
Societal View Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"The job is dangerous, and these guys have been weaponized and made into the bad guys."
"Pregnancy would've been a punishment, not a miracle."
"The left's dream that nobody ever works anymore and then we all get to sit home and finger paint Jackson Pollock is a ridiculous and stupid dream." - Ben Shapiro
"The vast majority of people in all walks of life are basically good people."
"Child murder is widely and rightly regarded as one of the most heinous crimes a human being can commit."
"The view in London was that he was a good loyal soldier and more importantly a gentleman."
"A puny sentimentalism has caused us to forget that a human life is sacred only when it may be of some use to itself and the world."
"Not all medications are bad, some really fucking help."
"America looked at capitalism as a failed experiment. This is the example."
"Modern societies tend to see time as a ticking time bomb until they die, a clockwork of standardized gears cranking until they get older, rusty, useless, and stop turning."
"Black people are not a charity case, black people are an investment opportunity."
"I don't want people to think gosh I think police are bad people."
"I mean, that's such a tragic thing for someone who's been victimized to then have to frame the whole world as a world of victims, a world of trauma, and a world of predation in order to cope with what happened to them."
"It is a serious thing to remember that we live in a society of possible gods and goddesses."
"The net effect of the drug industry in the last two decades on society has been a negative one."
"Everything sucks, the world sucks, people suck."
"Imagine what a shitty world we'd live in if we viewed everyone around us as a criminal of the highest degree."
"Evil exists as a force in this world, whether we describe it in terms of witchcraft or psychiatry."
"So, a lot of guys are doing that... but marriage nowadays, like, if we're honest with ourselves, if we're actually honest with the society in which we live in, marriage is a joke."
"It's like you have this glamorized view of it but I think it is a fishbowl and it's golden handcuffs."
"This is evil, okay? This is not just a person who's wayward, it's not just a sex addict, this is a bad, evil person."
"I think humans are not as bad as we make them out to be."
"Everyone requires therapy but not everybody has what we call like clinical difficulties."
"Sex work should be seen as any other type of Labor."
"The world is ridiculous. Future societies in like a thousand years are gonna look at us like cat videos and just laugh."
"You have a very scared middle-aged view of the world. How cynical of you to assume that."
"That's equality in the sight of God not of man."
"It's like throwing people into the Coliseum and cheering when the lions eat them. It's a mob mentality to justice in America. It's disgusting."
"When felons can own weapons... I think it's a good world."
"It's their real lives, and people kind of talk about it like it's like a movie character, yeah. And you're like, no, this is real."
"I feel like sometimes we sound like police haters on here and like we're just like against the police."
"I don't buy into all that fear-mongering. I think people are good."
"People are the commodity. They are the value."
"Not all Russians are in support of this war."
"Capitalism is regularly characterized as a sort of pernicious and cruel system but in fact, it's exactly the opposite..."
"We see potential. We do not look out across the country and see the average American with contempt. We believe that person can be the best he or she wants to be."
"Look at what the effects of capitalism have done on our world... all in the name of a little bit more cash."
"It's very hard to convince people whose professional position is things have always sucked, things continue to suck, and things will not stop sucking."
"All we do is talk about the negatives. Why can't we celebrate them?"
"Children are precious in God's sight and they're precious in our nation's sight."
"I don't glorify being locked up. It just means that you got caught."
"Privacy is only for those wishing to do us harm. The terrorists, the drug dealers, the criminals."
"Don't let it scare you what's happening because if you look outside the world is always a nice place."
"There's no winning with these entitled spoiled criminal minded losers, that's who Donald Trump is."
"It's such a dim view of the world that they have that we should only viewed in this collectivist space."
"The world is getting better and I do like to remind people of that and it is tragic that declinism is having such a profound impact on people's thinking."
"People are good, not all of them, but most people are good."
"Racial equality is viewed as a charitable enterprise, something that white people give to others."
"Science is the authority with prestige and esteem, and that's what it's associated with in our Western society."
"Our value or the way people perceive us is way higher than how we perceive ourselves."
"Identity is the idea that you have about you and how other people see you."
"America is full of good people who mean well, not people who are rotten and evil."
"Why not start with the principle that hey, maybe most people are inherently good, we can trust them."