
Gaming Narrative Quotes

There are 260 quotes

"It's my job to investigate the murder, ask the hard questions, commit probably worse crimes than the one I'm solving, and crack the case."
"It's not just about the rise and fall of Empires; it's not just about honor; it's also about love. Great love affairs happened in the context of this game."
"The core of this game is not the turn-based RPG... it is the story."
"It's bittersweet to hear Ulfric Stormcloak give such a powerful statement about him belonging to Skyrim and how the empire has failed the nation."
"Videogames often lie, and loudly lying is, in fact, their strongest power."
"Petscop 4: A grim story about a dog, mysteries surrounding Marvin deepen."
"Petscop 8: Encounter with the Shadow Man, revelations about the windmill girl."
"Final Fantasy 6 is the first in the series to dare to make real developed characters that aren't OneNote."
"That was another one of those, like, 'Oh, this character's gonna grow up alongside us, being right.'"
"This conclusive message to the other games justifies the return of Devil May Cry all by itself and absolutely earns this game it's number five."
"Later brother, it was nice knowing you but you are dead."
"Something big was about to go down, especially with the zero point also still changing its state."
"Now that Dr. Sloane was alerted of the fact that Agent Jones had gone rogue..."
"The arrival of aliens that was slowly teased toward the end of chapter two season six and then literally made an appearance physically in the sky all over the place in chapter two season seven."
"You don't get it, this cat and dog war has been going on for ages. We were tired of being pranked and tormented by the cats."
"What does luck do? Luck has an effect on everything you do."
"The spindrift knight covering small development leaves many wondering why the knights would accept her." - Eula
"Instead of one main character shared by millions, we can have millions of main characters shaped by you."
"In Final Fantasy 4, summons became central to the narrative, enriching the story but limiting accessibility."
"Sylvanas's true reasoning for joining the Jailer and the atrocities that ensued, that's not something that we've explored in game."
"Edward has gone from one of the more greedy and selfish characters in gaming for me all of a sudden to a very sympathetic and likable character by the end of the game."
"Wow, this is huge, this is not just Sonic vs. Eggman right anymore." - Patrick
"Every kill feel consequential in a way that is crazy to me that never experienced in a game."
"Welcome to DedSec. But if we do them early, it's gonna be super fast, better than ever. I must say I'm rather looking forward to the experience. Let's go hunt some baddies."
"The game does not provide an answer because there is no right answer; it poses a question: do you link the fire? Do you preserve the existing order for just a little longer?"
"Imagine you give Ash a Charmander and he ends up with a Charizard."
"It's not every day you get to play a game that feels like it cut nothing out of its narrative."
"At some point the battle for Azeroth is going to flip from factions to life versus death or versus void or something like that."
"We want hands down better dialogue, actual contribution, and role-playing opportunities."
"You're playing between these two characters Saga and of course Alan Wake himself."
"Like the base game, there is one last ending to acquire but the hospital and tower give us a ton of new information."
"The main story never felt like a hindrance. Side quests, on the other hand..."
"It's a beautiful, engrossing experience that avoids the anemic scripted playbook."
"It is so well executed, the acting is great, animations are great, and the way that they built up the conversation system is also so well executed."
"You just happen to say this is not no this is like somebody wrote like a six page script for this woman."
"The world is under strife, and you as a player are gonna get to take the place of our heroes."
"Then just when all seems lost you jammed the artifact down his throat and then blew him right the fuck up."
"This was never your moment, bud. Bye bye Lysander, bye bye."
"We could save them all. We get the best ending."
"Sometimes you find data pads left behind by the soldiers that kill the aliens. They have fluff related to stuff that's completely nothing to do with us."
"Miraculously, a portal just so happens to open up, saving the one who just put an end to the harbinger."
"Rivet isn't just some side character mind you, she is as much a protagonist as Ratchet and Clank."
"The journey of world regeneration begins anew."
"Link finally felt like more of a character rather than a conduit."
"Despite a flashback where Ansem clearly states he has ulterior motives, the dumbass still lets the man attend the mark of mastery exam because he wrote him a nice letter."
"Every playable character in the game would be considered a main protagonist."
"I just love exploring the city, getting to engage with all the other shopkeepers, how the narrative is just woven into the game."
"It's like we're approaching actual heaven, the realm of the gods."
"Gabriel has an entire second phase where he delivers God's judgment through the barrel of the gun."
"You and Cubfoo are now the best of friends. Master Mustard should be really happy to see how well you get along."
"Depending on how you play the game, it can be either a redemption story or someone's spiral into darkness and destruction."
