therefore your will shall be done in this place tonight, on earth as it is in heaven."
"Nothing repels the decree except dua."
"Actually, twerp, it makes me queen of the skate park. And as queen, I decree you must be at least this tall to ride this ramp."
"We decree and declare over your lives that no weapon formed against you shall prosper."
"Decree with whatever authority you have been given: the voice of the accuser against God's people is now silenced."
"Surely there shall not one of these men of this evil generation see that good land."
"I decree that hug time is all the time!"
"With an understanding of this law you may decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee. It could not be otherwise."
"Thou shalt decree a thing that shall be established unto you."
"Once Bjorn’s tomb was sealed, the new Unberogen ruler ordered a muster for the following year."
"I decree that your oppressors and pursuers will be put to shame this instant."
"I decree that your destiny will reject being trapped in the prison of the wicked ones."
"I decree that the love of God floods your heart and makes you free from all bondage."
"Father, we decree and declare in the name of Jesus that we will not turn or be hardened to probably by the spirit of Judas, Jezebel, Absalom, or Herod. Pharaoh and their cohorts."
"We decree and declare that even as it's nesting and pastoring, we decree that we will not turn into a habitation for this spirit of deception."
"I declare a breakthrough atmosphere is established. I recalibrate the spiritual climate and decree that every bit of lukewarmness must be replaced with the fire and the seal of God."
"I decree that your soul escapes as a bird from the traps of the enemies in the name of Jesus."
"I decree that your greatness will begin to manifest for the world to see."
"I decree that you will not make a costly mistake that will affect your destiny."
"I decree that you are more than a conqueror."
"The decree has changed and has a significant effect on reality."
"Thus sayith the Lord God: let it suffice you, oh princes of Israel, remove violence and spoil and execute judgment and justice."
"I decree healing in your body, strength to every weak part of your system, and restoration of every dead cell and tissue in the name of Jesus."
"The law of the Medes and the Persians is irrevocable."
"Constantine and Licinius jointly issue the Edict of Milan, granting freedom of religion to Christians and all."
"I decree and declare when that thing comes, you are going to be a Trailblazer. You are going to move and remove barriers and obstacles."
"I decree your faith will not be shaken. You're going to produce in Jesus' name."
"You think I'm begging it? I'm begging this thing to happen? I'm already decreeing it in your life."
"I have the decree, signed by the king. I am the lawful lord of Riverrun, and I will not have it reduced to a smoking ruin."
"Can you decree it, can you create a playlist of new beginnings with your words?"
"The local church council declared unity among the Christian population."
"I decree a permanent Victory and a permanent breakthrough in the name of Jesus."
"I decree and declare by the spirit of Grace that my life is experiencing restoration, my life is experiencing speed."
"...he decrees that there will be freedom of religion."
"The first step to unity," cross signed the decree, "balancing martial law and freedoms."
"Over someone's life, I stand by the rod of a higher priesthood and I decree: any door that has refused to open over your destiny, be open!"
"Doors of ministry, be open! Doors of power, be open!"
"Decree your faith and activate my Kingdom's power."
"Decree what God says, decree it today, tomorrow, and all week and don't stop."
"Decree this Supernatural Reformation. Join us in agreement."
"Decree a thing and it shall be established to you."
"I decree and declare a comeback anointing, a fresh word of glory."
"I make a decree that in every dominion of my kingdom, men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel."
"This is a moment for you to decree and it will be established."
"I decree breakthrough, I decree rest, I decree energy, I decree abundance, I decree overflow into the Hand of Hope."
"Decree before tomorrow: God, you have given me authority and you have given me power. God, you have said that I am meant to trample witchcraft under my feet."
"We decree and declare peace over every nation, every city, every street."
"You are healed in your mind, your spirit, your soul, your relationships, your marriage. I decree healing, healing from habits, healing from addictions. You are healed."
"Things that you prevent from flowing, I decree and declare that they shall flow."
"I decree that my struggle is over."
"We decree and declare the releasing of the forces of the Gentile, the gold and the silver."
"I decree that over your life, I decree that over your family's life, I decree that over your giftings."
"I decree and declare that you are blessed and free in Jesus' name."
"No more merciful beheadings... and call off Christmas!"
"I decree that anyone who defiles you by idolatry, broken covenants, or Witchcraft shall be vomited out of the land."
"I decree from this meeting you will turn into another man, you will turn into another woman."
"You shall decree a thing and it will be established."
"May the angel warrior streak into the heavens above this nation carrying the decrees of your eklesia."
"Catherine makes her first decree giving all Russians freedom of religion and ending the ban on growing beards."
"Angels began to move because a decree takes attention of both angels and men."
"Decree a thing and it shall be established for you, and the light of God's favor will shine upon your pathway."
"We decree tonight that it's for your glory."
"...and I decree over all of us we are one step ahead of our enemy in Jesus name."
"I decree that you will be a channel of blessings to others as well; nations will call you blessed."
"I decree that you will begin to experience and enjoy financial abundance and prosperity in the name of Jesus."
"You will decree a thing on earth and it shall be established to you."
"You can decree a thing and God will back you up."
"I decree and declare now, marriages are sanctified."
"You have given the decree of Allah that Allah had decreed from above the seven heavens."
"Allah decrees nothing for the servant except that it is good for him."
"Echo what heaven says concerning them."
"I decree Jubilee over the people of God."
"Because it has been decreed by the gods that we must choose a champion, the very best Among Us."
"No one in the family shall die prematurely. We push out death from this territory."
"That assignment is nullified. We close the gates of hell over that gate of time."