"It's now time for glorious charging which is a prelude to glorious combat."
"For all intents and purposes, you are their doom. The only thing they fear is you."
"13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim arrives on the Nintendo Switch today, offering a mesmerizing narrative."
"No man's sky really turned things around. That's the underdog story of the decade."
"Baldur's Gate 3 is a love letter to Dungeons & Dragons, a game that tells an epic story, responds to your creative thinking, and loves the drama hidden in the roll of a die."
"Thank you, Link. It's wonderful. People, I saw Hyrule as it was. I have so much to tell you. So much happened."
"Everything that happens in the game after that first dungeon continues that exact artisanal tapestry of momentum."
"Finally, a rich white guy who married a rich white lady can be President. Slow clap, America. Well done."
"Need for Speed Most Wanted starting off you're watching a cinematic of cars racing against each other, then the next thing you know you're in control of one of them. That's very exciting when a game does that."
"A return to Azeroth and a more grounded narrative."
"Odin is one of the most interesting characters of this new God of War Saga."
"The combat sequence in this first act, again maybe a bit of a throwback to the first game, has Snake teaming up with Meryl alongside her Rat Patrol squad."
"Change consumer behavior to impact environmental policy."
"I think Kratos had more growth in this game as a character than every other game combined."
"It's the Saving Private Ryan of video games."
"Battlefield 5 can treat us to a truly gripping story focused on a specific squad."
"The price of freedom is steep, and it's also a really good game, guys."
"The birds are happy, they took the cake, the pigs are breaking us down because I don't think that was next and I think that was a pig planned purposeful action."
"Don't attack Ratchet's home, even if it's a different Ratchet. It's not gonna end well for you, Emperor Nefarious."
"The last of us 2 offered me the surety that we were actually much, much better than Naughty Dog thinks we are."
"Destiny has always told us that we are becoming legend, but for the first time Splicer made us ask what kind of legend is that."
"Rasputin is able to overwhelm even that and that just sort of shows a degree to how powerful Rasputin really is."
"Origins is essentially a reset button on the entire story, a fresh start."
"Sonic's inferno won it strong literary references indeed exactly on the library on the library."
"You are a warrior of light in the land of Eorzea, on a mission to collect the crystals of light to banish the rising darkness."
"Lithoid supremacy reigns, in silence and in stone."
"There's no more perfect scenario than court of owls for a Batman are engine go back to a game of Arkham at the front."
"The fact that they are in league with Hell makes them the doom Slayer's enemy."
"Faith and Kate are set down a path of resistance."
"Petscop seems to be a meta-narrative for most creepypasta stories."
"Oh my god, there's so many goddamn orcs! They're filthy, they're disgusting!"
"It's a weird game. It feels like it's going to develop into something deeper and also it's going to get really dark."
"I think I'm gonna have to wrap this one up right now and we will continue our mission to Elu in the next one."
"Welcome to my tower, Master Chief. It is where you will be broken."
"At the heart of this immersive adventure, you'll find cutting-edge cinematic storytelling."
"Events transpire such that it establishes a cycle destined to repeat, embodying the iconic Triforce and those who seek it."
"Fear was never about a happy ending. It was about an unethical, terrible experiment that caused suffering upon hundreds."
"The bad guys won because of your fuck-ups. The entire game feels oppressive."
"Looks like next chapter is going to be a bit of a brawler chapter."
"That's not an epic Kratos moment. The cycle ends here; you must be better than this."
"Real love, I think, is being thought of strongly, that heart-wrenching tension is what the game conveys best."
"Positioning herself as the Nemesis of the main villain... cement herself within the game Master's eyes."
"Shrek just saved our lives! Oh, it's Shrek vs. Sonic.exe now!"
"This surely means that she's a big baddie she's gonna be a boss that we're gonna kill."
"Halo 2's campaign is without a doubt the strongest narrative of the series."
"Freddie sacrificed himself to save Gregory! Oh my gosh, that ending!"
"Captain Cutter's speech to Isabel is almost like a criticism of the way the UNSC has been handled in new Halo games, making it clear he's going to be bringing the soul of the UNSC back to Halo."
"Experience the intertwining storylines of Shadowkeep with Eris and the Vex!"
"What an interesting way to start the story mode I did not see this coming."
"Starfield's quest chains just keep going and going...really keep you invested."
"It's almost like the game has its own cinematic universe where each character has his or her own time to shine."
"Osiris says to Saladin, that people suspect that he, Saladin, ordered the assassination on Zavala in Season of the Chosen."
"At this stage I don't care Modern Warfare 2's story is obviously nonsense but from a gameplay perspective here we have two of the most engaging missions across the entire franchise."
"So if they made it an actual story mode like Peach gets kidnapped again, who knows, whatever."
"It's a separate story... both games moving on and on." - Danny
"And then all of a sudden, glaive calls rush to the outer bomb site and my friends that is where my life ended, that is where that's where it all went downhill for no [ __ ] good reason."
"Mythic quests and highlights during character-driven missions show Sucker Punch had the potential."
"Oh, the puppet saved me from death, oh my god."
"Elden Ring has amazing companion stories and side quests."
"The role we will play in dark tide is pivotal to root out the corruption and discover the horrors beneath the surface."
"Turns out Polaris was inside you the whole time so you at that point hit your I stopped the bullets with my mind mode."
"The worst things that could happen because for me it really does come down to a lot of the sort of lore slash role-playing kind of things."
"I would like to thank adventurers everywhere for challenging me, for defying me, and for making life worth killing."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is ahead of the curve in nearly all of them and it is this combination of well executed factors that earn it a solid 9 out of 10."
"One major reason would be that with Endwalker we were able to bring one big Saga to a close."
"Stanley Parable Free: The Choice. It's absurd, I love it."
"Silent Hill 2 is one of the most interesting delves into mental illness we've ever seen here in the gaming sphere."
"It's refreshing to play a game that touches on complex emotions while still delivering an overall lighthearted and uplifting story."
"In the Vex domain, we confront and defeat the subjugated curator, claiming what Mythrax refers to as living code."
"You finished the game feeling like everything you did probably doesn't matter a whole lot on the cosmic scale, and that's all the ending that we need for a game like this."
"If Rex Lapis has indeed been murdered, then Liyue is in great peril."
"Previously on magic spoon, we must travel the land and assemble a fellowship of heroes with the combined might of a full variety pack."
"Each character's personal journey in Digital Devil Saga 2 completes their character development from the first game."
"Instantly, this was loved by the fans. It was tense, mysterious, and included the greatest plot twist Epic has ever done."
"Lore was something that we knew we wanted to be a big part of this pack."
"The story isn't all bad. I mean, Blaze and Cream make for a cute team."
"Aqua stuff, she's a master. And uh, Aqua wants to see him die fighting."
"The characters are so full of life, conviction, and personality. They're incredible and I loved them."
"Yes, I've seen these caps before but nothing like the six that you just looted off of his corpse." - Player
"Ukai Nazar, the time is time for you to pick up your weapon again. Tinkeria sent me, Great Khan, and together we will paint the steps in blood."
"When linked with narrative can cause much more effective emotional responses in the player than just simply trying to batter a play around the head with this."
"Darkrai showed me that even something commonly seen as nothing more than a fighting tool can, in fact, be a beautifully deep and wondrous piece of writing."
"If a game developer ever gives an interview saying that the bad guy is totally new, you will never believe who it is, you've never seen anything like this before, it's 100% the truth."
"It actually makes the failures or the losses part of your story rather than just fail game states or bad states."
"I love that Fitz is up to par with alien advanced technology."
"And as promised I was defeated I will reveal my secret most defeated me you have truly grown as a trainer since I saw you last."
"But again just because something makes sense in a sort of narrative artsy way does not mean that the fans or The Gamers will find it fun or entertaining."
"No other skybox ever has a storyline like that, you can call these storyline quests."
"Giving Kratos a kid to mind as a gameplay mechanic and becoming a father thematically was one of the best creative decisions they could have made in fleshing him out as a more sympathetic and relatable character."
"An 'emergent story' is when a narrative becomes clear to the player, but it wasn’t written or planned that way."
"This is Sue's chance to break his curse, this is Rogue's moment to rise."
"Peach made Bowser a cake, he honestly deserves it considering everything that he went through."
"By this time, Aperture was in the process of developing the quantum tunneling device and various prototypes were utilized in the many test chambers rapidly constructed in Test Shaft 09 and beyond."
"The adventure begins: confront a powerful war band threatening the town."
"Farewell, Catnap. Wait for it. I'll definitely be coming back for revenge."
"Zelda is now in a pit. What. If. Zelda has her own adventure, parallel to Link’s, UNDERGROUND."
"A zombie story done Sonic style, not just in terms of narrative but making the reader desperate to live out this story with a controller in hand."
"One video game franchise that goes above and beyond royally wrecking humans. Well, you people are sick, depraved, and honestly pretty metal."