"The Bible presents to us the interface between God's sovereign decree and man's responsibility."
"We command all evil decrees, declarations, rituals, and sacrifices to come to an end right now."
"We decree and declare ourselves free from the circle of stagnation, backwardness, and fruitless labor."
"We're gonna decree a thing and it shall come to pass, praise God."
"Decide, decree, disperse - that's the winning combination for a successful 2024, Hallelujah!"
"For I decree your kingdom has come, your will shall be done."
"God's decree: 'You are my son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance.'"
"When Allah decrees a matter, He says to it, 'Be,' and it is."
"Stand on the promises and the Word of God, believe the divine decree that you shall live."
"He exercises this most wise and holy providence according to his infallible foreknowledge and the free and unchangeable counsel of his own will."
"I decree that I'm the head and not the tail; I decree that I'm above only and not beneath."
"For my first decree as the second coming of the god of chaos, let there be chaos."
"Acknowledge and take to heart this day that Yahweh is God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other."
"I decree that my household is protected from evil."
"The decree of a king is unchanging; the edict of a king is unchangeable."
"The word of a king is law, and the word of a king constitutes his will."
"I decree peace at work, peace in my office, in the name of Jesus."
"God has decreed not which choice we will make, but that we will be free to make it."
"In memory of my long digested campers I, King Arond, hereby decree that these human look-alike be spared not eat humans."
"By Royal Decree, I say that it's okay to have a job other than your class."
"Everything falls under God's decree and its affirmation of human freedom and responsibility."
"God has decreed himself from all eternity by the most wise and holy counsel his own will freely and unchangeably all things whatsoever comes to pass."
"God issues His decree for His good pleasure, and it is God's pleasure not to determine creatures to do evil."
"In every province and in every city, wherever the king's commandment and his decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day."
"God decrees; He does not guess, He does not predict, He causes things to happen."
"Contentment with all that God has decreed is the highest form of good character."
"Banished prisoner for 12 months, you have 48 hours to leave the borders of Araluen," Duncan declared.
"As queen of this land, my first decree is to make hopscotch mandatory every day."
"King Edward II decreed that all official documents must be signed with a signet ring."
"You will decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; so light will shine on your ways."
"What we decree shall be established."
"I decree and declare the favor of God in your life."
"Miracle after miracle, that's what I'll do. Decree it and receive it and know that it's true."
"I decree in the name of Jesus, every wall that has been built up is coming down."
"This decision is by the decree of the watchers, and the sentence by the word of the holy ones."
"Your lord has decreed that he shall always be victorious in the end."
"He said, 'Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, "It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.'
"God's eternal decree is that anyone that does apply faith through Christ can be saved."
"I decree that tonight, the remaining days of this week will be days of testimony."
"In Xanadu did Kublai Khan a stately pleasure dome decree."
"No school for anyone, yes it's the law, because I am Queen Holly."
"Listen to me, boy. You're an official decree of the Clown King."
"You decree a thing, and it becomes established."
"I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea, an eternal decree, so that it cannot cross over."
"I decree their soul as well; it is excellent, it is whole, it is healed."
"If I were a totalitarian dictator, what would be my first decree? Be nice to each other."
"You decree a thing, and it'll be established unto you."
"Welcome to this fantasy land that the Queen has decreed must be mapped out."
"I make a decree that in all the dominion of my kingdom men are to fear and tremble before the God of Daniel."
"Great grace is upon you, and I decree that you're far from confusion."
"She did not have children and she was always happy with the decree of Allah."
"Decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee; and the light shall shine upon thy ways."
"God can reverse it and what I want you to do today is decree something with me."
"You will decree a thing and it will be established unto you and God's light shall shine upon your ways."
"Let that which You've decreed in heaven be a reality in our everyday life."
"Your healing is not a mere chance; it is a divine decree."
"This I have decreed is excellence."
"From this day forward, I decree that all cats are to be honored and protected."
"Allah is the one who decrees, and He is in control of all evil and what is."
"Thank you, Empress. For doing these for me and my son."
"Your victory is decreed; the door God opens, no one can close."
"We decree and declare this morning thy kingdom come, thy will be done in this place as it is in heaven."
"I decree blessings and favor over every one of you."
"The Saxon King Athelstan decreed the border of my country of England and the country of Cornwall shall forever be the eastern bank of the River Tamar."
"And I decree that where you are now is the lowest you will ever be."
"I decree that the miracle that would turn your life around for good will happen right now."
"I decree that your destiny will arise and shine."
"I decree this is the poorest we will ever be, and that we will testify about this day when our lives changed."
"As mandated by the heavens, the Emperor is making this decree."
"In a kingdom, there are laws that are decreed the moment the king has spoken them."
"Decree a thing and it shall be established onto you."
"We are decreeing that anything that has been illegally attacked by the enemy, we are decree divine reversal tonight."
"In every province and city, wherever the king's command and decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast day and a holiday."
"Soon the new Pharaoh left Akhetaten and went to the old capital of Memphis where he issued a decree that re-established the worship of the old gods."
"I declare and I decree that the rest of your days shall be the best of your days."
"What God declared will be settled forever, and He declares blessing over you."
"I have chosen the breakfast skillet; it has been decreed."
"...you can decree the promises He gives you and partner with Him in that and create atmospheres and realms in your life that will just bring light into any darkness."
"I decree that every obstacle and issue in your lives be removed in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Everything that is inconsistent with God's blueprint in my life, I hold onto the horns of the Altar and I decree let it be done in this Earth as it is in the heavens."