"Cooper and BT's trademark move, given the nickname fastball."
"Samus infiltrated the planet's inner sanctum, found the stolen Aurora unit, and came face to face with Dark Samus."
"We're playing as Arthur infiltrating myth OS using the technology of Madigan's competitor he's a double agent."
"He faced the heartbreak. It's relatable because in real life it also happened."
"An interesting thing to note here is that when she tried to convince the guard to let them in, she mentioned the pangs and the Yum soon HANS."
"If nalet Verina and nahita are Gods amongst men Al haam is a man among Gods."
"The side quests in New Vegas are just bar none."
"High Inquisitor White Mane has come to purify the Nexus of its corruption; will you stand in her way?"
"Kyogre and Groudon got in trouble for causing severe storms and scorching the entire world."
"Starfield will be a focused story-driven single-player experience."
"The mix of past and present, present past, all coming together in the game world is surprising but cool."
"I love when games decide to use multiple protagonists when they surprise you with a character swap"
"Yogscast's 'Shadow of Israphel' turned into a monumental narrative."
"We've survived our first night in the rim, that's good."
"They sent me back. They said loot back door, jump scare door, genuine door, jump scare door, all right?"
"When they decide to make it dramatic and they decide to make Mario epic, it works."
"Once you reach that part of the game where the blades of chaos come back into Kratos's life, that's when it not only gets depressing that Kratos will never fucking escape who he is but also gets really fucking good."
"Grandia is a fantastic game if you want to experience adventure through a child's eyes."
"If that was one of us, we'd be practicing handshakes with the grim reaper."
"Metal Gear Solid is basically video game anime."
"Once you locate and murder the man, you'll notice that the Swedish flag is lowered to half mast signifying a tragic loss."
"Dream and Techno fell back into the shadows, having accomplished everything they set out to do."
"Life is Strange abounds with pop culture Easter eggs."
"The fit and finish are substantial when you take it out of the box."
"Desmond sacrifices himself to stop the second solar flare."
"Bad Endings are one of those unique to the medium features of video games because you don't often see a book or a movie or a TV show with an alternative terrible conclusion filmed or written just for funsies based on your actions in-game."
"The power of defeated Giants infuses this plate."
"Samus's portrayal is not consistent with things previously established in the franchise."
"The Last of Us part 2 challenges and subverts what the player expects of pretty much every step but not simply for the sake of it."
"Squadron 42: A single-player story-driven campaign leading to the MMO universe."
"One of the best stories I have ever played in a video game ever was somehow the cheaper of two DLC expansions."
"Oh my goodness, wasteland's free dialogue is absolutely incredible."
"Any of the faced Mechon would make a good entrance; they're basically unwilling reverse mech pilots."
"Legend of Mana broke away with some pretty high-quality pathos, especially the jumi arc that I recommend players hunt for."
"Ragged gloves said I'm done for today. Whoop, ragged gloves grabbed Arc Rebellion by the neck with those big old meaty claws and switched them to defense!"
"This is a stronghold of the enemy, but with Sarfang, it was done out of malice. Do you see what I'm saying? Like she killed Sarfang out of malice and evil and a personal reason versus blowing up Teldrassil. This was a military action."
"I just finished deadly premonition 2 and all the narrative twists and turns involved in that game have got me ready to take some narrative twists and turns of my own."
"When you beat this giant, he's gonna drop his sword."
"Greed will do anything to be the dominant story of this run."
"In my opinion, Shadowbringers isn't just the best narrative experience I've had in FF, but it honestly ranks among the strongest I've had in any video game."
"Dark stuff: you're a killer in Pokémon Red and Blue."
"Goodbye, Blister, evil boss. That looks so cool!"
"Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 has the strangest campaign in the history of the franchise."
"League of Legends has never had storytelling in games like this before, until now."
"Mr. Roblox is gonna get mad at you... I lost the key well guys I guess that's it I guess we quit."
"You're strong enough to make me go all out, I suppose."
"Lara is guilty of this trend in her first two rebooted games, but Shadow of the Tomb Raider does offer something of an apology."
"Next time on Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time, we are gonna go see what the shop has for us in Princess Peach's castle and then head up to the time hall that Bowser disappeared into. Stay tuned!"
"I see you right there buddy, apparently. I don't think he's got any pals overlooking them, so I'm sorry, but you're about to get the stabby stabby, my dude."
"Honestly, I don't think you could write this let's play, like what what is happening, how did this happen."
"Legendary creatures are those giant monsters or those mastermind villains that your party will go toe-to-toe against..."